No subject

Thu Apr 9 01:15:03 PDT 2009

>I think it is a very simple format both to write and to read, but if you 
>think of a simplification, I'd like to hear it.

The only simplification I've thought of so far is to reduce the variability. Not sure I like where that is headed, except perhaps the that the destination would be the very minimalistic: <test #> : <status>
However I think demonstrate the "not simpler" part of A. Einstein's proverb "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." :)

One of the (personal) amusements for me at PyCon 2009 was the density of invocation/reference to json. XML without the sharp corners as I overheard more than once. This protocol seems like a minor simplification of json, and I wonder if using json would be simpler (re-use) or not (thinking out loud here...)?

>I'm not that quick to look for a database either.  I've lost count of 
>how many times I've passed on even evaluating a free software package 
>just because it needed a working mysql to install it.

Yup, done the same. It isn't fear of databases. It is "why do I need to bother with that?" I get the feeling that such tools are leveraging off an environment that already has a database, and that does change the style of the solution. Just guessing. The annoyance is for those who aren't already in a DB pervasive environment, it is just another dependency headache for very unclear benefit.

>need to know that there is a database there.  (Well, if they have a 
>python with a working sqlite3 module, that is...)

Yes, and if it were just a python module, but there is also the underlying sqlite component as well, which is really annoying for working in a mixed Windows and *nix environment.

However, I'm most interested in the protocol at the moment, finding something that will be generally agreed on so that "we all" can go off and build toolchains on top of.

>I also expect that pandokia will be adaptable to other database 
>engines.  This may be an advantage to somebody who has large user base.

Or maybe even not use a DB at all. At work we already have a web/GUI "thang" that other teams use to report their test results. I haven't looked at the details of it, but my goal is to consider that as -one- potential downstream target.

>p.s. Hi everybody.  I've been reading this "low volume" list for about a 
>week. :)

Hello! Yes, PyCon seems to have amp'd up the discussion level quite a bit. :)


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