[TIP] Functional Testing of Desktop Applications

Michael Foord fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk
Thu Sep 18 13:58:01 PDT 2008

Hello all,

At `PyCon UK <http://pyconuk.org>`_ I gave a talk on functionally 
testing GUI applications.

Since 2006 I've been working at `Resolver Systems 
<http://www.resolversystems.com>`_ creating a desktop spreadsheet 
development environment called `Resolver One 
<http://www.resolverhacks.net>`_. My talk is based on my experiences of 
testing Resolver One, and I've put it online in article form.

You can find the article(s) at:

* http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/articles/testing/index.shtml

The article includes a downloadable project with test framework - 
including example unit tests and functional tests. There is also a two 
minute video of the Resolver One automated test suite running.

It covers:

* The why and how of functional testing - including the processes and 
infrastructure you need around them
* Basic principles of practical testing
* Common problems and ways to overcome them

The test framework used is unittest and the example application is 
written with IronPython and Windows Forms - but the principles discussed 
apply whichever frameworks you are using.

Comments, suggestions and corrections welcomed.

Michael Foord


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