[TIP] Twill: POST encoding error on submit?

Titus Brown titus at caltech.edu
Thu Apr 3 12:20:06 PDT 2008

On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 01:26:03PM -0500, Tim Ottinger wrote:
-> I just started playing with Twill, and I think it's pretty cool.  On the
-> other hand, I just tried it with a real application and got a baffling
-> exception on 'submit()' .  The exception is:
->     ValueError: unknown POST form encoding type ''
-> I didn't see anything interesting or special about the submit button (the
-> only one on the login form).  Is this a twill error? A problem with the app?
-> A poor choice of test framework?

Huh, never seen that one.  What's the enctype on the form?


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