[TIP] Doctest or unitest?

Fred Drake fdrake at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 09:13:03 PST 2007

On 3/7/07, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at voidspace.org.uk> wrote:
> Isn't typing '...' all the time annoying ? (or do you code first, test
> later... ? ;-)

Yes, typing '>>> ' and '... ' is horrid, and the result is visually
distracting!  Still, ending up with better documentation is worth it.

> Don't you also lose the help of the IDE with indentation and
> autocomplete because you are no longer writing the tests in Python files ?

Yup.  Stinks to be a developer.  :-(


Fred L. Drake, Jr.    <fdrake at gmail.com>
"Every sin is the result of a collaboration." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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