[TIP] getting access to the discovered test list

Titus Brown titus at caltech.edu
Wed Feb 28 15:30:28 PST 2007

-> One of the features I was adding to our custom test runner required me
-> building a list of all tests.  I had created my own test loader that made a
-> copy of the found TestCase objects.
-> Is there a way for me to access the test list within nose?
-> Asking here because I haven't started reading the source and I know you guys
-> are regular nose users :)

Hi, Bear,

one thing you might try (and it's a hack) is to use the pinocchio
'outputsave' option.  Grab & install the latest version of pinocchio,

     easy_install http://darcs.idyll.org/~t/projects/pinocchio-latest.tar.gz

and then do

     nosetests --with-outputsave

This will create a bunch of files named 'success-<testname>', one for
each test.  This will save you writing a plugin to do it yourself.

There's probably a much easier way of doing it but I don't have a good
memory for the nose command line options.


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