[socal-piggies] Possible topics for the meeting

Tommi Virtanen tv+socal-piggies at eagain.net
Mon Aug 20 19:25:17 PDT 2007

Hi. So I promised I'd talk about something on Wednesday. I don't have
any one particular topic in mind, but here's a bunch of things I can
talk about -- please say what you're interested in, and feel free to
have a chat with me about any of them, even if they don't end up on
the official schedule..

These are some of the things I'm hacking on. (You should help!)

Currently, the things involving Python include (in random order):

- gitosis: git server-side hosting utilities
- mudspam: dspam python wrapper
- notkotti: teaching dspam via mail stored in foo.spam etc folders
- pushr: flickr command line client
- minimi: DNS zone generation from nicer syntax
- atomat: Atom file processing (e.g. split feed by tags)
- deliverbylistid: deliver incoming email to folders based on List-Id headers
- a HiveDB client library in Python
- reStructuredText hacks, utilities, BoF-like discussion on where to go
- sending new mail notifications via DBUS from Python

Most of those are incomplete hacks, but each one of them deserves to be
a proper project ;)

Non-pythonic topics I've been pondering on lately include:

- intro to git
- intro to LDAP
- how to make your database scale
- oatmail: storing maildirs in git (aka screw imap; not very pythony right now)
- how to build a decentralized open source version of %(your_favorite_web20_site)s
- neat virtual filesystem tricks with FUSE
  (sshfs: remote access over sftp, gitfs: browsing version controlled files, ...)
- unofficial intro to Amazon Web Services
- unofficial intro to OpenMoko and why Open gadgets matter
- email autoresponders done right
  (with pretty python code in scalemail)

Older software I've written/helped write that could use exposure:

- scalemail: scalable virtual user email hosting (Postfix, LDAP, pluggable IMAP server)
- ldaptor: pure-python LDAP client/server/etc using Twisted
- mailping: monitoring of mail delivery workingness
- syslog-summary: syslog summarizer
- eoc: mailing list manager
- eocmanage: web gui for eoc

Any input is welcome.

:(){ :|:&};:

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