[socal-piggies] - commenting/certification system

Titus Brown titus at caltech.edu
Mon Feb 21 11:20:30 PST 2005

-> Commenting + Certification? Maybe I'm being obtuse, but what's the
-> unifying concept here?


I want to explore certification systems for other purposes -- genome
annotation, in particular.  A commenting system is a good test case,
though: it's a lot less work to implement, and it'd be pretty handy for
a few things, such as collaborative annotation of the python docs.  But
why do commenting systems need a certification system?

Well, at the moment, commenting/annotation systems (including blog
comments) are deluged with spam and off-topic anonymous responses (a.k.a
"spam" ;) at regular intervals.  My immediate goal is to use
a certification chain to prevent this.  And a big goal for the
commenting system is to make it have a really low barrier-to-entry.
Moderately challenging.  Longer term, it'd be nice to be able to export
the certs so that e.g. any identified member of the Python community
can post, without moderation, to the comment section of enabled blogs.

If that isn't entirely obvious ;), I'll give you a demo in a few weeks
and hopefully that will clear things up.


p.s. I could just be falling prey to wikiphilia,


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