[pygr-notify] Issue 71 in pygr: Support write operations to SQL databases

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu May 7 00:09:46 PDT 2009

Comment #4 on issue 71 by jqian.ubc: Support write operations to SQL  

Hi Chris,

I tested the four basic write operations (see below).  It works great.


*original table

mysql> select * from run_data_pe;
| id | total   | U0      | UM      |
|  1 | 5995633 | 1684314 | 1132511 |
|  2 | 6276157 | 2033901 | 1151109 |
|  3 | 6147752 | 1687606 | 1282933 |

*test code

>>> conn = sqlgraph.DBServerInfo(user='root')
>>> testTB = sqlgraph.SQLTable('test.run_data_pe', serverInfo=conn,  
>>> writeable=True)

# create a new row
>>> testTB.new(id=4, total=6073153, U0=1924043, UM=1137506)
<pygr.classutil.TupleORW_test.run_data_pe object at 0x1016af6d0>

mysql> select * from run_data_pe;
| id | total   | U0      | UM      |
|  1 | 5995633 | 1684314 | 1132511 |
|  2 | 6276157 | 2033901 | 1151109 |
|  3 | 6147752 | 1687606 | 1282933 |
|  4 | 6073153 | 1924043 | 1137506 |

# change the ID of an existing row
>>> run = testTB[1]
>>> testTB[5] = run

mysql> select * from run_data_pe;
| id | total   | U0      | UM      |
|  5 | 5995633 | 1684314 | 1132511 |
|  2 | 6276157 | 2033901 | 1151109 |
|  3 | 6147752 | 1687606 | 1282933 |
|  4 | 6073153 | 1924043 | 1137506 |

# change the value of an existing row
>>> run.UM = 1

mysql> select * from run_data_pe;
| id | total   | U0      | UM      |
|  5 | 5995633 | 1684314 |       1 |
|  2 | 6276157 | 2033901 | 1151109 |
|  3 | 6147752 | 1687606 | 1282933 |
|  4 | 6073153 | 1924043 | 1137506 |

# delete an existing row
>>> del testTB[5]

mysql> select * from run_data_pe;
| id | total   | U0      | UM      |
|  2 | 6276157 | 2033901 | 1151109 |
|  3 | 6147752 | 1687606 | 1282933 |
|  4 | 6073153 | 1924043 | 1137506 |

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