[ngs] seqtk

Istvan Albert iua1 at psu.edu
Tue Jun 18 07:35:44 PDT 2013

a quick writeup based the impromptu presentation this morning

seqtk: trim and process reads at insanely high speed - brought to you
by the Church of Heng Li


For just about all tools the input can be fasta, fastq file, may be
gzipped or not, will unzip on the fly.

# extracts a random sample
seqtk sample

# apply a seed to extract the same reads from two, paired end files
seqtk -s 10 sample

# trim reads with the modified Mott trimming algorithm
seqtk trimfq ...

The algorithm is described on this page, find the section Algorithm for details:


Beyond these there are other interesting features - you can subtract
subsequences from file (say you want to extract a certain part of your
reference genome) etc

Istvan Albert
Associate Professor, Bioinformatics
Pennsylvania State University

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