[khmer] khmer version 1.0.1 - busFactor++

Luiz Irber irberlui at msu.edu
Fri May 9 16:55:56 PDT 2014

This is bugfix release. Note: the installation instructions have been
slightly simplified.


## New items of note:

This release successfully installs and passes its unit tests on Debian
6.0 "Squeeze", Debian 7.0 "Wheezy", Fedora 19, OS X 7 "Lion", OS X 8
"Mountain Lion", Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, Scientific Linux 6,
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Thanks to the [UW-Madison
Build and Test Lab](https://www.batlab.org/) for their [testing

## Notable bugs fixed/issues closed:

fixed thread hanging issue #406 @ctb
Explicit python2 invocation #404 @mr-c
MANIFEST.in,setup.py: fix to correct zlib packaging #365 @mr-c
fixed check_space_for_hashtable to use args.n_tables #382 @ctb
Bug fix: make-initial-stoptags.py error on missing .ht input file,
actual input file is .pt #391 @mr-c

## Minor updates

include calc-best-assembly.py in v1.0.1 #409 @ctb
updated normalize-by-median documentation for loadtable #378 @ctb
updated diginorm for new FP rate info; corrected spelling error #398 @ctb
Add spellcheck to code review checklist. #397 @ctb

## Known Issues

All of these are pre-existing.

Some users have reported that normalize-by-median.py will utilize more
memory than it was configured for. This is being investigated in

Some FASTQ files confuse our parser when running with more than one thread.
For example, while using load-into-counting.py. If you experience this then
add "--threads=1" to your command line. This issue is being tracked in

If your k-mer table (hashfile) gets truncated, perhaps from a full
filesystem, then our
tools currently will get stuck. This is being tracked in
https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/247 and

Paired-end reads from Casava 1.8 currently require renaming for use in
normalize-by-median and abund-filter when used in paired mode. The
integration of a fix for this is being tracked in

annotate-partitions.py only outputs FASTA even if given a FASTQ file. This
issue is being tracked in https://github.com/ged-lab/khmer/issues/46

A user reported that abundance-dist-single.py fails with small files and many
threads. This issue is being tracked in

## Contributors

@mr-c, @ctb, @luizirber, @RamRS, @ctSkennerton

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