[khmer] parallelizing reading

Peio Ziarsolo pziarsolo at upv.es
Mon Jul 29 01:57:06 PDT 2013


I have seen that ReadParser can be parallelized and I would like to use 
it to  parallelize the reading of sequence files

I am trying to use it but I don't know how. I have made a small script 
to test the function:

from khmer import ReadParser
for i in ReadParser('/home/peio/work_in/bug_parallel/big.fastq', 2):
     print i.name

But I am not able to make it finish. If I use just one thread it 
finishes as it should.

What am I doing wrong? I am using bleeding-edge branch.

Thanks in advance
Peio Ziarsolo

PD I am not suscribed to the list

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