[khmer] parition-graph memory requirements

Jens-Konrad Preem jpreem at ut.ee
Wed Apr 10 01:23:49 PDT 2013


In an extreme act of foolishness I do seem to have lost my error logs. 
(I have been messing with the different  scripts  here a lot and so got 
rid of some of the outputs,  in some ill thought out "housekeeping" event).

I do attach here a bunch of PBS scripts that I used to get as far as I 
am. I did use a different script for most of the normalize and partition 
pipeline, so I'd have time to look at the outputs and get a sense of 
time taken for each. The scripts are in following order - 
supkhme(normalize), suprem(filter-below), supload(load-graph), and 
finally supart(partition-graph). (As can be seen I try to do the 
meta-genome analysis as per the guide.txt)
All the previous scripts completed without complaint, producing the 5.2 
Gb "graafik" graph.

The partition graph had failed a few times after running an hour or so 
always with error messages concerning memory. Now the latest script 
there demands 240 Gb of memory which is maximum I can demand in the near 
future, and still failed with an error message concerning memory.

I am right now working on reproducing the error, so I can then supply 
you with .logs and .error files, when no error occurs the better for me 
of course.
I decided to try different k-values this time as suggested by 
https://khmer.readthedocs.org/en/latest/guide.html (20 for 
normalization, and 32 for partitioning) those should make the graph file 
all the bigger - I used the smaller ones to avoid running out of memory 
but as it doesn't seem to help then what the heck. ;D. Right now I am at 
the load-graph stage with the new set. As it will complete in few hours 
I'll put the partition-graph on the run and then we will see if it dies 
within an hour. If so I'll post a new set of scripts and logs.

Thank you for your time,

On 04/10/2013 04:18 AM, Eric McDonald wrote:
> Hi Jens-Konrad,
> Sorry for the delayed response. (I was on vacation yesterday and 
> hoping that someone more familiar with the partitioning code would 
> answer.)
> My understanding of the code is that decreasing the subset size will 
> increase the number of partitions but will not change the overall 
> graph coverage. Therefore, I would not expect it to lower memory 
> requirements. (The overhead from additional partitions might raise 
> them some, but I have not analyzed the code deeply enough to say one 
> way or another about that.) As far as changing the number of threads 
> goes, each thread does seem to maintain a local list of traversed 
> k-mers (hidden in the C++ implementation) but I do not yet know how 
> much that would impact memory usage. Have you tried using a fewer 
> number of threads?
> But, rather than guessing about causation, let's try to get some more 
> diagnostic information. Does the script die immediately? (How long 
> does the PBS job execute before failure?) Can you attach the output 
> and error files for a job, and also the job script? What does
>   qstat -f <job_id>
> where <job_id> is the ID of your running job, tell you about memory usage?
> Thanks,
>   Eric
> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 3:34 AM, Jens-Konrad Preem <jpreem at ut.ee 
> <mailto:jpreem at ut.ee>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I am having trouble with completing a partition-graph.py job.
>     No matter the configurations It seems to terminate with error
>     messages hinting at low memory etc. *
>     Does LOWering the subset size reduce the memory use, what about
>     LOWering the amount of parallel threads?
>     The graafik.ht <http://graafik.ht> is 5.2G large, I had the script
>     running as a PBS job with 240 GB RAM allocated. (That's as much as
>     I can get it, maybe I'll have an opportunity in the next week to
>     double it, but I wouldn't count on it).
>     Is it expected for the script to require so much RAM, or is there
>     some bug or some misuse by my part. Would there be any
>     configuration to get past this?
>     Jens-Konrad Preem, MSc., University of Tartu
>     * the latest configuration after I thought on smaller subset size
>     ./khmer/scripts/partition-graph.py  --threads 24 --subset-size 1e4
>     graafik
>     terminated with
>     cannot allocate memory for thread-local data: ABORT
>     _______________________________________________
>     khmer mailing list
>     khmer at lists.idyll.org <mailto:khmer at lists.idyll.org>
>     http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/khmer
> -- 
> Eric McDonald
> HPC/Cloud Software Engineer
>   for the Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (iCER)
>   and the Laboratory for Genomics, Evolution, and Development (GED)
> Michigan State University
> P: 517-355-8733

Jens-Konrad Preem, MSc, University of Tartu

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#PBS -N filterabund

#T88 vajab 1 masinat ja igayhest 32 tuuma
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24

#T88 vajab 44+2GB m2lu
#PBS -l vmem=46gb

#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00

# T88 alguses ja p2rast l6ppu saadetakse kiri
#PBS -M jpreem at ut.ee
#PBS -m abe

# M22ra t88 kodukataloogigks oma /storage/hpchome/<kasutajanimi> asuv kataloog. 
# P2rast 6ige kataloogi sisestamist eemalda rea algusest liigsed #
#PBS -d /gpfs/hpchome/jpreem/norm/

# Kirjuta oma k2sud siia

source activate
./khmer/sandbox/filter-below-abund.py ktabel  HFinterleaved.fastq.keep


-------------- next part --------------
#PBS -N load-graph

#T88 vajab 1 masinat ja igayhest 32 tuuma
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24

#T88 vajab 44+2GB m2lu
#PBS -l vmem=46gb

#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00

# T88 alguses ja p2rast l6ppu saadetakse kiri
#PBS -M jpreem at ut.ee
#PBS -m abe

# M22ra t88 kodukataloogigks oma /storage/hpchome/<kasutajanimi> asuv kataloog. 
# P2rast 6ige kataloogi sisestamist eemalda rea algusest liigsed #
#PBS -d /gpfs/hpchome/jpreem/norm/

# Kirjuta oma k2sud siia

source activate
./khmer/scripts/load-graph.py graafik -k 17 -N 4 -x 11e9 HFinterleaved.fastq.keep.below 


-------------- next part --------------
#PBS -N khmeralgushf

#T88 vajab 1 masinat ja igayhest 32 tuuma
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24

#T88 vajab 44+2GB m2lu
#PBS -l vmem=46gb

#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00

# T88 alguses ja p2rast l6ppu saadetakse kiri
#PBS -M jpreem at ut.ee
#PBS -m abe

# M22ra t88 kodukataloogigks oma /storage/hpchome/<kasutajanimi> asuv kataloog. 
# P2rast 6ige kataloogi sisestamist eemalda rea algusest liigsed #
#PBS -d /gpfs/hpchome/jpreem/norm/

# Kirjuta oma k2sud siia

source activate
./khmer/scripts/normalize-by-median.py -k 17 -s ktabel -N 4 -x 11e9 -p -C=20 HFinterleaved.fastq


-------------- next part --------------
#PBS -N partition-graph

#T88 vajab 1 masinat ja igayhest 32 tuuma
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24

#T88 vajab 44+2GB m2lu
#PBS -l vmem=240gb

#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00

# T88 alguses ja p2rast l6ppu saadetakse kiri
#PBS -M jpreem at ut.ee
#PBS -m abe

# M22ra t88 kodukataloogigks oma /storage/hpchome/<kasutajanimi> asuv kataloog. 
# P2rast 6ige kataloogi sisestamist eemalda rea algusest liigsed #
#PBS -d /gpfs/hpchome/jpreem/norm/

# Kirjuta oma k2sud siia

source activate
./khmer/scripts/partition-graph.py  --threads 24 --subset-size 1e4 graafik


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