[khmer-announce] khmer v1.4.1

Michael R. Crusoe mcrusoe at msu.edu
Thu May 28 13:57:46 PDT 2015

This is the v1.4.1 release of khmer. Due to the upcoming Python 3
compatibility in both khmer and Screed we need to modify the dependency
between khmer and the Screed library to be only the existing version 0.8,
and not some future version.

If you have khmer 1.4 installed then there is no benefit to upgrading; this
point release is to keep pip install khmer still working when we release
the next version of Screed with Python 3 support. The next version of
khmer, v2.0, will also have Python 3 support.

Documentation is at https://khmer.readthedocs.org/en/v1.4.1/ (no changes
from v1.4)
Known issues:

All of these are pre-existing.

Some users have reported that normalize-by-median.py will utilize more
memory than it was configured for. This is being investigated in
#266 <https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer/issues/266>

Some scripts only output FASTA even if given a FASTQ file. This issue is
being tracked in #46 <https://github.com/dib-lab/khmer/issues/46>


Michael R. Crusoe:  Programmer & Bioinformatician   mcrusoe at msu.edu
 @ the Genomics, Evolution, and Development lab; Michigan State U
https://impactstory.org/MichaelRCrusoe http://twitter.com/biocrusoe
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