[emb] EC2M mailing list has a new name

Tim Taylor timt at dai.ed.ac.uk
Thu Jan 31 11:40:58 PST 2002

Dear EC2M list subscribers,

Important news about this list

Over the Christmas period, the alife.org server was moved
to a new machine.  As a result, there has been a small
amount of disruption to the operation of this list, but
things are all now back to normal.

HOWEVER, during the switch I took the opportunity to
rename the list.  While Evolution of Creature Controllers
and Morphologies accurately described what the list is
about, EC2M was not a particularly recognisable or
memorable abbreviation.

I have therefore renamed the list Evolution of
Morphology and Behavior, or EMBody for short.
Information on the list, and the archives (transferred
from the old list) can be found at


To post to the list, send email to

embody at alife.org

I have transferred the membership list from the old
list to the new one, so there is no need to
resubscribe. BUT, please note that everyone's
subscription preferences will have been reset to default
values during this switch - most importantly, this
means that everyone will receive individual messages
rather than digests (although given the amount of traffic
on this list, this shouldn't be a problem). If you would
like to change your subscription preferences, you can do
so from http://lists.alife.org/listinfo.cgi/embody

When you receive postings from the list, the subject
will now have the prefix [emb].

I apologise for any inconvenience this switch may
have caused, and promise I won't change the name

Finally, some other news: I am organising another
workshop (EMBody 2) at this year's SAB conference
in Edinburgh. I will post information about this
to the list later today.

Best wishes,


Tim Taylor_______________________________________________________
Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour   tel:0131 650 3099
University of Edinburgh, 5 Forrest Hill, Edinburgh, EH1 2QL, U.K.
http://www.dai.ed.ac.uk/homes/timt/    mailto:tim.taylor at ed.ac.uk

More information about the EMBody mailing list