[cse491] a quick comment on e-mail support

C. Titus Brown ctb at msu.edu
Wed Sep 23 19:44:45 PDT 2009

Hi all,

I'm perfectly happy to answer e-mails and provide help and debugging via
e-mail during the week, as some of you have seen.  PLEASE don't be
silent if you're having trouble; not only is it potentially bad for your
grades, it is intensely frustrating to see people struggling with silly
technical problems and being man- or woman-fully silent about them!

That having been said,

 - try to track down exactly what your problem is and send me a small
   chunk of code that illustrates it, if relevant/possible;

 - I <heart> URLs, so if you can, please check in your problem code and
   send me the URL to the checked-in version in your svn repository,


 - I can meet outside of office hours during the week but you may need
   to come over to my Giltner office, Giltner 318.  Just e-mail me and
   we can set up a time.  Or we can chat/e-mail/whatever online.

 - Remember to ask your fellow students for help!

C. Titus Brown, ctb at msu.edu

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