[cse491] Lab 7 changes

C. Titus Brown ctb at msu.edu
Sat Oct 17 20:27:09 PDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 05:31:25PM -0400, Joe Amenta wrote:
> A little bit of an ambiguity...? in the homework notes, you write:
> ??? Server.handle_forever() must bind to the given port and serve HTTP
> requests on it forever, calling the WSGI app object for each request.
> But in the lab notes, you write:
> ??? write a method 'Server.serve_forever()' that does your main while loop.
> ??? change your __main__ block to run Server.serve_forever() on the
> appropriate port.
> Which is it?
> *ducks the shoe Titus is about to throw*

Heh, good point.

'serve_forever' fits in better with the Python stdlib, so please use
that.  Thanks for the correction!


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