[cse491] reading complete requests

C. Titus Brown ctb at msu.edu
Sat Oct 3 06:33:05 PDT 2009

On Fri, Oct 02, 2009 at 10:08:53PM -0400, Joe Amenta wrote:
> 1) since we're implementing a subset of HTTP/1.0, we will have
> Content-Length in well-formed POST requests.  (read the last line above for
> what to do if the request is not well-formed)
> 2) even if we were to implement the close-the-connection way of determining
> Content-Length, we would have no connection open to send back the response.

Closing the connection works for alerting the client (the browser) about the
size of the response, but not on the server side.

Don't worry about the request being ill-formed, at least if it comes from the


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