[cse491] useful svn aliases

Tim Miller mille449 at msu.edu
Mon Nov 9 14:07:44 PST 2009

So I know how people are having a hard time getting svn working correctly
and I thought I'd share some useful aliases Ive been using.

A short explaination of aliases:  you can define your own commands in the
terminal by setting 'aliases'.  These are defined in the '.aliases' file.
To see your current aliases, type 'alias' in the terminal.  This will give
you a good idea of what they do.

You can just copy/paste these into your .aliases file (it's a hidden file in
the home dir) and put in your netid.  You will then need to run 'source
.aliases' or restart your terminal for them to work.

Here is the most useful one:

*alias svncp     'svn copy http://class.ged.idyll.org/svn/nermal/trunk
http://class.ged.idyll.org/svn/nermal/\!:1 -m \!:2*'*
Usage: svncp <destination> "<comment>"
Example: svncp hw8 "turning in hw8"

Use this to turn in homework!  I would actually recommend naming it
something else instead of 'svncp' though as 'svn cp' is also a valid command
and will cause entirely different results.

This will checkout a new copy into <destination dir>.  So if you are in your
home folder and type 'checkout cse491' it will make a folder and put trunk,
hw1, ... hw8 in the cse491 folder. (assuming your repository is set up with
trunk, hw1, ... hw8 in the root directory)  This is probably what you want
to do.

*alias checkout     'svn checkout http://class.ged.idyll.org/svn/nermal/\!*'
Usage: checkout <destination dir>
Example: checkout cse491

This one is just me being lazy.  feel free to skip it.

alias commit     'svn commit -m \!*'
Usage: commit "<your comment here>"
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