[cse491] homework4 question

Alex Nolley nolleyal at msu.edu
Sat Sep 20 19:34:17 PDT 2008

I'm a little uncertain about some code I have in my homework 4 webserver.
Since our program has to catch any exceptions that occur in the threads, I
first make a thread t that contains the info to spawn a client connection.
Next, I spawn the thread in a try, except clause where the except will catch
any exception, print out it's information to standard output and then pass
and continue with a new thread. The code is similar to this:


while 1:

# Setup the connection stuff

t = threading.Thread(target=handle_connection, args(client_sock,))




                                print "An exception happened:",


Will this code allow for true mulit-threading or does the try, except clause
prevent that from happening?




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