[cse491] Initial set of tests for HW #7

C. Titus Brown ctb at msu.edu
Wed Oct 8 08:36:35 PDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 11:29:21AM -0400, Edward Waller wrote:
-> Um, you're testing that we get a 404 on
->          code, _, _ = webserve.delegate('GET', '/', [], None)
->          assert code == 404
->          code, _, _ = webserve.delegate('GET', '/foo', [], None)
->          assert code == 404
->          code, _, _ = webserve.delegate('GET', '/bar', [], None)
->          assert code == 404
->          code, _, _ = webserve.delegate('GET', '/other/path', [], None)
->          assert code == 404
-> but also:
->          code, headers, data = webserve.delegate('GET',
->                                                  '/test/path',
->                                                  [],
->                                                  None)
->          assert code == 200
->          assert '/test/path' in data
-> So is /test/path one of the valid paths?  It seems like that's a path  
-> just for testing... so that should be asserting a 404 too?

Err, not sure what you're asking, but it is entirely possible to pass
all of the tests with a single server :).  So, yes, '/test/path' is a
path just for testing, and it returns something specific; and all paths
not explicitly required to work in the tests should return 404.  Does
that make sense?

You can also try out my test server,


C. Titus Brown, ctb at msu.edu

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