[cse491] HW #1, and lab notes.

C. Titus Brown ctb at msu.edu
Thu Aug 28 04:47:28 PDT 2008

Hi all,

here is hw #1, due next Thursday; and a preliminary version of the notes
for today.  I will post them as HTML on the Web site later today.

See you all today in Egr 3353, at 12:40!

C. Titus Brown, ctb at msu.edu
-------------- next part --------------
Homework 1: Iterators and Generators

Due Thursday, Sep 4th, 12:40pm (just after noon).  Information on how to hand
it in TBD.


Create a Python file 'homework1' that contains the following objects:

  make_fib(n) -- a function that returns the first n elements in the Fibonacci

  FibonacciIterator(n) -- an iterator implementation of the Fibonacci
    series that generates the first n elements in the Fibonacci series.
    It should be non-reentrant, that is, __iter__ should return self.

  ReentrantFibonacciIterator(n) - a re-entrant version of the fib iterator,
    i.e. something that can be iterated over multiple times.

  fibonacci_generator(n) -- a generator implementation of the fib iterator.

Your code should pass the following tests: ::

    import homework1
    import types

    fib8 = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]

    x = homework1.make_fib(8)
    assert fib8 == x

    x = homework1.FibonacciIterator(8)
    assert list(x) == fib8
    assert list(x) == []

    x = homework1.ReentrantFibonacciIterator(8)
    assert list(x) == list(x)
    assert list(x) == fib8

    x = homework1.fibonacci_generator(8)
    assert isinstance(x, types.GeneratorType)
    assert list(x) == fib8
-------------- next part --------------
Lab 1 Material / August 28th, 2008

This material is all in doctest format; to run the doctest, do ::

  import doctest

in Python.

That will run all of the code following '>>>' and '...' and compare the
actual output to the expected in-line output.  Neat, eh?

Goals of this lab: get you used to basic Python syntax and some
moderately complicated constructs; introduce introspection, print, and
"duck typing".

Using "complex" data types in Python

Apart from the usual (int, string, etc.) there are some very nice
complex data types in Python.  The first two that I'd like to draw your
attention to are lists and dictionaries.

Lists are just... lists of stuff.  You can create empty ones, append to them,

 >>> x = []
 >>> x.append(5)
 >>> x.append('a')
 >>> x.append(0.1)
 >>> x
 [5, 'a', 0.10000000000000001]

As you can see, there's no requirement to make all of the entries in a list
the same type of object -- they can be whatever you want.

You can, of course, index lists by integers; 0 is the starting index, just
as in C and Java.

 >>> x[0]
 >>> x[1]
 >>> x[2]

Note that you can also create empty lists by explicitly calling the
list constructor:

 >>> x = list()

and you can also initialize them in place both ways:

 >>> x = [5, 'a', 0.1]


 >>> x = list((5, 'a', 0.1))

You can also assign to list elements by index:

 >>> x[2] = 'z'
 >>> x
 [5, 'a', 'z']

Dictionaries are even more useful than lists, and they're really at the
heart of Python.  Dictionaries are basically just hashes, or maps, and they
store key, value pairs:

 >>> y = {}
 >>> y['a'] = 1
 >>> y[2] = 0.2
 >>> y[0.3] = 5
 >>> y
 {'a': 1, 2: 0.20000000000000001, 0.29999999999999999: 5}

As with lists, there's no requirement that you store the same types of
things in keys or values.  Values can be whatever you want, while keys
must be hashable (more on that later).

Instead of indexing dicts by integers, as with lists, you index them by

 >>> y['a']
 >>> y[2]
 >>> y[0.3]

You can delete and overwrite as well:

 >>> del y[0.3]
 >>> y[2] = 'nada'
 >>> y
 {'a': 1, 2: 'nada'}

You can call 'len' on both lists and dicts to get their length:

 >>> len(x)
 >>> len(y)

and dictionaries support retrieval of keys, values, and key-value
pairs ("items"):

 >>> y.keys()
 ['a', 2]
 >>> y.values()
 [1, 'nada']
 >>> y.items()
 [('a', 1), (2, 'nada')]

Note that all of these are lists; in the last case, they are lists of
two-tuples (see below), with the first element of each tuple being the
key and the second the value.  You can access things as you might

 >>> y.items()[0][1]

One type of Python object that you might confuse with a list is a *tuple*.
tuples are just immutable lists, and you use '()' to define them rather
than '[]'.

 >>> z = (5, 'a', 'z')
 >>> z[0]
 >>> z[0] = 6
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

One useful difference between lists and tuples is that because tuples
are immutable, you can use them as keys to dictionaries:

 >>> y[z] = 'pony'
 >>> y
 {'a': 1, 2: 'nada', (5, 'a', 'z'): 'pony'}

Lists and tuples are interconvertible, too:

 >>> x_tup = tuple(x)
 >>> z_list = list(z)

and you can convert the keys in a dictionary into a list too:

 >>> y_keys = list(y)

Technically, anything that is *iterable* can be passed into both the
tuple and list constructors; see iterators, below.

There are a bunch of other Python types that we'll run across.  The
only really important one to mention at this point is 'object', which
is the base of all (well, most) Python objects.  To define a new class
(type of object) you can just do this:

 >>> class MyNewClass(object):
 ...    def __init__(self, value):
 ...       self.v = value
 ...    def some_method(self):
 ...       print 'my value is', self.v

To create objects of this type, just call the constructor like so:

 >>> a = MyNewClass(5)

and then call methods or access attributes as you might expect:

 >>> a.v
 >>> a.some_method()
 my value is 5

We'll talk more about classes down the road.

Iterating over lists and dicts

As you saw above, you can convert lists and dicts into, well, lists.  How
would you use this in a loop?

Let's start with a list:

 >>> x = ['a', 'b', 'c']

To iterate over this in a loop, you could imagine doing this:

 >>> i = 0
 >>> while i < len(x):
 ...   print x[i]
 ...   i += 1

but that's grotesque!  How about:

 >>> for i in range(0, len(x)):
 ...   print x[i]

but it turns out you can actually do something even cleaner:

 >>> for item in x:
 ...   print item

What if you want the item indices?  Use 'enumerate':

 >>> for n, item in enumerate(x):
 ...   print n, item
 0 a
 1 b
 2 c

A couple notes on these last two examples.  First, 'enumerate' wraps
any iterable -- literally, any object which can be iterated over --
and simply returns each item count along with the item in a tuple.
Second, we're actually doing something called "tuple unpacking" in the
last example: you could rewrite it like this, to be more explicit:

 >>> for (n, item) in enumerate(x):
 ...   print n, item
 0 a
 1 b
 2 c

(but there's no need to put the parantheses in).  Literally this is just
unpacking the result of the enumerate, which we can see in list form as:

 >>> list(enumerate(x))
 [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c')]

We can do the same sort of thing (iterate with a for loop) to dictionaries,
except now we're iterating (in no guaranteed order, note!) over the keys:

 >>> y = dict(x=1, y=2, z=3)
 >>> for key in y:
 ...   print key, y[key]
 y 2
 x 1
 z 3

The sequence protocol: making things look like lists

Before we move on to the iterator protocol, let me show you a really
neat feature of Python: making your own objects look like lists
(technically "sequences").

Let's write a class that squares a list handed to it, but only
when the elements are actually requested.   By defining one special
method, and '__getitem__', we can make this class behave
like a list:

 >>> class SquareMe(object):
 ...   def __init__(self, some_numbers):
 ...      self.n = some_numbers
 ...   def __getitem__(self, index):
 ...      print 'ASKING FOR ITEM', index, 'VALUE', self.n[index]
 ...      return self.n[index]**2

You can now access this object just as if it's a list:

 >>> x = SquareMe([5, 6, 7])
 >>> x[2]

and of course you can also iterate over it:

 >>> for i in x:
 ...   print i

Note that here Python understands the kind of error returned by
accessing an invalid index in a list, and the 'for' loops knows to
quit at that point.  That's why you get the 'ASKING FOR ITEM 3 VALUE'
message at the end there.

Doing this kind of thing with your own objects is a powerful way to
extend Python, and we'll make use of it in this class occasionally.

Here's the documentation on what you can or should extend to implement
a full "container-like" type:


The mapping protocol: making things look like dicts

You can also make your own objects look like dictionaries.  This is a bit
more complicated, because dictionaries have a lot of different methods on
them, but there is a nice trick to use...

Let's define a dictionary that, if any number under 100 is used as a key,
returns the square of that number:

 >>> import UserDict
 >>> class MySquareDict(UserDict.DictMixin, object):
 ...   def keys(self):
 ...     return range(0, 100)
 ...   def __getitem__(self, key):
 ...     print 'ASKED FOR', key
 ...     return key**2

 >>> x = MySquareDict()
 >>> x[0]
 >>> x[5]

OK, so what's really going on here!?  Well, we're using `DictMixin
<http://docs.python.org/ref/sequence-types.html>`__, which is a `mixin
class <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixin>`__ that provides a full
read-only dictionary interface for classes that already possess
__getitem__ and keys().  (If you provide __delitem__ and __setitem__,
you get a *full* dictionary interface.)  Here, keys() just returns
the list of numbers between 0 and 100 (that's what range returns).

This means that not only can you call __getitem__ and keys(), but you
can ask for other dictionary methods like has_key() that you didn't
explicitly define:

 >>> x.has_key(20)
 >>> x.has_key(99)

Unfortunately in this case we didn't do a great job of defining this
class, because keys() only returns a subset (0..99) of the actual legal

 >>> x.has_key(101)

As you can see, when you call has_key(), all it's doing is trying to ask
for key 101 -- and if __getitem__ doesn't kick up a fuss, well, then it
obviously has that key!  We can redefine __getitem__ appropriately:

 >>> class MySquareDict(UserDict.DictMixin, object):
 ...   def keys(self):
 ...     return range(0, 100)
 ...   def __getitem__(self, key):
 ...     if key >= 0 and key < 100:
 ...        return key**2
 ...     raise KeyError

 >>> x = MySquareDict()
 >>> x.has_key(101)

and get the right answer.

One last note -- if we want to pass in a max number through the constructor,
we can do that, too:

 >>> class MySquareDict(UserDict.DictMixin, object):
 ...   def __init__(self, max_num):
 ...     self.max_num = max_num
 ...   def keys(self):
 ...     return range(0, self.max_num)
 ...   def __getitem__(self, key):
 ...     if key >= 0 and key < self.max_num:
 ...        return key**2
 ...     raise KeyError

 >>> x = MySquareDict(500)
 >>> x.has_key(499)

Iterators and the iterator protocol

In programming, you frequently want to loop over things -- things in
lists, or dictionaries, or on disk, in databases, over the Web, whatever.
So Python has formalized this in an 'iterator' protocol, a way for objects
to let Python know how to iterate over them.

The iterator protocol is pretty simple, but has a fair amount of syntax
associated with it.  Your class has to define an __iter__ method, and
that method has to return an object with a 'next' function on it; then
to iterate, Python calls the 'next' function until it raises a
StopIteration exception.  (More on exceptions much later...)

Here's a really simple and not so useful iterator:

  >>> class NullThing(object):
  ...   def __iter__(self):
  ...     return self
  ...   def next(self):
  ...     raise StopIteration

(Note that here __iter__ is returning the same object, which is a
convenient way of not having to define two classes...)

  >>> x = NullThing()
  >>> for y in x:
  ...   print 'HELLO, WORLD'

Yep, the for loop exits immediately because the 'next' method immediately
raises StopIteration!

One thing to keep in mind about about iterators is that they do not
necessarily know anything in advance.  This means that you can't call
'len' on an iterator, for example...

Any finite iterator can be converted into a list like so:

  >>> list(NullThing())

Generators and maintaining implicit state

One of the frustrating things about iterators is that with simple
iterators, you spend a lot of time *maintaining state* -- that is, if
you want to just do something to a list, you have to retain the index
you're using.  For example, consider the following ugly implementation
of 'enumerate' as an iterator:

 >>> class Enumerator(object):
 ...   def __init__(self, thing):
 ...     self.thing = iter(thing)
 ...     self.count = -1
 ...   def __iter__(self):
 ...     return self
 ...   def next(self):
 ...     val = self.thing.next()
 ...     self.count += 1
 ...     return self.count, val

Sure, it works:

 >>> for n, item in Enumerator(['a', 'b', 'c']):
 ...   print n, item
 0 a
 1 b
 2 c

but that's a lot of code for something so simple!

It turns out, Python recently added *generator* functions.  These are
functions that generate re-entrant instances, by which I mean that
they implicitly hold local state.  Here's a generator version of

 >>> def enumerator(thing):
 ...   count = 0
 ...   for item in thing:
 ...     yield count, item
 ...     count += 1

Here, the 'yield' statement tells Python that the function
'enumerator' is actually a generator, and that when you call it, you
should get back an iterator object that will return values from

See, it works!

 >>> for n, item in enumerator(['a', 'b', 'c']):
 ...   print n, item
 0 a
 1 b
 2 c

But how does the function know when to exit?  The implicit exit
condition is in the for loop, which will end when the 'thing' can
no longer be iterated over.

Literally what is happening is that every time you call 'enumerator',
Python is making a *new* generator (a.k.a. complicated iterator) out
of it and storing the values of 'count' and the status of the 'thing'
iteration in variables local to that instance of the function.

One of the fun things about generators and iterators, incidentally,
is that they can both be *infinite*: consider this generator,

 >>> def squares():
 ...   count = 0
 ...   while 1:
 ...     yield count**2
 ...     count += 1

Note the lack of exit condition... you can iterate over that indefinitely!
You've got to put in your own exit condition:

 >>> for x in squares():
 ...   print x
 ...   if x > 20:
 ...     break
Reimplementing 'range'

Just to drive the points home, here are two implementations of the
same 'range'-like function.

 >>> class RangeAsIterator(object):
 ...   def __init__(self, min_num, max_num):
 ...     self.max_num = max_num
 ...     self.curr = min_num - 1
 ...   def __iter__(self):
 ...     return self
 ...   def next(self):
 ...     if self.curr < self.max_num - 1:
 ...        self.curr += 1
 ...        return self.curr
 ...     raise StopIteration

 >>> list(RangeAsIterator(0, 5))
 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

 >>> def range_as_generator(min_num, max_num):
 ...   while min_num < max_num:
 ...     yield min_num
 ...     min_num += 1

 >>> list(range_as_generator(0, 5))
 [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

List and generator comprehensions, and scope

A few more cute Python tricks: you can generate a list in-place using
a list comprehension, which returns a list:

 >>> [ x**2 for x in range(1, 4) ]
 [1, 4, 9]

or what's called a 'generator comprehension':

 >>> y = ( x**2 for x in range(1, 4) )
 >>> type(y)
 <type 'generator'>
 >>> for item in y:
 ...   print item

As above with lists and generators, the main difference here is that the
generator values are not calculated until you ask for them.  One minor
difference is that of scope: variables used in list comprehensions "leak",

 >>> z = [ x**2 for x in range(0, 100) ]
 >>> x

while variables used in generator comprehensions do not:

 >>> z = list( (x**2 for x in range(0, 500)) )
 >>> x

Introspection and interactivity in Python

Python lets you figure out what methods and attributes objects have;
consider the following way of figuring out what methods dictionaries have:

 >>> d = {}
 >>> dir(d)
 ['__class__', '__cmp__', '__contains__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__str__', 'clear', 'copy', 'fromkeys', 'get', 'has_key', 'items', 'iteritems', 'iterkeys', 'itervalues', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update', 'values']

Yikes, that's a lot!  What do they all do?

 >>> help(d.values)
 Help on built-in function values:
     D.values() -> list of D's values

You can generally do that sort of thing (call 'dir', and/or 'help') to
any Python object.  In fact, if you define your own functions
properly, you can ask for help on them, too:

 >>> def f():
 ...   """
 ...   f prints hello, world
 ...   """
 ...   print 'hello, world'

 >>> help(f)
 Help on function f:
     f prints hello, world

One more Python jujitsu move: you can (if you *really* want to) use
'type' to figure out what things are:

 >>> type(d)
 <type 'dict'>
 >>> type(f)
 <type 'function'>

but Python is all about `duck typing
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing>`__ so you should view this
as a way to explore code and not use it to confirm types *in* your
code.  More on this later.

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