[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue May 23 02:41:52 PDT 2023


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of May 16 to 23,

Table of Contents

Looking for example tsdl games
OCaml.org Newsletter: April 2023
A bestiary of GADT examples?
2023 StackOverflow Developer Survey
Release 0.5.4 of `Fmlib_browser'
OCaml Platform Newsletter: April 2023
Eio Developer Meetings
New major release of Parany (v14.0.0)

Looking for example tsdl games


Benjamin Thomas said

  This one is for the search engines…

  I was looking for a way to setup a “proper” game loop, functional

  Looking at the `tsdl' repo, I noticed the examples in the test folder
  make heavy use of match expressions. Replicating that style quickly
  led me to a “callback hell” type of problem though.

  Anyhow, this is my take on setting up a basic game loop:

  │ (*
  │  * dune exec --display=quiet bin/main.exe
  │  *)
  │ module Sdl = Tsdl.Sdl
  │ module Window = Sdl.Window
  │ module Event = Sdl.Event
  │ let ( let* ) = Result.bind
  │ type error_ctx =
  │   | Partial of { window : Sdl.window }
  │   | Full of { window : Sdl.window; renderer : Sdl.renderer }
  │ (* Attach extra context to the original error.
  │  * Used for resource cleanup on program exit.
  │  *)
  │ let with_err_ctx ctx = Result.map_error (fun err -> (err, ctx))
  │ let init_window () =
  │   let* () = Sdl.init Sdl.Init.(audio + video) in
  │   let* window =
  │     Sdl.create_window "OCaml/TSDL: CHANGE_ME" ~x:Window.pos_centered
  │       ~y:Window.pos_centered ~w:640 ~h:480 Window.shown
  │   in
  │   Ok window
  │ ;;
  │ let render_frame renderer (x, y) =
  │   let* () = Sdl.set_render_draw_color renderer 255 127 40 255 in
  │   let* () = Sdl.render_clear renderer in
  │   let* () = Sdl.set_render_draw_color renderer 255 0 0 255 in
  │   let* () =
  │     Sdl.render_fill_rect renderer (Some (Sdl.Rect.create ~x ~y ~w:70 ~h:70))
  │   in
  │   ()
  │   ; Sdl.render_present renderer
  │   ; Ok ()
  │ ;;
  │ type state = { quit : bool; pos : int * int }
  │ let initial_state = { quit = false; pos = (0, 0) }
  │ let poll evt state =
  │   let (x, y) = state.pos in
  │   let default = { state with pos = (x + 2, y + 1) } in
  │   if Sdl.poll_event (Some evt) then
  │     match Event.(enum (get evt typ)) with
  │     | `Quit -> { state with quit = true }
  │     | _ -> default
  │   else
  │     default
  │ ;;
  │ let run_game_loop renderer =
  │   let rec loop evt state =
  │     if not state.quit then (
  │       let state = poll evt state in
  │       let* () = render_frame renderer state.pos in
  │       ()
  │       ; Sdl.delay 17l (* approx 60 FPS *)
  │       ; loop evt state
  │     ) else
  │       Ok ()
  │   in
  │   let evt = Event.create () in
  │   loop evt initial_state
  │ ;;
  │ let start_game () =
  │   let* window = init_window () |> with_err_ctx None in
  │   let* renderer =
  │     Sdl.create_renderer window |> with_err_ctx (Some (Partial { window }))
  │   in
  │   let* () =
  │     run_game_loop renderer |> with_err_ctx (Some (Full { window; renderer }))
  │   in
  │   Ok (window, renderer)
  │ ;;
  │ let rec destroy_resources = function
  │   | Some (Full { window; renderer }) ->
  │       ()
  │       ; Sdl.destroy_renderer renderer
  │       ; destroy_resources @@ Some (Partial { window })
  │   | Some (Partial { window }) ->
  │       ()
  │       ; Sdl.destroy_window window
  │   | None -> ()
  │ ;;
  │ let () =
  │   match start_game () with
  │   | Ok (window, renderer) ->
  │       ()
  │       ; Sdl.destroy_renderer renderer
  │       ; Sdl.destroy_window window
  │       ; Sdl.quit ()
  │       ; exit 0
  │   | Error (`Msg msg, ctx) ->
  │       ()
  │       ; Sdl.log "Error: %s" msg
  │       ; destroy_resources ctx
  │       ; Sdl.quit ()
  │       ; exit 1
  │ ;;

  It took a bit of fiddling before finding something I was happy with,
  I’ll gladly take any criticism/feedback :)

  If you have made a game or project with `tsdl', please do tell us
  about it!

  (personally, I’m going through the “Nature of Code” book and want to
  implement the exercises in many languages/libraries)

Yotam Barnoy then said

  Take a look at my [Railroad Tycoon reimplementation].

[Railroad Tycoon reimplementation] <https://github.com/bluddy/rails>

OCaml.org Newsletter: April 2023


Thibaut Mattio announced

  Welcome to the April 2023 edition of the OCaml.org newsletter! As with
  the [previous update], this has been compiled by @sabine and @tmattio.

  The OCaml.org newsletter provides an overview of changes on the
  OCaml.org website and gives you a glimpse into what has been going on
  behind the scenes. You can find a [list of previous issues here].

  Our goal is to make OCaml.org the best resource for anyone who wants
  to get started and be productive in OCaml. We couldn’t do it without
  all the amazing OCaml community members who help us review, revise and
  create better OCaml documentation. Your feedback enables us to better
  prioritise our work and make progress towards our goal. Thank you!

  We present the work we’ve been doing this month in three sections:
  • *Learn area:* To make sure that we focus on the changes that truly
     have an impact on the success of OCaml and its community, we
     conducted a user survey targeted at OCaml newcomers. The survey
     allowed us to better understand their outlook on the existing site
     and their needs and wishes for the upcoming changes.
  • *Package documentation:* Following the recent changes to the package
     area, we’ve continued to make improvements to the usability of the
     package overview and documentation pages.
  • *General Improvements:* We also worked on general maintenance and
     improvements, and we’ll highlight some of them.

[previous update] <https://ocaml.org/news/ocamlorg-2023-03>

[list of previous issues here]

Learn Area

◊ 1. User Survey

  This month, we published [the survey] that we started preparing in
  March. The survey was promoted on various platforms, including the
  official OCaml Discuss platform, Discord, LinkedIn, Twitter, and
  received a lot of engagement: in total, we got 57 responses before we
  had to close the survey in order to analyze the results adequately.

  Apart from this, we reviewed recordings of the previous round of user
  interviews we did on the Learn and Package areas, to group and
  prioritise the user feedback for use in upcoming user interviews. We
  also provided a [public summary of the survey results on the OCaml

  Overall, we’re now in a very good position to understand which changes
  should be made to the Learn area in order to improve the learning
  experience on OCaml.org. Our work will continue in May with the first
  wireframes for the new Learn area.

  [the survey]

  [public summary of the survey results on the OCaml Discuss]

◊ 2. Work-in-progress Improvements on Documentation Pages

  In addition to the high-level overhaul of the Learn area we’re working
  on, outlined above, we also made several smaller improvements on the
  documentation to continuously improve the content of the

  Many of the [outstanding pull requests on ocaml/ocaml.org] contain
  updates to the existing documentation pages of the Learn area. We aim
  to merge the majority of these in May.

  We are incredibly thankful for your feedback, suggestions, and help
  along the way. We are striving to make learning OCaml frictionless by
  providing high-quality content on OCaml.org. It’s quite a big task,
  and everyone’s help is essential to allow us to make this happen.

  [outstanding pull requests on ocaml/ocaml.org]

Package Documentation

  Following the recent changes in the package area, we continued to make
  improvements to the layout. Notably, we added a small footer to the
  Learn and Package sections, which solves the issue of
  sticky-positioned sidebars moving out of the screen when scrolling
  into the footer. To better highlight the currently active section when
  scrolling through the document, we reworked the table of contents UI
  in both the Package and Learn sections.

  We now collapse the reverse dependencies section on the package
  overview page when it has more than 100 entries. To make room for
  upcoming package status badges, we moved the breadcrumbs in the
  package area above the main content area in line with the [Figma
  designs]. We also updated the styles of the package search results
  page to be more compact, collapsing author lists with more than five
  items, styling package tags the same as on the package overview page,
  and we added a link to go directly to the package documentation.

  Relevant PRs/Issues:

  1. The Learn section and the Package section now have a [small footer
     attached to the bottom of the screen (ocaml/ocaml.org#1018)]. This
     resolves the UX issue where the sticky-positioned sidebars would
     move upwards out of the screen when scrolling into the footer. An
     alternative solution where the sidebars shrink as the footer comes
     into view has been explored but ultimately discarded due to higher
     complexity and maintenance needs.
  2. The table of contents UI in the Package section as well as in the
     Learn section is reworked to [highlight the currently active
     section when scrolling through the document
     (ocaml/ocaml.org#1094)]. This makes it easier to see progress in
     reading the content and easier to relate to where we are in a
     larger document.
  3. The [layout of the package documentation section is now wide
     (ocaml/ocaml.org#1097)], with an increased gap on the `xl' screen
  4. Since there can be hundreds or even thousands of reverse
     dependencies for a package, we’re now [collapsing the reverse
     dependencies section when there are more than 100 items
  5. The [breadcrumbs in the package area are now above the main content
     area (ocaml/ocaml.org#1133)] with the intent to make room next to
     the package name for upcoming badges that, e.g., provide
     information on the build status.
  6. We [updated the styles of the package search results page to be
     more compact (ocaml/ocaml.org#1134)]: (a) author lists with more
     than five items are collapsed by listing the first five authors and
     “et al.”, (b) package tags are now styled the same as on the
     package overview page, (c) a link to go directly to the package
     documentation is provided.

[Figma designs]

[small footer attached to the bottom of the screen
(ocaml/ocaml.org#1018)] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1018>

[highlight the currently active section when scrolling through the
document (ocaml/ocaml.org#1094)]

[layout of the package documentation section is now wide
(ocaml/ocaml.org#1097)] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1097>

[collapsing the reverse dependencies section when there are more than
100 items (ocaml/ocaml.org#1101)]

[breadcrumbs in the package area are now above the main content area
(ocaml/ocaml.org#1133)] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1133>

[updated the styles of the package search results page to be more
compact (ocaml/ocaml.org#1134)]

◊ Work in Progress: Basic In-Package Search

  During the last month, we made progress on bringing basic in-package
  search functionality to the OCaml.org package documentation. Work on a
  prototype is ongoing on [staging.ocaml.org] (see [this Discuss post]),
  and we plan to roll out a rudimentary version of in-package search in

  We’ll be rolling out the initial version as experimental, so it may
  have some issues and will be quite limited. We are releasing this
  early, as we find that having in-package search is vital for the
  usability of the package documentation. The upside of this process is
  that we’re able to adapt to your feedback and ideas as we design the
  final product later on.

  [staging.ocaml.org] <https://staging.ocaml.org>

  [this Discuss post]

General Improvements

  We made improvements to the [OCaml.org dashboard] and GitHub actions
  workflows. The dashboard now displays the Git commit hash and memory
  consumption in bytes. We worked on fixing the RSS feed scraping
  workflow, which resulted in the ability to trigger the scraper to run
  via the GitHub UI and the ability to run workflows on a local machine.
  The scraping workflow was made more robust against the temporary
  unavailability of sources, and individual feeds for the Blog page are
  now scraped separately and merged into a global feed.

  We are currently working on exposing the build status data for
  packages on the package overview pages. We also started to work on a
  dedicated “Install” page for OCaml with the help of the OCaml
  community. The new page will provide shorter instructions on how to
  set up OCaml quickly and the corresponding patch includes an overall
  revision of the “Get Up and Running” documentation.

  In addition to all of this, the team has diligently tackled numerous
  bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements to enhance the overall user

  Relevant PRs/Issues:

  1. We improved the [ocaml.org dashboard] to [display the Git commit
     hash from which the currently running instance has been built
     (ocaml/ocaml.org#1136)], and to [display the memory consumption in
     bytes (ocaml/ocaml.org#1060)]. For this, the build needed to happen
     in a Git-enabled folder which required [enabling the “include Git”
     option on the deployment pipeline
  2. RSS feed scraping (which provides the data we display on the “Blog”
     page) broke in January when Git LFS was introduced to store the
     OCaml Playground assets. Another issue we observed was that [HTTP
     requests to some sources would time out (kayceesrk/river#8)]. We
     worked on fixing the scraping workflow and ultimately succeeded. As
     a consequence of this work, we now enjoy improvements to the GitHub
     actions workflows, such as the ability to trigger the scraper to
     run via the GitHub UI, and the [ability to run workflows on a local
     machine (ocaml/ocaml.org#1068)]. Subsequently, the scraping
     workflow was [made more robust against temporary unavailability of
     sources (ocaml/ocaml.org#1120)], and, instead of building a global
     feed by scraping all sources at the same time, [individual feeds
     are now scraped separately and merged into a global feed
  3. We are working on [exposing the build status data for packages on
     the package overview pages (ocaml/ocaml.org#977)]. As part of this
     effort, [check.ocamllabs.io has already been moved to
     check.ci.ocaml.org (ocaml/infrastructure#40)] by the infrastructure
  4. To provide better statistics on the programming languages used in
     the ocaml/ocaml.org repository, we now [exclude vendored files from
     stats (ocaml/ocaml.org#1074)].
  5. Some AlpineJS-related bugfixes and cleanups on the [search dropdown
     (ocaml/ocaml.org#1069)] and [sidebar (ocaml/ocaml.org#1061)].
  6. Upgrade AlpineJS to 3.12.0, HTMX to 1.9.0 (resolves
  7. We started working on an “Install” page for OCaml with the help of
     the OCaml community at
     The intent of this page is to provide short instructions on how to
     set up OCaml quickly by leveraging OS detection via JavaScript. The
     upcoming patch includes an overall revision of the “Get Up and
     Running” documentation to provide better section headings and to
     clarify instructions while removing noise from the document.
  8. In response to an [inquiry about package documentation failing to
     build], the CI team helped us by investigating why the solver fails
     for the package in question. It turns out that, currently, the
     solver appears to only use two OCaml versions: 4.14 and 5.0.0.
     Until this changes, any package that does not work with either of
     these OCaml versions will not have its package documentation built
  9. A [new page that highlights all the previous Outreachy internships
     conducted by the OCaml community (ocaml/ocaml.org#1009)] has been
     added to the Community section.
  10. We improved the HACKING.md documentation to [mention prerequisites
      on the development environment and to link to the Docker images
      built by the CI which are stored on Docker Hub
      (ocaml/ocaml.org#1102)]. The intent of this is to make it simpler
      for new contributors to join the project.
  11. [Rearranged the “featured” section on the Blog page to allow
      featuring less than three posts (ocaml/ocaml.org#1082)].
  12. [Bugfix for a Unicode rendering problem (ocaml/ocaml.org#1083)]
      when searching for the empty string on the package search results
  13. [Added ’Roboto Mono’ as a dedicated monospace font
      (ocaml/ocaml.org#1085)] to achieve a consistent display of code
      sections for all users.
  14. Errors in the documentation were reported by OCaml users. Thank
      you! We fixed them immediately: (1) Resolve unused for-loop index
      i Error [ocaml/ocaml.org#1084], (2) remove incorrect mention of
      utop [ocaml/ocaml.org#1086], and (3) Explain how to activate
      -dtypedtree in `utop-full' [ocaml/ocaml.org#1089]
  15. We vendored an experimental YAML parsing tool [tmattio/yoshi] into
      the ocaml.org repository to explore if that is a suitable way to
      simplify the YAML parsing aspect of the current `ood-gen' tool of
  16. The package autocomplete search input in the top navigation bar
      now reacts faster since the [throttling delay has been removed
  17. We made the [share button of the OCaml Playground more obvious
      (ocaml/ocaml.org#1117)] by adding a caption.
  18. We worked on the [experimental changelog page].
  19. Considering that there are some unmet caching needs in our web
      stack (e.g., in the package documentation section: looking at the
      many HTTP requests and rendering the module tree menu), we
      [reached out to the OCaml community] to understand what the
      ecosystem is like at the moment and if there is a meaningful
      opportunity to contribute to the OCaml ecosystem as part of our
      work on OCaml.org.
  20. There is an open PR for [adding WIP dev-container] that can make
      it easier to get started developing on the ocaml/ocaml.org
  21. The [“Contribute” link on the documentation pages now links to the
      commit from which the content was rendered (ocaml/ocaml.org#1139]
  22. The OCaml.org project [officially adopted the OCaml Code of
      Conduct by adding `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' to its GitHub repository
      (ocaml/ocaml.org#1135)] and by [adding ocaml/ocaml.org to the list
      of adopters (ocaml/code-of-conduct#6)]
  23. The [problems in the exercises section of the Learn area can now
      be filtered by difficulty (ocaml/ocaml.org#1141)].
  24. Bugfix: the problem difficulty symbols in the exercise section
      would be cut off in the too-small margins. Now the [problem
      difficulty symbols in the exercises section only show up in the
      margin on `xl' screen size (ocaml/ocaml.org#1138).]

[OCaml.org dashboard] <https://ocaml.org/dashboard>

[ocaml.org dashboard] <https://ocaml.org/dashboard>

[display the Git commit hash from which the currently running instance
has been built (ocaml/ocaml.org#1136)]

[display the memory consumption in bytes (ocaml/ocaml.org#1060)]

[enabling the “include Git” option on the deployment pipeline

[HTTP requests to some sources would time out (kayceesrk/river#8)]

[ability to run workflows on a local machine (ocaml/ocaml.org#1068)]

[made more robust against temporary unavailability of sources
(ocaml/ocaml.org#1120)] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1120>

[individual feeds are now scraped separately and merged into a global
feed (ocaml/ocaml.org#1144)]

[exposing the build status data for packages on the package overview
pages (ocaml/ocaml.org#977)]

[check.ocamllabs.io has already been moved to check.ci.ocaml.org

[exclude vendored files from stats (ocaml/ocaml.org#1074)]

[search dropdown (ocaml/ocaml.org#1069)]

[sidebar (ocaml/ocaml.org#1061)]

[ocaml/ocaml.org#877] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/issues/877>

[inquiry about package documentation failing to build]

[new page that highlights all the previous Outreachy internships
conducted by the OCaml community (ocaml/ocaml.org#1009)]

[mention prerequisites on the development environment and to link to the
Docker images built by the CI which are stored on Docker Hub
(ocaml/ocaml.org#1102)] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1102>

[Rearranged the “featured” section on the Blog page to allow featuring
less than three posts (ocaml/ocaml.org#1082)]

[Bugfix for a Unicode rendering problem (ocaml/ocaml.org#1083)]

[Added ’Roboto Mono’ as a dedicated monospace font
(ocaml/ocaml.org#1085)] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1085>

[ocaml/ocaml.org#1084] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1084>

[ocaml/ocaml.org#1086] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1086>

[ocaml/ocaml.org#1089] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1089>

[tmattio/yoshi] <https://github.com/tmattio/yoshi>

[throttling delay has been removed (ocaml/ocaml.org#1122)]

[share button of the OCaml Playground more obvious
(ocaml/ocaml.org#1117)] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1117>

[experimental changelog page] <https://ocaml.org/changelog>

[reached out to the OCaml community]

[adding WIP dev-container]

[“Contribute” link on the documentation pages now links to the commit
from which the content was rendered (ocaml/ocaml.org#1139]

[officially adopted the OCaml Code of Conduct by adding
`CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' to its GitHub repository (ocaml/ocaml.org#1135)]

[adding ocaml/ocaml.org to the list of adopters

[problems in the exercises section of the Learn area can now be filtered
by difficulty (ocaml/ocaml.org#1141)]

[problem difficulty symbols in the exercises section only show up in the
margin on `xl' screen size (ocaml/ocaml.org#1138).]

A bestiary of GADT examples?


Continuing this thread from last week, Reuben Rowe said

  I have used GADTs in [rotor] to implement a rich identifier type for
  different syntactic elements of the OCaml language, as well as some
  custom zipper types over the OCaml compiler typed AST.

[rotor] <https://gitlab.com/trustworthy-refactoring/refactorer>

2023 StackOverflow Developer Survey


Thomas Gazagnaire announced

  This year, OCaml is on the list of languages (while [it wasn’t in

  So now we can tell the world that we everyone is using (and hopefully
  want to continue to use) OCaml:

[it wasn’t in 2021]

Release 0.5.4 of `Fmlib_browser'


Helmut announced

  It is a pleasure to announce the release 0.5.4 of `Fmlib_browser'. The
  library helps to write interactive webapplications running in the
  browser. It is quite easy to write interactive webapplications with
  the help of this library. The user code is purely descriptive (aka
  functional) which avoids many common errors.

  You can find some simple examples [here] and in [the overview].

  Install the library with

  │     opam install fmlib_browser

  The new release 0.5.4 fixes some bugs in the initial version 0.5.3 and
  has some minor added functionality.

[here] <https://hbr.github.io/fmlib/odoc/fmlib_browser/index.html>

[the overview]

OCaml Platform Newsletter: April 2023


Thibaut Mattio announced

  Welcome to the first issue of the OCaml Platform newsletter!

  Following in the footsteps of the OCaml.org newsletter and inspired by
  the Multicore and Compiler newsletters, we’re excited to bring you
  monthly updates on the progress we’re making in improving the OCaml
  Developer Experience.

  The [OCaml Platform] is the recommended set of tools to work and be
  productive with OCaml. The Platform tools fill gaps in the OCaml
  developer experience and allow developers to perform specific
  workflows (e.g. building packages, formatting code, generating
  documentation, releasing packages, etc.).

  At the end of the day, all the work we’re doing on the OCaml Platform
  has one objective: improving the OCaml developer experience, so in
  this newsletter, we’ll present the progress we’re making on the
  different projects from the lens of these developer workflows. Based
  on the results of the OCaml surveys ([2020] and [2022]), discussions
  with industrial users, continuous community feedback on Discuss, and
  other sources of user input, here are the workflows we’re currently
  working on:

  • *Building Packages:* Our immediate goal for the build workflow is to
     remove the friction associated to using two different tools for
     package management and build system. To this end, we [plan on
     integrating opam capabilities directly into Dune], establishing it
     as the singular tool needed to build OCaml projects. As a
     by-product of this integration, we aim to improve other workflows
     such as working on multiple projects, cross-compilation, and
     improving the overall experience to get started with OCaml.
  • *Compiling to JavaScript:* We’re continuously supporting tools to
     compile OCaml to JavaScript. Dune integrates well with Js_of_ocaml
     and we’ve been working on an integration of Dune and [Melange], a
     recent fork of [ReScript] that aims to bring to integrate closely
     with the OCaml ecosystem.
  • *Generating Documentation:* The state of the OCaml Packages
     documentation is reported as a major pain point in the OCaml
     surveys ([2020] and [2022]). We’re working towards empowering OCaml
     developers to create high-quality documentation for their packages.
     Now that the documentation of packages is [readily available on
     OCaml.org], we want to make writing documentation rewarding and
     straightforward. We’re working towards making Odoc suitable to
     create manuals by adding new features, improving the navigation,
     and expanding the odoc markup syntax to support rich content such
     as tables, images and graphs.
  • *Editing and Refactoring Code:* We aim to enrich the OCaml editor
     support with more workflows to improve code navigation and automate
     refactoring. Our main focus currently is on adding support for
     project-wide references to Merlin. Future work will include
     implementing a project-wide rename query and queries such as
     renaming arguments. We are also working towards bringing the editor
     support for OCaml to the web and third-party platforms such as
     OCaml Playground, ReplIt, and GitHub Codespaces.
  • *Formatting Code:* Our goal for formatting code is focused on
     improving accuracy, particularly for the to comments. We also want
     to strike the right balance between providing a default profile
     that appeals to most users and not requiring configuration to
     format your OCaml projects, while still maintaining a fully
     configurable formatter. Additionally, we plan to enhance the
     backward compatibility of ocamlformat and better integrate Dune and

  I’ll also take the opportunity to call for new contributors. Platform
  projects are always looking for new maintainers and contributors, so
  if you’re interested in the future of OCaml’s developer experience and
  would like to shape that future with us, please reach out to me or any
  Platform maintainers. If you’re an industrial user looking for support
  on the OCaml Platform and would like to fund the maintainers and the
  developments on the Platform tools, also don’t hesitate to [reach out
  to me](<mailto:thibaut at tarides.com>).

  April has seen a flurry of activity, and we can’t wait to share our
  progress with you. So let’s get right to it!

  In this inaugural issue, we’ll be discussing progress on the following

  • Building Packages
    • *[Dune]* Exploring Package Management in Dune
    • *[opam]* Native Support for Windows in opam 2.2
    • *[Dune]* Improving Dune’s Documentation
    • *[Dune]* Composing installed Coq theories
    • *[Dune]* Dune Terminal User Interface
    • *[Dune]* Running Actions Concurrently
    • *[Dune]* Benchmarking Dune on Large Code Bases
  • Compiling to JavaScript
    • *[Dune]* Compile to JavaScript with Melange in Dune
  • Generating Documentation
    • *[Odoc]* Add Search Capabilities to `odoc'
    • *[Dune]* User-Friendly Command to Generate Documentation
    • *[Odoc]* Support for Tables in `odoc'
  • Editing and Refactoring Code
    • *[Merlin]* Support for Project-Wide References in Merlin
    • *[Merlin]* Improving Merlin’s Performance
    • *[OCaml LSP]* Using Dune RPC on Windows
    • *[OCaml LSP]* Upstreaming OCaml LSP’s Fork of Merlin
  • Formatting Code
    • *[OCamlFormat]* Migrate OCamlFormat from an AST to a CST
    • *[OCamlFormat]* Closing the Gap Between OCamlFormat and

[OCaml Platform] <https://ocaml.org/docs/platform>


[2022] <https://ocaml-sf.org/docs/2022/ocaml-user-survey-2022.pdf>

[plan on integrating opam capabilities directly into Dune]

[Melange] <https://github.com/melange-re/melange>

[ReScript] <https://github.com/rescript-lang/rescript-compiler>

[readily available on OCaml.org] <https://ocaml.org/packages>


  Here are the new versions of Platform tools we released in April. Have
  a look at the [OCaml Changelog] to read announcements and feature

  • [UTop 2.12.0]
  • [UTop 2.12.1]
  • [MDX 2.3]
  • [Dune 3.7.1]

[OCaml Changelog] <https://ocaml.org/changelog>

[UTop 2.12.0]

[UTop 2.12.1]

[MDX 2.3] <https://github.com/realworldocaml/mdx/releases/tag/2.3.0>

[Dune 3.7.1] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/releases/tag/3.7.1>

Building Packages

◊ *[Dune]* Exploring Package Management in Dune

  Contributors: @rgrinberg (Tarides), @Leonidas-from-XIV (Tarides),
  @gridbugs (Tarides), @kit-ty-kate (Tarides)

  Earlier this month, we [announced] that we’ve started exploring
  package management in Dune. You can read the Request for Comment (RFC)
  that details our work-in-progress plans for the feature [on GitHub].

  We’re currently focused on building prototypes for different parts of
  the Dune workflow: source fetching, building non-Dune opam packages,
  and generating a lock file.

  In April, we merged a first version of [Source Fetching]. We also
  started thinking about how Dune could build opam packages and [merged
  a PR] laying the foundation for the rules on building them in Dune.

  • Completed and merged a first version of [Source Fetching]
  • Upstreamed a patch in opam to [remove preprocessing of
    backwards-compatibility code]. This helped to reduce the number of
    dependencies to vendor in Dune when vendoring opam.
  • We merged [a PR] that lays the foundation and provides a skeleton
    for the features related to building opam packages.
  • Following work on [0install-solver], which we’ll use as a solver in
    Dune 4, we open a PR on `ocaml/opam-repository' to [remove
    constraints on package versions in conflicts] and a [patch on opam]
    for the same conflict.


  [on GitHub] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues/7680>

  [Source Fetching] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7179>

  [merged a PR] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7626>

  [remove preprocessing of backwards-compatibility code]

  [a PR] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7626>

  [0install-solver] <https://github.com/ocaml-opam/opam-0install-solver>

  [remove constraints on package versions in conflicts]

  [patch on opam] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5535>

◊ *[opam]* Native Support for Windows in opam 2.2

  Contributors: @rjbou (OCamlPro), @kit-ty-kate (Tarides), @dra27
  (Tarides), @emillon (Tarides), @Leonidas-from-XIV (Tarides)

  Bringing Tier-1 support for Windows has been a dream for some time and
  April has seen us get closer than ever before to the first alpha of
  opam 2.2, which we expect in May. This early alpha is a big step
  towards the release of opam 2.2 with native Windows support, and is
  the result of a humongous amount of effort bringing together the work
  of many people done over the years.

  • Configure: Ensure a complementary (32bit on 64bit platforms and
    64bit on 32bit platforms) C compiler is installed on Windows
  • Do not silently disable MCCS if a C++ compiler is not present
  • Move the `.ocamlinit' script out of the root directory
  • MCCS on Windows does not respect avoid-version [ocaml/opam#5523]
  • Setup benchmarking using current-bench [ocaml/opam#5525]
  • Update to latest `msvs-detect' [ocaml/opam#5514]
  • Fix the compilation of `camlheader' when BINDIR contains escaping
    characters [ocaml/opam#12214]
  • doc: ? evaluates to true if defined [ocaml/opam#5512]
  • Stop the configure script from downloading and vendoring
    dependencies [ocaml/opam#5511]
  • Remove preprocessing of backwards-compatibility code
  • Fix linting on `opam-crowbar.opam' [ocaml/opam#5507]
  • depexts: reword message [ocaml/opam#5499]
  • Replace usage of CPPO [ocaml/opam#5498]
  • Check for the presence of swhid_core in the configure script
  • Add package stanza on all rules that depend on `opamMain.exe.exe'

  [ocaml/opam#5522] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5522>

  [ocaml/opam#5527] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5527>

  [ocaml/opam#5526] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5526>

  [ocaml/opam#5523] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues/5523>

  [ocaml/opam#5525] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5525>

  [ocaml/opam#5514] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5514>

  [ocaml/opam#12214] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/12214>

  [ocaml/opam#5512] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5512>

  [ocaml/opam#5511] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5511>

  [ocaml/opam#5508] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5508>

  [ocaml/opam#5507] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5507>

  [ocaml/opam#5499] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5499>

  [ocaml/opam#5498] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5498>

  [ocaml/opam#5497] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5497>

  [ocaml/opam#5496] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5496>

◊ *[Dune]* Improving Dune’s Documentation

  Contributors: @emillon (Tarides)

  In March, we started restructuring the Dune documentation according to
  the [Diataxis framework]. We opened [a draft PR] to demonstrate the
  overall target structure. The new structure will improve the usability
  of the documentation, allowing users to find the information that they
  are looking for, as well as enable us to better identify gaps that
  need to be addressed.

  In April we’ve continued this work, filling in some of those gaps as
  well as rewriting documents to better fit in the intended quadrant of
  the framework.

  • Turn “Automatic Formatting” into a how-to [ocaml/dune#7479]
  • Move lexical conventions to reference [ocaml/dune#7499]
  • Turn `opam.rst' into 3 guides [ocaml/dune#7515]
  • Add some info about writing docs [ocaml/dune#7537]
  • Merge `classical-ppx' into `preprocessing-spec' [ocaml/dune#7538]
  • Merge reference info about findlib [ocaml/dune#7567]
  • Add a lexer for opam files [ocaml/dune#7574]

  [Diataxis framework] <https://diataxis.fr/>

  [a draft PR] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7325>

  [ocaml/dune#7479] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7479>

  [ocaml/dune#7499] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7499>

  [ocaml/dune#7515] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7515>

  [ocaml/dune#7537] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7537>

  [ocaml/dune#7538] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7538>

  [ocaml/dune#7567] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7567>

  [ocaml/dune#7574] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7574>

◊ *[Dune]* Composing installed Coq theories

  Contributors: @Alizter and @ejgallego (IRIF)

  We’ve merged the PR that brings [support for composing Coq theories
  with Dune]!

  This was a huge effort lead by Ali Caglayan and Emilio Jesús Gallego
  Arias that started earlier this year. Starting in Dune 3.8, Coq users
  will be able to use Dune even if they depend on Coq projects that use
  other build systems (such as make).

  • Merged the PR that adds [support for composition with installed
    theories to the Coq rules]

  [support for composing Coq theories with Dune]

  [support for composition with installed theories to the Coq rules]

◊ *[Dune]* Dune Terminal User Interface

  Contributors: @Alizter, @rgrinberg (Tarides)

  We’re working on a new Terminal User Interface (TUI) mode for Dune.
  Our goal is to give Dune users an interactive GUI-like experience
  right from the terminal, making it easier to interact with build
  targets, observe processes, and more. The work is still very much in
  progress, but expect gradual improvements of `dune build --display
  tui' in the coming months.


  • Introduced the [new `tui' mode] for Dune.
  • Enabled Dune to [redisplay 24-bit color output].

  [new `tui' mode] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/6996>

  [redisplay 24-bit color output]

◊ *[Dune]* Running Actions Concurrently

  Contributors: @Alizter and @hhugo (Nomadic Labs)

  In January, we began working on allowing Dune to execute actions and
  run inline tests concurrently. This month, we merged the two PRs and
  the feature will be available in the upcoming Dune 3.8. We’re
  especially excited about the ability to run inline tests concurrently
  to speed up test cycles!

  • We’ve merged the PR that [implements a new concurrent action] in
    Dune, which allows you to execute actions concurrently.
  • We also merged the PR that built on this feature to [enabled Dune to
    run inline tests concurrently].
  • We’ve [patched `ppx_inline_test'] to leverage the new feature.

  [implements a new concurrent action]

  [enabled Dune to run inline tests concurrently]

  [patched `ppx_inline_test']

◊ *[Dune]* Benchmarking Dune on Large Code Bases

  Contributors: @gridbugs (Tarides), @Leonidas-from-XIV (Tarides)

  In March we added [continous benchmarking] of Dune builds on a 48 core
  baremetal system. This is the result of a lot of work that included
  [building a big monorepo for opam packages] allowing users to run Dune
  benchmarks on large code bases.

  In April we added support for benchmarking builds in watch mode as
  well. This allows us to monitor for regressions as we move forward
  with major initiatives, such as package management.

  • Add [watch-mode benchmarks] of dune monorepo using Dune’s streaming
    RPC interface

  [continous benchmarking]

  [building a big monorepo for opam packages]

  [watch-mode benchmarks] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7552>

Compiling to JavaScript

◊ *[Dune]* Compile to JavaScript with Melange in Dune

  Contributors: @anmonteiro, @jchavarri (Ahrefs), @rgrinberg (Tarides)

  You may have read that [Ahrefs migrated its codebase from ReScript to
  Melange], a new OCaml-to-JavaScript compiler based on ReScript.

  The goal of Melange is to offer an alternative to ReScript that pairs
  well with the OCaml ecosystem. To that end, Antonio Nuno Monteiro and
  Javier Chávarri have been working on integrating Melange and Dune,
  allowing it to easily compile OCaml projects to JavaScript with

  The feature will be available in the upcoming Dune 3.8. You can
  already [read the documentation] in Dune’s manual to get a glimpse of
  how the feature will work. You can also have a look at the [opam
  Melange template] built by the Melange team.

  • Write a [manual page] in Dune to compile to JavaScript using
  • Make Melange [work on 4.13-5.1] rather than just 4.14
  • In addition to what we did in April, here are some noteworthy PRs
    that were worked on in previous months:
    • Added a [new field `melange.runtime_deps'] to libraries, so that
      Melange library authors can tell Dune which frontend assets (like
      CSS or image files, fonts etc) have to be installed with their
    • [Speed up rule generation] for librariess and executables. This
      was useful for Melange, but benefits every Dune project.
    • [Make reactjs-jsx-ppx a standalone ppx]
    • [Implemented a `module_system' field] for the melange stanza (e.g.
      `(module_systems (es6 mjs) (commonjs js) (commonjs cjs))' which
      allows to output multiple module systems / js extensions at the
      same time to the melange output folder

  [Ahrefs migrated its codebase from ReScript to Melange]

  [read the documentation]

  [opam Melange template]

  [manual page] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7477>

  [work on 4.13-5.1] <https://github.com/melange-re/melange/pull/548>

  [new field `melange.runtime_deps']

  [Speed up rule generation] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7187/>

  [Make reactjs-jsx-ppx a standalone ppx]

  [Implemented a `module_system' field]

Generating Documentation

◊ *[Odoc]* Add Search Capabilities to `odoc'

  Contributors: @panglesd (Tarides), @EmileTrotignon (Tarides)

  We’re working on generating a search index and adding a search bar to
  `odoc'-generated documentation. We’re still exploring the different
  approaches and we are working with the OCaml.org team to implement a
  search bar on the OCaml packages documentation.


  • We started [prototyping] the search index and search bar and we’re
    discussing the design of it. In particular, we’ve used the compiler
    Shapes in the prototype and we’ll explore using odoc’s path resolver
    instead as a next step.

  [prototyping] <https://github.com/panglesd/odoc/tree/search-bar>

◊ *[Dune]* User-Friendly Command to Generate Documentation

  Contributor: @EmileTrotignon (Tarides), @jonludlam (Tarides)

  We’re working towards making generating documentation in Dune more
  accessible, especially for newcomers. Currently, the `dune build @doc'
  command generates documentation in the `_build' directory, and users
  simply have to know that they need to `open
  _build/default/_doc/_html/index.html'. To work around this, we’re
  working on a new `dune ocaml doc' command to generate documentation
  and open it in the browser directly.

  • We opened a PR that [implements the `dune ocaml doc'] command in
    March. This month, we tested the feature on macOS. We are now
    working towards completing the Windows tests.

  [implements the `dune ocaml doc']

◊ *[Odoc]* Support for Tables in `odoc'

  Contributors: @gpetiot (Tarides), @panglesd (Tarides), @Julow
  (Tarides), @jonludlam (Tarides)

  Currently, the only way to create tables with odoc is to inline HTML
  code in the documentation. Tis is not ideal as the HTML table syntax
  is not well-suited as documentation markup and the tables can only be
  rendered by the HTML renderer (so tables are not available in LaTex
  and manpages). We’re working towards a new special syntax in odoc for
  creating tables that is easier to use and can be rendered by all

  The syntax support has been [merged in odoc-parser]. It provides a
  heavy-syntax, and a ligh-syntax inspired by Markdown:
  │ {t
  │   a  | b | c | d
  │   ---|:--|--:|:-:
  │   a  | b | c | d
  │ }

  The [support for the feature in odoc] isn’t merged yet, but should be
  available in the next odoc version!

  • No new activity in March, but here are Pull Requests we have been
    working on until now:
    • Add a new syntax for tables in odoc-parser ([odoc-parser#11])
    • Fix light table parsing ([odoc-parser#14])
    • Add support for tables to odoc ([odoc#893])

  [merged in odoc-parser]

  [support for the feature in odoc]

  [odoc-parser#11] <https://github.com/ocaml-doc/odoc-parser/pull/11>

  [odoc-parser#14] <https://github.com/ocaml-doc/odoc-parser/pull/14>

  [odoc#893] <https://github.com/ocaml/odoc/pull/893>

Editing and Refactoring Code

◊ *[Merlin]* Support for Project-Wide References in Merlin

  Contributors: @voodoos (Tarides)

  Our work on Merlin focuses on the [long-standing] project to add
  project-wide occurrences support to Merlin. In April, we continued to
  work on the [compiler patches] that allow to generate the index from
  the compiler, and we updated the Merlin patches to work with the
  compiler patches, simplifying the Merlin logic that can now rely on
  the compiler.

  The feature requires patches for the OCaml compiler, Dune, and Merlin
  that are still unreleased, but if you’re courageous, you can give it a
  try by following the documentation on

  • We backported the compiler-side-indexation to 4.14. We performed
    benchmarks to evaluate the impact on build time and the size of the
    installed ~cmt~s. We posted the results on the PR, for both the
    [build time] and [cmts size].
  • We also reworked the iterator performing indexation and added most
    of the missing cases to the indexer. However, some elements remain
    unindexed due to constraints with the `Typedtree'.
  • We updated the “indexing” external tool following partial indexation
    implementation in the compiler.
  • We also ported new compiler changes to Merlin on the OCaml 5.1
    preview, which will allow us to work on project-wide occurrences
  • Finally, we started refactoring and simplifying the Merlin patches
    to query the index now that more work is done by the compiler.


  [compiler patches] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/12142>


  [build time]

  [cmts size]

◊ *[Merlin]* Improving Merlin’s Performance

  Contributed by: @pitag-ha (Tarides)

  Following reports that Merlin performance scaled poorly in large code
  bases, we had been working on [Merl-an], a tool to measure the
  performance of different Merlin requests.

  In March, we were able to use it to identify the major performance
  bottlenecks, the biggest one being the PPX phase. We implemented a
  [caching strategy for PPX] and continued to work on it throughout

  • We worked on fixing the PPX cache and explored mechanisms to toggle
    the PPX phase cache. We ended up implementing a [flag-based
  • We [added six tests] that cover default behavior, cache hits, cache
    invalidation of three kinds, and behavior in case of PPX

  [Merl-an] <https://github.com/pitag-ha/merl-an>

  [caching strategy for PPX] <https://github.com/ocaml/merlin/pull/1584>

  [flag-based approach]

  [added six tests]

◊ *[OCaml LSP]* Using Dune RPC on Windows

  Contributors: @nojb (LexiFi)

  In February, we released Dune 3.7.0 with [support for watch mode on
  Windows]. Building on this work, this month we fixed a couple of
  issues in Dune and OCaml LSP to allow OCaml LSP to use Dune RPC. This
  allows VSCode users to leverage Dune RPC and get build statuses and
  more exhaustive build errors in the editor when Dune is running in
  watch mode. The fixes are not released yet, but they will be available
  on the upcoming releases of Dune and OCaml LSP.

  • We [made a patch] in Dune to use the RPC protocol on Windows.
  • We [fixed a bug] in OCaml-LSP to enable the communication with Dune
    RPC on Windows.

  [support for watch mode on Windows]

  [made a patch] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7666>

  [fixed a bug] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/1079>

◊ *[OCaml LSP]* Upstreaming OCaml LSP’s Fork of Merlin

  Contributors: @voodoos (Tarides), @3Rafal (Tarides)

  We’re at the finish line of our efforts to close the gap between
  Merlin and OCaml LSP by upstreaming OCaml LSP’s fork of Merlin! This
  month, we continued on the Merlin PR that [adds a hook to OCaml LSP
  letting it run system commands]. We also opened [a PR on `ocaml-lsp']
  to use the above patch and remove Merlin’s fork entirely. We’re
  expecting to release a version of OCaml LSP that uses Merlin as a
  library very soon.

  • We discussed and reviewed changes that let you configure the process
    spawn for PPXs when using Merlin as a library. This led us to
    implement ideas concerning the exposed hook for PPX process
    spawning. Subsequently, we [documented the complexities] of
    splitting a PPX command between program and arguments.
  • We opened [a PR on `ocaml-lsp'] to remove Merlin’s fork and use
    Merlin as a library.

  [adds a hook to OCaml LSP letting it run system commands]

  [a PR on `ocaml-lsp'] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/1070>

  [documented the complexities]

Formatting Code

◊ *[OCamlFormat]* Migrate OCamlFormat from an AST to a CST

  Contributors: @gpetiot (Tarides), @EmileTrotignon (Tarides)

  Back in 2022, @trefis built [a prototype of a new OCaml formatter]
  that uses a Conrete Syntax Tree (CST) instead of an Abstract Syntax
  Tree (AST). This mode retains more information and results in more
  accurate formatting in a lot of cases, most especially when formatting
  comments which is a big pain point with OCamlFormat.

  Since then, we’ve worked on migrating OCamlFormat’s syntax tree to
  this CST. We chose not to migrate everything at once to minimize the
  impact on users as much as possible, making sure that we make
  formatting changes only when they are bug fixes or clear improvements.

  You can track our progress in [this PR], which shows a diff of the
  current syntax tree and the target CST.

  • We made progress on the work-in-progress PR to [preserve comments
    attached to labelled args], fixing more regressions.
  • We implemented a change to [keep literal char value during parsing].
  • We worked on [preserving the functor concrete syntax in the
  • We [normalized functions in the parser].

  [a prototype of a new OCaml formatter]

  [this PR] <https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat/pull/2213>

  [preserve comments attached to labelled args]

  [keep literal char value during parsing]

  [preserving the functor concrete syntax in the Parsetree]

  [normalized functions in the parser]

◊ *[OCamlFormat]* Closing the Gap Between OCamlFormat and `ocp-indent'

  Contributors: @gpetiot (Tarides), @EmileTrotignon (Tarides), @Julow

  The OCamlFormat team has been working with the Jane Street teams to
  migrate Jane Street’s code base from ocp-indent to OCamlFormat. As a
  result, we’ve made tons of changes to the `janestreet' profile in
  recent months. Perhaps most notably, this work has allowed us to
  identify issues that were not specific to the `janestreet' profile,
  and consequently we’ve been fixing bugs and implementing formatting
  improvements across the board.

  We’re nearing the end of this project, but April has seen a lot of bug
  fixes and improvements that we detail below.

  • We adjusted the indentation for several language features, including
    [extensions], [class-expr function bodies], and [module-expr
  • We fixed issues with [ocp-indent compatibility] and [Let vs LetIn
    detection after ’struct’].
  • We improved the [formatting of module arguments] and worked on
    [preserving comments attached to labelled args].
  • We fixed issues causing changes to the AST due to strings in [code
    blocks] and [comments].
  • We improved the [formatting of cinaps comments with strings] and
    worked on parsing and [normalizing cinaps comments].
  • We made adjustments to the handling of certain language constructs,
    such as [protecting match after `fun _ : _ ->'] and [consistently
    wrapping (::)].
  • We extended our test suite with [numstat and a single run of

  [extensions] <https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat/pull/2330>

  [class-expr function bodies]

  [module-expr extensions]

  [ocp-indent compatibility]

  [Let vs LetIn detection after ’struct’]

  [formatting of module arguments]

  [preserving comments attached to labelled args]

  [code blocks] <https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat/pull/2338>

  [comments] <https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat/pull/2344>

  [formatting of cinaps comments with strings]

  [normalizing cinaps comments]

  [protecting match after `fun _ : _ ->']

  [consistently wrapping (::)]

  [numstat and a single run of ocp-indent]

Eio Developer Meetings

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/eio-developer-meetings/12207/1>

Sudha Parimala announced

  Hi all! We’ve started having [Eio] developer meetings online, once
  every two weeks. The meeting is open to everyone. Those interested to
  follow Eio’s developments are welcome to join.


  The meetings are for planning the development of Eio. The current
  status and plans for Eio 1.0 are being tracked at [Eio#388].

  We’re also eager to hear feedback on Eio from users, and their
  experience of migrating applications to Eio. This will greatly help us
  to make the experience more pleasant and close gaps, if any. If you’re
  looking to get started, the [README] is a good place to start.


  The meeting takes place on alternate Mondays, at 10:00 UK.

  • Next meeting: June 5, Monday
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM BST (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM UTC)
  • Link to meeting: [meet.google.com/byo-dfiz-dou]
  • Meeting notes:
  • Use this calendar link to add it to your calendar - [Eio Developer

[Eio] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio>

[Eio#388] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio/issues/388>

[README] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio#readme>

[meet.google.com/byo-dfiz-dou] <http://meet.google.com/byo-dfiz-dou>

[Eio Developer Meetings]

New major release of Parany (v14.0.0)


UnixJunkie announced

  │ # opam search parany
  │ [...]
  │ parany 14.0.0      Parallelize any computation

  I switched back the runtime to fork+marshal. As was the case before
  version 13.0.0. Versions 13.* (up to 14.0.0 excluded) use
  ocaml5-threads to parallelize computations.


  There is a branch
  <https://github.com/UnixJunkie/parany/tree/ocaml5_threads> if anybody
  wants to maintain this backend.

  The Parany.Parmap module has new functions for arrays:


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  [Alan Schmitt]

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[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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