[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jul 18 10:18:44 PDT 2023


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of July 11 to 18,

Table of Contents

Combinaml.0.1 released - a customizable parser combinator library
Help us Make the New Learn Area on OCaml.org Awesome
T-Digest library
The future of OCaml, 2023 edition?
OCaml-RDF 0.15.0
OCaml.org Newsletter: June 2023
Day of the Camel 2023: OCaml in Academia and Industry (online, 20 July 2023)
Ppxlib dev meetings
Explorations on Package Management in Dune
Moonpool 0.3
binsec 0.8.0
Help Review the new “File Manipulation” tutorial on OCaml.org
Mutaml 0.1
OCaml Platform Newsletter: June 2023

Combinaml.0.1 released - a customizable parser combinator library


traviss announced

  This is my first public ocaml package. Please let me know if you have
  any feedback or advice on how I can improve it.


  Its meant to be similar to angstrom except more easily customizable
  and with a few api differences here and there which i found useful.

  I was using angstrom to parse peg grammars and ran into issues i could
  only solve by adding a tokenization step. This seemed messy so I
  decided to write this library and found a solution which uses an
  `until` parser like this:

  │ let definition =
  │   lift2 pair (ident_str <* leftarrow)
  │     (until (ident_str <* leftarrow) expression)
  │ let grammar =
  │   spacing *> many1 definition <* is_end_of_input >>| fun defs -> Grammar defs

  It was just merged into ocaml/opam-repository a couple of hours ago
  and doesn’t seem to show up in opam search yet. I’m sure its a caching
  issue and will be there soon.

traviss later added

  Its up on opam now: <https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/combinaml/>

Help us Make the New Learn Area on OCaml.org Awesome


Sabine Schmaltz announced

  We’ve been working on an overall outline for “an ideal state” of the
  Learn area. I took the current Work-in-progress, and updated the Miro
  board at
  For many of the topics, we now propose tentative titles of documents
  relating to them. Some topics are still in need of titles.

  Here’s an image of the state at the time I’m making this post:


  Note: I have to re-read the previous answers on this thread to make
  sure this captures the additional topics that have been brought up.

  Now… what would be very interesting to me:
  1. Among these proposed documents, which ones are the most important
     to you?
  2. Which ones do you see as least important?
  3. Is there something you feel is missing? What would be the title of
     the missing document and where does it belong?

Later on, SayoBams asked and Claude Jager-Rubinson replied

        Hi everyone, I’m working on implementing the changes for
        the new Learn Area and I’m currently looking at the books
        area. It made me wonder… do you know of any excellent new
        books that are not yet on <https://ocaml.org/books>?

  Wang and Zhao (the team behind Owl) have an advanced book:

  <https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/oreilly-book/html/index.html> is a bit
  dated but excellent.

  /The Little MLer/ is a fantastic introduction to functional
  programming and, in particular, thinking recursively. It’s in SML but
  includes a page on translating the examples to OCaml.

  I also can’t recommend highly enough /The Functional Approach to
  Programming/ by Cousineau and Mauny, which uses Caml (no object system
  yet!). But it clarified many concepts that I hadn’t previously
  grokked. One of the huge advantages of OCaml is its stability and I
  *think* all of the examples still worked.

  Maybe not so relevant for an OCaml books page but I also read the
  classic ML books when I was learning OCaml and they were a HUGE help:
  Paulson’s /ML for the Working Programmer/ is phenomenal and I also
  recall /Elements of ML Programming/ and /Introduction to Programming
  using SML/ being helpful. SML and OCaml are close enough that both
  concepts and syntax readily transfer from the former to the latter.

T-Digest library

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-t-digest-library/12599/1>

Simon Grondin announced

  [Github link] This is just a minor release of a pandemic project that
  I never announced on discuss.ocaml.org. This library is “Complete”.
  There are no known bugs and no known missing features.

  The T-Digest has become fairly well known in the last few years, but
  in short:
  • it’s a lossy data structure that allows the user to (very)
    accurately approximate percentiles and p_ranks without having to
    keep the _entire sorted_ dataset in _one place_.
  • the user can combine multiple T-Digests just by concatenating them,
    and this can be done _in the database itself!_
  • both querying and insertion are blazing fast

  [facebook/infer] has been using it for a few years, and I know it’s
  also used in a few closed-source projects elsewhere.

  All comments and feedback is welcome! I hope this library proves
  useful to the OCaml ecosystem as a whole.

[Github link] <https://github.com/SGrondin/tdigest>

[facebook/infer] <https://github.com/facebook/infer>

The future of OCaml, 2023 edition?


Masanori Ogino announced

  The [Future of OCaml] page on OCamlverse needs some love, considering
  that an [issue on GitHub] from 2021 is still relevant. Although I have
  just posted what I am aware of on the GitHub issue, some of you should
  know even more. The page is the top result when you search “Future of
  OCaml” on Google, so leaving the page outdated will affect the
  impression of the language negatively. Shall we improve it?

[Future of OCaml] <https://ocamlverse.net/content/future_ocaml.html>

[issue on GitHub]

OCaml-RDF 0.15.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-ocaml-rdf-0-15-0/12602/1>

Zoggy announced

  A new release of [OCaml-RDF] is available:

  This release includes new modules:
  • Rdf.Activitystreams defining the activitystreams/activitypub
  • Rdf.Nq to read and writes [N-quads] format.

  A new package, `rdf_json_ld' implements part of the [JSON-LD API]:
  context processing, expansion, deserialization to RDF and
  serialization to Json-ld. Note that serialization produces a flat
  Json-ld rather than implementing [the algorithm from the
  recommandation]. It’s worth noting that the specification seems to
  have been written by javascript developers with little notion of
  typing. Moreover, JSON-LD format is far more complicated (and
  undoubtedly more energy-consuming) than simpler formats such as XML,
  Turtle or N-quads. I therefore advise against its use (but several
  activitypub servers seem to communicate only with this format…).

  Packages rdf, rdf_ppx, rdf_json_ld, rdf_mysql, rdf_postgresql, and
  rdf_lwt are avalable in opam.

[OCaml-RDF] <https://www.good-eris.net/ocaml-rdf/>

[N-quads] <https://www.w3.org/TR/n-quads/>

[JSON-LD API] <https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11-api/>

[the algorithm from the recommandation]

OCaml.org Newsletter: June 2023


Thibaut Mattio announced

  Welcome to the June 2023 edition of the OCaml.org newsletter! As with
  the [previous update], this has been compiled by @sabine and @tmattio.

  The OCaml.org newsletter provides an overview of changes on the
  OCaml.org website and gives you a glimpse into what has been going on
  behind the scenes. You can find a [list of previous issues here].

  Our goal is to make OCaml.org the best resource for anyone who wants
  to get started and be productive in OCaml. We couldn’t do it without
  all the amazing OCaml community members who help us review, revise,
  and create better OCaml documentation. Your feedback enables us to
  better prioritise our work and make progress towards our goal. Thank

  We present the work we’ve been doing this month in three sections:
  • *Learn Area:* We’re working towards making OCaml.org a great
     resource to learn OCaml and discover its ecosystem. This month, we
     continued working on the wireframes and designs of the new Learn
     area. We also focused on writing the new documentation with a
     couple of tutorials on Dune and S-Expressions.
  • *Governance Page:* The OCaml Platform team is working towards making
     the decision-making processes and ongoing development more
     transparent and community-driven (including the work on the [OCaml
     Platform roadmap]). To support the initiative, we’re working on a
     governance page that lists the teams and maintainers of the OCaml
  • *General Improvements:* As usual, we also worked on general
     maintenance and improvements and we’ve highlighted some of them in
     this newsletter.

[previous update]

[list of previous issues here]

[OCaml Platform roadmap]

Learn Area

◊ 1. Redesign of the Learn Area

  Last month, we started working on the wireframes and the designs for
  the new Learn area, based on user feedback.

  This month, we made amendments to the wireframes and designs for the
  landing page in the learning area and subsequently created the
  wireframes for other necessary pages, namely “Get Started,”
  “Language,” “Tutorials,” “Exercises,” “Books,” and “Search Results.”
  We also held a interactive session with the OCaml.org team to review
  and rework the wireframes.

  At the end of the month, we also [shared the updated designs] to get
  feedback from the community.

  The work-in-progress designs are accessible on [Figma].

  Next month, we’ll continue to improve the designs based on the
  feedback we received, and we’ll start sending Pull Requests to
  implement the UI.

  [shared the updated designs]


◊ 2. OCaml Documentation

  In addition to a complete redesign of the Learn area, our work
  involves a full revision of the documentation content, as well as the
  creation of new documentation.

  Last month, we completed the [Sequences] and [Error Handling]

  This month, we held a workshop on writing new documentation with the
  OCaml.org team in order to kickstart the creation of many more
  documentation pages. The collaboration to write outlines for the new
  tutorials proved to be helpful, so we plan to hold regular workshops.
  We’re also planning to open these workshops to the community. Stay

  We created an entirely new tutorial on “File Manipulation” that is
  going to enter the community review phase soon. In addition, we worked
  on a new “Dune” tutorial and a new “S-Expressions” tutorial, and we
  created outlines for “Basic Datatypes” and “Values & Functions”

  [Sequences] <https://ocaml.org/docs/sequences>

  [Error Handling] <https://ocaml.org/docs/error-handling>

◊ 3. “Is OCaml X Yet?” Pages

  As part of the our work on the new Learn area, we started exploring
  the [addition of “Is OCaml X yet?” pages], inspired by Rust’s
  excellent [“Are we web yet?” page].

  As stated in the Pull Request, the goal of these pages is three-fold:

  • For newcomers, it offers an overview of the usability of OCaml for
    certain applications.
  • For OCaml users, it can help the discovery of libraries and
    frameworks to perform certain tasks.
  • For community members, it can serve as a roadmap to focus our
    efforts on addressing specific pain points to make OCaml competitive
    with other languages for specific use cases.

  We’ve engaged the community and authors of packages related to web
  development, and we received excellent feedback on the Pull Request.

  Next, we plan to focus the work on a single “Is OCaml Web Yet?” page
  and tackle other pages separately. We’ll continue to explore the
  ecosystem and merge an initial version of the page that we’ll aim to
  continuously improve to reflect the state of web development in OCaml.

  [addition of “Is OCaml X yet?” pages]

  [“Are we web yet?” page] <https://www.arewewebyet.org/>

◊ 4. Preparing the Move of the opam Documentation to OCaml.org

  We worked on a patch that moves the opam documentation under the
  “Platform Tools” page in the Learn area.

  The intent behind this is to retire the public-facing website at
  opam.ocaml.org, now that we have a centralised directory for package
  documentation on ocaml.org.

  The long-term plan for the opam manual is to generate it via the
  package documentation pipeline. However, to realise this, the opam
  manual needs to be ported to `odoc'. As seen in in the OCaml Platform
  newsletter, the `odoc' team is currently working on improving `odoc'’s
  capabilities to create rich and easily navigable manuals.

Towards a More Transparent Governance For OCaml

  In May, we merged [a PR] that extends the OCaml.org governance policy
  to include the governance of the OCaml Platform, including its
  lifecycle and the requirements for each stage.

  This month, we worked on a [new governance page] that lists the teams
  and maintainers of the ecosystem.

  The main challenge is to list the maintainers of each project
  accurately, going forward. To that end, we’re discussing [using GitHub
  teams] to get an up-to-date list of maintainers for each project.

[a PR] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1175>

[new governance page] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1239>

[using GitHub teams] <https://github.com/ocaml/infrastructure/issues/55>

General Improvements

  A lot of work went on general maintenance and improvements this month!

  Have a look a the list of relevant PRs and activities below for our

  *Relevant PRs and Activities:*

  • We designed a banner for the OCaml home page and announced the ACM
    SIGPLAN award that OCaml received. – [#1327]
  • We began investigating how to load packages into the OCaml
  • We now recognise and display a Long-Term-Support version of OCaml
    (currently 4.14.1) on the main landing page, and the releases
    section has been moved from the Learn area to the main landing page.
    – [#1277] & [#1313]
  • We added 55 RSS feeds from v2.ocaml.org to the blog aggregator on
    ocaml.org and discovered some faulty URLs in two of them. – [#1329]
  • We made a bit of progress towards a dark mode for ocaml.org by
    tidying up the Tailwind configuration, giving colors more semantic
    names, and factoring out repeated HTML into components. – [#1350]
  • We began working on enabling filtering by tags for blogs on
    ocaml.org. We sought [community input on preferred filters/tags].
  • We worked on refining the documentation pipeline, specifically the
    tool [`voodoo'], by removing dead legacy code and optimising the
    process for detecting README, LICENSE, and CHANGELOG files, with the
    aim of reducing the number of HTTP requests that ocaml.org makes to
  • A new broken link checker tool [tarides/olinkcheck] has been
    created. Efforts to integrate the tool with the package
    documentation pipeline are in progress, and a workflow that runs
    `tarides/olinkcheck' has been added to the GitHub repository. The
    tool extracts Hyperlinks from documents of the supported formats
    plaintext, S-expressions, YAML, and HTML, and it checks whether the
    given URL responds with a HTTP status 200. – [#1345]

[#1327] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1327>

[#1277] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1277>

[#1313] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1313>

[#1329] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1329>

[#1350] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1350>

[community input on preferred filters/tags]

[`voodoo'] <https://github.com/ocaml-doc/voodoo>

[tarides/olinkcheck] <https://github.com/tarides/olinkcheck>

[#1345] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/pull/1345>

Thibaut Mattio then added

  This is an excellent opportunity to thank Ahrefs for their support as
  they provide a free account for OCaml.org!

  The team has been using it numerous times to improve the site’s
  quality, including broken links, error pages, bad HTML formatting,
  etc. It’s been invaluable to identify how we can improve the site and
  if you’ve noticed improvements in the search engine ranking of the
  site (for instance <https://ocaml.org/p/base/v0.15.0> now ranks higher
  than <https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/base/> for me, it wasn’t the
  case a few months ago), it’s in large part thanks to Ahrefs who gave
  us the tools to improve SEO.

  The goal of the broken link checker is to have something that can be
  integrated more easily into ocaml.org’s CI. It allows us to have the
  workflow on display in the last PR:

Day of the Camel 2023: OCaml in Academia and Industry (online, 20 July 2023)


Roberto Blanco announced

  We (I and my co-conspirator Ricardo Rodríguez) are organizing a new
  edition of our erstwhile one-day hybrid workshop dedicated to the
  OCaml programming language and its industrial users. We will have
  talks and discussions with members of the OCaml development team, as
  well as companies using the language to solve complex and interesting

  Once again, the objective is to present a broad picture of the OCaml
  ecosystem and, more widely, of functional programming (and related
  techniques) as a viable and powerful choice for building correct and
  reliable computer systems. This is done as part of the second edition
  of an OCaml summer school, hosted this year again by the University of
  Zaragoza, and (again) generously sponsored by the OCaml Software

  Participation is free and open to everyone. We will stream the
  workshop on Zoom
  passcode: 247844) and [Twitch]. Here’s the preliminary schedule,
  additional information and updates can be found on [our website].

  20 July 2023, all times CEST (UTC+2)

  Morning – Language session

  • 09:00-09:30: Carmen Lazo and José Merseguer ([University of
    Zaragoza]) – Welcome reception
  • 09:30-10:30: Florian Angeletti ([Inria]) – The [OCaml] project and
  • 10:30-11:00: Coffee break
  • 11:00-12:00: OCaml developers – Round table and Q&A

  Afternoon – Industry session

  • 14:30-14:55: Vincent Balat ([Tarides] / [Be Sport]) – Building
    functional systems / Social network for sports
  • 14:55-15:20: Javier Chávarri ([Ahrefs]) – Petabyte-scale web crawler
  • 15:20-15:45: Raphaël Proust ([Nomadic Labs]) – Tezos blockchain
  • 15:45-16:10: Chris Casinghino ([Jane Street]) – Large-scale
    quantitative trading
  • 16:10-16:30: Coffee break
  • 16:30-17:30: Industrial users – Round table and Q&A

  We look forward to seeing you there. Feel free to join, participate
  and distribute!

[Twitch] <https://www.twitch.tv/ricardojrdez>

[our website] <https://webdiis.unizar.es/evpf/event.html>

[University of Zaragoza] <https://unizar.es/>

[Inria] <https://www.inria.fr/>

[OCaml] <https://ocaml.org/>

[Tarides] <https://tarides.com/>

[Be Sport] <https://www.besport.com/>

[Ahrefs] <https://ahrefs.com/>

[Nomadic Labs] <https://www.nomadic-labs.com/>

[Jane Street] <https://www.janestreet.com/>


  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-fuzzy-compare/12625/1>

Simon Grondin announced

  A few days ago I posted about the [T-Digest library]. Today I’m back
  with another small algorithmic library:

  -> [Github link]

  You’re probably familiar with the [Levenshtein distance]: the number
  of single character edits (additions, deletions, replacements) between
  2 strings.

  Calculating the Levenshtein distance is famously more expensive than a
  simple equality check.

  Instead of calculating the distance, this library instead returns
  *whether 2 values are within D distance of each other* (`bool'). There
  has been substantial development on the topic of [Levenshtein
  automata] in the last decade. See the “Fast String Correction with
  Levenshtein-Automata” paper by Klaus Schulz and Stoyan Mihov.

  Using the graph construction technique from the paper, plus a few
  ideas from [this article] and several additional optimizations of my
  own, this library can answer the question (“are these 2 values within
  D edits of each other”) in the 1-10µs range, scaling linearly with the
  length of the values.

  • a Functor is provided to enable comparisons across any arbitrary
  • string comparisons are provided (functorized) out of the box
  • /reuse the same automaton across all comparisons/ with the same
    `max_edits', regardless of the type of the values being compared
  • `max_edits' must be between `0' and `3' (inclusively) due to the
    astronomical scaling factor during graph building
  • most comparisons take under 5 µs, depending on the length of the

  It’s fast enough that it can be used instead of `String.equal' for
  some tasks and/or on large datasets.

  All comments and feedback are welcome! I hope this library proves
  useful to the OCaml ecosystem as a whole. I’ll be back in a few days
  with a special algorithmic library to complete this little trilogy.

[T-Digest library]

[Github link] <https://github.com/SGrondin/fuzzy_compare>

[Levenshtein distance]

[Levenshtein automata]

[this article] <https://fulmicoton.com/posts/levenshtein/>

Ppxlib dev meetings

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ppxlib-dev-meetings/12441/4>

Sonja Heinze announced

  Hello :wave: The `ppxlib` July dev meeting is tomorrow *Tue, July
  18th, at 6pm CET*. Here’s what’s on our agenda so far:

  • OMP:
    • Do we “stop maintaining it” or do we add OCaml 5.1 support?
  • Ppxlib - OCaml trunk compact:
    • Currently, there’s no compatibility due to an ocaml-compiler-libs
      build problem. Who’s affected?
  • Ppxlib’s general maintenance:
    • OCaml 5.1 support: The bug fix around generative functor
      applications is being worked on.
    • We’re not in a hurry to bump the AST this time.
    • A few pending reviews on Ppxlib. What’s the best strategy for
      reviews / reacting to non-urgent issues now that we’re in “minimal
      maintenance mode”?
    • Is there anything else that will come up before September?
  • OCaml workshop 2023:
    • Recap on why our talk proposal on Ppxlib has been rejected.
  • Outreachy internship on Ppxlib:
    • How is it going? :heart:

  We’re always happy to add things, if anyone is interested in anything

Explorations on Package Management in Dune


Continuing this thread, Thibaut Mattio said

  Thank you @gasche for your interest and input!

  Expanding on what @rgrinberg and @rjbou mentioned earlier, there are
  no intentions to phase out the `opam` client. As a matter of fact, the
  Dune team has currently forked opam and is patching the opam
  libraries, with the ultimate goal of merging them back upstream once
  the libraries exposing the necessary APIs for Dune package management
  appear to be stable. You can see some of this work in progress in pull
  requests like [#5568], [#5508], [#5498], [#5496], [#5452], and so on.

  As for the opam repository, you understood correctly that there is
  absolutely no plan to deprecate it, or even to make large changes to
  it in the context of Dune package management. The goal is for Dune
  package management to be 100% compatible with the opam repository.

  To expand on a slightly divergent path and talk about the role of the
  OCaml Platform: the Platform essentially mirrors the state of the
  world. For the opam client to become deprecated in the Platform, it
  would need to become the de-facto reality first. While it might be
  that the opam client (as for any other tool) enters a maintenance mode
  and eventually becomes deprecated, that seems unlikely for now, given
  the number of users who are relying on the opam client. That being
  said, if and when that happens, the Platform’s role will be to make
  sure that there is a smooth transition path for users, and that’s
  something that will require careful planning and discussions. All of
  which is entirely out of scope for the initial release of package
  management in Dune.

  On a different note, following a discussion with @dra27, opam switches
  are architected around findlib/ocamlfind. Dune package management
  presents an alternative solution to achieve the same result. As you
  point out, it’s not meant to be reusable between workflows: the opam
  packages Dune compiles for your project are intended for Dune’s
  internal use during its build, not for external use with the shell.
  This could be viewed as a parallel to how opam builds switches for
  `opam exec' (with `eval $(opam env)' serving as a convenient
  shortcut). So, you can think of Dune package management as performing
  a similar function but specifically for `dune exec'.

  Now, there is the question of how to make sure this doesn’t create
  confusion and hurt adoption. But that’s not something that’s specific
  to Dune and opam. In fact, if anything else, it makes the Platform
  more cohesive: odoc, ocamlformat, merlin, utop and mdx are all tools
  that work well independently, but with which you don’t need to
  interact if you use Dune. Dune has grown as the frontend of the
  Platfrom and the integration with opam is another step in this
  direction, not something very new if we look at what’s being done with
  the other tools. And this is the best of both worlds: as a power user,
  you’re free to use each tool independently and you’re not locked in,
  but as a newcomer or even as a power user who’s happy with the default
  experience, you can just use Dune.

[#5568] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5568>

[#5508] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5508>

[#5498] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5498>

[#5496] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5496>

[#5452] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5452>

gasche replied

  Reading the opam package management RFC gives me the impression that
  the situation with the `opam` client is in fact rather different from
  the situation with other tools, because Dune is in the process of
  reimplementing large parts of this logic internally, instead of
  delegating to opam, because you want a tighter integration into Dune
  internals than a pure-delegation model allows. As far as I know, dune
  is not reimplementing logic from merlin or odoc or ocamlformat.

  I tried to make uninformed guesses at which part of the opam client
  responsibilities Dune would reuse and replace in my post above. My
  best guess as to what part you would reuse in the long term (of the
  opam client responsibilities) is “parsing and programmatic
  understanding of opam files”. Are there other important ones that I

  Another consequence of this design is that the new features which are
  planned, and are indeed quite nice, will be specific to projects that
  use dune for package management. The plan is for Dune to provide, for
  example, good support for incremental rebuilding (when dependencies
  change), caching (of package artifacts across independent projects), a
  nice local-switch-first command-line UI with lockfile integration by
  default, but also editor support (building package dependencies from
  the IDE directly). None of those features are planned for people using
  the `opam' client – if I understand correctly. Some of those features
  (in particular incremental rebuilding) are clearly in the ballpark of
  a build system and reimplementing within Dune makes a lot of sense.
  But for some others, for example the latter three in my list, adding
  them to the opam client would also have been a possible approach, but
  you chose to work within Dune instead.

  This is also the root of my question on whether the long-term strategy
  is to keep two tools/codebases alive, or just one. For ocamlformat or
  odoc, it wouldn’t make sense to ask whether odoc will disappear once
  dune gets first-class documentation support. For the opam client and
  package management, it does.

Anil Madhavapeddy then said

        This is also the root of my question on whether the
        long-term strategy is to keep two tools/codebases alive,
        or just one.

  My [longer term view] has always been that we should focus on having
  well-specified _file formats_ that our tools use, and let many domain
  specific tools that operate over that file metadata bloom. The reason
  for this is that files that are checked into a project have a habit of
  sticking around for the long-term (or forever, if you consider
  historical releases), whereas tools naturally evolve and perish.

  The only thing necessary to publish something “into the OCaml
  community” (that is, something that shows up on a package search on
  the website) is a tarball with an `opam' file in it. This opam file
  specifies interdependencies and a build plan. We have, as of just now,
  28296 of these checked into the central opam repository. The [vast
  majority] of those packages can be downloaded, extracted, and an
  installation plan generated simply by looking at the local `opam' file
  in the tarball and the central collection of them that represent
  potential dependencies (the opam repository).

  Over the years, we’ve had many build tools spring up: OCamlMakefile,
  omake, ocamlbuild, oasis, b0, ninja, and jbuilder/dune. What makes
  dune so interesting from a long-term perspective is that the checked
  in `dune' file is also separately versioned, so that it should (with a
  sufficiently good specification) be possible to analyse the build
  logic of a repository just by examining it. With most of the other
  build systems, you needed to run an executable to get a build plan
  (notably with ocamlbuild, and even with oasis running over
  ocamlbuild), which tightly couples it to a particular tool. That’s why
  I’ve been so resistant to the idea of publishing opam packages which
  do not include a generated `opam' file (even if its autogenerated from
  dune), since you then lose the property of simply being able to
  examine a published artefact to determine how to build it.

  What other file formats do we have in common platform tools? We used
  to have `.merlin' files, but they’re autogenerated now from a dune
  build plan in most cases. There are `.ocamlformat' files, mostly in a
  k/v format. Generally speaking, we’ve been pretty good at promoting
  and exposing metadata in an opam or dune file and not having too much
  of a proliferation of other files.

[longer term view]

[vast majority] <https://check.ocamllabs.io>

What tools operate over opam files?

  Given that an `opam' file exists, what tools can actually run over

  • [`opam.exe'] - the main CLI client, and which exposes an excellent
    CLI interface to avoid having to parse them directly.
  • [`opam-0install-solver'] - implements a much-simplified version of
    the solver to do ’one-shot’ solutions that do not need to take
    existing packages into account.
  • /(upcoming)/ the dune integration, which will also use opam files
    (and repositories) to perform source fetching operations. Notably,
    this also allows dune to generate build plans for _non-dune
    packages_, which was not possible before.
  • And others, like lsp-server, can also use these checked in files to
    perform editor-driven operations.

[`opam.exe'] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam>


Do we actually need a CLI?

  One key architectural difference between build systems and package
  managers is how stateful they are: build systems usually maintain very
  little outside of their build tree, whereas package managers
  (especially opam) have a lot more.

  So why do we actually still need an active CLI? The
  [zero-configuration ocaml-ci] is a step towards showing that we don’t
  need anything beyond files that are checked into a source code repo!
  Consider the following operations, and mappings to how to do them by
  modifying files and having a background worker process watching for
  file changes:

  • `opam install': Edit the `opam' file to add a new dependency, and
    then the background watcher can transactionally install it into a
    local switch.
  • `opam pin': Edit the `opam' file to add a `pin-depends'.
  • `opam remove': Edit the `opam' file to remove a dependency.
  • `opam remote add': We don’t current offer an official way to check
    in which opam repositories a project depends on. Could use an
    `x-opam-repos' extension field and establish a standard.
  • `opam switch': Edit the `dune-workspace' file to register a new
    local switch for a project with a compiler version.

  Storing all project state in existing metadata files has huge workflow
  advantages: it means you can statelessly build a project without
  having to reconstruct local pins/switches for others, which in turns
  means that CIs like ocaml-ci “just work” when you push the code
  remotely! It also makes the act of releasing a package much easier,
  since you can just remove pins/overrides progressively with help from
  local editors and global CI tools. It also works really well in a
  monorepo workflow.

  The purpose of this little segway is to demonstrate why I think
  well-specified and versioned file formats are more important than
  tools, since you can then build the right tool to solve your
  particular workflow problem for a given context. And to go back to the
  @gasche’s original question, I don’t think we should be thinking about
  the dune and opam projects/codebases merging, but rather what elements
  of their respective codebases should be focussed on to allow more
  interoperability between tools for their respective file formats.

  Some possible considerations:
  • *solvers:* the full solver libraries are quite heavyweight (and
     subjectively, overly complex C++ based solvers), but opam-0install
     is a lovely alternative if single-shot solutions are all that is
     required. Can these be made more accessible and embeddable to other
     CLIs (initially dune, but also LSP and whatever else wants to solve
     for version constraints?)
  • *repositories:* how can we manipulate opam repositories in a more
     unified way? Right now they are just a collection of files, but we
     do need to figure out how to move older packages out of the way,
     but still retain the ability to install them on demand. This is a
     top priority for the opam-repository maintainers, and presumably
     will become a problem for other downstream users such as the
     coq-opam-repository maintainers as they hit scale issues as well.
  • *more formal specifications:* if we view tools as interpreters over
     DSLs (the opam and dune files), then why aren’t we formally
     specifying these better? After all, we have close to 30000 of them
     published now by thousands of us across 12 years! And we need to
     [interoperate with other distributions] and their package managers.
     Wouldn’t it be lovely to be able to install opam packages from
     within Debian, or even other multi-version package managers like

  For dune, you can conduct a similar thought experiment, but the most
  obvious interop point is to take dune files and embed any OCaml
  project within a larger build system like Bazel or Buck2, without
  having to write any manual bridging rules.

  I’m sketching out my thoughts on the opam repository management
  roadmap next, but I’d be delighted to hear more about others’ thoughts
  on what new tools you’d build over sufficiently well specified dune or
  opam file formats…

[zero-configuration ocaml-ci]

[interoperate with other distributions]

[Pub.dev] <https://pub.dev>

Moonpool 0.3

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-moonpool-0-3/12632/1>

Simon Cruanes announced

  :wave: deer OCaml aficionados,

  Moonpool [0.3] was just released on opam. [Moonpool] is a new
  concurrency library for OCaml >= 4.08, with support for OCaml 5 from
  the get-go. It started out with a thread pool (possibly distributed on
  multiple domains to be able to use multiple cores) along with a
  future/promise module.

  This release comes with a set of new features on top of pool+futures:
  • a small `'a Lock.t' abstraction to protect a resource with a lock in
  • a type of unbounded channels (which are fairly naive in
  • improvements to `Pool' such as `Pool.run_wait_block: (unit -> 'a) ->
    'a' that runs a whole computation on the pool, and waits for its
    result (or re-raises)
  • add `Fut.await' (only on OCaml 5)
  • add support for [domain-local-await] if installed
  • a `Fork_join' module for, well, [fork-join parallelism], including
    parallel for and parallel `List.map~/~Array.map'. These computations
    can be nested and “feel” like writing code in a direct style. This
    relies on effects and is only available on OCaml 5.

[0.3] <https://github.com/c-cube/moonpool/releases/tag/v0.3>

[Moonpool] <https://github.com/c-cube/moonpool/>


[fork-join parallelism]

Examples for fork-join

  The (too) classic parallel fibonacci function:

  │ open Moonpool
  │ let (let@) = (@@)
  │ let rec fib_direct x =
  │   if x <= 1 then
  │     1
  │   else
  │     fib_direct (x - 1) + fib_direct (x - 2)
  │ let rec fib x : int =
  │   (* some cutoff for sequential computation *)
  │   if x <= 18 then
  │     fib_direct x
  │   else (
  │     let n1, n2 =
  │       Fork_join.both
  │         (fun () -> fib (x - 1))
  │         (fun () -> fib (x - 2))
  │     in
  │     n1 + n2
  │   )
  │ let fib_40 : int =
  │   let@ pool = Pool.with_ ~min:8 () in
  │   Pool.run_wait_block pool (fun () -> fib 40)

  A parallel sum, from a test case:
  │ let () =
  │   let total_sum = Atomic.make 0 in
  │   Pool.run_wait_block pool (fun () ->
  │       Fork_join.for_ ~chunk_size:5 100 (fun low high ->
  │           (* iterate on the range sequentially. The range should have 5 items or less. *)
  │           let local_sum = ref 0 in
  │           for i = low to high do
  │             local_sum := !local_sum + i
  │           done;
  │           ignore (Atomic.fetch_and_add total_sum !local_sum : int)));
  │   assert (Atomic.get total_sum = 4950)

  Note that `Fork_join.for_' gives its functional argument a range to
  process, the size of which is controllable with the optional
  `chunk_size'. This allows for large values to be passed to `for_'
  without starting as many tasks, as demonstrated below:

  Computing digits of π:
  │ let my_pi : float =
  │   let@ pool = with_pool () in
  │   let num_steps = 100_000_000 in
  │   let num_tasks = Pool.size pool in
  │   let step = 1. /. float num_steps in
  │   let global_sum = Lock.create 0. in
  │   Pool.run_wait_block pool (fun () ->
  │       Fork_join.for_
  │         ~chunk_size:(3 + (num_steps / num_tasks))
  │         num_steps
  │         (fun low high ->
  │           let sum = ref 0. in
  │           for i = low to high do
  │             let x = (float i +. 0.5) *. step in
  │             sum := !sum +. (4. /. (1. +. (x *. x)))
  │           done;
  │           let sum = !sum in
  │           Lock.update global_sum (fun n -> n +. sum)));
  │   let pi = step *. Lock.get global_sum in
  │   pi

  Here the `Lock' is not a performance issue because there are only
  `num_tasks' (ie roughly your CPU’s number of cores) chunks processed
  in the `for_', so there’s only like 8 updates at the end, not
  `100_000_000' updates which would create a lot of contention.

binsec 0.8.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-binsec-0-8-0/12634/1>

Frédéric Recoules announced

  On behalf of the BINSEC team, I am glad to announce that version
  `0.8.0' now lives in `Opam.'

  As a short introduction, BINSEC is an open-source program analyzer
  developed at [CEA List] to help improve software security at the
  binary level. It has been [successfully applied] in a number of
  security-related contexts, such as vulnerability finding, (malware)
  deobfuscation, decompilation, formal verification of assembly code or
  even binary-level formal verification.

  More information can be found on the [website], including
  [publications], [tutorials] or [contacts], but also the description of
  [this release] as well as [previous ones].

[CEA List] <http://www-list.cea.fr/en/>

[successfully applied] <https://binsec.github.io/achievements.html>

[website] <https://binsec.github.io/>

[publications] <https://binsec.github.io/publications>

[tutorials] <https://github.com/binsec/binsec/tree/master/doc>

[contacts] <https://binsec.github.io/#people>

[this release]

[previous ones] <https://binsec.github.io/releases>

Help Review the new “File Manipulation” tutorial on OCaml.org


Sabine Schmaltz announced

  there’s a new version of the “File Manipulation” tutorial on


  For comparison: the old version of this tutorial is here


  Thanks for taking a look and giving feedback and suggestions for
  revising this! :)

Mutaml 0.1

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-mutaml-0-1/12639/1>

Jan Midtgaard announced

  I’m happy to announce the release of Mutaml 0.1, a mutation testing
  tool for OCaml: <https://github.com/jmid/mutaml>

  Mutaml attempts to make small random changes your code, e.g., turning
  `e+1' into `e' to see if the off-by-one change is caught by your test
  suite. By finding examples of uncaught wrong behaviour, it can thereby
  reveal limitations of a test suite and indirectly suggest


  Overall 0.1 is considered an initial working prototype.

  @raphael-proust previously blogged about how [he used it while
  developing Seqes].


  Mutaml was developed with support from the [OCaml Software
  Foundation]. While developing it, I also benefitted from studying the
  nice source code of @antron’s [bisect_ppx].

[he used it while developing Seqes]

[OCaml Software Foundation] <https://ocaml-sf.org/>

[bisect_ppx] <https://github.com/aantron/bisect_ppx>

OCaml Platform Newsletter: June 2023


Thibaut Mattio announced

  Welcome to the third instalment of the OCaml Platform newsletter!

  This edition brings the latest improvements made in June to enhance
  the OCaml developer experience with the [OCaml Platform]. As in the
  [previous updates], the newsletter features the development workflow
  currently being explored or enhanced.

  The month’s standout highlight is undoubtedly the [first alpha release
  of opam 2.2]! Years in the making (opam 2.1 was released almost two
  years ago), the significance of the hard work put in by the opam team
  can’t be overstated. Much appreciation goes out to the opam team (Raja
  Boujbel, David Allsopp, Kate Deplaix, Louis Gesbert, in a united
  OCamlPro/Tarides collaboration), and especially to Raja Boujbel for
  diligently pushing the work to completion in order to achieve this
  alpha. [The announcement] holds more details, and we encourage you to
  provide feedback on the [Discuss post].

  • Releases
  • Building Packages
    • Dune Exploring Package Management in Dune
    • opam Native Support for Windows in opam 2.2
    • Dune Improving Dune’s Documentation
    • Dune New `dune show' command
  • Generating Documentation
    • odoc Add Search Capabilities to `odoc'
  • Editing and Refactoring Code
    • Merlin Support for Project-Wide References in Merlin
    • Merlin Improving Merlin’s Performance
    • OCaml LSP Upstreaming OCaml LSP’s Fork of Merlin
    • OCaml LSP Extract code actions
    • OCaml LSP Support for Inlay Hints
  • Formatting Code
    • OCamlFormat Closing the Gap Between OCamlFormat and ocp-indent

[OCaml Platform] <https://ocaml.org/docs/platform>

[previous updates] <https://discuss.ocaml.org/tag/platform-newsletter>

[first alpha release of opam 2.2]

[The announcement]

[Discuss post]


  June was a bustling month with a total of nine releases! This included
  three patch releases and one minor release of Dune, the release of the
  first alpha of opam 2.2, two minor releases of OCaml LSP, a minor
  release of Ppxlib, and a major release of `dune-release'. To learn
  about the features and improvements included in all of these, visit
  the [OCaml Changelog].

  • [Dune 3.8.1]
  • [Dune 3.8.2]
  • [Dune 3.8.3]
  • [Dune 3.9.0]
  • [opam 2.2.0~alpha0]
  • [OCaml LSP 1.16.1]
  • [OCaml LSP 1.16.2]
  • [Ppxlib 0.30.0]
  • [Dune-release 2.0.0]

[OCaml Changelog] <https://ocaml.org/changelog>

[Dune 3.8.1] <https://ocaml.org/changelog/2023-06-06-dune-3.8.1>

[Dune 3.8.2] <https://ocaml.org/changelog/2023-06-19-dune-3.8.2>

[Dune 3.8.3] <https://ocaml.org/changelog/2023-06-28-dune-3.8.3>

[Dune 3.9.0] <https://ocaml.org/changelog/2023-06-30-dune-3.9.0>

[opam 2.2.0~alpha0]

[OCaml LSP 1.16.1]

[OCaml LSP 1.16.2]

[Ppxlib 0.30.0] <https://ocaml.org/changelog/2023-06-20-ppxlib-0.30.0>

[Dune-release 2.0.0]

Building Packages

◊ *Dune* Exploring Package Management in Dune

  Contributors: @rgrinberg (Tarides), @Leonidas-from-XIV (Tarides),
  @gridbugs (Tarides), @kit-ty-kate (Tarides)

  There was notable progress on Dune lockdirs this month, the team is
  nearing the ability to lock and build simple opam packages.

  The improvements include:
  • The solver’s understanding of opam flags (`with-test' and
  • Separate lockdirs per build context, allowing users to configure the
    policy for choosing package versions.
  • Configuration of lockdirs in the `dune-workspace' file per context.
  • Improved fetching to work with VCS repos and single files
  • System variable values now determined in line with opam’s approach

  Blockers to implement the end-to-end workflow are currently being
  discussed, and next month’s focus will be on increasing the coverage
  of opam features.

  • Lock file configuration in workspace – [#7835]
  • Use Dyn.variant constructor for Op – [#7936]
  • Lockdir package files have .pkg extension – [#8014]
  • Fix: Downloading local repo doesn’t work – [#8060]
  • Test errors for invalid opam repositories – [#7830]
  • Lock directory regeneration safety – [#7832]
  • Generate lockdir from current switch – [#7863]
  • Implementation of `OpamSysPoll' in Dune-terms – [#7868]
  • Lockdir encode/decode roundtrip tests – [#7914]
  • Document why local opam repo path is a Filename.t – [#7971]
  • Lockdir generation using opam switch prefers oldest – [#7980]
  • Arguments to specify contexts to `dune pkg lock' – [#7970]
  • Lockdirs are data-only – [#7979]
  • Prefer newest packages by default – [#8030]
  • Don’t take global lock in `dune pkg lock' – [#8016]
  • Conditional dependencies in lockdir – [#8050]
  • Removal of lock_dir field from Lock_dir.Pkg.t – [#7965]
  • Feature(pkg): extra sources – [#8015]

  [#7835] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7835>

  [#7936] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7936>

  [#8014] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/8014>

  [#8060] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/8060>

  [#7830] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7830>

  [#7832] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7832>

  [#7863] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7863>

  [#7868] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7868>

  [#7914] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7914>

  [#7971] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7971>

  [#7980] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7980>

  [#7970] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7970>

  [#7979] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7979>

  [#8030] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/8030>

  [#8016] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/8016>

  [#8050] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/8050>

  [#7965] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7965>

  [#8015] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/8015>

◊ *opam* Native Support for Windows in opam 2.2

  Contributors: @rjbou (OCamlPro), @kit-ty-kate (Tarides), @dra27
  (Tarides), @emillon (Tarides), @Leonidas-from-XIV (Tarides), @3Rafal
  (Tarides), @christinerose (Tarides), @sabine (Tarides)

  The first alpha of opam 2.2 was just released!

  The most anticipated feature is native Windows compatibility: opam can
  now be launched in any Windows terminal! It currently requires a
  preexisting Cygwin installation, a limitation that is set to be lifted
  for `alpha2'.

  As stated in the announcement, it should be noted that
  `opam-repository' isn’t compatible with Windows just yet. It requires
  the upstreaming of patches from [`ocaml-opam/opam-repository-mingw']
  and [`dra27/opam-repository']. This is set to occur before the final
  release of opam 2.2, so `opam init' can work with the upstream
  `opam-repository' on Windows.

  Windows support isn’t the only exciting feature in the release. To
  learn about other significant features included in opam 2.2, please
  read [the announcement] and don’t hesitate to share your feedback on
  the [Discuss post].

  • Windows support
    • Improved local cygwin installation detection – [#5544]
    • Introduced some updates to Windows shell – [#5541]
    • Fixed detection issue when C++ compiler is prefixed – [#5556]
  • Other improvements
    • Fix performance regression in opam
      install/remove/upgrade/reinstall – [#5503]
    • Adjusted to open the release files for reading – [#5568]
    • Fixed OpenSSL missing message – [#5557]
    • Enhanced error reporting to print version when failing to parse it
      – [#5566]
  • Release management
    • Finalise release: Untie test from opam version – [#5578]
    • Prepared for the 2.2.0~alpha release with essential updates –
    • Included 2.2.0-alpha binaries in install.sh – [#5588]
    • Readme updates – [#5589]
    • Documentation: update documentation to be embed in ocaml.org –
      [#5593] [#5594]
    • Add some tests – [#5385]
    • Improved output cleanliness when stdout is not a TTY – [#5595]
    • Update lint for conflicts field’s filter that does not support
      package variables – [#5535]
    • Applied autoupdate to silence autogen warnings – [#5555]
  • Security audit
    • Fixed opam installing packages without checking their checksum
      when the local cache is corrupted – [#5538]
    • Reftests: add tests to check url handling behaviours – [#5560]
    • lint: add some lint & fix for url checks – [#5561]
    • opamfile: parse error on escapable paths – [#5562]
    • source: add –no-checksums & –require-checksums flags – [#5563]
    • No more populate opam file with extra-files – [#5564]


  [`dra27/opam-repository'] <https://github.com/dra27/opam-repository>

  [the announcement]

  [Discuss post]

  [#5544] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5544>

  [#5541] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5541>

  [#5556] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5556>

  [#5503] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5503>

  [#5568] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5568>

  [#5557] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5557>

  [#5566] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5566>

  [#5578] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5578>

  [#5580] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5580>

  [#5588] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5588>

  [#5589] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5589>

  [#5593] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5593>

  [#5594] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5594>

  [#5385] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5385>

  [#5595] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5595>

  [#5535] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5535>

  [#5555] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5555>

  [#5538] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5538>

  [#5560] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5560>

  [#5561] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5561>

  [#5562] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5562>

  [#5563] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5563>

  [#5564] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam/pull/5564>

◊ *Dune* Improving Dune’s Documentation

  Contributors: @emillon (Tarides)

  The effort to enhance Dune documentation continues. Past efforts
  focused on the high-level organisation of the documentation, and the
  new structure was [published] as part of Dune 3.8 release. This month,
  various improvements were made to the content of the documentation

  • Add XREFs to actions – [ocaml/dune#7842]
  • `.opam.template' files can be generated – [ocaml/dune#7911]
  • Filling in gaps in the reference documentation and adding further
    docs to ocaml.org (dune-glob, xdg).
    • Add reference info about aliases – [ocaml/dune#7945]
    • Improve API docs for XDG – [ocaml/dune#7958]
    • Add index.mld for `dune-glob' – [ocaml/dune#7989]

  [published] <https://dune.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>

  [ocaml/dune#7842] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7842>

  [ocaml/dune#7911] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7911>

  [ocaml/dune#7945] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7945>

  [ocaml/dune#7958] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7958>

  [ocaml/dune#7989] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7989>

◊ *Dune* New `dune show' command

  Contributors: @Alizter, @rgrinberg (Tarides), @snowleopard (Jane

  A new `dune show' command group has been added as an alias to the
  existing `dune describe' command.

  The new command group comes with two new commands, `dune show targets'
  and `dune show aliases', to enhance the introspection of Dune projects
  and discoverability of available Dune commands.

  • `dune show targets [OPTION]… [DIR]…' is inspired by `ls' and prints
    the targets available in a given directory.
  • `dune show aliases [OPTION]… [DIR]…' prints the aliases available in
    a given directory.

  Feedback on these new commands is welcome and can be shared on [Dune’s
  issue tracker].

  • Create `dune show' command group – [ocaml/dune#7946]
  • `dune show targets' and `dune show aliases' commands –

  [Dune’s issue tracker] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues>

  [ocaml/dune#7946] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/7946>

Generating Documentation

◊ *`odoc'* Add Search Capabilities to `odoc'

  Contributors: @panglesd (Tarides), @EmileTrotignon (Tarides), @trefis

  The profiling and optimising work that began last month on [sherlodoc]
  has shown results: the database size was reduced significantly, and
  the indexing time has also been greatly reduced.

  In addition, a complete overhaul of the search feature UI was
  conducted, with advice from the OCaml.org team.

  Attention then turned to testing (and debugging) the indexing/search
  more extensively.

  Additionally, progress was made on outputting usage statistics on the
  search index. Specifically, support for occurrences was untangled from
  source code rendering, and support was added for counting occurrences
  of values, modules, types, module types, class types, and

  The different pull requests are approaching merge-readiness. The next
  step will be to adapt the Dune and OCaml.org drivers to make the
  feature available to users of `odoc'.

  • Support for search in `odoc' – [ocaml/odoc#972]
  • Collect occurrences information – [ocaml/odoc#976]
  • Add labels to basic text block (such as paragraphs and code blocks)
    – [ocaml/odoc#974]

  [sherlodoc] <https://github.com/art-w/sherlodoc/>

  [ocaml/odoc#972] <https://github.com/ocaml/odoc/pull/972>

  [ocaml/odoc#976] <https://github.com/ocaml/odoc/pull/976>

  [ocaml/odoc#974] <https://github.com/ocaml/odoc/pull/974>

Editing and Refactoring Code

◊ *Merlin* Support for Project-Wide References in Merlin

  Contributors: @voodoos (Tarides), @let-def (Tarides)

  The entire stack of pull requests required for project-wide
  references, including the compiler patches, `ocaml-uideps', Dune,
  Merlin, and `ocaml-lsp', has been rebased to include the latest
  compiler changes.

  This allowed for the discovery of some issues with first-class modules
  and aliases. Alias tracking was also added to the shapes, which is
  required for occurrences to distinguish between different aliases of
  the same module.

  • Compiler support for project-wide occurrences – [voodoos/ocaml#1]
  • Use new compile information in CMT files to out build and aggregate
    indexes – [voodoos/ocaml-uideps#5]
  • Dune orchestrates index generation – [voodoos/dune#1]
  • Use new CMT info to provide buffer occurrences and indexes for
    project-wide occurrences – [voodoos/merlin#7]
  • Support project-wide occurrences in `ocaml-lsp' –

  [voodoos/ocaml#1] <https://github.com/voodoos/ocaml/pull/1>


  [voodoos/dune#1] <https://github.com/voodoos/dune/pull/1>

  [voodoos/merlin#7] <https://github.com/voodoos/merlin/pull/7>

  [voodoos/ocaml-lsp#1] <https://github.com/voodoos/ocaml-lsp/pull/1>

◊ *Merlin* Improving Merlin’s Performance

  Contributed by: @pitag-ha (Tarides), @3Rafal (Tarides), @voodoos
  (Tarides), @let-def (Tarides)

  Efforts to improve Merlin’s performance included ongoing work on
  Merlin benchmarking and error regression CI pipelines. Several issues
  in `merl-an' were fixed to stabilise the benchmarking CI and the proof
  of concept (POC) of the error regression CI that was opened in Merlin.

  The benchmarking CI was merged at the beginning of July, so Merlin is
  now being continuously benchmarked for performance regressions.

  Next month, experiments will continue on the best approach for the
  error regression CI before refocusing on concrete performance

  • Merlin benchmarking CI – [ocaml/merlin#1640]
  • Error regression backend to `merl-an' – [pitag-ha/merl-an#14]
  • Merlin behaviour regression CI – [ocaml/merlin#1642]

  [ocaml/merlin#1640] <https://github.com/ocaml/merlin/pull/1640>

  [pitag-ha/merl-an#14] <https://github.com/pitag-ha/merl-an/pull/14>

  [ocaml/merlin#1642] <https://github.com/ocaml/merlin/pull/1642>

◊ *OCaml LSP* Upstreaming OCaml LSP’s Fork of Merlin

  Contributors: @voodoos (Tarides), @3Rafal (Tarides)

  The PR that removes OCaml LSP’s fork of Merlin has been merged!

  Following the merge, patches were added for compatibility with OCaml
  5.1, and OCaml LSP 1.16.1 was released.

  • Use Merlin as a libray – [ocaml-lsp#1070]
  • Compatibility with OCaml 5.1 – [ocaml-lsp#1150]

  [ocaml-lsp#1070] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/1070>

  [ocaml-lsp#1150] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/1150>

◊ *OCaml LSP* Extract code actions

  Contributors: @jfeser, @rgrinberg (Tarides)

  OCaml LSP 1.16.1 introduces two new code action kinds to LSP: `Extract
  local' and `Extract function'.

  • The `Extract local' refactoring action takes an expression and
    introduces it as a new local let-binding in the enclosing function.
    │ let f x =  $x+1$ + 2 (* $..$ is the selected code *)
    │ (* Becomes: *)
    │ let f x =
    │   let new_var = x + 1 in
    │   new_var + 2
  • The `Extract function' refactoring action takes an expression and
    introduces it as a new function in the enclosing module.
    │ let f x =  $x+1$ + 2 (* $..$ is the selected code *)
    │ (* Becomes: *)
    │ let new_fun x = x + 1
    │ let f x = new_fun x + 2

  • Add extract code actions – [ocaml-lsp#870]

  [ocaml-lsp#870] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/870>

◊ *OCaml LSP* Support for Inlay Hints

  Contributors: @jfeser, @rgrinberg (Tarides), @voodoos (Tarides)

  The [LSP 3.17 Spec] introduced the feature of Inlay Hints, an
  enhancement that allows editors to integrate annotations in line with
  the text, in order to display parameters names, type hints, and so on.

  This month witnessed the commencement of Inlay Hints’ implementation
  in the OCaml LSP server. Currently, the [pull request] is undergoing
  review, with plans to integrate it into the subsequent minor release,
  OCaml LSP 1.17.0.


  • Preliminary inlay hint support – [ocaml-lsp#1159]

  [LSP 3.17 Spec]

  [pull request] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/1159>

  [ocaml-lsp#1159] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/1159>

Formatting Code

◊ *OCamlFormat* Closing the Gap Between OCamlFormat and `ocp-indent'

  Contributors: @gpetiot (Tarides) and @EmileTrotignon (Tarides), @Julow
  (Tarides), @ceastlund (Jane Street)

  The pursuit of aligning OCamlFormat’s `janestreet' profile more
  closely with the output of `ocp-indent', initiated a few months back,
  continued this month. A significant proportion of the changes this
  month revolved around the treatment of comments.

  The OCamlFormat team is also preparing the release of OCamlFormat
  0.26.0, which will include all of the bug fixes and improvements
  implemented in the past months. If you’d like to get a glimpse of the
  formatting changes this entails, have a look at some of the preview

  • [Dune]
  • [Ppxlib]
  • [Js_of_ocaml]
  • [Irmin]
  • [OCaml LSP]
  • [`odoc']

  • Refactor handling of comments – [ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat#2371]
  • Don’t mix comments and docstrings – [ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat#2372]
  • Disable the deprecated alert in code blocks –
  • Don’t escape balanced brackets in code spans –
  • Don’t escape @ in the middle of a word –
  • Unwanted break before a unwrapped code span –
  • Preserve blank lines in docstrings – [ocaml-ppx/ocamlformat#2379]

  [Dune] <https://github.com/ocaml/dune/pull/8064>

  [Ppxlib] <https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ppxlib/pull/439>

  [Js_of_ocaml] <https://github.com/ocsigen/js_of_ocaml/pull/1479>

  [Irmin] <https://github.com/mirage/irmin/pull/2262>

  [OCaml LSP] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/pull/1157>

  [`odoc'] <https://github.com/ocaml/odoc/pull/979>









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  [Alan Schmitt]

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