[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jan 17 00:37:43 PST 2023


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of January 10 to 17,

Table of Contents

Installing Windows OCaml 5.0.0 in opam
Release of Mehari 0.1
Outreachy Summer 2023
Petrol 1.0.0 - A high-level typed SQL API for OCaml designed to go fast!
ocaml-search 0.1.1 - In-memory Search Index for OCaml values

Installing Windows OCaml 5.0.0 in opam


David Allsopp announced

  One of opam 2.2’s headline features is that both “upstream” opam (i.e.
  `opam' built from un-patched sources from [ocaml/opam]) and
  “un-forked” opam-repository (i.e. [ocaml/opam-repository]) finally
  provide native Windows opam switches. We’re aiming to get an alpha
  release of this out in the coming weeks, but I’ve had various requests
  directly for how to use OCaml 5.0 with opam-repository-mingw in the
  meantime, so I’m just sharing this temporary solution, in case it’s of
  use to others.

  I have a demonstration workflow at
  <https://github.com/dra27/ocaml5-ci-demo> with [setup-ocaml]. It shows
  the commands necessary for local use:
  │       - run: opam repo add dra27 git+https://github.com/dra27/opam-repository#windows-5.0 --all --set-default
  │       - run: opam switch create 5.0 --packages=ocaml.5.0.0,ocaml-option-mingw
  │       - run: opam exec --switch=5.0 -- ocamlopt -config
  │       - run: opam install --switch=5.0 utop
  and also how to use it directly in a workflow:
  │       - name: Set-up OCaml
  │         uses: ocaml/setup-ocaml at v2
  │         with:
  │           ocaml-compiler: ocaml.5.0.0,ocaml-option-mingw
  │           opam-repositories: |
  │             dra27: https://github.com/dra27/opam-repository.git#windows-5.0
  │             default: https://github.com/fdopen/opam-repository-mingw.git#opam2

  The `windows-5.0' branch adds just enough to provide the OCaml 5.0.0
  package for mingw-w64 by patching `ocaml-variants.5.0.0+options'
  (rather than providing `ocaml-variants.5.0.0+mingw64'). Unless you
  expressly select `ocaml-variants.5.0.0+options', it’ll actually pick
  up a version patched with [ocaml/ocaml#11846].

  The only change once the alpha release comes out should be the removal
  of the `opam repo add dra27' part.

[ocaml/opam] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam>

[ocaml/opam-repository] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository>

[setup-ocaml] <https://github.com/ocaml/setup-ocaml>

[ocaml/ocaml#11846] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/11846>

Release of Mehari 0.1


Tim ats announced

  @artichaut and I are very pleased to announce the first release of

  [Mehari] was created with the aim of offering a cross-platform
  framework to create [Gemini] applications.

  Gemini is a lightweight alternative protocol to HTTP and Gopher, which
  runs on top of TLS.

  On the “Geminispace”, there are mainly static content like blogs and
  other applications like games, BBS, etc.

  Mehari API’s is largely inspired by [Dream]: it consists of a single
  module, and is pretty similar, there are handlers, routes,
  middlewares, etc.

  Among the features, there are:

  • Cross-platform: the library provides many IO modules (Lwt, Mirage,
  • MIME type inference (using experimental [Conan] support)
  • Rate limit : it is easy to rate limit access to a route or to the
    whole server
  • Virtual hosting : hostname verification with SNI or request URL
  • Proxy: Ability to act as a proxy
  • CGI support with environment variables
  • Long-running TCP connection : incremental creation of the response

  Examples of use are available on the [GitHub repository].

  Documentation is available [online] with a short tutorial explaining
  the basics.

  Currently, the library is in its infancy, the API is subject to
  change, so we are open to feedback and contribution, especially in
  terms of security.

  Mehari is our first [MirageOS]-compatible library, so the creation of
  unikernels is experimental, and we’d love to get feedback on it.

[Mehari] <https://github.com/Psi-Prod/Mehari/>

[Gemini] <https://gemini.circumlunar.space/>

[Dream] <https://aantron.github.io/dream/>


[GitHub repository]

[online] <https://docs.heyplzlookat.me/mehari>

[MirageOS] <https://mirage.io/>

Outreachy Summer 2023

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/outreachy-summer-2023/11159/1>

Patrick Ferris announced

  Yep, it’s that time of the year again! Outreachy has officially
  started asking for organisations and mentors for the Summer 2023

        What is Outreachy?

        Outreachy is a paid, remote internship program. Outreachy
        promotes diversity in open source and open science. Our
        internships are for people who face under-representation,
        and discrimination or systemic bias in the technology
        industry of their country.

  Given the long discussion in
  I can guarantee you that if you want some more really good answers,
  participating in Outreachy is one way to do that!

  To help get a feel for what is to be a mentor, Outreachy will be
  holding a livestreamed call with previous mentors taking part which
  should be available on peertube (I’ll post links when available).

Important Dates

  • Jan. 17 at 3pm UTC - Mentor chat on YouTube and PeerTube
  • Feb. 6 at 3pm UTC - Mentor chat on YouTube and PeerTube
  • Feb. 10 at 4pm UTC - Deadline for open source and open science
    communities to sign up to be an Outreachy mentoring organization
  • Feb. 24 at 4pm UTC - Deadline for mentors to submit project
    descriptions for May 2023 interns to work on

This round

  We had some excellent proposals for projects working on the compiler
  but unfortunately in the end no intern was found for it, please don’t
  be disheartened by this and I hope to see more projects suggested.

  I’ve had the great fortune of working with [Prisca] on
  [ocaml-topojson] which has come on leaps and bounds thanks to her
  work! We’ll have a proper debrief towards the end of the project like
  the previous two rounds, although it may be a little shorter given the
  OCaml community only has one intern this round.

  The older, but still relevant post
  contains some more information about being a mentor which you may want
  to take a look at.

  Please uses this thread for any questions, ideas or thoughts. Thank
  you :camel: !

[Prisca] <https://prisca-chidimma.dreamwidth.org>

[ocaml-topojson] <https://github.com/geocaml/ocaml-topojson>

Patrick Ferris later added

  Friendly reminder the live chat will take place on
  <https://diode.zone/a/outreachy> tomorrow (17th Jan. 2023) at 3pm UTC.
  Whilst primarily focused on helping prospective applicants, it is
  still super useful for mentors to understand the process to help them
  out when the time comes.

Petrol 1.0.0 - A high-level typed SQL API for OCaml designed to go fast!


Kiran Gopinathan announced

  Heyo! Pleased to annouce the release of a new library that I’ve been
  working on for some personal projects, but thought might be useful for

  *Petrol* is a Free software library that provides a high-level OCaml
  API for interacting with SQL databases. The aim of this interface is
  to provide a type-safe API to allow developers to define their SQL
  tables and queries directly in OCaml, thereby avoiding the impedence
  mismatch and fragility that comes with having to directly write SQL
  code, as is typical in a normal Caqti-based project.

  │ open Petrol
  │ (* define a new schema *)
  │ let schema = StaticSchema.init ()
  │ (* declare a table *)
  │ let example_table, Expr.[name; age] =
  │     StaticSchema.declare_table schema ~name:"example"
  │     Schema.[
  │         field "name" ~ty:Type.text;
  │         field "age" ~ty:Type.int
  │     ]

  Petrol’s DSL allows you to express complex SQL queries as simple OCaml
  function compositions:

  │ (* create a query *)
  │ let insert_person ~name:n ~age:a db =
  │     Query.insert ~table:example_table
  │         ~values:Expr.[
  │             name := s n;
  │             age := i a
  │          ]
  │     |> Request.make_zero
  │     |> Petrol.exec db

  Another selling point of Petrol is that it comes out of the box with a
  versioning system to gracefully allow changing the schemas in your
  application over time - this and more is described in the


  Anyway, as usual, I’ve tried to spend some quality time tuning the
  documentation to make it as easy to pick up as possible, so feel free
  to have a gander:

ocaml-search 0.1.1 - In-memory Search Index for OCaml values


Patrick Ferris announced

  I’m happy to announce the release of a little OCaml library for doing
  in-memory searches over OCaml values: [ocaml-search].

  Here’s a quick example:

  │ module Book = struct
  │   type t = {
  │     title : string;
  │     author : string;
  │   }
  │ end
  │ let books : Book.t list =
  │   [
  │     { title = "Dune"; author = "Frank Herbet" };
  │     { title = "The Day of the Triffids"; author = "John Wyndham" };
  │     { title = "The Remains of the Day"; author = "Kazuo Ishiguro" }
  │   ]
  │ module Mono = Search.Tfidf.Mono (Search.Uids.String) (Book)
  │ let search = Mono.empty ()

  You can then add an index to your search index along with the

  │ Mono.add_index search (fun t -> t.title);
  │ List.iter (fun doc -> Mono.add_document search doc.Book.title doc) books

  Before finally being able to search.

  │ Mono.search search "day";;
  │ - : Mono.doc list =
  │ [{Book.title = "The Remains of the Day"; author = "Kazuo Ishiguro"};
  │  {Book.title = "The Day of the Triffids"; author = "John Wyndham"}]

  The [README] provides more thorough documentation and also explains
  how it can also provide a heterogeneous search index should you want
  it. I have plans to make the library more easily extendible with your
  own search strategies, but thought the initial TF-IDF implementation
  might already be useful.

  This library is heavily inspired by [js-search] without which it
  wouldn’t exist.

  Happy Hacking :camel:

[ocaml-search] <https://github.com/patricoferris/ocaml-search>

[README] <https://github.com/patricoferris/ocaml-search>

[js-search] <https://github.com/bvaughn/js-search>


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I’ll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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