[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Mon Jan 3 23:56:30 PST 2022


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of December 28, 2021
to January 04, 2022.

Table of Contents

A hack for toplevel breakpoints using effect handlers
Multi-shot continuations gone forever?
New release of Menhir (20211230)
Improved documentation for Fix
pp-binary-ints 0.1.1

A hack for toplevel breakpoints using effect handlers


wiktor announced

  I started playing with effect handlers and wondered if they could be
  used to implement toplevel breakpoints. It's a big hack and probably
  unsound at the moment, but it works and here's an example interaction:

  │ let arr =
  │   let fact n =
  │     let arr = Array.make (n+1) 1 in
  │     let rec loop i =
  │       if i <= n then begin
  │ 	Break.break ["i", i; "arr", arr];
  │ 	arr.(i) <- arr.(i-1) * i;
  │ 	loop (i+1)
  │       end
  │     in
  │     (loop 1; arr)
  │   in
  │     fact 5;;
  │ # (* We hit a breakpoint and obtain the continuation k *)
  │   k ();;
  │ - : bool = true
  │ # (* the bools are leaking from the execute_phrase function
  │    * inside the toplevel *)
  │   k ();;
  │ - : bool = true
  │ # i;;
  │ - : int = 3
  │ # arr;;
  │ - : int array = [|1; 1; 2; 1; 1; 1|]
  │ # (* let's disturb the computation of factorials *)
  │   arr.(i-1) <- 42;;
  │ - : unit = ()
  │ # k ();;
  │ - : bool = true
  │ # (* btw: here the user is like a scheduler for yield-based async *)
  │   k ();;
  │ - : bool = true
  │ # k ();;
  │ val arr : int array = [|1; 1; 42; 126; 504; 2520|]
  │ - : bool = true

  Currently I don't try to clean up bindings or values, which is a
  source of unsoundness. After the last `k ()' we got two results: First
  the computation of `let arr ...' finished, and then the computation of
  `k ()' finished. But `k' is a part of the execution of `let arr ...',
  so these two executions "intersect" without one being contained in the
  other. This makes the question of what should the current variable
  bindings be complicated. Setting the bindings at end of execution is
  futile, when a continuation may in such a way leak bindings from
  breakpoint time.

  Possibly a stack discipline for the execution of phrases is required
  to make the environments behave properly: at the end of executing a
  phrase we cancel (with another effect, maybe) other executions which
  "depend" on the current execution (evaluate the `k' obtained from a
  breakpoint in the current execution). This should eliminate these
  "intersections" and we could throw out the bindings added by the
  cancelled executions.

  I haven't tried anything with polymorphism yet, but type variables
  should probably be changed into abstract types inside the binders.

  Here's the code:

wiktor later said

  Well, this might have been unnecessary, as most of it can be done
  properly in userspace (with more syntactic overhead).

  │ open EffectHandlers
  │ open Deep
  │ type ('a, 'b) res =
  │   | Bp of 'a * ((unit, ('a, 'b) res) continuation)
  │   | Fin of 'b
  │ module type P1 = sig  val i : int  val arr : int array end
  │ type payload = P1 of (module P1)
  │ type _ eff += Break : payload -> unit eff
  │ let arr () =
  │   let fact n =
  │     let arr = Array.make (n+1) 1 in
  │     let rec loop i =
  │       if i <= n then begin
  │ 	perform (Break (P1 (module struct let i = i let arr = arr end)));
  │ 	arr.(i) <- arr.(i-1) * i;
  │ 	loop (i+1)
  │       end
  │     in
  │     (loop 1; arr)
  │   in
  │     fact 5;;
  │ let with_break th =
  │   try_with (fun () -> Fin (th ())) ()
  │   { effc = fun (type a) (e : a eff) ->
  │       match e with
  │       | Break p -> Some (fun (k : (a,_) continuation) -> Bp (p, k))
  │       | _ -> None }
  │ let cont = function
  │   | Bp (_, k) -> continue k ()
  │   | Fin _ -> failwith "computation finished, cannot continue"
  │ let get = function
  │   | Bp (r, _) -> r
  │   | Fin _ -> failwith "computation finished, no breakpoint payload"
  │ let get1 r = match get r with P1 m -> m

  │ # let r = with_break arr;;
  │ val r : (payload, int array) res = Bp (P1 <module>, <abstr>)
  │ # open (val get1 r);;
  │ val i : int = 1
  │ val arr : int array = [|1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1|]

  The main pain point is having to define the payload types. In basic
  cases the payload type could be just a simple polymorphic variant. It
  would be nice if it could be completely inferred, but it's unlikely as
  `Break` has to have a statically known argument.

  With a bit of help from tooling (ppxes for code generation and
  shorthands in the toplevel), this could be better than printf

Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni then said

  This is an interesting experiment.
  • This reminds me of the idea of high-level stack inspection for
    debugging and security (articulated for instance in Clements' PhD
    thesis _[Portable and high-level access to the stack with
    Continuation Marks]_; here's [another more recent paper] from the
    Racket people that might be relevant). One can ask whether a PPX can
    provide high-level stack inspection or if one needs support from the
    compiler for that. It's nice to experiment.
  • A few years ago someone asked whether there could be a use to
    untyped algebraic effects in OCaml (in the sense that they do not
    appear in the effect annotation in function types). I proposed
    debugging as an example. Someone suggested that it is not too hard
    to adapt the interface types of all functions in the call chain to
    add the appropriate effect annotation (and remove it afterwards),
    but I was not convinced.

[Portable and high-level access to the stack with Continuation Marks]

[another more recent paper]

Multi-shot continuations gone forever?


cyberpink asked

  What happens with multi-shot continuations now that
  Obj.clone_continuation was removed?

  Anything that requires a "fork" operation, like say, a probabilistic
  programming EDSL, needs this. None of the old examples I've looked at
  like [Delimcc on top of effects] have been updated to use a new
  method, and I haven't been able to find any hints of one.

  Are multi-shot continuations just not possible now? Are there plans to
  add something equivalent back in later?


[Delimcc on top of effects]

Nicolás Ojeda Bär replied

  Yes, multi-shot continuations are gone and is unlikely that they will
  find their way back any time soon. One (good) reason is explained in
  <https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3434314> :




Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni then said

  I think the question still stands. You cut the sentence “_Extending
  our system with multi-shot continuations is future work (§8)_”. Also
  the paper is about a particular model based on separation logic rather
  than OCaml itself (for instance the authors also mention that their
  continuations are affine instead of linear unlike in OCaml multicore).

  Nevertheless, the multicore designers were aware that duplicating
  continuations makes it complicated to reason about resources. The
  topic of mixing continuations and linearity has been better studied
  from the angle of algebraic models of computation and proof
  theory. Essentially, with an effect system you could ensure that
  certain kinds of effects do not happen in the delimited part of the
  program (including allocating a resource), which controls copiability
  of the stack from the point of view of reasoning about the
  program. This is inspired by some logics that mix classical and
  intuitionistic or linear logic. From this angle the ability to copy a
  continuation would be restricted to a sub-part of the language which
  is pure to some degree. This should also be a suitable starting point
  if one wanted to develop a program logic to formalise the reasoning
  about such programs.

  However according to [#651] there were more technical reasons to drop
  `clone_continuation', such as breaking compiler optimizations. I am
  curious as well to know whether there are plans to reintroduce
  `clone_continuation' at some point, but obviously this would require
  some effort.

[#651] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore/pull/651>

KC Sivaramakrishnan said

  @nojb and @gadmm have already answered why we've dropped support for
  `clone_continuation' now. We will need to track the copiability of the
  continuation in the continuation type and compiler optimisations also
  need to be made aware of the possibility of copying. Given the
  pervasive nature of its effects, there are no immediate plans to bring
  the feature back. We will have to come back to this after we have
  typed effects.

        Anything that requires a “fork” operation, like say, a
        probabilistic programming EDSL

  One can get pretty far with PPL with just one-shot continuations. My
  student and I did some experiments building a DSL for a PPL to learn
  about the space: <https://github.com/Arnhav-Datar/EffPPL>. Having
  spoken to PPL experts there are indeed some usecases where multi-shot
  continuations are useful, but from what I understand, the one-shotness
  isn't a blocker for PPL.

  I would be interested in collecting usecases where multi-shot
  continuations are absolutely necessary.

gasche then said


  My (probably naive) mental model of HANSEI-style libraries, using
  multishot continuations, is that they are extensions/generalization of
  a non-probabilistic "logic/non-deterministic monad" that searches for
  the set of solutions to a problem. Multishot continuations are
  naturally used in non-deterministic computations at backtracking
  points, to explore different search directions and collect the
  result. It is possible to avoid multishot continuations by replaying
  the whole search from the start each time (reference: [Capturing the
  future by replaying the past]), but this involves duplicated
  computations so it is less efficient (reference: [Asymptotic speedup
  with first-class control]).

  Can you give some intuition of how other approaches to probalistic
  inference work, that do not require multishot continuations? Are they
  also duplicating computations, or are they using a magic trick to
  avoid this issue with a different inference algorithm?

  I tried to find an answer to this question by reading the [internship
  report], but I couldn't locate an answer. (The report mentions HANSEI
  in the related work, but it does not discuss this question.) The
  report explains that the inference algorithm, called HMC (Hamiltonian
  Monte Carlo), uses automatic differenciation; so it uses a sort of
  symbolic manipulation / analysis of the probabilistic program to
  sample. But does this avoid repeated computations?  It may be the case
  instead that the differential is as large or larger than the program
  itself, and that the search algorithm using this differential in
  effect perform a program-sized computation at each search step,
  duplicating computations.

[Capturing the future by replaying the past]

[Asymptotic speedup with first-class control]

[internship report]

Sadiq said

  Not a PPL but I've been hacking on a little effects-based model
  checker for concurrent data structures that implements dynamic partial
  order reduction (<https://github.com/sadiqj/dscheck/> - a
  WIP!). Multi-shot continuations would have been very useful.

  I ended up implementing something that involves maintaining a schedule
  and repeatedly replaying the computation. It looks very similar to
  what [Capturing the future..] proposes.

[Capturing the future..] <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.10385>

New release of Menhir (20211230)


François Pottier announced

  Dear OCaml & Menhir users,

  I am pleased to announce a new release of Menhir, with a major

  The code back-end has been rewritten from the ground up by Émile
  Trotignon and by myself, and now produces efficient and well-typed
  OCaml code. The infamous Obj.magic is not used any more.

  Furthermore, the new code back-end produces code that is more
  aggressively optimized, leading to a significant reduction in memory
  allocation and a typical performance improvement of up to 20% compared
  to the previous code back-end.

  │ opam update
  │ opam install menhir.20211230

  Happy well-typed parsing in 2022!


  • The code back-end has been rewritten from the ground up by Émile
    Trotignon and François Pottier, and now produces efficient and
    *well-typed* OCaml code. The infamous `Obj.magic' is not used any

    The table back-end and the Coq back-end are unaffected by this

    The main side effects of this change are as follows:

    • The code back-end now needs type information. This means that
      /either/ Menhir's type inference mechanism must be enabled (the
      	 easiest way of enabling it is to use Menhir via `dune'
      	 and to check that the `dune-project' file says `(using
      	 menhir 2.0)' or later)
      /or/ the type of every nonterminal symbol must be explicitly given
           via a `%type' declaration.

    • The code back-end no longer allows the type of any symbol to be an
      open polymorphic variant type, such as `[> `A ]'. As a workaround,
      we suggest using a closed polymorphic variant instead.

    • The code back-end now adheres to the /simplified/ error-handling
      strategy, as opposed to the /legacy/ strategy.

      For grammars that do /not/ use the `error' token, this makes no

      For grammars that use the `error' token in the limited way
      permitted by the simplified strategy, this makes no difference
      either. The simplified strategy makes the following requirement:
      the `error' token should always appear at the end of a production,
      whose semantic action should abort the parser by raising an

      Grammars that make more complex use of the `error' token, and
      therefore need the `legacy' strategy, cannot be compiled by the
      new code back-end.  As a workaround, it is possible to switch to
      the table back-end (using `--table --strategy legacy') or to the
      ancient code back-end (using `--code-ancient'). *In the long run,
      we recommend abandoning the use of the `error' token*. Support for
      the `error' token may be removed entirely at some point in the

    The original code back-end, which has been around since the early
    days of Menhir (2005), temporarily remains available (using
    `--code-ancient'). It will be removed at some point in the future.

    The new code back-end offers several levels of optimization, which
    remain undocumented and are subject to change in the future. At
    present, the main levels are roughly as follows:

    • `-O 0 --represent-everything' uses a uniform representation of the
      stack and produces straightforward code.
    • `-O 0' uses a non-uniform representation of the stack; some stack
      cells have fewer fields; some stack cells disappear altogether.
    • `-O 1' reduces memory traffic by moving `PUSH' operations so that
      they meet `POP' operations and cancel out.
    • `-O 2' optimizes the reduction of unit productions (that is,
      productions whose right-hand side has length 1) by performing a
      limited amount of code specialization.

    The default level of optimization is the maximum level, `-O 2'.

  • The new command line switch `--exn-carries-state' causes the
    exception `Error' to carry an integer parameter: `exception Error of
    int'. When the parser detects a syntax error, the number of the
    current state is reported in this way. This allows the caller to
    select a suitable syntax error message, along the lines described in
    [Section 11] of the manual. This command line switch is currently
    supported by the code back-end only.

  • The `$syntaxerror' keyword is no longer supported.

  • Document the trick of wrapping module aliases in `open struct
    ... end', like this: `%{ open struct module alias M =
    MyLongModuleName end %}'.  This allows you to use the short name `M'
    in your grammar, but forces OCaml to infer types that refer to the
    long name `MyLongModuleName'.  (Suggested by Frédéric Bour.)

[Section 11]

Improved documentation for Fix


François Pottier announced

  My last contribution for 2021 is an improved documentation for Fix, a
  library that helps with various algorithmic constructions that involve
  memoization, recursion, and numbering.

  The documentation can be [viewed online].

  It can also be viewed locally (on your own machine) as follows:

  │ opam update
  │ opam install fix.20211231
  │ opam install odig
  │ odig odoc                 # this may take some time
  │ odig doc fix              # this opens the doc in your browser

  Happy fix'in' in 2022!

[viewed online] <http://cambium.inria.fr/~fpottier/fix/doc/fix/>

pp-binary-ints 0.1.1

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-pp-binary-ints-0-1-1/9080/1>

Ifaz Kabir announced

  Tired of printing octals and hexadecimals and then mentally converting
  them to bits. Ever wanted to just see the bits in an int? Now you can!

  Just run `opam install pp-binary-ints' and off you go:
  │ # Pp_binary_ints.Int.to_string 0b10101001;;
  │ - : string = "10101001"

  You can find the documentation for the project and more examples of
  how to use it [here].

  The library is very customizable.

  • You can choose to print with `0b' prefixes and `_' separators.
  • You can choose to print zeros just like the non-zeros, with prefixes
    and separators.
  • If you use zero padding, you can control how many leading zeros show
    up with the `~min_width' argument.
  • It correctly handles the edge cases when adding `_' separators: you
    won’t get leading underscores.
  • It includes pretty printers that work with `Format' and `Fmt' , not
    just `to_string' functions.
  • Supports `int', `int32', `int64', and `nativeint'.
  • Don't like the default prefixes and suffixes? Customize the prefixes
    and suffixes with the provided functor.



  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

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[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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