[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Oct 5 03:10:39 PDT 2021


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of September 28 to
October 05, 2021.

Table of Contents

What's a usage pattern for existential type variables?
Multicore OCaml: September 2021, effect handlers will be in OCaml 5.0!
Développeur-euse oCaml - CDI Geneanet - Paris
OCaml 4.13.1, a small and early regression fix version
Set up OCaml 2.0.0-beta5
Liquidsoap 2.0.0
OCaml code snippets proposed as CC-BY-SA 4.0 candidates

What's a usage pattern for existential type variables?


hyphenrf asked

  Online, (Scala/Java) and Haskell-specific tutorials on existential
  types seem to be dominant. Because I wouldn't get stuck too much on
  notation, I went with Haskell tutorials, and they all seem to imply
  that *existentials that are unconstrained are useless*.

  The usual example for existentials is information (but not trait)
  hiding, in which for example you can have a definition like so (with
  some syntax parallels for those unfamiliar with haskell):
  │ {-
  │ ocaml: ~type gadt = Constr : typexpr~
  │ haskell: ~data Gadt where Constr :: typexpr~
  │ -}
  │ data Hidden where
  │   Hide :: Show a => a -> Hidden
  │ {-
  │ ocaml: iter (fun (Hide x) -> ...) [Hide 1; Hide ...]
  │ -}
  │ main :: IO ()
  │ main =
  │   mapM_ (\(Hide x) -> print x) [Hide 1, Hide "a", Hide 4.2]

  The problem with such implication is that I can't find a usage for an
  existential introduced by an OCaml GADT because I don't know how I'd
  express the `Show a => a' constraint.
  │ type hidden = Hide : 'a -> hidden
  Would simply completely cloak `'a', and any attempt at interacting
  with it would produce a type scope escaping error.

  That considered, since `Show a => a' is best emulated now with passing
  a first-class module, that was the vector I was walking in with my
  existentials experiments, but I have a feeling there's better, more
  valid, usage of those type variables that isn't reliant on

  So my question is, have you ever come across a pattern where an
  existential type variable is the solution?

octachron replied

  Your showable example can be written as:
  │ type showable = Show: 'a * ('a -> string) -> showable
  And there is fact many similar way to constraint existential types,
  either using type constructors: if you have an `'a. 'a t', you may
  still be able to write useful functions, or coupling various producers
  or consumers of the existential types.

  The `showable' example is a little artificial here but that are many
  examples where existential types are useful for:
  • representing internal types.
  • hiding some type information at an abstraction barrier.

  I can offer one examples that combines the two to implement a zipper
  through mutually recursive trees.  Starting from a simplified data
  │ type a_tree =
  │   | Leaf of int
  │   | Node_A of b_tree * b_tree
  │ and b_tree =
  │   | Leaf of float
  │   | Node_B of a_tree * a_tree
  Then zipper over a binary tree would be simply:
  │ type dir = Left | Right
  │ type zipper = { value: tree; path: (dir * tree) list }
  but here our problem is that we have alternatively `a_tree' and
  `b_tree'. We can use existential types to keep a similar
  representation as the simpler zipper described above. The first step
  is to describe a step in the data structure as
  │ type ('a,'b) step =
  │   | A: dir * b_tree -> (b_tree,a_tree) step
  │   | B: dir * a_tree -> (a_tree,b_tree) step
  Then we can connect the step using an existential types to describe
  that if we have a path from nodes of type `top' to a node of type
  `bottom', we don't necessarily know the intermediary types
  │ type ('bottom,'top) path =
  │   | []: ('top,'top) path
  │   | (::):
  │   ('bottom , 'previous_bottom) step * ('previous_bottom,'top) path ->
  │     ('bottom,'top) path

  Then a zipper is simply:
  │ type ('bottom,'top) zipper = { value: 'bottom; path:('bottom,'top) path }
  However, sometime we don't care if we don't know where we are in the
  tree, thus we may need to erase the `bottom' information from the

  │ type 'top any_zipper = Any: ('bottom, 'top) zipper -> 'top any_zipper
  and we can still use this `any_zipper' type to write an `up' function
  for instance:
  │ let up (type top) (Any z: top any_zipper) =
  │   match z.path with
  │   | [] -> Any z
  │   | A (Left,r) :: rest ->
  │     Any { path=rest; value = Node_A(z.value,r) }
  │   | B (Left,r) :: rest ->
  │     Any { path=rest; value = Node_B(z.value,r) }
  │   | A (Right,l) :: rest ->
  │     Any { path=rest; value = Node_A(l, z.value) }
  │   | B (Right,l) :: rest ->
  │     Any { path=rest; value = Node_B(l, z.value) }

octachron later added

  Any time you have useful functions of type `'a. 'a t -> ..', you can
  quantify existentially that type parameter and still retain some
  functionality. For instance, I can compute a length for an `any_list':
  │ type any_list = Any_list : 'a list -> any_list
  │ let len (Any_list l) = List.length l
  then there is also the possibility to use type witnesses to recover
  the quantified type at a later date:
  │  type 'a num_ty =
  │ | Int: int num
  │ | Float: float num
  │ type num = Num: 'a num_ty * 'a -> num
  │ type num_array = Narray: 'a num_ty * 'a array -> num_array
  │ let sum (Narray (witness, array)) = match witness with
  │ | Int -> Num(Int, Array.fold_left (+) 0 array)
  │ | Float -> Num(Float, Array.fold_left (+.) 0. array)

Josh Berdine also replied

  @octachron's examples are very good. For variety, here is a small
  example of a slightly different flavor that we use in ocamlformat to
  wrap Cmdliner: (from [here])
  │ include Cmdliner
  │ (** existential package of a Term and a setter for a ref to receive the
  │     parsed value *)
  │ type arg = Arg : 'a Term.t * ('a -> unit) -> arg
  │ (** convert a list of arg packages to a term for the tuple of all the arg
  │     terms, and apply it to a function that sets all the receiver refs *)
  │ let tuple args =
  │   let pair (Arg (trm_x, set_x)) (Arg (trm_y, set_y)) =
  │     let trm_xy = Term.(const (fun a b -> (a, b)) $ trm_x $ trm_y) in
  │     let set_xy (a, b) = set_x a ; set_y b in
  │     Arg (trm_xy, set_xy)
  │   in
  │   let init = Arg (Term.const (), fun () -> ()) in
  │   let (Arg (trm, set)) = Base.List.fold_right ~f:pair args ~init in
  │   Term.app (Term.const set) trm
  │ let args : arg list ref = ref []
  │ let mk ~default arg =
  │   let var = ref default in
  │   let set x = var := x in
  │   args := Arg (arg, set) :: !args ;
  │   var
  │ let parse info validate =
  │   Term.eval (Term.(ret (const validate $ tuple !args)), info)
  The idea here is similar to an "any list", where an existential around
  a pair of an `'a Cmdliner.Term.t' representing a command-line argument
  yielding an `'a' value, and a function of type `'a -> unit' to set a
  ref to the parsed value.  Then a list of such packages can be built
  using `mk' and then converted with `tuple' to a single `Cmdliner.Term'
  for the list as a tuple.

  I don't think this example needs anything more from the type system,
  but is an almost minimal example of packaging a value with the
  interesting operations over it into an existentially-typed value.


Malcolm also replied

  I have made my own futures library and one of the features is futures
  are connected to each other creating a dependency tree.  This is done
  so that you can do `Future.abort fut' and it will abort that future
  and everything connected to it.  I accomplish this by each future
  storing a list of those futures that depend on it.  But those futures
  do not necessarily have the same type.  So I hide the type in an
  existential so I can still perform actions on the future that do not
  depend on the type.

  Note, I stole this from @dbuenzli 's futures library which I used to
  start mine.

  Here is the code from my library:

  │ (* The concrete type of a future.  Future's are mutable, but once they are
  │    determined they become immutable.  A future has a state which starts as
  │    undetermined, can become determined or an alias.  An alias is a future that
  │    needs to exist because some unknown computation will eventually become its
  │    value, and once that computation is found out, we set the future to an
  │    alias to that future. *)
  │ type 'a u = { mutable state : 'a state }
  │ and 'a state =
  │   [ 'a Abb_intf.Future.Set.t
  │   | `Undet of 'a undet
  │   | `Alias of 'a u
  │   ]
  │ (* An undetermined has an optional function, which is some work to be
  │    executed, watchers are executed when this undetermined future becomes
  │    determined, deps are futures that are not required to be executed before
  │    this future is determined but in some meaningful way connected to it, the
  │    abort function is what to do if this future is aborted, and finally num_ops
  │    is how many operations have been performed on this future.  The definition
  │    of an "operation" is kind of vague but basically it corresponds to mutating
  │    this undetermined future in some way. *)
  │ and 'a undet = {
  │   mutable f : (State.t -> State.t) option;
  │   mutable watchers : 'a Watcher.t list;
  │   mutable deps : dep list;
  │   abort : abort;
  │   mutable num_ops : int;
  │ }
  │ (* A dependency can be any future and it will not have the same type as this
  │    future, so we have to hide the actual type in an existential so we can
  │    reference any future as a dependency. *)
  │ and dep = Dep : 'a u -> dep

Multicore OCaml: September 2021, effect handlers will be in OCaml 5.0!


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Welcome to the September 2021 [Multicore OCaml] monthly report!  This
  month's update along with the [previous updates] have been compiled by
  me, @ctk21, @kayceesrk and @shakthimaan. The team has been working
  over the past few months to finish the [last few features] necessary
  to reach feature parity with stock OCaml. We also worked closely with
  the core OCaml team to develop the timeline for upstreaming Multicore
  OCaml to stock OCaml, and have now agreed that:

  **OCaml 5.0 will support shared-memory parallelism through domains
  _and_ direct-style concurrency through effect handlers (without
  syntactic support)**.

  • The [Domain mechanism] permits OCaml programmers to speed up OCaml
    code by taking advantage of parallel processing via multiple cores
    available on modern processors.
  • Effect handlers allow OCaml programmers to write [high-performance
    concurrent programs in direct-style], without the use of monadic
    concurrency as is the case today with the Lwt and Async
    libraries. Effect handlers also serve as a useful abstraction to
    build other non-local control-flow abstractions such as
    [generators], [lightweight threads], etc. OCaml will be one of [the
    first industrial-strength languages to support effect handlers].

  The new code will have to go through the usual rigorous review process
  of contributions to upstream OCaml, but we expect to advance the
  review process over the next few months.

[Multicore OCaml] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore>

[previous updates] <https://discuss.ocaml.org/tag/multicore-monthly>

[last few features]

[Domain mechanism]

[high-performance concurrent programs in direct-style]


[lightweight threads]

[the first industrial-strength languages to support effect handlers]

Recap: what are effect handlers?

  Below is an excerpt from ["Retrofitting Effect Handlers onto OCaml"]:

        Effect handlers provide a modular foundation for
        user-defined effects. The key idea is to separate the
        definition of the effectful operations from their
        interpretations, which are given by handlers of the
        effects. For example:

        │ effect In_line : in_channel -> string

        declares an effect `In_line', which is parameterised with
        an input channel of type `in_channel', which when
        performed returns a `string' value. A computation can
        perform the `In_line' effect without knowing how the
        `In_line' effect is implemented. This computation may be
        enclosed by different handlers that handle `In_line'
        differently. For example, `In_line' may be implemented by
        performing a blocking read on the input channel or
        performing the read asynchronously by offloading it to an
        event loop such as libuv, without changing the

        Thanks to the separation of effectful operations from
        their implementation, effect handlers enable new
        approaches to modular programming. Effect handlers are a
        generalisation of exception handlers, where, in addition
        to the effect being handled, the handler is provided with
        the delimited continuation of the perform site. This
        continuation may be used to resume the suspended
        computation later. This enables non-local control-flow
        mechanisms such as resumable exceptions, lightweight
        threads, coroutines, generators and asynchronous I/O to be
        composably expressed.

  The implementation of effect handlers in OCaml are /single-shot/ –
  that is, a continuation can be resumed only once, and must be
  explicitly discontinued if not used. This restriction makes for easier
  reasoning about control flow in the presence of mutable data
  structures, and also allows for a high performance implementation.

  You can read more about effect handlers in OCaml in the [full paper].

["Retrofitting Effect Handlers onto OCaml"]

[full paper] <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.00250.pdf>

Why is there no syntactic support for effect handlers in OCaml 5.0?

  Effect handlers currently in Multicore OCaml do not ensure [/effect
  safety/]. That is, the compiler will not ensure that all the effects
  performed by the program are handled. Instead, unhandled effects lead
  to exceptions at runtime. Since we plan to extend OCaml with support
  for an [effect system] in the future, OCaml 5.0 will not feature the
  syntactic support for programming with effect handlers. Instead, we
  expose the same features through functions from the standard library,
  reserving the syntax decisions for when the effect system lands. The
  function based effect handlers is just as expressive as the current
  syntaxful version in Multicore OCaml. As an example, the syntax-free
  version of:

  │ effect E : string
  │ let comp () =
  │   print_string "0 ";
  │   print_string (perform E);
  │   print_string "3 "
  │ let main () =
  │   try
  │     comp ()
  │   with effect E k ->
  │     print_string "1 ";
  │     continue k "2 ";
  │     print_string “4 "

  will be:

  │ type _ eff += E : string eff
  │ let comp () =
  │   print_string "0 ";
  │   print_string (perform E);
  │   print_string "3 "
  │ let main () =
  │   try_with comp ()
  │   { effc = fun e ->
  │       match e with
  │       | E -> Some (fun k ->
  │ 	  print_string "1 ";
  │ 	  continue k "2 ";
  │ 	  print_string “4 “)
  │       | e -> None }

  One can imagine writing a ppx extension that enable programmers to
  write code that is close to the earlier version.

[/effect safety/] <https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.00250>

[effect system]

Which opam switch should I use today?

  The `4.12+domains' opam switch has _all_ the features that will go
  into OCaml 5.0, including the effect-handlers-as-functions. The exact
  module under which the functions go will likely change by 5.0, but the
  basic form should remain the same.

  The `4.12+domains+effects' opam switch will be preserved, but the
  syntax will not be upstreamed. This switch is mainly useful to try out
  the examples of OCaml effect handlers in the academic literature.

  To learn more about programming using this effect system, see the
  [eio] library and [this recent talk]. In the next few weeks, the `eio'
  library will be ported to `4.12+domains' to use the function based
  effect handlers so that it is ready for OCaml 5.0.

[eio] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio>

[this recent talk]

Onto the September 21 update

  A number of enhancements have been merged to improve the thread safety
  of the stdlib, improve the test suite coverage, along with the usual
  bug fixes. The documentation for the ecosystem projects has been
  updated for readabilty, grammar and consistency. The sandmark-nightly
  web service is currently being Dockerized to be deployed for
  visualising and analysing benchmark results. The Sandmark 2.0-beta
  branch is also released with the 2.0 features, and is available for
  testing and feedback.

  We would like to acknowledge the following people for their
  • @lingmar (Linnea Ingmar) for reporting a segmentation fault in
    4.12.0+domains at `caml_shared_try_alloc'.
  • @dhil (Daniel Hillerström) provided a patch to remove
    `drop_continuation' in the compiler sources.
  • @nilsbecker (Nils Becker) reported a crash with 14 cores when using
    Task.pool management.
  • @cjen1 (Chris Jensen) observed and used ulimit to fix a
    `Unix.ENOMEM' error when trying out the Eio README example.
  • @anuragsoni (Anurag Soni) has contributed an async HTTP benchmark
    for `retro-httpaf-bench'.

  As always, the Multicore OCaml updates are listed first, which are
  then followed by the updates from the ecosystem tools and
  libraries. The Sandmark-nightly work-in-progress and the Sandmark
  benchmarking tasks are finally listed for your reference.

  /Editor’s note: the detailed changelog is omitted, please follow the
  archive link above to read it./

Sid asked and Anil Madhavapeddy replied

        What is the upcoming OCaml debugging story? Firing up the
        native executable and debugging using gdb/rr is going to
        be difficult because all you will see is low level stuff.

  We've gone to some effort to preserve DWARF unwinding correctly in
  multicore OCaml (see [the effects paper] for more details). You may
  also want to check the [debugging tips and tricks] in the OCaml
  multicore wiki which has info on how to use gdb and rr. You do get
  your functions back as mangled names, but it's pretty easy to visually
  map those back to their original OCaml function names by inspection.

[the effects paper]

[debugging tips and tricks]

Développeur-euse oCaml - CDI Geneanet - Paris


Yves RENOUE announced

  Avec plus de 4 millions de membres et 7 milliards d'individus
  référencés, Geneanet est leader sur le marché de la généalogie. Dans
  le cadre de notre croissance, nous recherchons un(e) développeur(euse)
  OCaml afin de renforcer nos équipes de développement.


  Vous intégrerez une équipe SCRUM et prendrez part au développement du
  logiciel OpenSource [GeneWeb], qui est au coeur de l’architecture des
  outils de saisie et de présentation des généalogies sur Geneanet.

  Vous pourrez participer à de nombreux projets d’évolution sur les
  arbres généalogiques (saisie, calculs de parenté, exports, recherche
  d’informations), apporter vos idées et votre créativité lors de
  semaines de labs et prendre en charge des sujets plus large
  d’évolution de la plateforme technique.


  • Vous promouvez et partagez les valeurs de l'Open Source.
  • Vous avez une réelle expérience sur l’utilisation du langage OCaml.
  • Une connaissance des technologies du web (PHP, Mysql, HTML, CSS,
    Javascript) est requise.
  • Vous avez le souci de la maintenabilité du code et du service rendu
    à l’utilisateur final.
  • Vous aimez travailler en équipe.
  • Vous êtes éventuellement intéressé(e) par la généalogie, l’Histoire
    ou les jeux de société à la pause de midi…

  Si vous vous reconnaissez dans ce qui précède, envoyez nous votre CV à
  recrutement-tech at geneanet.org ! Poste basé à Paris, possibilité de
  télétravail 3j/semaine.

[GeneWeb] <https://github.com/geneweb/geneweb>

OCaml 4.13.1, a small and early regression fix version


octachron announced

  We have discovered a regression within OCaml 4.13.0 that make the
  compiler crash on classes named `row'
  │ module M = struct
  │    class row = object end
  │ end
  due to a collision between two families of internal identifiers.

  To restore your freedom to name classes however you want, we have
  released OCaml 4.13.1 as an early bug-fix release.

  This new version is available as a set of OPAM switches with
  │ opam update
  │ opam switch create 4.13.1
  and as a source download here:



Regression fix

  • [10661], [10662]: fix a bug with classes named "row" (Gabriel
    Scherer, report and review by Nicolás Ojeda Bär)

[10661] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10661>

[10662] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10662>

Set up OCaml 2.0.0-beta5


Sora Morimoto announced


  • Reduce GitHub API calls to avoid issues that can easily hit


  • If no user-input version is found in the opam-repository, explicitly
    raise an error instead of implicitly breaking the workflow.
  • Retrieve the base compiler version from opam-repository to use the
    live released compiler version.


Liquidsoap 2.0.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-liquidsoap-2-0-0/8571/1>

Romain Beauxis announced

  It with great excitement and some ~2 years of anticipation that we
  have now the pleasure to announce the release of [Liquidsoap 2.0.0]!


  The release is currently being deployed to opam and should be
  available through their main repository shortly. If you need to
  install it right away you can do:
  │ git clone https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap.git
  │ cd liquidsoap && git checkout v2.0.0
  │ opam install -y .

  The release also includes binary packages for a bunch of

[Liquidsoap 2.0.0]

🤔  What is liquidsoap?

  Liquidsoap is a statically-typed, type-inferred, functional scripting
  language equipped with specialized operators to build audio and video
  stream automation.

  The liquidsoap language offers all the flexibility and expressivity of
  a fully featured programming language to help build your media

  Using liquidsoap, one can very quickly stand up a media streaming
  platform that can rotate files from playlists, accept live DJ input,
  mux audio and video, encode (or not!) and send the resulting data to
  youtube, icecast, HLS and more..

:white_check_mark: Why liquidsoap?

  While there are many tools that offer competing features, the real
  difference with liquidsoap is its scripting language.

  Setting up tools using configuration files is often easier and more
  straight forward, however, when it comes to the finer details, such as
  inserting jingles between shows, defining crossfades between tracks
  and more, potentially, each project has its own set of expectations,
  and this is where liquidsoap becomes really useful!

:zap:️ What's new in Liquidsoap 2.0.0?                              :zap:

  Liquidsoap 2.0.0 brings major improvements in two areas:

:film_projector: Video support via ffmpeg

  While video has been supported for a while, audio remained the primary
  target of the software. This is all changed now! In keeping with the
  tradition of focusing on what we do well and delegating to others what
  they have expertise on, we implemented a tight integration of the
  remarkably awesome ffmpeg API.

  This has brought to liquidsoap all the exciting features of ffmpeg,
  including support for multiple input and output formats, filters and
  also support for end-to-end encoded content, which allows liquidsoap,
  when possible, to stream content without having to re-encode it, a
  long requested user feature.

  Our aim with the ffmpeg integration is to become a scripting language
  built on top of ffmpeg in such ways that, if something is possible
  with the ffmpeg command-line, it should be possible with liquidsoap.

  Meanwhile, the scripting language also provides functionalities based
  on ffmpeg that are either hard or impossible to implement using the
  command-line executable, such as [fully typed, composable ffmpeg
  filter operators] and [shared encoding]

[fully typed, composable ffmpeg filter operators]

[shared encoding] <https://www.liquidsoap.info/doc-2.0.0/cookbook.html>

:gear: Expanded language features

  With this release, the liquidsoap language is expanded, introducing
  multiple features much needed for the comfort of the programmer such
  • Module and records, allow to attach method to variables
  • Exception handling
  • Support for structured data, tuples and etc.

  Along with these changes, we have released [The Liquidsoap Book],
  which we hope will help users of all skill level to work with the
  liquidsoap language and streaming projects.

  But we are not stopping here! We have even more exciting features in
  store for the liquidsoap language, some of them already committed to
  the main development branch.

[The Liquidsoap Book] <https://www.liquidsoap.info/doc-dev/book.html>

:children_crossing: Roadmap and versioning

  Our roadmap consists of:

:construction: Bugfix releases

  While we are satisfied with the current `2.0.0' release and believe it
  is safe to use for production-ready work, software projects are never
  free of bugs so we will keep improving on the current stable branch.

  Stable releases are numbered using the patch part of their version,
  i.e. `2.0.x'. However, when it comes to liquidsoap, it is important to
  keep in mind that some of our operators have complex behavior and
  interactions with each other. While we do our best to maintain
  backward compatibility between bugfix versions, we always recommend to
  test them in a staging area before pushing them to production.

  Our workflow for reporting bugs is via github's [issues tracker]. This
  is our preferred way to keep track of issues, discuss them and mark
  them as fixed. If you have questions related to setting up your
  script, installing liquidsoap and etc, you can also start a
  [discussion]. In some cases, issues get transfer to discussions as we
  see fit and, also, discussions can in fact lead to reporting an
  associated issues.

  We do encourage all reports as we find a lot of value in our users
  feedback. We try to respond to all of them diligently but we also
  appreciated your patience.

[issues tracker] <https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap/issues>

[discussion] <https://github.com/savonet/liquidsoap/discussions>

:bulb: Future major release

  While we were busy stabilizing the current stable branch, we couldn't
  resist working on new features! So far, it looks like the next major
  release will focus on expanding the language's capabilities with
  features such as:
  • Support for variable in encoders
  • Generalized extraction patterns
  • First-class module system
  • Vastly improved support for json parsing and rendering
  • Type-system flexibility improvements

  A vision that we have is to bring the liquidsoap language to the same
  flexibility and type-safety as languages such as TypesScript but with
  inferred types so you never have to write them (99% of the time..)!

🚀 Need help?

  If you need help with your liquidsoap project, you can join our online
  chat room, which is currently hosted on [slack]. We also provide
  professional support. Holler at us if you are in such need we'd love
  to see how we can help as well!

[slack] <http://slack.liquidsoap.info/>

OCaml code snippets proposed as CC-BY-SA 4.0 candidates


Damien Guichard announced

  The idea is quite simple. There are many people lurking here that wish
  to write an OCaml book or tutorial or blogpost, however :
  • either they miss the most illustrative ocaml code snippet
  • or they know what the best code is but there is a (potential)
    Statement of Rights violation

  I want to help these people, starting with @dmbaturin and [OCaml From
  the Ground Up].  I will publish here my own code as [CC-BY-SA 4.0].
  Also i will link to resources that are known to be CC-BY-SA
  4.0-compatible.  And i invite you to post your own code as CC-BY-SA
  4.0 so that it can be inspiring and used in educational material.

  /Editor’s note: this message was followed by many code
  snippets. Please follow the archive link above to read them./

[OCaml From the Ground Up] <https://ocamlbook.org/>

[CC-BY-SA 4.0] <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/>


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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