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Tue Mar 30 07:56:08 PDT 2021


  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  =E2=80=A2 [New Try-Alt-Ergo]
  =E2=80=A2 [TZComet's New Token Viewer]

[OCaml Planet] <>

[New Try-Alt-Ergo]

[TZComet's New Token Viewer]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at>

[the archive] <>

[RSS feed of the archives] <>

[online] <>

[Alan Schmitt] <>

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<div id=3D"content">
<h1 class=3D"title">OCaml Weekly News</h1>
<a href=3D"">Previous Week<=
/a> <a href=3D"">Up</a> <a href=
=3D"">Next Week</a>


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of March 23 to 30, 2021.

<div id=3D"table-of-contents">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id=3D"text-table-of-contents">
<li><a href=3D"#1">Theorem Proving with Coq and Ocaml</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#2">ocaml-aws 1.2</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#3">Release of <code>fmlib.0.2.0</code></a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#4">soupault: a static website generator based on HTML rewri=
<li><a href=3D"#5">Timere-parse 0.0.2, natural language parsing of date, ti=
me and duration</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#6">ocamlnet-4.1.9</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#7">Release of cohttp 4.0.0</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#8">New Try-Alt-Ergo website</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#9">Other OCaml News</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#org0ec5db6">Old CWN</a></li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org75fb458" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"1">Theorem Proving with Coq and Ocaml</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-1">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgc705d53" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgc705d53">Gregory Malecha announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgc705d53">
I lead the formal methods team at Bedrock Systems (<a href=3D"https://bedro="></a>) and we are looking to hire a=
engineer working on automation in the Coq proof assistant (which is written=
 in Ocaml). We're very interested in
candidates with strong Ocaml background especially in topics related to aut=
omated theorem proving, e.g. SAT/SMT
solvers, datalog, superposition, resolution, etc. While Coq experience is g=
reat, you do not need to be a Coq expert
to apply to this position, we're happy to marry your Ocaml expertise with o=
ur Coq expertise.

Formal methods are at the core of BedRock's business and we are deeply comm=
itted to solving problems of system
verification at industrial scale. We get FM techniques and insights into th=
e code early on and use them to build,
maintain, and evolve code. This includes developing more agile techniques t=
o keep evolving verified systems once
they're built.

We have eight folks on the formal methods team today, hailing from MPI-SWS,=
 MIT CSAIL, Princeton, and other leading
research groups. If you're interested, send me an email or you can inquire =
more broadly at jobs at

<b>Company overview:</b>

BedRock is building a <b>trustworthy compute base for mission-critical appl=
ications</b> . The foundation of the platform
is an open source, multi-core, capability-based micro-hypervisor that we ar=
e developing and verifying. On top of
these deep specifications we are writing and verifying applications to prov=
ide an extensible and configurable core.

Our contention is that the <b>time is ripe for verifiably trustworthy syste=
ms</b>, for everything from secure phones
and industrial IoT to autonomous systems and financial infrastructure. With=
 significant seed funding, great
investors, and commercial projects underway, we are growing our team in Bos=
ton, the Bay Area, DC, and Germany.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd6affb5" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"2">ocaml-aws 1.2</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-2">
Archive: <a href=3D"">h=

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd754191" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgd754191">Tim Mc Gilchrist announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgd754191">
I'm pleased to announce the release of <a href=3D"
ckages/aws/">ocaml-aws</a> 1.2.

ocaml-aws aims to provide generated bindings to many AWS services using the=
 botocore specifications. In this version
we've bumped version bounds on a bunch of depedencies and also added new bi=
ndings for:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">

Please check it out and report any issues.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd978e6d" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"3">Release of <code>fmlib.0.2.0</code></h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-3">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org96db17b" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org96db17b">Hbr announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org96db17b">
I am pleased to announce the second release (0.2.0) of fmlib, a functional
library with managed effects.

The library has up to now 4 components:

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D""=
>Some standard datatypes</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"
dex.html">Pretty printing functions</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"
l">Parsing combinator library</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"">Primit=
ives to compile to javascript</a></li>

The last component is the new one in version 0.2.0. Internally it uses
<code>js_of_ocaml</code> to compile to javascript. It is an easy to use lib=
rary of
primitive functions to access mainly browser functionality from ocaml and s=
rudimentary functions to access nodejs functionality.

It can be installed via opam by

<pre class=3D"example">
opam update
opam install fmlib
opam install fmlib_js

It is located at <a href=3D"">github</a>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org883857f" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org883857f">Hbr added</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org883857f">
Hint: <code>fmlib</code> is still a bundle of three libraries i.e. three to=
plevel modules <code>Fmlib_std</code>, <code>Fmlib_pretty</code> and
<code>Fmlib_parse</code>. Therefore they have to be used in a <code>dune</c=
ode> file with

<pre class=3D"example">
(libraries fmlib.fmlib_std fmlib.fmlib_pretty fmlib.fmlib_parse ...)

while the new library can be used with

<pre class=3D"example">
(libraries fmlib_js ...)

This inconvenience will be corrected in the next release.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd837c16" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"4">soupault: a static website generator based on HTML rewriting</=
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-4">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd162693" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgd162693">Daniil Baturin announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgd162693">
<a href=3D"">soupault 2.5.=
0</a> offers some features that are unique among SSGs.

There are two new built-in widgets for rewriting internal links, which is u=
seful if you don't host your website at
the server root. For example, if you host it at <code></co=
de>, you cannot just write <code>&lt;img src=3D"/header.png"&gt;</code>:
it will point to <code></code> while you want <code>e=</code> instead.

The <code>relative_links</code> widget will convert all internal links to r=
elative links according to their depth in the
directory tree. For example, suppose you have <code>&lt;img src=3D"/header.=
png"&gt;</code> in your page template. Then in
<code>about/index.html</code> that link will become <code>&lt;img src=3D"..=
/header.png"&gt;</code>; in <code>books/magnetic-fields/index.html</code> i=
t will
be <code>&lt;img src=3D"../../header.png"&gt;</code> and so on. This way yo=
u can move the website to a subdirectory and it will still

The <code>absolute_links</code> widget prepends a prefix to every internal =
link. Conceptually similar to the site URL option in
other SSGs and CMSes, but works for all links, not only links generated by =
the SSG itself.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org8342b85" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"5">Timere-parse 0.0.2, natural language parsing of date, time and=
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-5">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgafb81e9" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgafb81e9">Darren announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgafb81e9">
I'm happy to announce the release of Timere-parse 0.0.2, the natural langua=
ge parsing component of Timere, a date
time handling and reasoning library. Both packages are under the <a href=3D=

Timere-parse allows interpretation of common descriptions of date, time and=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org768e7af" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org768e7af">Date time examples</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org768e7af">
Input strings are in <code>""</code>, indented lines are pretty printed out=

<pre class=3D"example">
"2020 jun 6 10am"
  Ok 2020-06-06T10:00:00Z
"2020 jun 6th 10:15"
  Ok 2020-06-06T10:15:00Z
"Australia/Sydney 2020 jun 6 10am"
  Ok 2020-06-06T10:00:00+10:00
"01-06-2020 10:10"
  Ok 2020-06-01T10:10:00Z
"2020/06/01 10am"
  Ok 2020-06-01T10:00:00Z
"jul 6 2021 9:15am"
  Ok 2021-07-06T09:15:00Z
  Ok 2020-06-01T00:00:00Z

<div id=3D"outline-container-org226c24e" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org226c24e">Duration examples</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org226c24e">
<pre class=3D"example">
  Ok 1 days 0 hours 0 mins 0 secs
"16.5 hours"
  Ok 16 hours 30 mins 0 secs
  Ok 1 hours 20 mins 0 secs
"1 hour 2.5 minutes"
  Ok 1 hours 2 mins 30 secs
"100 seconds"
  Ok 1 mins 40 secs
"2.25 minutes 1 seconds"
  Ok 2 mins 16 secs
"5 days 6.5 hours"
  Ok 5 days 6 hours 30 mins 0 secs

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgf9031f8" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"orgf9031f8">Timere object examples</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-orgf9031f8">
<pre class=3D"example">
"2020 jun"
  Ok (pattern (years 2020) (months Jun))
  Ok (pattern (months Jan))
jan 6 12pm to 2pm"
  Ok (bounded_intervals whole (duration 366 0 0 0) (points (pick mdhms Jan =
6 12 0 0)) (points (pick hms 14 0 0)))
"12th, 13 to 15, 20"
  Ok (pattern (month_days 12 13 14 15 20))
"16th 7:30am"
  Ok (pattern (month_days 16) (hours 7) (minutes 30) (seconds 0))
"16th 8am to 10am, 11am to 12pm"
  Ok (inter (pattern (month_days 16)) (union (bounded_intervals whole (dura=
tion 1 0 0 0) (points (pick hms 8 0 0))
(points (pick hms 10 0 0))) (bounded_intervals whole (duration 1 0 0 0) (po=
ints (pick hms 11 0 0)) (points (pick hms
12 0 0)))))
"2020 jun 16th 10am to jul 1 12pm"
  Ok (bounded_intervals whole (duration 366 0 0 0) (points (pick ymdhms 202=
0 Jun 16 10 0 0)) (points (pick mdhms Jul
1 12 0 0)))

<div id=3D"outline-container-org15033fe" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org15033fe">Corpus</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org15033fe">
For the full corpus/examples, see <a href=3D"
/timere/tree/main/corpus">corpus/</a>  for code and
<a href=3D"">=
corpus-outputs/</a> for generated outputs.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd43a2cd" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"6">ocamlnet-4.1.9</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-6">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgb7d4a88" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgb7d4a88">Gerd Stolpmann announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgb7d4a88">
there is now ocamlnet-4.1.9 available:

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>compatibility with upcoming OCaml-4.12</li>
<li>some fixes regarding TLS (https)</li>
<li>a few build-related details</li>

See the project page for download, documentation, a detailed changelog,
and the mailing list:
<a href=3D"">http://proj=</a>

The repository is at

<a href=3D"">https://gitlab.=

opam follows soon.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org959f245" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"7">Release of cohttp 4.0.0</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-7">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org5167a83" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org5167a83">Marcello Seri announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org5167a83">
We are glad to announce the <a href=3D"
tory/pull/18385">upcoming release</a> of <a href=3D"
4.0.0</code></a>, a low-level OCaml library for HTTP clients and servers.

This release comes with a big update of the documentation and the examples,=
 both in the
<a href=3D"">README</a> and in the co=
debase, and improvements and bug fixes from many
contributors =F0=9F=99=87 which you will find listed below.

A huge thank you to all the people that helped to get this release ready by=
 raising issues, participating in
discussions, sending PRs, and otherwise using our library.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgbafc735" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"orgbafc735">The future of cohttp</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-orgbafc735">
To quote @avsm from <a href=3D"

The development process [&#x2026;] is driven by a simple principle that is =
inspired by OCaml itself: don't needlessly
break backwards compatibility without good reason, and when it is necessary=
, justify it. Our tools are embedded in
projects that have lifespans measured in the decades, and we take compatibi=
lity seriously. That=E2=80=99s why we take pains
to provide migration paths [&#x2026;] that are as invisible as possible.

Since in this release we have decided to include a number of fixes and impr=
ovements which modified Cohttp module
signatures, we decided to signal the potential breackage by bumping the maj=
or version of the library. In most cases,
however, you don't need to do anything and your code will keep working with=
 the latest cohttp.

Moving forward, we have agreed to start working on the API and the internal=
s of cohttp to modernize it and get it
ready for multicore support and also for eventual unification with the h2 s=
tack that offers HTTP2/3 support.

To be able to move forward and avoid stalling improvements for months, we w=
ill be less shy of major releases.
However, to remain true to the principle above, we will be careful to intro=
duce one breakage at a time, carefully
justify its need and provide a clear upgrade path in the changelog.

The version history is:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>cohttp 2.5.5: security backports (changelog below)</li>
<li>cohttp 3.0.0: skipped (explained below)</li>
<li>cohttp 4.0.0: the next release (changelog below)</li>
<li>cohttp 5.0.0: will include a long-awaited change in <a href=3D"https://=">how headers are treated</a>: which=
 fixes a multitude of past issues and simplifies the internals of the modul=

For the people that need stability, <b>we have decided to keep backporting =
important security fixes to the <code>2.5.x</code>
branch of the project</b>. In fact, <code>cohttp 2.5.5</code>, released jus=
t a few days ago was the first release with the
backport of a security issue.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org76b3707" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org76b3707">What happened to 3.0.0?</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org76b3707">
The release of <code>cohttp 3.0.0</code> has been long awaited, and we are =
extremely grateful to @dinosaure for the enormous
work that went into designing and implementing <code>conduit 3.0.0</code> a=
nd <code>cohttp 3.0.0</code> (part of which remained in <code>4.0.0</code>
as bug fixes and API improvements).

However, a discussion started soon after the release pointing out that ther=
e could be further room of improvement
also with the new design, particularly with respect to backwards compatibil=
ity. Since the design discussion did not
reach consensus, these changes were reverted to preserve better compatibili=
ty with existing cohttp users and <code>cohttp
3.0.0</code> was <a href=3D"
36">marked as unavailable</a> on the opam repository.  As
maintainers, our "lesson learnt" is to not do releases incrementally when t=
hey span multiple libraries: we were
caught in an awkward spot when conduit 3 was released, but without cohttp 3.

The work on the new conduit is steadily progressing and will be integrated =
in a new major release of cohttp in the
future, once we will be confident that the API is settled. If you want to t=
ry using it immediately, then it is
available as the <a href=3D"
/src/mimic">mimic</a> library in ocaml-git.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org692c389" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org692c389">Change Log</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org692c389">
<div id=3D"outline-container-org7ecb869" class=3D"outline-5">
<h5 id=3D"org7ecb869">v4.0.0</h5>
<div class=3D"outline-text-5" id=3D"text-org7ecb869">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>cohttp.response: fix malformed status header for custom status codes (@=
mseri @aalekseyev #752)</li>
<li>remove dependency to base (@samoht #745)</li>
<li>add GitHub Actions workflow (@smorimoto #739)</li>
<li><code>cohttp-lwt-jsoo</code>: Forward exceptions to caller when respons=
e is null (@mefyl #738)</li>
<li>Use implicit executable dependency for generate.exe (@TheLortex #735)</=
<li>cohttp: update HTTP codes (@emillon #711)</li>
<li>cohttp: fix chunked encoding of empty body (@mefyl #715)</li>
<li>cohttp-async: fix body not being uploaded with unchunked Async.Pipe (@m=
efyl #706)</li>
<li>cohttp-{async, lwt}: fix suprising behaviours of Body.is_empty (@anurag=
soni #714 #712 #713)</li>
<li>refactoring of tests (@mseri #709, @dinosaure #692)</li>
<li>update documentation (@dinosaure #716, @mseri #720)</li>
<li>fix deadlock in logging (@dinosaure #722)</li>
<li>improve media type parsing (@seliopou #542, @dinosaure #725)</li>
<li>[reverted] breaking changes to client and server API to use conduit 3.0=
.0 (@dinosaure #692). However, as the design discussion did not reach conse=
nsus, these changes were reverted to preserve better compatibility with exi=
sting cohttp users. (#741,  @samoht)</li>

<b>Potentially breaking changes</b>

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>remove <code>wrapped false</code> from the codebase (@rgrinberg #734)</=
<li>cohttp: add Uti.t to uri scheme (@brendanlong #707)</li>
<li>cohttp-lwt-jsoo: rename Cohttp_lwt_xhr to Cohttp_lwt_jsoo for consisten=
cy (@mseri #717)</li>
<li>cohttp: fix transfer-encoding ordering in headers (@mseri #721)</li>
<li>lower-level support for long-running cohttp-async connections (@brendan=
long #704)</li>
<li>add of_form and to_form functions to body (@seliopou #440, @mseri #723)=
<li>cohttp-lwt: partly inline read_response, fix body stream leak (@madroac=
h @dinosaure #696).
Note: there is a new warning that may show up in your logs when bodies are =
leaked, see also <a href=3D"
<li>add comparison functions for Request.t and Response.t via ppx_compare (=
@msaffer-js @dinosaure #686)</li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgdf85b20" class=3D"outline-5">
<h5 id=3D"orgdf85b20">v2.5.5</h5>
<div class=3D"outline-text-5" id=3D"text-orgdf85b20">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<code>Cohttp_async.resolve_local_file</code>, <code>Cohttp_lwt.resolve_loca=
l_file</code> and <code>Cohttp_lwt_unix.resolve_file</code> are now the sam=
e code under the hood (<code>Cohttp.Path.resolve_local_file</code>). The ol=
d names have been preserved for compatibility, but will be marked as deprec=
ated in the next release. This changes the behavior of <code>Cohttp_lwt_uni=
x.resolve_file</code>: it now percent-decodes the paths and blocks escaping=
 from the docroot correctly. This also fixes and tests the corner cases in =
these methods when the docroot is empty. (@ewanmellor #755)

<b>Double check your code base for uses of <code>Cohttp_lwt_unix.resolve_fi=
le</code>: it is unsafe with respect to path handling</b>. If you cannot up=
grade to <code>cohttp 2.5.5</code>, you should modify your code to call <co=
de>Cohttp_lwt.resolve_local_file</code> instead.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org28e8a71" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"8">New Try-Alt-Ergo website</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-8">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org15c3675" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org15c3675">OCamlPro announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org15c3675">
We are pleased to announce the new version of the <a href=3D"https://try-al=">Try Alt-Ergo website</a>!

As a reminder, Try Alt-Ergo allows you to write and run your problems in yo=
ur browser without any server computation.
It was designed to be a powerful and simple tool to use.

Updates concern these parts of the site:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>A new back end in JavaScript</li>
<li>Front end with news features (Ace editor, top panel, right panel, etc.)=

Take a look at <a href=3D"
rgo/">our blogpost</a> to read how we have updated the
Try Alt-Ergo website and what's new! You can also visit the <a href=3D"http=
s://">Try Alt-Ergo
website</a> directly. As usual, do not hesitate to report bugs, to ask ques=
tions, or
to give your feedback.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgcaf1ac0" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"9">Other OCaml News</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-9">
<div id=3D"outline-container-orgdec2ebc" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgdec2ebc">From the ocamlcore planet blog</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgdec2ebc">
Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at <a href=3D"http://ocaml.=
org/community/planet/">OCaml Planet</a>.

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"">New T=
<li><a href=3D"">TZC=
omet's New Token Viewer</a></li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org0ec5db6" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"org0ec5db6">Old CWN</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-org0ec5db6">
If you happen to miss a CWN, you can <a href=3D"mailto:alan.schmitt at polytec=">send me a message</a> and I'll mail it to you, or go take a loo=
k at <a href=3D"">the archive</a> or the <=
a href=3D"">RSS feed of the archive=

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe <a hre=

<div class=3D"authorname">
<a href=3D"">Alan Schmitt</a>



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