[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jul 13 06:55:29 PDT 2021


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of July 06 to 13,

Table of Contents

slug 1.0.0 - URL-safe slug generator
Developer Experience Engineer at Jane Street
Hardcaml MIPS CPU Learning Project and Blog
OCaml for Windows installation confusion
OCamlFormat config file auto-completion support in VSCode
Multicore OCaml: June 2021
memprof-limits (first official release): Memory limits, allocation limits, and thread cancellation, with interrupt-safe resources
Bitwuzla 1.0.0 (SMT solver for AUFBVFP)

slug 1.0.0 - URL-safe slug generator


Khoa Nguyen announced

  I want to introduce my first library ever released on opam.  Link to
  Github repository: <https://github.com/thangngoc89/ocaml-slug>


  Url safe slug generator for OCaml

        A URL slug is the part of a URL or link that comes after
        the domain extension.  In websites the keyword used for
        your URL slug can be used to SEO optimize the URL by
        showing Google the structure of your site and the contents
        of the page in question.

  This library turns title into URL-safe slug with support for non-latin

  This library uses algorithm and data from [node-slugify]

[node-slugify] <https://github.com/simov/slugify>


  │ opam install slug

  If you use [esy]

  │ esy add @opam/slug

[esy] <https://esy.sh>


  • OCaml syntax:

    │ Slug.slugify "my string";;
    │ - : string = "my-string"
    │ (* Custom separator *)
    │ Slug.slugify ?sep: "_" "my string";;
    │ - : string = "my_string"
    │ (* Retain uppercase *)
    │ Slug.slugify ?lowercase: false "My String";;
    │ - : string = "My-String"
    │ (* Use locale *)
    │ let with_vi = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap [Slug_data.base; Slug_data.vi]);;
    │ - : Charmap.t = <abstr>
    │ Slug.slugify ?charmap: with_vi "Đ";;
    │ - : string = "d"
    │ Slug.slugify "Đ";;
    │ - : string = "dj"
    │ (* Custom characters map *)
    │ let custom_map = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap [Slug_data.base; [ ("M", "z"); ("m", "z") ]]);;
    │ val custom_map : Charmap.t = <abstr>
    │ Slug.slugify ?charmap: custom_map "Mm";;
    │ - : string = "zz"

  • ReasonML syntax

    │ Slug.slugify("my string");
    │ - : string = "my-string"
    │ /* Custom separator */
    │ Slug.slugify(~sep = "_", "my string");
    │ - : string = "my_string"
    │ /* Retain uppercase */
    │ Slug.slugify(~lowercase = false, "My String");
    │ - : string = "My-String"
    │ /* Use locale */
    │ let with_vi = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap([Slug_data.base, Slug_data.vi]));
    │ let with_vi : Charmap.t = <abstr>
    │ Slug.slugify(~charmap = with_vi, "Đ");
    │ - : string = "d"
    │ Slug.slugify("Đ");
    │ - : string = "dj"
    │ /* Custom characters map */
    │ let custom_map = Slug.(Charmap.mk_charmap([Slug_data.base, [ ("M", "z"), ("m", "z") ]]));;
    │ let custom_map : Charmap.t = <abstr>
    │ Slug.slugify(~charmap = custom_map, "Mm");
    │ - : string = "zz"


  Please don't send PR to update `data/*'. They are auto-generated from
  [upstream library].

  Please send PRs about new locales to node-slugify.

  If you really need it, you can use a `custom_map' instead.

[upstream library] <https://github.com/simov/slugify>


  MIT. Data are downloaded from [node-slugify]

[node-slugify] <https://github.com/simov/slugify>

Developer Experience Engineer at Jane Street


Yaron Minsky announced

  You can read more about the job here:


  The role is for someone to act as an advocate for our internal
  developers, helping move information in both directions: teaching
  people how to make most use of the tools, and figuring out what our
  developers need, and helping set priorities for our dev-tools and
  compiler teams.

  Please share this with anyone you think might be a good fit for the

Hardcaml MIPS CPU Learning Project and Blog


Clément asked and Alexander (Sasha) Skvortsov announced

        👍 Does your website have an RSS feed?

  It does now! `https://ceramichacker.com/rss'.  Also
  `https://ceramichacker.com/atom' for Atom users.

  On a side note, we've published two more posts:

  1. [Memory in Hardcaml]
  2. [Registers and Stateful Design]

  More coming soon!

[Memory in Hardcaml]

[Registers and Stateful Design]

OCaml for Windows installation confusion


Deep in this thread, Nicolás Ojeda Bär said

  At LexiFi we have been writing OCaml under Windows for a long time and
  are quite experienced with it. I know of at least one other large
  industrial player that uses OCaml on Windows as their main environment
  cc @keleshev.

  If I had to summarize the situation of OCaml on Windows I would say
  that once you get past the installation of the dev environment (C
  toolchain + Cygwin), the experience is quite similar to Linux.  The
  compiler, standard library, `dune' and `merlin', all work flawlessly
  on Windows. OPAM is not 100% ready yet on Windows (we don't use it)
  but it has never been easier to work "monorepo" style using `dune'.

  For beginners the main stumbling block is setting up the dev
  environment (C toolchain + Cygwin). On Linux installing a C toolchain
  is not needed because the compiler is installed by default, but this
  is not the case on Windows. As for Cygwin, it is strictly speaking
  only necessary when building the compiler itself. Once the compiler is
  installed you are free to never use Cygwin again…

  So if you want a Rust-style exeperience for beginners you need to
  figure out how to provide a point-and-click installer that does the
  following things:

  1. installs the C toolchain,
  2. installs Cygwin and builds & installs the OCaml compiler using it
  3. installs merlin and dune

  At this point you will be left with a very capable environment for
  writing OCaml programs using common editors such as VS Code.

  Regarding 1. above (the C toolchain), there are two main options. If
  you want a completely freestanding C toolchain you *must* use the
  native MSVC compiler command-line tools, which you can get from
  (link appears down at the moment).

  If you are willing to use Cygwin for your day-to-day developing (as
  opposed to only using it when building the compiler), then you have a
  second option which is to use the `mingw64' compiler. This is a
  compiler that produces native Windows binaries, but the advantage is
  that it is essentially `gcc' so you get an user experience which you
  may be used to from Linux. As it runs under Cygwin, this option may
  appeal to those that prefer to insulate themselves as much as possible
  from Windows specificities.

        My guess is that the recommanded windows way is WSL2.

  It depends what you mean by "on Windows". If all you want is to
  develop "on" a Windows machine, yes by all means WSL is a good
  option. But the binaries you produce are Linux binaries, so they won't
  run on Windows outside of the WSL environment.

        Thank you. However if the repository won’t get any more
        updates from next month, that seems like a showstopper for
        OCaml usage on Windows to me.

  Only if you insist on using OPAM for your development. It is perfectly
  feasible to develop on Windows "monorepo" style without using
  OPAM. The experience may not be as pleasent as it would be on Unix and
  depending on how much you rely on external libraries it may be more or
  less convenient, but it works quite well in general.

OCamlFormat config file auto-completion support in VSCode


тars announced

  Hi, I made a tiny vscode extension which provides auto-completion for
  `.ocamlformat' file. (I posted this on discord but let me post it here

  …BTW I'm *a complete beginner* so this is written in TS. If I become
  comfortable with OCaml and its ecosystems, I'd like to re-write this
  in OCaml. But as of now, I have no clue. :upside_down_face:



тars then added

  Here's how it works.


Max Lantas replied

  Wow, this is great! Nice job!

        I’d like to re-write this in OCaml.

  If you decide to try this, you can look [VSCode OCaml Platform source
  code] to see how we wrote the OCaml extension in OCaml code. The basic
  idea is that it uses the [Js_of_ocaml compiler] to compile OCaml code
  to Javascript with bindings to the VSCode API.

  I glanced over your source code and it looks like it would translate
  very well to OCaml code. Feel free to reach out if you'd like help.

[VSCode OCaml Platform source code]

[Js_of_ocaml compiler] <https://github.com/ocsigen/js_of_ocaml>

Multicore OCaml: June 2021


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Welcome to the June 2021 [Multicore OCaml] monthly report! This
  month's update along with the [previous update's] have been compiled
  by @avsm, @ctk21, @kayceesrk and @shakthimaan.

  Our overall goal remains on track for generating a preview tree for
  OCaml 5.0 multicore domains-only parallelism over the summer.

[Multicore OCaml] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore>

[previous update's] <https://discuss.ocaml.org/tag/multicore-monthly>

Ecosystem compatibility for 4.12.0+domains

  In [May's update], I noted that our focus was now on adapting the
  ecosystem to work well with multicore, and I'm pleased to report that
  this is progressing very well.

  • The 4.12.0+domains multicore compiler variant has been [merged into
    mainline opam-repo], so you can now `opam switch 4.12.0+domains'
    directly. The `base-domains' package is also available to mark your
    opam project as _requiring_ the `Domains' module, so you can even
    publish your early multicore-capable libraries to the mainline opam
    repository now.

  • The OCaml standard library was made safe for parallel use by
    multiple domains ([wiki], [issue], [fixes]); and in particularly the
    `Format' and `Random' modules. These modules were the main sources
    of incompatibilities we found when running existing OCaml code with
    multiple domains.

  • The `Domain' module has had its interface slimmed with the removal
    of `critical_section', `wait', `notify' which has allowed
    significant runtime simplification. The GC C-API interface is now
    implemented and this means that Jane Street's `Base', `Core', and
    `Async' now compile on `4.12+domains' without modifications; for
    example `opam install patdiff' works out of the box on a
    `4.12+domains' switch!

  • [Domainslib 0.3.0] has been released which incorporates multiple
    improvements including the work-stealing deques for task
    distribution. The performance of reading domain local variables has
    also been improved with a primitive and a O(1) lookup.  The chapter
    on [`Parallel Programming in Multicore OCaml'] has been updated to
    reflect the latest developments with Domainslib.

  This means that big application stacks should now compile pretty well
  with 4.12.0+domains (applications like the Tezos node and patdiff
  exercise a lot of the dependency trees in opam). If you do find
  incompatibilities, please do report them on the [repository].

[May's update]

[merged into mainline opam-repo]


[issue] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/10453>


[Domainslib 0.3.0]

[`Parallel Programming in Multicore OCaml']

[repository] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore/issues>


  Most of our focus has been on getting the domains-only trees (for
  OCaml 5.0) up to speed, but we have been progressing the direct-style
  effects-based IO stack as well.

  • The `uring' bindings to Linux Io_uring are now available on
    opam-repository, so you can try it out on sequential OCaml too. A
    good mini-project would be to add a uring backend to the existing
    Async or Lwt engines, if anyone wants to try a substantial
  • The [`eio' library] is fairly usable now, for both filesystem and
    networking. We've submitted a talk to the OCaml workshop to dive
    into the innards of it in more detail, so stay tuned for that in the
    coming months if accepted.  The main changes here have been
    performance improvements, and the HTTP stack is fairy competitive
    with (e.g.) `rust-hyper'.

  We will soon also have a variant of this tree that removes the custom
  effect syntax and implements the fibres (the runtime piece) as `Obj'
  functions.  This will further improve ecosystem compatibility and
  allow us to build direct-style OCaml libraries that use fibres
  internally to provide concurrency, but without exposing any use of
  effects in their interfaces.

[`eio' library] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/eio>

Benchmarking and performance

  We are always keen to get more benchmarks that exercise multicore
  features; if you want to try multicore out and help write benchmarks
  there are some suggestions on the [wiki]. We've got a private server
  which runs a Sandmark nightly benchmark pipeline with Jupyter
  notebooks, which we can give access to anyone who submits
  benchmarks. We continue to test integration of Sandmark with
  [current-bench] for better integration with GitHub PRs.

  As always, the Multicore OCaml ongoing and completed tasks are listed
  first, which are then followed by updates from the ecosystem and their
  associated libraries. The Sandmark benchmarking and nightly build
  efforts are then mentioned. Finally, the status of the upstream OCaml
  Safepoints PR is provided for your reference.


[current-bench] <https://github.com/ocurrent/current-bench>

Multicore OCaml


  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#573] Backport trunk safepoints PR
    to multicore

    A work-in-progress to backport the Safepoints PR from ocaml/ocaml to
    Multicore OCaml.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#584] Modernise signal handling

    A patch to bring the Multicore OCaml signals implementation closer
    to upstream OCaml.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#598] Do not deliver signals to
    threads that have blocked them

    A draft PR to not deliver signals to threads that are in a blocked
    state. The without-systhreads case needs to be handled.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#600] Expose a few more GC variables
    in headers

    The `caml_young_start', `caml_young_limit' and `caml_minor_heap_wsz'
    variables have been defined in the runtime.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#601] Domain better participants

    The iterations `0(Max_domains)' from STW signalling and
    `0(n_running_domains)' from domain creation have now been removed.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#603] Systhreads tick thread

    An initial draft PR for porting the tick thread to Multicore OCaml.









  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#552] Add a
    `force_instrumented_runtime' option to configure

    The `configure' script now accepts a new
    `--enable-force-instrumented-runtime' option to facilitate use of
    the instrumented runtime on linker invocations to obtain event logs.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#558] Refactor `Domain.{spawn/join}'
    to use no critical sections

    The critical sections in `Domain.{spawn/join}' and the use of
    `Domain.wait' have been removed.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#561] Slim down `Domain.Sync':
    remove `wait', `notify', `critical_section'

    A breaking change in `Domain.Sync' that removes `critical_section',
    `notify', `wait', `wait_for', and `wait_until'. This is to remove
    the need for domain-to-domain messaging in the runtime.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#576] Including Git hash in runtime

    A Git hash is now printed in the runtime as shown below:

    │ $ ./boot/ocamlrun -version
    │ The OCaml runtime, version 4.12.0+multicore
    │ Built with git hash 'ae3fb4bb6' on branch 'runtime_version' with tag '<tag unavailable>'

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#579] Primitive for fetching DLS

    A new primitive has been implemented for fetching DLS, and is now a
    single `mov' instruction on `amd64'.







  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#555] runtime: `CAML_TRACE_VERSION'
    is now set to a Multicore specific value

    A `CAML_TRACE_VERSION' is defined to distinguish between Multicore
    OCaml and trunk for the runtime.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#581] Move our usage of inline to

    We now use `Caml_inline' for all the C inlining in the runtime to
    align with upstream OCaml.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#589] Reintroduce `adjust_gc_speed'

    The `caml_adjust_gc_speed' function from trunk has been reintroduced
    to the Multicore OCaml runtime.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#590] runtime: stub `caml_stat_*'
    interfaces in gc_ctrl

    The creation of `caml_stat_*' stub functions in gc_ctrl.h to
    introduce a compatibility layer for GC stat utilities that are
    available in trunk.






  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#562] Import fixes to the minor heap
    allocation code from DLABs

    The multiplication factor of two used for minor heap allocation has
    been removed, and the `Minor_heap_max' limit from config.h is no
    longer converted to a byte size for Multicore OCaml.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#593] Fix two issues with ephemerons

    A patch to simplify ephemeron handover during termination.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#594] Fix finaliser handover issue

    The `caml_finish_major_cycle' is used leading to the major GC phase
    `Phase_sweep_and_mark_main' for the correct handoff of finalisers.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#596] systhreads: do `st_thread_id'
    after initializing the thread descriptor

    The thread ID was set even before initializing the thread
    descriptor, and this PR fixes the order.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#604] Fix unguarded
    `caml_skiplist_empty' in `caml_scan_global_young_roots'

    The PR introduces a `caml_iterate_global_roots' function and fixes a
    locking bug with global roots.







  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#567] Simplify some of the minor_gc

    The `not_alone' variable has been cleaned up with a simplification
    to the minor_gc.c code.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#580] Remove struct domain

    The `caml_domain_state' is now the single source of domain
    information with the removal of `struct domain'. `struct
    dom_internal' is no longer leaking across the runtime.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#583] Removing interrupt queues

    The locking of `struct_interruptor' when receiving interrupts and
    the use of `struct interrupt' have been removed, simplifying the
    implementation of domains.





  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#582] Make global state domain-local
    in Random, Hashtbl and Filename

    The Domain-Local is now set as the default state in `Random',
    `Hashtbl' and `Filename'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#586] Make the state in Format

    The default state in `Format' is now set to Domain-Local.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#595] Implement
    `caml_alloc_dependent_memory' and `caml_free_dependent_memory'

    Dependent memory are the blocks of heap memory that depend on the GC
    (and finalizers) for deallocation. The `caml_alloc_dependent_memory'
    and `caml_free_dependent_memory' have been added to






  • [ocaml-multicore/eventlog-tools#3] Use ocaml/setup-ocaml at v2

    An update to `.github/workflows/main.yml' to build for
    ocaml/setup-ocaml at v2.

  • [ocaml-multicore/parallel-programming-in-multicore-ocaml#7] Add a
    section on Domain-Local Storage

    The README.md file now includes a section on Domain-Local Storage.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#26] Grand Central Dispatch Backend

    The implemention of the Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) backend for Eio
    is a work-in-progress.

  • [ocaml-multicore/domainslib#34] Fix initial value accounting in

    A patch to fix the initial value in `parallel_for_reduce' as it was
    being accounted for multiple times.

  • [ocaml-multicore/domainslib#36] Switch to default `Random' module

    The library has been updated to use the default `Random' module as
    it stores its state in Domain-Local Storage which can be called from
    multiple domains. The Sandmark results are given below:


  • [ocaml-multicore/multicore-opam#56] Base-effects depends strictly on

    A query on the use of strict 4.12.0 lower bound for OCaml in

  • [ocsigen/lwt#860] Lwt_domain: An interfacet to Multicore parallelism

    The `Lwt_domain' module has been ported to domainslib Task pool for
    performing computations to CPU cores using Multicore OCaml's
    Domains. A few benchmark results obtained on an Intel Xeon Gold 5120
    processor with 24 isolated cores is shown below:








[ocsigen/lwt#860] <https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/pull/860>



  The `ocaml-uring' repository contains bindings to `io_uring' for

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#21] Add accept call

    The `accept' call has been added to uring along with the inclusion
    of the `unix' library as a dependency.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#22] Add support for cancellation

    A `cancel' method is added to request jobs for cancellation. The
    queuing operations and tests have also been updated.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#24] Sort out cast

    The `Int_val' has been changed to `Long_val' to remove the need for
    sign extension instruction on 64-bit platforms.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#25] Fix test_cancel

    A `with_uring' function is added with a `queue_depth' argument to
    handle tests for cancellation.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#26] Add `openat2'

    The `openat2' method has been added giving access to all the Linux
    open and resolve flags.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#27] Fine-tune C flags for better

    The CFLAGS have been updated for performance improvements. The
    following results are observed for the noop benchmark:

    │ Before: noop   10000  │        1174227.1170 ns/run│
    │ After:  noop   10000  │         920622.5802 ns/run│

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#28] Don't allow freeing the ring while
    it is in use

    The ring is added to a global set on creation and is cleaned up on
    exit. Also, invalid cancellation requests are checked before
    allocating a slot.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#29] Replace iovec with cstruct and
    clean up the C stubs

    The `readv' and `writev' now accept a list of Cstructs which allow
    access to sub-ranges of bigarrays, and to work with multiple
    buffers. The handling of OOM errors has also been improved.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#30] Fix remaining TODOs in API

    The `read' and `write' methods have been renamed to `read_fixed' and
    `write_fixed' respectively. The `Region.to_cstruct' has been added
    as an alternative to creating a sub-bigarray. An exception is now
    raised if the user requests for a larger size chunk.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#31] Use `caml_enter_blocking_section'
    when waiting

    The `caml_enter_blocking_section' and `caml_leave_blocking_section'
    are used when waiting, which allows other threads to execute and the
    GC can run in the case of Multicore OCaml.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#32] Compile `uring' using the C flags
    from OCaml

    Use the OCaml C flags when building uring, and remove the unused
    dune file.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#33] Prepare release

    The CHANGES.md, README.md, dune-project and uring.opam files have
    been updated to prepare for a release.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-uring#34] Convert `liburing' to subtree

    We now use a subtree instead of a submodule so that the ocaml-uring
    can be submitted to the opam-repository.














Parallel Programming in Multicore OCaml

  • [ocaml-multicore/parallel-programming-in-multicore-ocaml#5]
    `num_domains' to `num_additional_domains'

    The documentation and code examples have been updated to now use
    `num_additional_domains' instead of `num_domains'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/parallel-programming-in-multicore-ocaml#6] Update
    latest information about compiler versions

    The compiler versions in the README.md have been updated to use 4.12
    and its variants.

  • [ocaml-multicore/parallel-programming-in-multicore-ocaml#8] Nudge
    people to the default chunk_size setting

    The recommendation is to use the default `chunk_size' when using
    `parallel_for', especially when the number of domains gets larger.

  • [ocaml-multicore/parallel-programming-in-multicore-ocaml#9] Eventlog
    section updates

    The `eventlog-tools' library can now be used for parsing trace files
    since Multicore OCaml includes CTF tracing support from trunk. The
    relevant information has been updated in the README.md file.






  The `eio' library provides an effects-based parallel IO stack for
  Multicore OCaml.

◊ Additions

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#41] Add eio.mli file

    A `lib_eio/eio.mli' file containing modules for `Generic', `Flow',
    `Network', and `Stdenv' have been added to the repository.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#45] Add basic domain manager

    The PR allows you to run a CPU-intensive task on another domain, and
    adds a mutex to `traceln' to avoid overlapping output.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#46] Add Eio.Time and allow cancelling sleeps

    Use `psq' instead of `bheap' library to allow cancellations. The
    `Eio.Time' module has been added to `lib_eio/eio.ml'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#53] Add `Switch.sub_opt'

    A new `Switch.sub_opt' implementation has been added to allow
    running a function with a new switch. Also, `Switch.sub' has been
    modified so that it is not a named argument.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#54] Initial FS abstraction

    A module `Dir' has been added to allow file system abstraction along
    with the ability to create files and directories. On Linux, it uses
    `openat2' and `RESOLVE_BENEATH'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#56] Add `with_open_in', `with_open_out' and
    `with_open_dir' helpers

    The `Eio.Dir' module now contains a `with_open_in', `with_open_out'
    and `with_open_dir' helper functions.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#58] Add `Eio_linux.{readv, writev}'

    The `Eio_linux.{readv, writev}' functions have been added to
    `lib_eio_linux/eio_linux.ml' which uses the new OCaml-Uring API.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#59] Add `Eio_linux.noop' and a simple benchmark

    A `Eio_linux.noop' implementation has been added for benchmarking
    Uring dispatch.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#61] Add generic Enter effect to simplify

    A `Enter' effect has been introduced to simplify the scheduler
    operations, and this does not have much effect on the noop benchmark
    as illustrated below:











◊ Improvements

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#38] Rename Flow.write to Flow.copy

    The code and documentation have been updated to rename `Flow.write'
    to `Flow.copy' for better clarity.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#36] Use uring for accept

    The `enqueue_accept' function now uses `Uring.accept' along with the
    `effect Accept'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#37] Performance improvements

    Optimisation for `Eunix.free' and process completed events with
    `Uring.peek' for better performance results.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#48] Simplify `Suspend' operation

    The `Suspend' effect has been simplified by replacing the older
    `Await' and `Yield' effects with the code from Eio.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#52] Split Linux support out to `eio_linux'

    `eunix' now has common code that is shared by different backends,
    and `eio_linux' provides a Linux io-uring backend. The tests and the
    documentation have been updated to reflect the change.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#57] Reraise exceptions with backtraces

    Added support to store a reference to a backtrace when a switch
    catches an exception. This is useful when you want to reraise the
    exception later.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#60] Simplify handling of completions

    The PR adds `Job' and `Job_no_cancel' in `type io_job' along with
    additional `Log.debug' messages.








◊ Cleanups

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#42] Merge fibreslib into eio

    The `Fibreslib' code is now merged with `eio'. You will now need to
    open `Eio.Std' instead of opening `Fibreslib'.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#47] Clean up the network API

    The network APIs have been updated with few changes such as renaming
    `bind' to `listen', replacing `Unix.shutdown_command' with our own
    type in Eio API, and replacing `Unix.sockaddr' with a custom type.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#49] Remove `Eio.Private.Waiters' and

    The `Eio.Private.Waiters' and `Eio.Private.Switch' modules have been
    removed, and waiting is now handled using the Eio library.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#55] Some API and README cleanups

    The PR has multiple cleanups and documentation changes. The
    README.md has been modified to use `Eio.Flow.shutdown' instead of
    `Eio.Flow.close', and a Time section has been added. The
    `Eio.Network' module has been changed to `Eio.Net'. The `Time.now'
    and `Time.sleep_until' methods have been added to `lib_eio/eio.ml'.





◊ Documentation

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#43] Add design note about determinism

    The README.md documentation has been updated with few design notes
    on Determinism.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#50] README improvements

    Updated README.md and added `doc/prelude.ml' for use with MDX.



Handling Cancellation

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#39] Allow cancelling accept operations

    The PR now supports cancelling the server accept and read

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#40] Support cancelling the remaining Uring

    The cancellation request of `connect', `wait_readable' and
    `await_writable' Uring operations is now supported.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#44] Fix read-cancel test

    The `ENOENT' value has been correctly fixed to use -2, and the
    documentation for cancelling the read request has been updated.

  • [ocaml-multicore/eio#51] Getting `EALREADY' from cancel is not an

    Handle `EALREADY' case in `lib_eunix/eunix.ml' where an operation
    got cancelled while in progress.






  • [ocaml-multicore/eventlog-tools#2] Add a pausetimes tool

    A `eventlog_pausetimes' tool has been added to `eventlog-tools' that
    takes a directory of eventlog files and computes the mean, max pause
    times, as well as the distribution up to the 99.9th percentiles. For

    │ ocaml-eventlog-pausetimes /home/engil/dev/ocaml-multicore/trace3/caml-426094-* name
    │ {
    │   "name": "name",
    │   "mean_latency": 718617,
    │   "max_latency": 33839379,
    │   "distr_latency": [191,250,707,16886,55829,105386,249272,552640,1325621,13312993,26227671]
    │ }

  • [ocaml-multicore/kcas#9] Backoff with `cpu_relax'

    The `Domain.Sync.{critical_section, wait_for}' have now been
    replaced with `Domain.Sync.cpu_relax', which matches the
    implementation with lockfree.

  • [ocaml-multicore/retro-httpaf-bench#10] Add Eio benchmark

    The Eio benchmark has now been added to the retro-httpaf-bench
    GitHub repository.

  • [ocaml-multicore/retro-httpaf-bench#11] Do a recursive checkout in
    the CI build

    The `build_image.yml' workflow has been updated to perform a
    recursive checkout of the submodules for the CI build.

  • [domainslib#29] Task stealing with Chase Lev deques

    The task-stealing Chase Lev deques for scheduling tasks across
    domains is now merged, and shows promising results on machines with
    128 CPU cores.

  • [ocaml-multicore/multicore-opam#55] Add 0.3.0 release of domainslib

    The opam file for `domainslib.0.3.0' has been added to the
    multicore-opam repository.





[domainslib#29] <https://github.com/ocaml-multicore/domainslib/pull/29>




  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark-nightly#1] Cannot alter comparison input

    The `Timestamp' and `Variant' fields in the dropdown option in the
    `parallel_nightly.ipynb' notebook get reset when recomputing the
    whole workbook.


  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#230] Build for 4.13.0+trunk with dune.2.8.1

    The `ocaml-migrate-parsetree.2.2.0' and `ppxlib.0.22.2' packages are
    now available for 4.13.0+trunk, and we are currently porting the
    Irmin Layers benchmark in Sandmark from using Irmin 2.4 to 2.6.

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#231] View results for a set of benchmarks in
    the nightly notebooks

    A feature request to filter the list of benchmarks when using the
    Sandmark Jupyter notebooks.

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#233] Update pausetimes_multicore to fit with
    the latest Multicore changes

    The pausetimes are now updated for both the 4.12.0 upstream and
    4.12.0 Multicore branches to use the new Common Trace Format
    (CTF). The generated graphs for both the sequential and parallel
    pausetime results are illustrated below:



  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#235] Update selected benchmarks as a set for
    baseline benchmark

    The baseline benchmark for comparison should only be one from the
    user selected benchmarks in the Jupyter notebooks.


  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#236] Implement pausetimes support in

    The sequential and parallel pausetimes graph results need to be
    implemented in the Sandmark nightly Jupyter notebooks. The results
    are similar to the Figures 10 and 12 produced in the [Retrofitting
    Parallelism ont OCaml, ICFP 2020 paper].

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#237] Run sandmark_nightly on a larger machine

    The testing of Sandmark nightly sequential and parallel benchmark
    runs have been done on a 24-core machine, and we would like to
    deploy the same on a 64+ core machine to benefit from the recent
    improvements to Domainslib.

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#241] Switch to default Random module

    An on-going discussion on whether to switch to using `Random.State'
    for the sequential Minilight, global roots micro-benchmarks and
    Evolutionary Algorithm.







[Retrofitting Parallelism ont OCaml, ICFP 2020 paper]




  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#232] `num_domains' -> `num_additional_domains'

    The benchmarks have been updated to now use
    `num_additional_domains', to be consistent with the naming in

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#239] Port grammatrix to Task pool

    The Multicore Grammatrix benchmark has now been ported to use
    Domainslib Task pool. The time and speedup graphs are given below:







  • [ocaml/ocaml#10039] Safepoints

    The PR is currently being testing and evaluated for both ARM64 and
    PowerPC architectures, in particular, the branch relaxations applied
    to `Ipoll' instructions.

  Our thanks to all the OCaml users, developers and contributors in the
  community for their continued support to the project. Stay safe!

[ocaml/ocaml#10039] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/10039>

memprof-limits (first official release): Memory limits, allocation limits, and thread cancellation, with interrupt-safe resources


Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni announced

  Dear OCamlers, I am satisfied to announce the first official release
  of the package `memprof-limits' (v0.2.0).

  From the [user guide] (which has detailed examples and use-cases):

        This package lets you interrupt *tasks* in a thread-safe
        and resource-safe way, when a resource limit is reached or
        a cancellation token is set. A task is an isolated piece
        of computation running within a thread.

        *Global memory limits* interrupt a task when the major
        heap exceeds a certain size. *Allocation limits* interrupt
        a task when a certain number of words have been allocated,
        a portable mesure of time elapsed and quantity of work
        done. *Token limits* interrupt an allocating task when an
        arbitrary token is set.

  It is available on opam for OCaml ≥ 4.12.

  The name comes from the fact that it uses OCaml's `Memprof'
  statistical profiler engine (to perform limit checks
  frequently-enough, related to the allocation rate of the program, and
  at the same time rarely-enough to not affect performance).

  It comes with an implementation of *masking* that lets you define
  interrupt-safe resources that are guaranteed to be cleaned-up, and
  with them [ensure that your program remains in a valid state after
  being interrupted].

  To learn more about it, I recommend again the [user guide].

[user guide]

[ensure that your program remains in a valid state after being


  You can try it with OCaml 4.12 on the following example (`opam install
  memprof-limits' -> `utop' -> `#require "memprof-limits";;'):

  A worker task allocates 300M words, only 3k of which live
  simultaneously. This comes close to an allocation limit of 330M words
  set by the monitor. The probability that the worker is interrupted is
  less than 10^-50, and thus the computation successfully completes, in
  about a second.
  │ (* worker *)
  │ let f () =
  │   let rec alloc n x =
  │     if n = 0 then x else alloc (n-1) (()::x)
  │   in
  │   (* allocate 300'000 kw *)
  │   for i = 0 to 100_000 do ignore (alloc 1_000 []) done
  │ (* monitor *)
  │ let g () =
  │   match Memprof_limits.limit_allocations ~limit:330_000L f with
  │   | Ok ((), n) -> Printf.printf "success (est. alloc. %#Lu kw)\n" n
  │   | Error _ -> print_endline "out of fuel"
  │ (* main *)
  │ let () =
  │   Memprof_limits.start_memprof_limits () ;
  │   g ()


  Major changes to last year's experimental release:
  • The internal state is now protected against asynchronous exceptions
    arising from memprof callbacks (especially the own interrupt of
    memprof-limits), so it is no longer buggy (“experimental”).
  • And now it works under bytecode too.
  • Added token limits: interrupts that can be triggered at a distance.
  • Detailed guide and reference manuals, now generated by `odoc'.
  • [Features to program with interrupt- and resource-safety in mind].
  • API revamp.

[Features to program with interrupt- and resource-safety in mind]


  • [Gitlab repository].
  • [Guide with use cases and examples].
  • [Reference manual].
  • A [statistical analysis of the different limits].
  • A [guide to recover from interrupts].
  • [FAQ].

[Gitlab repository] <https://gitlab.com/gadmm/memprof-limits/>

[Guide with use cases and examples]

[Reference manual]

[statistical analysis of the different limits]

[guide to recover from interrupts]

[FAQ] <https://gitlab.com/gadmm/memprof-limits/-/blob/master/FAQ.md>

Bitwuzla 1.0.0 (SMT solver for AUFBVFP)


Frédéric Recoules announced

  On behalf of the bitwuzla team I am pleased to announce the release of
  bitwuzla ocaml binding (<https://github.com/bitwuzla/ocaml-bitwuzla>).

  Bitwuzla (<https://bitwuzla.github.io/>) is a Satisfiability Modulo
  Theories (SMT) solver for the theories of fixed-size bit-vectors,
  floating-point arithmetic, arrays and uninterpreted functions and
  their combinations.

  This ocaml binding comes in two flavors:
  • a straight low-level C binding `Bitwuzla_c' (for the brave and the
    unaware) – `opam depext -i bitwuzla-c';
  • a type-safier OCaml API `Bitwuzla' – `opam depext -i bitwuzla'.

  (Additionally, you can build bitwuzla standalone executable with `opam
  depext -i bitwuzla-bin'.)

  Documentation and examples are available online

  Feel free to give it a try,


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <https://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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