[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Sep 15 05:56:59 PDT 2020


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of September 08 to
15, 2020.

Table of Contents

A PPX Rewriter approach to ocaml-migrate-parsetree
OCaml web server run multiple processes
Query-json: Re-implemented jq in Reason Native/OCaml
Suggestions for a simple, portable, graphics library?
1sr release of omlr: Multiple Linear Regression modeling (using R under the carpet)
Multicore OCaml: August 2020

A PPX Rewriter approach to ocaml-migrate-parsetree


Continuing this thread, Chet Murthy said

  OK, I finished writing the migrations for the OCaml ASTs, so decided
  that it might be fun to write a little example to demonstrate how this

The ASTs

  Suppose that I have two AST types (in `ex_ast.ml'):
  │ module AST1 = struct
  │ type t0 = string
  │ type t1 = A of t1 * int list
  │ type t2 = B of string * t0 | C of bool | D
  │ type 'a pt3 = { it : 'a ; extra : int ; dropped_field: string }
  │ type t4 = t2 pt3
  │ end
  │ module AST2 = struct
  │ type t0 = int
  │ type t1 = A of t1 * int list
  │ type t2 = B of string * t0 | C of int | E
  │ type 'a pt3 = { it : 'a ; extra : int ; new_field : int }
  │ type t4 = t2 pt3
  │ end

  These AST types differ in the following ways:
  1. `t0' is just completely different in these versions
  2. `t1' is identical, but references a type that is different in each
     version; also an externally-defined polymorphic type-constructor (~
     'a list~)
  3. `t2' differs in each version: it loses a branch (`D'), and gains a
     branch (`E').  It also has a branch whose arguments change type
  4. `'a pt3' similarly loses a field and gains a field; it's also a
     polymorphic type
  5. `t4' is identical, but again references types that are different in
     each version.

The Migrations

  We'd like to write migrations that incur the -least- amount of
  boilerplate.  What would that mean?  For starters, we need to match up
  the types: there's no way to avoid that.  Next, for branches that
  change type, we need to provide code.  We need a way to flag branches
  that appear or disappear, and similarly for fields, to compute the
  value of fields that appear.  So we'll:

  1. list the types we're going to work with, importing their
     definitions, so that the migration code will work against those
     already-defined types
  2. specify pairs of source-type, destination-type patterns, and for
     each, perhaps supply the function, or code for new/disappearing
  3. for polymorphic types, we need to specify how their type-parameters
     get rewritten.

  Below, we'll describe the process for taking this information and
  automatically computing the code of these migrations.

  │ module Migrate_AST1_AST2 = struct
  │ module SRC = Ex_ast.AST1
  │ module DST = Ex_ast.AST2
  │ exception Migration_error of string
  │ let migration_error feature =
  │   raise (Migration_error feature)
  │ let _migrate_list subrw0 __dt__ l =
  │   List.map (subrw0 __dt__) l
  │ type t0 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST1.t0]
  │ and t1 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST1.t1]
  │ and t2 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST1.t2]
  │ and 'a pt3 = [%import: 'a Ex_ast.AST1.pt3]
  │ and t4 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST1.t4]
  │ [@@deriving migrate
  │     { dispatch_type = dispatch_table_t
  │     ; dispatch_table_value = dt
  │     ; dispatchers = {
  │ 	migrate_list = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: 'a list]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: 'b list]
  │ 	; code = _migrate_list
  │ 	; subs = [ ([%typ: 'a], [%typ: 'b]) ]
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t0 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t0]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t0]
  │ 	; code = fun __dt__ s ->
  │ 	    match int_of_string s with
  │ 	      n -> n
  │ 	    | exception Failure _ -> migration_error "t0"
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t1 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t1]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t1]
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t2 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t2]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t2]
  │ 	; custom_branches_code = function
  │ 	      C true -> C 1
  │ 	    | C false -> C 0
  │ 	    | D -> migration_error "t2:D"
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_pt3 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: 'a pt3]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: 'b DST.pt3]
  │ 	; subs = [ ([%typ: 'a], [%typ: 'b]) ]
  │ 	; skip_fields = [ dropped_field ]
  │ 	; custom_fields_code = {
  │ 	    new_field = extra
  │ 	  }
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t4 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t4]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t4]
  │ 	}
  │       }
  │     }
  │ ]
  │ end
  │ module Migrate_AST2_AST1 = struct
  │ module SRC = Ex_ast.AST2
  │ module DST = Ex_ast.AST1
  │ exception Migration_error of string
  │ let migration_error feature =
  │   raise (Migration_error feature)
  │ let _migrate_list subrw0 __dt__ l =
  │   List.map (subrw0 __dt__) l
  │ type t0 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST2.t0]
  │ and t1 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST2.t1]
  │ and t2 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST2.t2]
  │ and 'a pt3 = [%import: 'a Ex_ast.AST2.pt3]
  │ and t4 = [%import: Ex_ast.AST2.t4]
  │ [@@deriving migrate
  │     { dispatch_type = dispatch_table_t
  │     ; dispatch_table_value = dt
  │     ; dispatchers = {
  │ 	migrate_list = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: 'a list]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: 'b list]
  │ 	; code = _migrate_list
  │ 	; subs = [ ([%typ: 'a], [%typ: 'b]) ]
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t0 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t0]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t0]
  │ 	; code = fun __dt__ n -> string_of_int n
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t1 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t1]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t1]
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t2 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t2]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t2]
  │ 	; custom_branches_code = function
  │ 	      C 1 -> C true
  │ 	    | C 0 -> C false
  │ 	    | C _ -> migration_error "t2:C"
  │ 	    | E -> migration_error "t2:E"
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_pt3 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: 'a pt3]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: 'b DST.pt3]
  │ 	; subs = [ ([%typ: 'a], [%typ: 'b]) ]
  │ 	; skip_fields = [ new_field ]
  │ 	; custom_fields_code = {
  │ 	    dropped_field = string_of_int extra
  │ 	  }
  │ 	}
  │       ; migrate_t4 = {
  │ 	  srctype = [%typ: t4]
  │ 	; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t4]
  │ 	}
  │       }
  │     }
  │ ]
  │ end

Using the Migrations

  And we can use them in the toplevel to migrate in each direction:

  │ #load "ex_ast.cmo";;
  │ #load "ex_migrate.cmo";;
  │ open Ex_migrate ;;
  │ open Ex_ast ;;
  │ # Migrate_AST1_AST2.(dt.migrate_t4 dt AST1.{ it = C true ; extra = 3 ; dropped_field = "1" });;
  │ - : Ex_migrate.Migrate_AST1_AST2.DST.t4 =
  │ {Ex_migrate.Migrate_AST1_AST2.DST.it = Ex_migrate.Migrate_AST1_AST2.DST.C 1;
  │  extra = 3; new_field = 3}
  │ # Migrate_AST2_AST1.(dt.migrate_t1 dt AST2.(A(1, [2;3])));;
  │ - : Ex_migrate.Migrate_AST2_AST1.DST.t1 =
  │ Ex_migrate.Migrate_AST2_AST1.DST.A ("1", [2; 3])

How Does It Work?

  The migration code is computed in a pretty straightforward manner.  In
  the following, assume we're migrating from `AST1' to `AST2' (`DST' is
  also the same as `AST2').  Let's call a "migration function" something
  of type
  │ type ('a, 'b) migrater_t = dispatch_table_t -> 'a -> 'b
  where `dispatch_table_t' will be defined later.  First, assume
  (recursively) that each each migration rule yields a migration
  function.  So a rule like
  │ ; migrate_t1 = {
  │     srctype = [%typ: t1]
  │   ; dsttype = [%typ: DST.t1]
  │   }
  will yield a function of type
  │ (AST1.t1, AST2.t1) migrater_t
  and a rule like
  │ ; migrate_pt3 = {
  │     srctype = [%typ: 'a pt3]
  │   ; dsttype = [%typ: 'b DST.pt3]
  │   ; subs = [ ([%typ: 'a], [%typ: 'b]) ]
  │   ; skip_fields = [ dropped_field ]
  │   ; custom_fields_code = {
  │       new_field = extra
  │     }
  │   }
  will yield
  │ 'a 'b. ('a, 'b) migrater_t -> ('a AST1.pt3, 'b AST2.pt3) migrater_t
  Notice that this is a function that takes a migration from ~ 'a~ to ~
  'b~, and produces one from ~ 'a AST1.pt3~ to ~ 'a AST2.pt3~.  So from
  a source-type, we need to mechanically compute the code, and also
  compute the result-type.  This will be key idea: the migration
  process, applied to a source-type, will produce both the code that
  migrates that source-type, and *also* the destination-type.

  Now, consider any rewrite rule, and let's argue by cases on how its
  code & destination-type can be computed.

  1. suppose that the *source type* (the field `srctype') of the rule
     can be *head-reduced* (by applying some type-definition as an
     abbreviation) to an algebraic sum-type (`A of ... | B of ...') or
     record-type (`{a: t1 ; b : ... }').  Then we can generate code to
     pattern-match on values of the source-type, and for variables in
     the generated patterns, we know their types.  We can then apply
     (via pattern-matching over types) *all* the rewrite-rules to
     compute code that will migrate the variables' values.  Since the
     recursive application of migration-rules produce destination-types,
     we can substitute those into branches/fields, to get the
     destination-type.  [More on pattern-matching below.]
     • some of the branches of a sum-type might have their code
       specified in a `custom_branches_code', and those branches
       supersede what would have been automatically-generated.
     • some of the fields of a record-type are listed in `skip_fields',
       and they're not generated; some of the fields are listed with
       code to compute them (based on the fields in the pattern above)
       in `custom_fields_code', and those get added.
  2. suppose that the *source type* after a *single* head-reduction
     yields a type-expression that can be successfully pattern-matched
     by one of the rewrite-rules *other than this rule we're currently
     processing*; then we can use that rewriter function to migrate the
     value of the source-type, and again, we get the destination-type.
     • Why other than the current rule?  It's simple: we could end up in
       an infinite recursion if care isn't taken to write the migration
       rules correctly.
  3. The process of pattern-matching takes as input a type-expression,
     and a migration-rule.  If the source-type of the migration-rule
     matches the type-expression (in the usual sense), then it produces
     bindings for the type-variables.

  Let's look at an example.  Suppose we want to compute the migration
  function for the type-expression `t4'.

  1. head-reducing once yields `t2 pt3'.
  2. the rule `migrate_pt3' matches (source-type `'a pt3'), with
     type-variable ~ 'a~ bound to `t2'.
     • also, (via the `subs' field) if the type bound to ~ 'a~ is
       rewritten to ~ 'b~ then the destination-type is ~ 'b AST2.pt3~
       [remember this below]
  3. the type-expression `t2' matches the rule `migrate_t2', with no
     type-variables bound and destination-type `AST2.t2'.
  4. So `migrate_t2 : (AST1.t2, AST2.t2) migrater_t' (that is, the
     destination type is `AST2.t2')
  5. Thus in #2 above, ~ 'b~ is bound to `AST2.t2', and hence the
     destination-type in #2 above is `AST2.t2 AST2.pt3'

  So the whole migration code for type `t4' is `migrate_pt3 migrate_t2'
  (which is what we would expect).

OCaml web server run multiple processes


mudrz announced

  I've been running some simple benchmarks to compare web servers
  written in JS, F# and OCaml:
  • JS: fastify <https://www.fastify.io> + pg + knex (not entirely fare
    with the other ones since they are more bare bone than knex)
  • OCaml: opium on master (httpaf) <https://github.com/rgrinberg/opium>
    + caqti
  • F#: giraffe <https://giraffe.wiki> + dapper

  I started with @shonfeder's excellent tutorial:
  <https://shonfeder.gitlab.io/ocaml_webapp/> Seriously if there were
  more tutorials like this the OCaml community would have been times
  bigger, they are so helpful when starting out and you don't want to
  solve the same problem everyone else has already solved.  And then
  implemented parts of it in JS and F#

  the test:
  • queries a DB
  • adds an additional item to the result
  • orders the list
  • returns an html containing the rendered result

  I ran each test 3 times and posted the best result

  This is not a scientific test using a controlled environment, this is
  a quick and dirty test, so take it with a bit of salt (but in many
  ways the results are not so unexpected). The tests are also not
  comparing the languages themselves but a combination of some of the
  more popular libraries of them, which is how you would normally use

  I'm not posting a link to a repo with the benchmarks since the code is
  not organised and the tests are not automated, don't want to spend too
  much time on this, but happy to post the code used if someone is

  The tests were made with `wrk -t8 -c400 -d30s' - 8 threads, 400
  connections, 30 seconds;

HTML endpoint, no DB access

  JS - single process
  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency    44.16ms    4.73ms  59.22ms   88.44%
  │     Req/Sec     1.10k    89.00     1.50k    82.83%
  │   262651 requests in 30.05s, 179.60MB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 264, write 0, timeout 0
  │ Requests/sec:   8739.98
  │ Transfer/sec:      5.98MB

  JS - multiple processes
  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency    43.37ms   56.91ms 316.27ms   83.49%
  │     Req/Sec     2.43k   459.80     3.81k    73.25%
  │   580742 requests in 30.05s, 397.10MB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 239, write 0, timeout 0
  │ Requests/sec:  19325.95
  │ Transfer/sec:     13.21MB

  OCaml - single process
  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency    15.01ms    2.28ms  39.86ms   89.00%
  │     Req/Sec     3.27k   240.86     4.53k    89.83%
  │   781313 requests in 30.01s, 489.54MB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 308, write 0, timeout 0
  │ Requests/sec:  26031.65
  │ Transfer/sec:     16.31MB

  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency     5.46ms  840.10us  20.34ms   83.20%
  │     Req/Sec     8.91k   659.89    13.27k    73.25%
  │   2130565 requests in 30.04s, 1.45GB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 272, write 0, timeout 0
  │ Requests/sec:  70923.15
  │ Transfer/sec:     49.31MB

  • OCaml: 1.34x more requests/s than JS, with 2.8x less latency
  • F#: 3.66x more than JS, 2.7x more requests/s than OCaml, with 2.7x
    less latency

JSON endpoint, DB access

  The JSON response for JS and OCaml was:
  │ {"excerpts":[{"author":"kan","excerpt":"Another excerpt","source":"My source2","page":"another
  │ page"},{"author":"kan","excerpt":"My excerpt","source":"my source","page":"23"}]}
  for F# it was slightly longer since option types are serialized by
  default with a Some/None variant (it can be changed):
  │ {"excerpts":[{"author":"kan","excerpt":"Another excerpt","source":"My
  │ source2","page":{"case":"Some","fields":["another page"]}},{"author":"kan","excerpt":"My
  │ excerpt","source":"my
  │ source","page":{"case":"Some","fields":["23"]}},{"author":"a","excerpt":"b","source":"c","page":{"case":"Some","fields":["d"]}}]}
  The DB was Postgres with 10 max connections

  JS - single process
  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency    57.79ms    5.68ms  88.02ms   85.24%
  │     Req/Sec   848.20    109.95     1.37k    72.24%
  │   202885 requests in 30.09s, 62.69MB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 237, write 0, timeout 0
  │ Requests/sec:   6742.09
  │ Transfer/sec:      2.08MB

  JS - multiple processes
  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency    57.48ms   61.84ms 774.03ms   83.36%
  │     Req/Sec     1.20k   260.84     2.29k    71.38%
  │   287101 requests in 30.04s, 88.71MB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 286, write 38, timeout 0
  │ Requests/sec:   9558.04
  │ Transfer/sec:      2.95MB

  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency     6.69ms   38.78ms   1.07s    98.17%
  │     Req/Sec     1.78k   842.50     3.62k    56.33%
  │   424454 requests in 30.02s, 100.39MB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 253, write 0, timeout 13
  │ Requests/sec:  14139.42
  │ Transfer/sec:      3.34MB

  │   Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
  │     Latency    19.27ms    3.92ms 107.53ms   82.60%
  │     Req/Sec     2.54k   165.82     3.26k    79.21%
  │   606868 requests in 30.02s, 261.02MB read
  │   Socket errors: connect 0, read 259, write 0, timeout 0
  │ Requests/sec:  20214.71
  │ Transfer/sec:      8.69MB

  • OCaml: 1.48x more requests/s than JS (up from 1.34x before), with
    8.6x less latency (before: 2.7x)
  • F#: 2.1x more than JS (down from 3.66x before), 1.43x more
    requests/s than OCaml (down from 2.7x before), with 2.88x MORE
    latency than OCaml (before: 2.7x LESS than OCaml)

  • JS is performing unexpectedly good compared to compiled languages
  • F# (or ASP.NET Core) is really fast out of the box, with no tweaking
  • OCaml is running on a single process and has had Max request time of
    `1.07s' and Stdev 10x that of F#; in some tests it spiked to
    2seconds for some requests, is this the GC? how can I troubleshoot

  Is there a good tutorial on running OCaml with multiple processes and
  generally commonly faced use cases for web servers?  There are
  countless articles for the other ecosystems, but it is a bit difficult
  to find ones for OCaml, making it a bit time consuming to try to
  figure each thing out

Later, mudrz added

  added the code to:

  there are 3 dirs for each server

mudrz also said

  I found it generally interesting to compare OCaml and F# syntaxes and
  how things work, so adding this if others find it interesting:

HTML templates

  OCaml (tyxml):
  each element is a function that has labeled arguments for attributes
  and a final argument for the children
  │ head
  │   (title (txt "OCaml Webapp Tutorial"))
  │   [ meta ~a:[a_charset "UTF-8"] ()
  │   ; link ~rel:[`Stylesheet] ~href:"/static/style.css" () ]

  F# (giraffe viewing engine, there were others, but I haven't tested
  each element is a function that accepts 2 lists - the first one for
  attributes, the second for children
  │ head [] [
  │     title []  [ encodedText "fsharp_bench" ]
  │     link [ _rel  "stylesheet"
  │ 	   _type "text/css"
  │ 	   _href "/style.css" ]
  │ ]

DB Query

  OCaml (caqti rapper):
  using a ppx
  │ [%rapper get_many
  │     {sql|
  │     SELECT @string{author}, @string{excerpt}, @string{source}, @string?{page}
  │     FROM excerpts
  │     WHERE author = %string{author}
  │     |sql}
  │     record_out
  │ ]

  F# (dapper):
  │ let sql = """
  │    SELECT author, excerpt, source, page
  │    FROM excerpts
  │    WHERE author = @author;
  │ """
  │ let! data = conn.QueryAsync<Excerpt.t>(sql,  dict ["author" => "kan"])


  OCaml: define as serialisable:
  │ type t =
  │   { author: string
  │   ; excerpt: string
  │   ; source: string
  │   ; page: string option
  │   }[@@deriving yojson]
  and then call the generated function:
  │ let open Excerpt.Response.Err in
  │ let json = to_yojson { message= e } in

  F#: mark type as "cli mutable":
  │ [<CLIMutable>]
  │ type t =
  │   { author: string
  │   ; excerpt: string
  │   ; source: string
  │   ; page: string option
  │   }
  serialisation happens automatically


  OCaml (lwt):
  "await" with `let*' and `let+' and then return with `Lwt.return'
  │ let excerpts = get "/excerpts" begin fun req ->
  │     let open Lwt.Syntax in
  │     let+ authors = Db.Get.authors req in
  │     respond_or_err Content.author_excerpts_page authors
  │   end

  • wraps async work in `task' (for compatibility with C#
    <https://github.com/rspeele/TaskBuilder.fs> , otherwise `async')
  • "await" with `let!' and then return with `return!'
  │ fun ctx next -> task {
  │     let! excerpts = Db.fortunes ()
  │     let res: Db.Excerpt.res = { excerpts= excerpts }
  │     return! json res ctx next
  │ }

Query-json: Re-implemented jq in Reason Native/OCaml


David Sancho announced

  I re-implementatied jq in Reason Native and OCaml and I'm a little
  proud :star:, started as a way to learn how to write
  lexers/parsers/compilers with the OCaml stack, but ending up very

  I'm using it right now, every day. It's called query-json or for short


  It has better performance (between 2x and 5x) than jq, richer error
  messages and simplified API. It's mostly thanks to OCaml/Reason,
  rather than my skill to code a compiler! Still isn't feature complete,
  though, but have implemented most of the common functionality, Adding
  those features shouldn't affect the performance, so I will keep adding
  them with time.

  You can check the benchmarks here:

  The main idea is to improve the api of the operations and errors with
  manipulation JSON files.

  If you don't know what jq is, check thoughtbot dot
  com/blog/jq-is-sed-for-json or programminghistorian dot

  Hope you like it and let me know if there's something that you
  struggled with jq and I can make it better in *q*, let me know, I'm
  always open to any DM.

  Thanks 👋🏽

  PS: The creator of jq (@stedolan), which is a current OCaml core
  maintainer is doing ocaml-multicore, which at some point could improve
  the "q" performance even more.

Suggestions for a simple, portable, graphics library?


Yaron Minsky asked

  I'm working on a little side project where I need to do some simple,
  cross-platform game-like graphics.  Really simple: I want to be able
  to draw some colored lines, and splat out rotated images.  But I'd
  also like this to be reasonably efficient, and reasonable easy to use.

  And, ideally, I'd love for something that was portable to Windows.

  I've done just a bit of poking around, and it wasn't quite clear to me
  what the right choice was.

  • I looked at *tsdl* and *tgls*, but it wasn't clear to me with either
    of them how to rotate a texture. Maybe I'm just missing something?
    Also, I found tgls a little hard to navigate, since I haven't used
    opengl for 20 years. I feel like rotation has to be in there, but
    searching for "rotate" in the docs comes up empty, and I couldn't
    find any good examples. The portability story here seemed hopeful.
  • I looked at OCaml's venerable *Graphics* library. Super easy to use,
    not sure about the portability story.
  • *wall*.  Seems to have all the capabilities, not sure about the
     portability story.
  • *web*. Portable, though I'd need to have a more complex setup for
     users, where the native OCaml program would run a web-server that
     would communicate to the OCaml UI, since I need this to be a native
     app. Feels extra complicated.

  Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions on what path to take? Am I
  missing any options?

Daniel Bünzli replied

        I looked at *tsdl* and *tgls* , but it wasn’t clear to me
        with either of them how to rotate a texture. Maybe I’m
        just missing something?

  I have never really used the SDL 2D support but it could have you
  covered.  [This] should allow you to rotate a texture.

        Maybe I’m just missing something? Also, I found tgls a
        little hard to navigate, since I haven’t used opengl for
        20 years. I feel like rotation has to be in there, but
        searching for “rotate” in the docs comes up empty, and I
        couldn’t find any good examples. The portability story
        here seemed hopeful.

  The OpenGL of today bares little ressemblance to the one you knew,
  [this] is the hello world nowadays.  Rotation is there under the form
  of matrices that you access in shaders but you also need to deal with
  defining, compiling and feeding those with data which brings quite a
  bit of boiler plate (see the example).

  Also on macOS, OpenGL "the API", seems to be on the way out. I suspect
  the 2D SDL API may be a better bet since it will likely keep you with
  a compatibility, hardware accelerated layer.

  If you can lift the native constraint, the web would still be my first
  shot, nothing beats it's ease of installation.


[this] <https://github.com/dbuenzli/tgls/blob/master/test/trigl3.ml>

holmdunc added

  Yeah, SDL already uses the Metal rendering backend by default on
  macOS. Can be confirmed using [this function].

[this function]

Tobias Mock also replied

  You surely can't go wrong with SDL/tsdl.

  Another alternative could be [raylib], a gamedev library created
  mainly for teaching. The lib has tons of examples, of which a few are
  already translated to the [OCaml bindings]. There is also an [example
  for rotating a texture].  And it works on Windows.

[raylib] <https://www.raylib.com/>

[OCaml bindings] <https://github.com/tjammer/raylib-ocaml>

[example for rotating a texture]

Ohad Rau said

  Looks like I'm a little late to the thread but I think [reason-skia]
  is an awesome choice. It should provide all the Skia primitives which
  are pretty similar to the JavaScript canvas API and it's specifically
  focused on 2d graphics. It's also got great cross-platform
  support. It's being very actively developed as part of [Revery], so it
  seems much more up to date than tsdl/tgls (IIRC Bryan, the maintainer
  for Revery, developed his own SDL bindings since tsdl was too out of

  It's also possible to use the Skia bindings through Revery to take
  advantage of the rest of Revery's features: [Revery exposes Skia as
  part of its Canvas API].  This is really nice because you can avoid
  all the window setup stuff you'd have to do with SDL or raw OpenGL.


[reason-skia] <https://github.com/revery-ui/reason-skia>

[Revery] <https://github.com/revery-ui/revery>

[Revery exposes Skia as part of its Canvas API]

Tom Ekander added

  If you excuse the Reason-syntax, here's a "Hello World"-example for
  Revery using Canvas.


Daniel Bünzli then asked

        it seems much more up to date than tsdl/tgls (IIRC Bryan,
        the maintainer for Revery, developed his own SDL bindings
        since tsdl was too out of date).

  Before false information starts to spread could you please make
  precise what is "too out of date" in tsdl ?

  A few things that made it in SDL [2.0.7-11] may not be in (but some of
  these things were actually contributed, I don't remember exactly which

  But given the surface of the API and as you can witness by reading the
  linked release notes if something is missing that's not much and
  rather trivial to add.

[2.0.7-11] <https://hg.libsdl.org/SDL/file/3b03741c0095/WhatsNew.txt>

1sr release of omlr: Multiple Linear Regression modeling (using R under the carpet)


UnixJunkie announced

  omlr is now available in opam.
  │ # opam info omlr
  │ <><> omlr: information on all versions ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  │ name                   omlr
  │ all-installed-versions 1.0.2 [default]
  │ all-versions           1.0.2
  │ <><> Version-specific details <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
  │ version       1.0.2
  │ repository    github
  │ url.src:      "https://github.com/UnixJunkie/omlr/archive/v1.0.2.tar.gz"
  │ url.checksum: "md5=4b637863b4bc4ed2e27de45cf0872736"
  │ homepage:     "https://github.com/UnixJunkie/omlr"
  │ bug-reports:  "https://github.com/UnixJunkie/omlr/issues"
  │ dev-repo:     "git+https://github.com/UnixJunkie/omlr.git"
  │ authors:      "Francois Berenger"
  │ maintainer:   "unixjunkie at sdf.org"
  │ license:      "BSD-3"
  │ depends:      "batteries"
  │               "conf-gnuplot"
  │               "conf-r"
  │               "cpm"
  │               "dolog" {>= "4.0.0"}
  │               "dune" {>= "1.11"}
  │               "minicli" {>= "5.0.0"}
  │               "ocaml"
  │ synopsis      Multiple Linear Regression model
  │ description   Train a MLR model using R.
  │               usage:
  │               ./mlr_model
  │                 [-i <input.csv>]: input CSV file
  │                 [--NxCV <int>]: number of folds of cross validation
  │                 [-s|--save <filename>]: save model to file
  │                 [-l|--load <filename>]: restore model from file
  │                 [-o <filename>]: predictions output file
  │                 [--no-shuffle]: do not randomize input lines
  │                 [--no-header]: CSV file has no header
  │                 [--no-plot]: don't call gnuplot
  │                 [-d <char>]: field delimited in CSV file (default=',')
  │                 [-v]: verbose/debug mode
  │                 [-h|--help]: show this message

  The project is here: <https://github.com/UnixJunkie/omlr>

  Note that it could be entirely programmed using owl.  However, I find
  R more portable than owl, hence the hack.

Multicore OCaml: August 2020


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Welcome to the August 2020 Multicore OCaml report (a few weeks late
  due to August slowdown). This update along with the [previous updates]
  have been compiled by @shakthimaan, @kayceesrk and myself.

  There are some talks related to multicore OCaml which are now freely
  available online:

  • At the OCaml Workshop, @sadiq presented ["How to parallelise your
    code with Multicore OCaml"]
  • At ICFP, @kayceesrk presented ["Retrofitting Parallelism onto
    OCaml"], which was also awarded a Distinguished Paper award.
  • At ICFP, Glenn Mével presented ["Cosmo: A Concurrent Separation
    Logic for Multicore OCaml"].
  • At the WebAssembly Community Group meeting, @kayceesrk gave a talk
    on [Effect Handlers in Multicore OCaml].  This is related to our
    longer term efforts to ensure that OCaml has an efficient
    compilation strategy to WebAssembly.

  The Multicore OCaml project has had a number of optimisations and
  performance improvements in the month of August 2020:
  • The PR on the [implementation of systhreads with pthreads] continues
    to undergo review and improvement. When merged, this opens up the
    possibility of installing dune and other packages with Multicore
  • Implementations of mutex and condition variables is also now [under
    review] for the `Domain` module.
  • Work has begun on implementing [GC safe points] to ensure reliable,
    low-latency garbage collection can occur.

  We would like to particularly thank these external contributors:
  • Albin Coquereau and Guillaume Bury for their comments and
    recommendations on building Alt-Ergo.2.3.2 with dune.2.6.0 and
    Multicore OCaml 4.10.0 in a sandbox environment.
  • @Leonidas for testing the code size metric implementation with
    `Core' and `Async', and for code review changes.

  Contributions such as the above towards adapting your projects with
  our benchmarking suites are always most welcome.  As with previous
  updates, we begin with the Multicore OCaml updates, which are then
  followed by the enchancements and bug fixes to the Sandmark
  benchmarking project. The upstream OCaml ongoing and completed tasks
  are finally mentioned for your reference.

[previous updates] <https://discuss.ocaml.org/tag/multicore-monthly>

["How to parallelise your code with Multicore OCaml"]

["Retrofitting Parallelism onto OCaml"]

["Cosmo: A Concurrent Separation Logic for Multicore OCaml"]

[Effect Handlers in Multicore OCaml]

[implementation of systhreads with pthreads]

[under review]

[GC safe points]

Multicore OCaml

◊ Ongoing

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#381] Reimplementating systhreads
    with pthreads

    This PR has made tremendous progress with additions to domain API,
    changes in interaction with the backup thread, and bug fixes. We are
    now able to build `dune.2.6.1' and `utop' with this PR for Multicore
    OCaml, and it is ready for review!

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#384] Add a primitive to insert nop

    The `nop' primitive is introduced to identify the start and end of
    an instruction sequence to aid in debugging low-level code.

  • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#390] Initial implementation of
    Mutexes and Condition Variables

    A draft proposal that adds support for Mutex variables and Condition
    operations for the Multicore runtime.




◊ Completed

  ◊ Optimisations

    • [ocaml-multicore/domainslib#16] Improvement of parallel_for

      A divide-and-conquer scheme is introduced to distribute work in
      `parallel_for', and the `chunk_size' is made a parameter to
      improve scaling with more than 8-16 cores. The blue line in the
      following illustration shows the improvement for few benchmarks in
      Sandmark using the default `chunk_size' along with this PR:

    • [ocaml-multicore/multicore-opam] Use `-j%{jobs}%' for multicore
      variant builds

      The use of `-j%{jobs}%' in the build step for multicore variants
      will speed up opam installs.

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#374] Force major slice on minor

      A minor collection will need to schedule a major collection, if a
      blocked thread may not progress the major GC when servicing the
      minor collector through `handle_interrupt'.

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#378] Hold onto empty pools if
      swept while allocating

      An optimization to improve pause times and reduce the number of
      locks by using a `release_to_global_pool' flag in `pool_sweep'
      function that continues to hold onto the empty pools.

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#379] Interruptible mark and sweep

      The mark and sweep work is now made interruptible so that domains
      can enter the stop-the-world minor collections even if one domain
      is performing a large task. For example, for the binary tree
      benchmark with four domains, major work (pink) in domain three
      stalls progress for other domains as observed in the eventlog.

      With this patch, we can observe that the major work in domains two
      and four make progress in the following illustration:

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#380] Make DLS call to
      `caml_domain_dls_get' `@@noalloc'

      The `caml_dls_get' is tagged with `@@noalloc' to reduce the C call

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#382] Optimise

      A couple of optimisations that yield 25% performance improvements
      for the generator example by using `caml_domain_alone', and using
      `caml_gc_log' under `DEBUG' mode.

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#389] Avoid holding domain_lock
      when using backup thread

      The wait time for the main OCaml thread is reduced by altering the
      backup thread logic without holding the `domain_lock' for the









  ◊ Sundries

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#391] Use `Word_val' for pointers
      with `Patomic_load'

      A bug fix to correctly handle `Patomic_load' for loaded pointers.

    • [ocaml-multicore/ocaml-multicore#392] Include Ipoll in leaf
      function test

      The `Ipoll' operation is now added to `asmcomp/amd64/emit.mlp' as
      an external call.




◊ Ongoing

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#122] Measurements of code size

    The code size of a benchmark is one measurement that is required for
    `flambda' branch. A [PR] has been created that now emits a count of
    the CAML symbols in the output of a bench result as shown below:

    │ {"name":"knucleotide.", ... ,"codesize":276859.0, ...}

  • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#169] Add check_url for .json and pkg-config,
    m4 in Makefile

    A `check_url' target in the Makefile has been defined to ensure that
    the `ocaml-versions/*.json' files have a URL parameter. The patch
    also adds `pkg-config' and `m4' to Ubuntu dependencies.


  [PR] <https://github.com/ocaml-bench/sandmark/pull/165>


◊ Completed

  ◊ Benchmarks

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#107] Add Coq benchmarks

      The `fraplib' library from the [Formal Reasoning About Programs]
      has been dunified and included in Sandmark for Coq benchmarks.

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#151] Evolutionary algorithm parallel

      The evolutionary algorithm parallel benchmark is now added to

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#152] LU decomposition: random numbers
      initialisation in parallel

      The random number initialisation for the LU decomposition
      benchmark now has parallelism that uses `Domain.DLS' and

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#153] Add computationally intensive Coq

      The `BasicSyntax' and `AbstractInterpretation' Coq files perform a
      lot of minor GCs and allocations, and have been added as
      benchmarks to Sandmark.

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#155] Sequential version of Evolutionary

      The sequential version of algorithms are used for comparison with
      their respective parallel implementations. A sequential
      implementation for the `Evolutionary Algorithm' has now been
      included in Sandmark.

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#157] Minilight Multicore: Port to Task API
      and DLS for Random States

      The Minilight benchmark has been ported to use the Task API along
      with the use of Domain Local Storage for the Random States. The
      speedup is shown in the following illustration:


    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#164] Tweaks to

      The `board_size' for the Game of Life numerical benchmark is now
      configurable, and can be supplied as an argument.


    [Formal Reasoning About Programs]







  ◊ Bug Fixes

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#156] Fix calculation of Nbody Multicore

      Minor fixes in the calculation of interactions of the bodies in
      the `Nbody' implementation, and use of local ref vars to reduce
      writes and cache traffic.

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#158] Fix key error for Grammatrix for
      Jupyter notebook

      The `Key Error' issue with `notebooks/parallel/parallel.ipynb' is
      now resolved by passing a value to params in the
      `multicore_parallel_run_config.json' file.



  ◊ Sundries

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#154] Revert PARAMWRAPPER changes

      Undo the `PARAMWRAPPER' configuration for parallel benchmark runs
      in the Makefile, as they are not required for sequential

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#160] Specify prefix,libdir for alt-ergo
      sandbox builds

      The `alt-ergo' library and parser require the `prefix' and
      `libdir' to be specified with `configure' in order to build in a
      sandbox environment. The initial discussion is available at

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#162] Avoid installing packages which are
      unused for Multicore runs

      The `PACKAGES' variable in the Makefile has been simplified to
      include only those dependency packages that are required to build

    • [ocaml-bench/sandmark#163] Update to domainslib 0.2.2 and use
      default chunk_size

      The `domainslib' dependency package has been updated to use the
      0.2.2 released version, and `chunk_size' for various benchmarks
      uses `num_tasks/num_domains' as default.







◊ Ongoing

  • [ocaml/ocaml#9756] Garbage collectors colour change

    The PR is needed for use with the Multicore OCaml major collector by
    removing the need of gray colour in the garbage collector (GC)
    colour scheme.

  [ocaml/ocaml#9756] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/9756>

◊ Completed

  • [ocaml/ocaml#9722] EINTR-based signals, again

    The patch provides a new implementation to solve a collection of
    locking, signal-handling and error checking issues.

  Our thanks to all the OCaml developers and users in the community for
  their support and contribution to the project. Stay safe!

  [ocaml/ocaml#9722] <https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/9722>


  • API: Application Programming Interface
  • DLS: Domain Local Storage
  • GC: Garbage Collector
  • OPAM: OCaml Package Manager
  • LU: Lower Upper (decomposition)
  • PR: Pull Request


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

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[Alan Schmitt] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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