[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jun 23 05:50:30 PDT 2020

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Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of June 16 to 23,

Table of Contents

Alt-Ergo-free 2.2.0 release
Ocaml-migrate-parsetree 2.0.0
Free culture OCaml book progress
OCaml 4.11.0, third alpha release with RISC-V backend
Roll your own bubblewrap sandboxing scripts in OCaml
Second release of Sek
Tools or pointers for control flow analysis of OCaml code?
A new build system API in Dune: please send thoughts, ideas and wishes
Other OCaml News

Alt-Ergo-free 2.2.0 release


Albin Coquereau announced

  As discussed with our users and both our academic and industrial
  partners in the [Alt-Ergo Users' Club], we are pleased to announce the
  new free release of Alt-Ergo.  Alt-Ergo 2.2.0 is now under the Apache
  license.  The `alt-ergo-free' package has been updated in the opam
  repository to this version as well.

  You can find the source archive, changes and more on the [Alt-Ergo
  website].  The main changes are the new SAT solver (from Alt-Ergo
  2.1.0) and the experimental support for the SMT-lib standard
  (introduced in Alt-Ergo 2.2.0)

[Alt-Ergo Users' Club] https://alt-ergo.ocamlpro.com/#club

[Alt-Ergo website] https://alt-ergo.ocamlpro.com/#releases

Ocaml-migrate-parsetree 2.0.0


J?r?mie Dimino announced

  We are preparing a 2.0.0 release of [ocaml-migrate-parsetree]. This
  new major release will simplify the project to its core purpose, which
  is to provide migration functions between the various versions of the
  parsetree types.  Everything else, such as the driver or the
  per-version copy of various modules from the compiler distribution
  will go away. This will have an impact for projects that are currently
  using these functionalities and this post describes what we think such
  projects should do and how we plan to help.

  The motivation for this change is to simplify ocaml-migrate-parsetree
  and make it easier to maintain. The core functionality it provides is
  valuable and worth maintaining, however right now the project is way
  too big and difficult to maintain. Going through compiler upgrades has
  been unpleasant and difficult. And because of this, bugs of the
  segfault kind have accidentally been introduced and detected much

  Once we have dropped everything that doesn't fit in the purpose of the
  project, what will remain will be pretty simple, coherent and easy to


What is the replacement?

  At the moment, ocaml-migrate-parsetree offers one way of writing ppx
  rewriters. For instance, one might write the following to create a ppx
  rewriter with ocaml-migrate-parsetree:

  ? open Migrate_parsetree
  ? open Ast_404
  ? let structure = ...
  ? let signature = ...
  ? let () =
  ?   Driver.register ~name:"ppx_cstruct" Versions.ocaml_404
  ?     (fun _config _cookies -> {default_mapper with structure; signature})

  Following the simplification, the above code will break for at least
  two reasons:

  ? the `Migrate_parsetree.Driver' will be gone
  ? the `default_mapper' and `mapper' type coming from
    `Ast_404.Ast_mapper' will be gone

  As a result, ocaml-migrate-parsetree itself will no longer be enough
  to write ppx rewriters.

  We recommend that ppx rewriters using the ocaml-migrate-parsetree API
  switch to [ppxlib].  The purpose of ppxlib is to provide a good API
  for ppx rewriters with in particular a simple and good composition
  model, so it seems like a natural choice. Since ppxlib will take a
  more central place in the ecosystem, we are currently addressing the
  more controversial aspects of this library. For instance, we are
  dropping the dependency on Base.

[ppxlib] https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ppxlib/

Organising the transition

  The following ticket is the meta issue tracking the preparation of the
  2.0.0 release:


  To make this transition smoother, we are planning to help with the
  porting effort. We have prepared [a list of ppx rewriters to port to
  ppxlib].  This list is not exhaustive and in particular excludes ppx
  rewriters that have no reverse dependencies in opam in order to keep
  this work manageable for us.  In any case, help porting projects to
  ppxlib would be very much appreciated.

  If you would like to help porting a project, please mention on the
  corresponding ticket from the list that you are looking at porting
  this project so that we know someone is working on it. If you would
  like to port a project that is not on this list, you should feel free
  to open a new ticket and mention that you are porting this project. In
  this case, please make sure to add the label `port-to-ppxlib' to the

  Once we have successfully converted a few projects, we will proceed
  with the release of ocaml-migrate-parsetree 2.0.0 and a compatible
  ppxlib release.  At this point, most existing reverse dependencies of
  ocaml-migrate-parsetree will be marked as incompatible with
  ocaml-migrate-parsetree 2.0.0 and we will continue porting existing
  projects to ppxlib to gradually make the world compatible with
  ocaml-migrate-parsetree 2.0.0.

[a list of ppx rewriters to port to ppxlib]

Consequences for other ppx libraries

? ppx_deriving

  The master of [ppx_deriving] is now using ppxlib, so there shouldn't
  be much to do to make ppx_deriving compatible with
  ocaml-migrate-parsetree 2.0.0.

  [ppx_deriving] https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ppx_deriving

? ppx_tools_versioned

  [ppx_tools_versioned] will no longer have a reason to exist in this
  new state of the world and so will stop being updated.

  [ppx_tools_versioned] https://github.com/ocaml-ppx/ppx_tools_versioned

Nicol?s Ojeda B?r asked and J?r?mie Dimino replied

        what is the story with dune? Right now, dune ?just works?
        with ppx rewriters based on OMP, what will happen after
        the announced evolutions?

  OMP won't provide a driver anymore. To write a ppx rewriter that is
  compatible with Dune, you will have to use ppxlib. You could also
  write your own driver, thought I wouldn't recommend doing that; we are
  trying to reduce the number of APIs rather that increase it :)

        Will the planned updates to ppxlib (getting rid of base,
        etc.) be done in time for the release of OMP 2.0.0?

  Yes. @ceastlund started working on dropping the Base dependency and
  since it will be the same group of people doing the ppxlib and omp
  changes, we will make sure that there is a new version of ppxlib
  available on time. We plan to do things in this order:

  ? prepare OMP2 and an updated ppxlib
  ? add upper bounds to all OMP reverse dependencies in the opam
  ? release OMP2
  ? release an updated ppxlib shortly after OMP2 is merged in the opam

        Would it be possible to make a minimal version of
        ppxlib/OMP for those that are willing to write a ppx
        rewriter against compiler-libs directly and do not
        need/want the rest of the library, but still want their
        rewriters to be compatible with dune?

  Technically yes.  That said, I wouldn't recommend going down this
  route. Once most of the dependencies of ppxlib have been dropped and
  OMP has been simplified, the resulting OMP+ppxlib combo will be pretty
  lean. If there are aspects of ppxlib that would prevent people from
  switching to it, we are happy to consider those.

  Once we have finished our work on simplifying the ppx ecosystem, I
  also expect that the bare ppx API in the compiler will disappear, so I
  would definitely not recommend to use it.

        Could you say a few words on how the evolution of ppxlib
        is related to ppx 1?

  Sure. The ppx project is part of [this work]. Our plan was to move to
  a world like this:

  ? the compiler offers a minimal stable Astlib library, using a dynamic
  ? the ppx project is written only against Astlib and not the rest of
  ? ppx has a stable API
  ? ppx rewriters are written against the ppx API

  In this world, existing ppx rewriters are compatible with trunk at all
  times. Moreover, when a new compiler is released:

  ? existing released ppx rewriters are immediately compatible with the
    new compiler
  ? one can use existing ppx rewriters and the new features of the

  in other words, you can in theory release a ppx rewriters once and
  never touch it again. The trade-off is that it uses a technology that
  is quite complex and users don't have direct access to the parsetree

  However, we don't expect everyone to switch to this API at once. So we
  will need a transition period where the existing APIs are implemented
  as shims on top of the new ppx API. The more ppx APIs we have to
  consider and the more difficult this work will be for us. So one can
  see this work of simplifying OMP and ppxlib as preparatory work.

  Now, all of the above was our original plan. We are now considering an
  alternative plan that would lead to a technically simpler system that
  is easier to reason about. The new plan would lead to the following

  ? the compiler offers a minimal stable Astlib library, using the OMP
  ? ppxlib is written only against Astlib and not the rest of
  ? ppx rewriters are written against ppxlib

  In this world, existing ppx rewriters are compatible with trunk at all
  times. Moreover, when a new compiler is released:

  ? existing released ppx rewriters are immediately compatible with the
    new compiler
  ? one cannot use existing ppx rewriters and the new features of the
    language until:
    ? ppxlib has been updated to use the new parsetree types
    ? the subset of ppx rewriters that are broken by this change have
      been updated as well

  This new plan requires updating potentially many packages after each
  new compiler release. We know that from a technical point of view this
  is relatively easy. In fact, we do that all the time at Jane Street:
  when we bump the version of the AST, one single person sit downs and
  updates all the ppx rewriters at once, which doesn't take very
  long. In the open-source world, this was historically impossible,
  though now that most OCaml projects are using dune this is becoming
  more realistic; we can create one big dune workspace with all the ppx
  rewriters and update them all at once. That said, there is a social
  component to this approach since the various packages are owned by
  various groups of people and even if one person does all the work, we
  still need various groups of people to take action to merge PRs and
  make new releases. So we plan to try this idea with one or two
  compiler release. In fact, @NathanReb is experimenting with this idea
  as we speak for the 4.10 upgrade of ppxlib. If this all works out
  well, we'll continue with this new plan. Otherwise, we'll go back to
  the original plan.

[this work] https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/the-future-of-ppx/3766

Anton Kochkov added

  There is also [ppx_deriving_protobuf #28] for porting to ppxlib.

[ppx_deriving_protobuf #28]

Free culture OCaml book progress


Daniil Baturin announced

  You may (or may not) remember that I've been working on a free culture
  OCaml book, under "Unreal world OCaml" working title.

  Zeroth, it's now named "OCaml from the ground up". I hope that title
  tells what I want the book to be.  "Unreal world OCaml" clearly wasn't
  a title it could use forever.  I briefly considered naming it
  "Elements of OCaml", but the Bourbaki reference is a bit too obscure
  and it sounds strange (not that their "Elements of Mathematic" doesn't
  sound strange to begin with?).

  First, it has a proper home now at [https://ocamlbook.org/] The old
  [https://ocaml-book.baturin.org] URL redirects to it now. It's hosted
  on Netlify for better availability. From my quick research, Netlify
  doesn't do anything obviously evil, but if I missed something, let me

  Second, there's now CI setup, so the live version is going to be in
  sync with the source.  Examples in "(triple backtick)ocaml" blocks are
  automatically typechecked (with `ocamlc -stop-after typing'). These
  fail the build if they fail to typecheck.  Intentionally invalid
  examples should be in "(triple backtick)invalid-ocaml" blocks
  instead?those are run through syntax highlighting but excluded from
  type checking.

  Content-wise, I've made some improvements to the Records and
  References chapter.  I'll keep posting progress here in the thread if
  no one objects.

OCaml 4.11.0, third alpha release with RISC-V backend


octachron announced

  A new alpha version of OCaml 4.11.0 has been published.

  Exceptionally, this third alpha release integrates a new exciting
  feature: a native-code backend for RISC-V.  Since this new backend
  cannot affect negatively other architecture, the feature has been
  backported to the 4.11 branch.

  Beyond this important change, the full change list compared to the
  second alpha is rather small:

  ? *new feature* [9440]: Add RISC-V RV64G native-code backend. (Nicol?s
     Ojeda B?r, review by Xavier Leroy and Gabriel Scherer)

  ? *additional fixes* [8920], [9238], [9239], [9254], [9458]: New API
     for statistical memory profiling in Memprof.Gc. The new version
     does no longer use ephemerons and allows registering callbacks for
     promotion and deallocation of memory blocks. The new API no longer
     gives the block tags to the allocation callback.

  ? [7520], [9547]: Odd behaviour of refutation cases with polymorphic
    variants (Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo White, reviews by Gabriel
    Scherer and Leo)

  ? [7741], [9645]: Failure to report escaping type variable (Jacques
    Garrigue, report by Gabriel Radanne, review by Gabriel Scherer)

  ? [9623], [9642]: fix typing environments in
    Typedecl.transl_with_constraint (Gabriel Scherer, review by Jacques
    Garrigue and Leo White, report by Hugo Heuzard)

  ? [9610]: manual, C FFI: naked pointers are deprecated, detail the
    forward-compatible options for handling out-of-heap
    pointers. (Xavier Leroy, review by Mark Shinwell, David Allsopp and
    Florian Angeletti)

  ? [9618]: clarify the Format documentation on the margin and maximum
    indentation limit (Florian Angeletti, review by Josh Berdine)

  We are expecting this third alpha release to be the last alpha

  The compiler can be installed as an OPAM switch with one of the
  following commands
  ? opam switch create ocaml-variants.4.11.0+alpha3 --repositories=default,beta=git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-beta-repository.git
  ? opam switch create ocaml-variants.4.11.0+alpha3+<VARIANT> --repositories=default,beta=git+https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-beta-repository.git
  where <VARIANT> is replaced with one of these: afl, flambda, fp,

  The source code for the alpha is also available at these addresses:


  If you find any bugs, please report them here:

[9440] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9440

[8920] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/8920

[9238] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9238

[9239] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9239

[9254] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9254

[9458] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9458

[7520] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/7520

[9547] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9547

[7741] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/7741

[9645] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9645

[9623] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9623

[9642] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9642

[9610] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9610

[9618] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/9618

Roll your own bubblewrap sandboxing scripts in OCaml


Darren announced

  I recently used a small bit of OCaml code to help generate bash
  scripts for sandboxing programs via bubblewrap and have found the
  suite to be fairly useful and saved a fair bit of typing.

  The repo: [https://github.com/darrenldl/sandboxing]

  *Note*: This is not a well packaged project right now, and has no
  versioning. I suggest forking the repo if you actually plan on using
  it. Might do proper packaging work at some point, however.

Syscall filter handling

  Seccomp BPF compilation (for syscall filter) can also be handled via
  the suite in OCaml's side. (If you've seen this project over at
  Discord before, then this part is the new addtion that was previously

  ? Context: right now bubblewrap only allows specification of syscall
    filtering via a compiled BPF file, this is handled by the suite as
    follows: `OCaml code --generates--> C code --generates--> BPF

Firefox example

  Some code for firefox is as follows

? OCaml side

  Firefox profile specification in `bw-script-gen/src/profiles.ml'

  ? let make_firefox_profile ~(suffix : string option) : profile =
  ?   let name = match suffix with None -> "firefox" | Some s -> "firefox-" ^ s in
  ?   {
  ?     name;
  ?     cmd = "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox --ProfileManager";
  ?     home_jail_dir = Some name;
  ?     syscall_blacklist = default_syscall_blacklist;
  ?     args =
  ?       usr_share_common
  ?       @ usr_lib_lib64_bin_common
  ?       @ etc_common
  ?       @ proc_dev_common
  ?       @ tmp_run_common
  ?       @ sound_common
  ?       @ wayland_common
  ?       @ dconf_common
  ?       @ dbus_common
  ?       @ set_up_jail_home ~tmp:false ~name
  ?       @ [
  ? 	Bind ("$HOME/.mozilla", Some "/home/jail/.mozilla");
  ? 	Bind ("$HOME/.cache/mozilla", Some "/home/jail/.cache/mozilla");
  ? 	Setenv ("SHELL", "/bin/false");
  ? 	Setenv ("USER", "nobody");
  ? 	Setenv ("LOGNAME", "nobody");
  ? 	Setenv ("MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND", "1");
  ? 	Hostname "jail";
  ? 	Unshare_user;
  ? 	Unshare_pid;
  ? 	Unshare_uts;
  ? 	Unshare_ipc;
  ? 	Unshare_cgroup;
  ? 	New_session;
  ?       ];
  ?   }

? C code

  The generated C code for compiling the BPF file can be seen here:

? Bash script

  The generated bash script:
  ? #!/usr/bin/env bash
  ? set -euxo pipefail
  ? gcc "$(dirname $0)"/../seccomp-bpf/firefox.c -lseccomp -o "$(dirname $0)"/../seccomp-bpf/firefox.exe
  ? "$(dirname $0)"/../seccomp-bpf/firefox.exe
  ? mv firefox_seccomp_filter.bpf "$(dirname $0)"/../seccomp-bpf
  ? mkdir -p "$HOME/jails/firefox"
  ? mkdir -p "$HOME/jails/firefox/Downloads"
  ? bwrap \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/share/X11" "/usr/share/X11" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/share/icons" "/usr/share/icons" \
  ?   --ro-bind-try "/usr/share/fontconfig" "/usr/share/fontconfig" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/share/fonts" "/usr/share/fonts" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/share/mime" "/usr/share/mime" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/share/ca-certificates" "/usr/share/ca-certificates" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/share/glib-2.0" "/usr/share/glib-2.0" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/lib" "/usr/lib" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/lib64" "/usr/lib64" \
  ?   --tmpfs "/usr/lib/modules" \
  ?   --tmpfs "/usr/lib/systemd" \
  ?   --symlink "/usr/lib" "/lib" \
  ?   --symlink "/usr/lib64" "/lib64" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/usr/bin" "/usr/bin" \
  ?   --symlink "/usr/bin" "/bin" \
  ?   --symlink "/usr/bin" "/sbin" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/etc/fonts" "/etc/fonts" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/etc/machine-id" "/etc/machine-id" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/etc/resolv.conf" "/etc/resolv.conf" \
  ?   --proc "/proc" \
  ?   --dev "/dev" \
  ?   --tmpfs "/tmp" \
  ?   --tmpfs "/run" \
  ?   --ro-bind-try "/usr/share/gst-plugins-bad" "/usr/share/gst-plugins-bad" \
  ?   --ro-bind-try "/usr/share/gst-plugins-base" "/usr/share/gst-plugins-base" \
  ?   --ro-bind-try "/usr/share/gstreamer-1.0" "/usr/share/gstreamer-1.0" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/run/user/$UID/pulse" "/run/user/$UID/pulse" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/run/user/$UID/wayland-0" "/run/user/$UID/wayland-0" \
  ?   --setenv "QT_QPA_PLATFORM" "wayland" \
  ?   --bind "/run/user/$UID/dconf" "/run/user/$UID/dconf" \
  ?   --ro-bind "/run/user/$UID/bus" "/run/user/$UID/bus" \
  ?   --bind "$HOME/jails/firefox" "/home/jail" \
  ?   --setenv "HOME" "/home/jail" \
  ?   --bind "$HOME/.mozilla" "/home/jail/.mozilla" \
  ?   --bind "$HOME/.cache/mozilla" "/home/jail/.cache/mozilla" \
  ?   --unsetenv "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" \
  ?   --setenv "SHELL" "/bin/false" \
  ?   --setenv "USER" "nobody" \
  ?   --setenv "LOGNAME" "nobody" \
  ?   --setenv "MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND" "1" \
  ?   --hostname "jail" \
  ?   --unshare-user \
  ?   --unshare-pid \
  ?   --unshare-uts \
  ?   --unshare-ipc \
  ?   --unshare-cgroup \
  ?   --new-session \
  ?   --seccomp 10 10<"$(dirname $0)"/../seccomp-bpf/firefox_seccomp_filter.bpf \
  ?   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox --ProfileManager

Second release of Sek


Fran?ois Pottier announced

  We are pleased to announce the second release of Sek, an OCaml library
  that offers an efficient implementation of sequences.

  The library offers both ephemeral (mutable) sequences and persistent
  (immutable) sequences, and offers constant-time conversions between
  these flavors.

  It supports all of the standard operations on stacks, queues, deques
  (e.g.  push, pop at either end), catenable sequences (concat, split),
  and random access sequences (get, set).

  The new release makes a large number of additions to the library's
  API.  The most significant one is the introduction of very efficient
  iterators over ephemeral and persistent sequences. A full list of
  changes appears below.

  To install the new version of Sek, just type

  ? opam update && opam install sek.20200618

  The API documentation is online:


  Feedback is welcome!

  Arthur Chargu?raud and Fran?ois Pottier


  ? The time complexity of every operation is now documented as part of
    its specification.

  ? New submodules `E.Iter' and `P.Iter', which offer very efficient
    iterators over ephemeral and persistent sequences.

  ? New functions `take', `drop', `sub', `iter_segments', `to_seq',
    `of_list_segment', `of_list', `of_seq_segment', `of_seq', `find',
    `find_opt', `find_map', `for_all', `exists', `mem', `memq', `map',
    `mapi', `rev', `zip', `unzip', `filter', `filter_map', `partition',
    `flatten', `flatten_map', `iter2', `iter2_segments', `fold_left2',
    `fold_right2', `map2', `for_all2', `exists2', `equal', `compare',
    `sort', `stable_sort', `uniq', `merge', in ephemeral and persistent

  ? New functions `E.fill' and `E.blit'.

  ? New function `other' of type `side -> side'.

  ? New function `opposite' of type `direction -> direction'.

  ? New functor `SupplyDefault', which allows supplying a default
    element once and for all so as to obtain a simpler
    API. Unfortunately, this requires choosing a fixed type of elements
    at the same time.

  ? New submodules `Emulated.Array' and `Emulated.List', which can be
    used as drop-in replacements for OCaml's standard `Array' and `List'

  ? New submodule `Segment', which offers a few facilities for iterating
    over array segments.

  ? *Breaking change:* the default behavior of `E.copy' is now to
     produce a disjoint sequence in time `O(n)'. The previous behavior,
     which exploits sharing and produces a result in time `O(K)', is
     obtained by invoking `E.copy ~mode:`Share'. The two copying modes
     have the same observable behavior; they differ only in their
     performance characteristics.

  ? *Breaking change:* the submodules `Queue' and `Stack' are renamed
     `Emulated.Queue' and `Emulated.Stack'. This makes it easier to
     avoid unintended shadowing of `Stdlib.Queue', `Stdlib.Stack',
     etc. It is now safe to use `open Sek'.

  ? *Breaking change:* the functor `Make' now takes just one structure
     as a parameter, instead of several structures. This is more
     pleasant and should make future evolution easier.

Tools or pointers for control flow analysis of OCaml code?


Anton Kochkov announced

  Just a heads up - there is a work going on adding OCaml to GitHub
  Semantic, see the corresponding PRs:
  ? [https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-ocaml/pull/37]
  ? [https://github.com/tree-sitter/haskell-tree-sitter/pull/283]

  Once these are merged, it will be possible to start adding Semantic
  support itself.

A new build system API in Dune: please send thoughts, ideas and wishes


J?r?mie Dimino announced

  Do you have ideas about what a good build API should look like? Are
  there functionalities you always wished a build system API would give

  If yes, please write your thoughts, ideas or wishes on the following
  github ticket: [https://github.com/ocaml/dune/issues/3571]

  To give a bit more context, the Dune team is preparing to design a new
  build system API. This API is what comes in between the core build
  system engine and the build rules explaining how to go from .ml files
  to a final executable.  The main motivation for doing this work now is
  to help migrating from Jenga to Dune inside Jane Street. However,
  eventually we would like to open this API to users, so that everyone
  can write their own set of build rules outside of Dune. For this
  reason, we'd like to open the discussion to the community.

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  ? [Really low latency multipliers and cryptographic puzzles]
  ? [Every proof assistant: Cur - Designing a less devious proof

[OCaml Planet] http://ocaml.org/community/planet/

[Really low latency multipliers and cryptographic puzzles]

[Every proof assistant: Cur - Designing a less devious proof assistant]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

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  [Alan Schmitt]

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[Alan Schmitt] http://alan.petitepomme.net/

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