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Tue Dec 15 01:52:02 PST 2020


  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  =E2=80=A2 [Memthol: exploring program profiling]
  =E2=80=A2 [Growing the Hardcaml toolset]
  =E2=80=A2 [ Editor Plugin for VSCode and Vim Officially Released!]
  =E2=80=A2 [Announcing Our Market Prediction Kaggle Competition]
  =E2=80=A2 [Every proof assistant: introducing =E2=80=93 a pro=
of assistant
    for geometrical higher category theory]

[OCaml Planet] <>

[Memthol: exploring program profiling]

[Growing the Hardcaml toolset]

[ Editor Plugin for VSCode and Vim Officially Released!]

[Announcing Our Market Prediction Kaggle Competition]

[Every proof assistant: introducing =E2=80=93 a proof assistant=
geometrical higher category theory]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at>

[the archive] <>

[RSS feed of the archives] <>

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[Alan Schmitt] <>

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<div id=3D"content">
<h1 class=3D"title">OCaml Weekly News</h1>
<a href=3D"">Previous Week</=
a> <a href=3D"">Up</a> <a href=3D=
"">Next Week</a>


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of December 08 to 15, 20=

<div id=3D"table-of-contents">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id=3D"text-table-of-contents">
<li><a href=3D"#1">MirageOS 3.10 released</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#2">Exception vs Result</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#3">Release: scikit-learn, Numpy, Scipy for OCaml, 0.3.1</a>=
<li><a href=3D"#4">OCaml 4.10.2</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#5">BAP 2.2.0 Release</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#6">Liquidshop 1.0, Jan. 17th and 18th, 2021</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#7">Opium 0.20.0</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#8">Set up OCaml 1.1.5</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#9">Other OCaml News</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#org7ffc721">Old CWN</a></li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org9352136" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"1">MirageOS 3.10 released</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-1">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org56af145" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org56af145">Hannes Mehnert announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org56af145">
we're pleased to announce MirageOS 3.10:

IPv6 and dual (IPv4 and IPv6) stack support <a href=3D"
<a href=3D"">

Since a long time, IPv6 code was around in our TCP/IP stack (thanks to @noj=
b who developed it in 2014).
Some months ago, @hannesm and @MagnusS got excited to use it. After we mana=
ged to fix some bugs and add
some test cases, and writing more code to setup IPv6-only and dual stacks, =
we are eager to share this
support for MirageOS in a released version. We expect there to be bugs ling=
ering around, but duplicate
address detection (neighbour solicitation and advertisements) has been impl=
emented, and (unless
"&#x2013;accept-router-advertisement=3Dfalse") router advertisements are de=
coded and used to configure the IPv6
part of the stack. Configuring a static IPv6 address is also possible (with

While at it, we unified the boot arguments between the different targets: n=
amely, on Unix (when using
the socket stack), you can now pass "&#x2013;ipv4=3D127.0.0.1/24" to the sa=
me effect as the direct stack: only
listen on (the subnet mask is ignored for the Unix socket stack).

A dual stack unikernel has "&#x2013;ipv4-only=3DBOOL" and "&#x2013;ipv6-onl=
y=3DBOOL" parameters, so a unikernel binary
could support both Internet Protocol versions, while the operator can decid=
e which protocol version to
use. I.e. now there are both development-time (stackv4 vs stackv6 vs stackv=
4v6) choices, as well as the
run-time choice (via boot parameter).

I'm keen to remove the stackv4 &amp; stackv6 in future versions, and always=
 develop with dual stack
(leaving it to configuration &amp; startup time to decide whether to enable=
 ipv4 and ipv6).

Please also note that the default IPv4 network configuration no longer uses= as default gateway
(since there was no way to unset the default gateway <a href=3D"https://git=">

For unikernel developers, there are some API changes in the Mirage module
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>New "v4v6" types for IP protocols and stacks</li>
<li>The ipv6_config record was adjusted in the same fashion as the ipv4_con=
fig type: it is now a record of a network (V6.Prefix.t) and gateway (V6.t o=

Some parts of the Mirage_key module were unified as well:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Arp.ip_address is available (for a dual Ipaddr.t)</li>
<li>Arg.ipv6_address replaces Arg.ipv6 (for an Ipaddr.V6.t)</li>
<li>Arg.ipv6 replaces Arg.ipv6_prefix (for a Ipaddr.V6.Prefix.t)</li>
<li> and V6.gateway are available, mirroring the V4 submodule</li>

If you're ready to experiment with the dual stack: below is a diff for our =
basic network example (from
mirage-skeleton/device-usage/network) replacing IPv4 with a dual stack, and=
 the tlstunnel unikernel
<a href=3D"
changed tlstunnel from IPv4 stack to dual stack.

<div class=3D"org-src-container">
<pre class=3D"src src-diff"><span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">diff=
 --git a/device-usage/network/ b/device-usage/network/</s=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">index c425edb..eabc9d6 100644</s=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">--- </span><span style=3D"backgr=
ound-color: #bfbfbf; font-weight: bold;">a/device-usage/network/</=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">+++ </span><span style=3D"backgr=
ound-color: #bfbfbf; font-weight: bold;">b/device-usage/network/</=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@</span><span styl=
e=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;"> let port =3D</span>
   let doc =3D ~doc:"The TCP port on which to listen for
incoming connections." ["port"] in
   Key.(create "port" Arg.(opt int 8080 doc))

<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">let main =3D foreign ~keys:[Key.abstract=
 port] "Unikernel.Main" (stackv4</span>
@-&gt; job)
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">let main =3D foreign ~keys:[Key.abstract=
 port] "Unikernel.Main"</span>
(stackv4v6 @-&gt; job)

<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">let stack =3D generic_stackv4 default_ne=
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">let stack =3D generic_stackv4</span><spa=
n style=3D"background-color: #bbffbb;">v6</span><span style=3D"background-c=
olor: #eeffee;"> default_network</span>

 let () =3D
   register "network" [
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">diff --git a/device-usage/networ=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">index 5d29111..1bf1228 100644</s=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">--- </span><span style=3D"backgr=
ound-color: #bfbfbf; font-weight: bold;">a/device-usage/network/unikernel.m=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">+++ </span><span style=3D"backgr=
ound-color: #bfbfbf; font-weight: bold;">b/device-usage/network/unikernel.m=
<span style=3D"background-color: #d9d9d9;">@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@</span>
 open Lwt.Infix

<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">module Main (S: Mirage_stack.V4) =3D str=
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">module Main (S: Mirage_stack.V4V6) =3D s=

   let start s =3D
     let port =3D Key_gen.port () in
<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">    S.listen_tcpv4 s ~port (fun flow -&g=
<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">        let dst, dst_port =3D S.TCPV4.ds=
t flow in</span>
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">    S.listen_tcp s ~port (fun flow -&gt;=
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">        let dst, dst_port =3D S.TCP.dst =
flow in</span> (fun f -&gt; f "new tcp connection from IP %s on port %d"
<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">                  (Ipaddr.V4.to_string d=
st) dst_port);</span>
<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;"> flow &gt;&gt;=3D fu=
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">                  (Ipaddr.to_string dst)=
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;"> flow &gt;&gt;=3D func=
         | Ok `Eof -&gt; (fun f -&gt; f "Closing connection!");
<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">        | Error e -&gt; Logs.warn (fun f=
 -&gt; f "Error reading data from</span>
established connection: %a" S.TCPV4.pp_error e); Lwt.return_unit
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">        | Error e -&gt; Logs.warn (fun f=
 -&gt; f "Error reading data from</span>
established connection: %a" S.TCP.pp_error e); Lwt.return_unit
         | Ok (`Data b) -&gt;
           Logs.debug (fun f -&gt; f "read: %d bytes:\n%s" (Cstruct.len b)
(Cstruct.to_string b));
<span style=3D"color: #aa2222; background-color: #ffeeee;">-</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #ffeeee;">          S.TCPV4.close flow</span>
<span style=3D"color: #22aa22; background-color: #eeffee;">+</span><span st=
yle=3D"background-color: #eeffee;">          S.TCP.close flow</span>

     S.listen s

Other bug fixes include <a href=3D"
1188"></a> (in
<a href=3D"">
irage/mirage/pull/1201</a>) and adapt to charrua 1.3.0 and arp 2.3.0 changes
(<a href=3D"">

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd7f781b" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"2">Exception vs Result</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-2">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgdf22267" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgdf22267">Continuing this thread, Vladimir Keleshev announced</=
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgdf22267">
A bit late to the party, but here's an overview of error handling methods t=
hat I did a while ago:

<a href=3D"">Composa=
ble Error Handling in OCaml

It compares the following approaches:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Result type with strings for errors</li>
<li>Result type with custom variants for errors</li>
<li>Result type with polymorphic variants for errors</li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgb615015" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"3">Release: scikit-learn, Numpy, Scipy for OCaml, 0.3.1</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-3">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org51b0263" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org51b0263">Ronan Le Hy announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org51b0263">
I've just released an update of OCaml wrappers for scikit-learn:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>documentation: <a href=3D"">https:=
<li>code: <a href=3D"">https://github.=
<li><code>opam install sklearn</code></li>

These bindings also come with bindings for Numpy (<code>opam install np</co=
de>) and Scipy (<code>opam install scipy</code>).

Scikit-learn is all of these things:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Simple and efficient tools for predictive data analysis</li>
<li>Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts</li>
<li>Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib</li>
<li>Open source, commercially usable - BSD license</li>

Scikit-learn is robust, well-engineered and covers most basic machine learn=
ing use cases. As a
professional data scientist I use it extensively from Python. I built these=
 wrappers because I felt
challenged by my friend @UnixJunkie's funny R wrappers.

I don't depend personally on these packages and maintain/improve them witho=
ut any guarantees. They have
many unpolished corners. However, they have tests and I don't expect them t=
o add too many bugs to
scikit-learn. Contributions and bug reports are welcome (but be aware that =
the bindings are generated
from a big hairy Python script).

Many thanks to everybody involved in opam!

<div id=3D"outline-container-org8129f0b" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"4">OCaml 4.10.2</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-4">
Archive: <a href=3D"">ht=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org48e971d" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org48e971d">octachron announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org48e971d">
The OCaml team has the pleasure of celebrating the birthday of Grace Hopper=
 by announcing
the release of OCaml version 4.10.2.

This exceptional release makes OCaml 4.10 available on the new macOS/arm64 =
and fixes some compatibility issues for the mingw64 and FreeBSD/amd64 platf=

If OCaml 4.10.1 already works on your platform of choice, this release shou=
ld be
completely transparent to you (and can be safely ignored).

Note that those fixes were backported from OCaml 4.12: further improvement =
to the support
of the macOS/arm64 platform will happen on the 4.12 branch.

The release is available as a set of OPAM switches,
and as a source download here:

<a href=3D"">https://gi=</a> <br />
<a href=3D"">https://caml.inri=</a>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org79c5aa1" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org79c5aa1">OCaml 4.10.2</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org79c5aa1">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"">9938</a>, <a hre=
f=3D"">9939</a>: Define __USE_MIN=
GW_ANSI_STDIO=3D0 for the mingw-w64 ports to prevent their C99-compliant sn=
printf conflicting with ours. (David Allsopp, report by Michael Soegtrop, r=
eview by Xavier Leroy)</li>

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a id=3D"org0629733"></a>Supported platforms:<br />
<div class=3D"outline-text-5" id=3D"text-org0629733">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"">9699</a>, <a hre=
f=3D"">10026</a>: add support fo=
r iOS and macOS on ARM 64 bits Backported from OCaml 4.12.0 (GitHub user @E=
duardoRFS, review by Xavier Leroy, Nicol=C3=A1s Ojeda B=C3=A4r and Anil Mad=
havapeddy, additional testing by Michael Schmidt)</li>

<li><a id=3D"org05f1bb4"></a>Code generation and optimization<br />
<div class=3D"outline-text-5" id=3D"text-org05f1bb4">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"">9752</a>, <a hre=
f=3D"">10026</a>: Revised handli=
ng of calling conventions for external C functions. Provide a more precise =
description of the types of unboxed arguments, so that the ARM64 iOS/macOS =
calling conventions can be honored. Backported from OCaml 4.12.0 (Xavier Le=
roy, review by Mark Shinwell and Github user @EduardoRFS)</li>

<li><a href=3D"">9969</a>, <a hre=
f=3D"">9981</a>: Added mergeable =
flag tqo ELF sections containing mergeable constants.  Fixes compatibility =
with the integrated assembler in clang 11.0.0. Backported from OCaml 4.12.0=
 (Jacob Young, review by Nicol=C3=A1s Ojeda B=C3=A4r)</li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org94f16c9" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org94f16c9">Anil Madhavapeddy</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org94f16c9">
There is also a <a href=3D"
">macos/arm64 binary of opam</a>
available from the releases page for your convenience, and opam repository =
has been updated to
understand the new tier-1 constraints imposed by macos/arm (i.e. the only w=
orking compilers there are
4.10.2 and 4.12.0~dev, and <code>opam init</code> will now do the right thi=

There will be a number of packages that are broken due to the shift to <cod=
e>/opt/homebrew</code> from
<code>/usr/local</code> for Homebrew/ARM (due to the need to keep them simu=
ltaneously installed on the same Mac),
so please feel free to submit PRs to opam-repository to fix this stuff.

We'll shortly have Mac (both Intel and ARM) testing up and running on opam-=
repository, so CI will catch
up with reality once more, thanks to furious hacking by @patricoferris to e=
xtend our ocurrent-based CI
infrastructure to support the unique vagaries of the Mac environment (notab=
ly, a total lack of native
containers).  We have it working locally, and are just upstreaming it now.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgb648fd0" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"5">BAP 2.2.0 Release</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-5">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org94e8e50" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org94e8e50">Ivan Gotovchits announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org94e8e50">
We are proud to announce the 2.2.0 release of the Carnegie Mellon Universit=
y <a href=3D"">Binary Analysis
Platform</a>. BAP is the framework and toolkit for analyzing programs in th=
eir machine code
representation. This update has a lot of <a href=3D"
ryAnalysisPlatform/bap/releases/tag/v2.2.0">new features</a> despite that o=
riginally it was more as a
maintenance version. Special thanks to @XVilka and <a href=3D"https://githu=">@Phosphorus15</a>  for contributing Thumb/ThumbV2
lifter and radare2 integration. We would also like to thank <a href=3D"http=
s://">ForAllSecure</a> for open-sourcing and
contributing to us their x86 floating-point lifter. The new version of BAP =
is also much more efficient
and we now have a much better symbolization facility (so we're no longer re=
ally dependent on the
presence of external tools). Another nice addition is a new REPL powered by=
 <a href=3D"">ocaml-linen=
oise</a>, see the
demo below.

<a href=3D""></=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org5e3d4af" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"6">Liquidshop 1.0, Jan. 17th and 18th, 2021</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-6">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org012ae6f" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org012ae6f">Romain Beauxis announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org012ae6f">
We are happy to announce that we'll be holding Liquidshop 1.0 these coming =
Jan. 17th &amp; 18th, our first
ever (online) conference and workshops on liquidsoap and other related tech=
nologies and projects!

Liquidsoap is a statically typed scripting language with specialized primit=
ives and operators for
creating media streams used for media processing, online streaming and a lo=
t more. It is written in
OCaml and has been maintained for over a decade now.

We will have 3 different tracks for the event, namely:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Showcases: short presentations about a website / radio / art installati=
on that you built using Liquidsoap or other related tools</li>
<li>Tech talks: in-depth presentation of a technology related to Liquidsoap=
 and streaming in general</li>
<li>Workshops: user-centered freeform discussions about your project or iss=
ues around Liquidsoap and streaming</li>

If you're interested to participate, wether as an attendee or a presenter, =
make sure to register via
our website at: <a href=3D"">http://w=</a> or directly via the form available at:
<a href=3D"">

We are super excited for this event. We have already secured a couple of in=
teresting speakers and we
would love to get to know the community better, see what y'all are doing wi=
th liquidsoap and other
releated projects, community radios, live video, weird installations, etc. =
and meet with everyone.

Also, if you have any suggestion about the best technical solutions to orga=
nize such an event, we'd be
happy to hear about them.

Finally, if any of y'all have some specific topics to discuss and would lik=
e to learn more about
liquidsoap, this will be a great place to connect!

<div id=3D"outline-container-orge09840a" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"7">Opium 0.20.0</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-7">
Archive: <a href=3D"">ht=

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgf736e70" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgf736e70">Thibaut Mattio announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgf736e70">
I'm pleased to announce a new version of <a href=3D"
nberg/opium">Opium</a> web framework
(0.20.0) is available on Opam.

Here's the changelog:

<div id=3D"outline-container-orge97cb4c" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"orge97cb4c">Added</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-orge97cb4c">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>New <code>Auth</code> module to work with <code>Authorization</code> he=
ader (<a href=3D"">#238</a>)</li>

<li>New <code>basic_auth</code> middleware to protect handlers with a <code=
>Basic</code> authentication method (<a href=3D"

<li>New <code>Response.of_file</code> API for conveniently creating a respo=
nse of a file (<a href=3D"">#244=

<li>Add a package <code>opium-graphql</code> to easily create GraphQL serve=
r with Opium (<a href=3D"">#235<=

<li>Add a function <code>App.run_multicore</code> that uses pre-forking and=
 spawns multiple processes that will handle incoming requests (<a href=3D"h=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org1841433" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org1841433">Fixed</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org1841433">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Fix reading cookie values when multiple cookies are present in <code>Co=
okie</code> header (<a href=3D""=

Happy hacking :slight_smile:

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgf095ce4" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"8">Set up OCaml 1.1.5</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-8">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org34fadbf" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org34fadbf">Sora Morimoto announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org34fadbf">
This release reduces build time by up to 2 minutes by exporting modified <c=
ode>OPAMJOBS</code> environment

<a href=3D"">https:/=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org5b1c1a5" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"9">Other OCaml News</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-9">
<div id=3D"outline-container-org4186cf5" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org4186cf5">From the ocamlcore planet blog</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org4186cf5">
Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at <a href=3D"http://ocaml.=
org/community/planet/">OCaml Planet</a>.

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"
m-profiling/">Memthol: exploring program profiling</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"
ex/">Growing the Hardcaml toolset</a></li>
<li><a href=3D""> =
Editor Plugin for VSCode and Vim Officially Released!</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"
-kaggle-competition-index/">Announcing Our Market Prediction Kaggle Competi=
<li><a href=3D"">Every proof =
assistant: introducing =E2=80=93 a proof assistant for geometri=
cal higher category theory</a></li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org7ffc721" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"org7ffc721">Old CWN</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-org7ffc721">
If you happen to miss a CWN, you can <a href=3D"mailto:alan.schmitt at polytec=">send me a message</a> and I'll mail it to you, or go take a loo=
k at <a href=3D"">the archive</a> or the <a=
 href=3D"">RSS feed of the archives<=

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe <a hre=

<div class=3D"authorname">
<a href=3D"">Alan Schmitt</a>



More information about the caml-news-weekly mailing list