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Tue Dec 1 00:55:21 PST 2020


  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  =E2=80=A2 [=E2=80=9CUniversal=E2=80=9D Dune Tip: Rebuild Stuff, Sometimes]

[OCaml Planet] <>

[=E2=80=9CUniversal=E2=80=9D Dune Tip: Rebuild Stuff, Sometimes]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

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<div id=3D"content">
<h1 class=3D"title">OCaml Weekly News</h1>
<a href=3D"">Previous Week</=
a> <a href=3D"">Up</a> <a href=3D=
"">Next Week</a>


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 24 to Decemb=
er 01, 2020.

<div id=3D"table-of-contents">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id=3D"text-table-of-contents">
<li><a href=3D"#1">drom.0.2.0: OCaml Project Manager, beta release</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#2">OCaml on the BEAM webinar</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#3">ocaml-lsp-server 1.3.0</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#4">OCaml User Survey 2020</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#5">http-cookie 2.0.0</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#6">reparse 2.0.0</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#7">VSCode OCaml Platform v1.5.0</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#8">Database modelling</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#9">Opium 0.19.0</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#10">Operator lookup tool for OCaml</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#11">Other OCaml News</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"#org04fe27e">Old CWN</a></li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org10c5504" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"1">drom.0.2.0: OCaml Project Manager, beta release</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-1">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org5ede9d5" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org5ede9d5">Fabrice Le Fessant announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org5ede9d5">
I am happy to announce the first release of <code>drom</code>, version 0.2.=
0, a
tool to create and manage OCaml projects. <code>drom</code> is a simple lay=
er on
top of <code>opam</code> and <code>dune</code>, with project and package de=
written in TOML syntax. It is an attempt at providing a <code>cargo</code>-=
experience for developers, with builtin support for standard OCaml
tools (<code>opam</code>, <code>dune</code>, <code>odoc</code>, etc.) and s=
ource managers (Github for
now, with Github Actions and Github Pages).

There are mainly 2 use-cases of <code>drom</code>:

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Scafolding tool: <code>drom</code> makes it easy to create OCaml projec=
ts by
generating all the files needed for a standard OCaml project. It
creates files for <code>opam</code> and <code>dune</code>, formatters (<cod=
e>ocp-index</code> and
<code>ocamlformat</code>), documentation (<code>sphinx</code> and <code>odo=
c</code>), testing
directories and Github CI. Once these files have been created,
<code>drom</code> is not needed anymore and you can keep using your preferr=

<li>Management tool: <code>drom</code> can also be used to keep managing the
project afterwards. It has commands like <code>drom build</code> to build t=
project, automatically installing a local switch with all needed
dependencies, <code>drom doc</code> to generate the documentation and <code=
  test</code> to execute tests. <code>drom</code> works as a simple interfa=
ce over
<code>opam</code> and <code>dune</code> so you almost never need to use the=
m directly.</li>

<a href=3D"">

(this site and the documentation was mostly generated by <code>drom</code> =

<code>drom</code> is available in the official opam repository.


<pre class=3D"example">
$ drom new mylib --skeleton library // generate library project
                                    //           or
$ drom new hello                    // generate program project

$ cd hello
$ emacs drom.toml // edit the project description
$ drom project    // update files
$ drom build                  // create local switch and build
                              //      or
$ drom build --switch 4.10.0  // use global switch and build
$ ./hello         // run the executable
$ drom test       // run tests
$ drom install    // install in opam switch

This is an early release to get feedback from users. <code>drom</code> has =
tested on several of our internal projects, like <code>opam-bin</code> and

Since <code>drom</code> creates local <code>opam</code> switches for every =
project by
default (though it is possible to use global switches too), it is
advised to use it with <code>opam-bin</code> to speed up switch creation and

<code>drom</code> works by creating projects using "skeletons", i.e. projec=
t and
package templates. <code>drom</code> comes with a few predefined skeletons
(<code>program</code> or <code>library</code>), and allows users to add the=
ir own
skeletons. We will of course extend the substitution language to help
users develop such new skeletons.

<code>drom</code> is a collaborative work between OCamlPro and Origin Labs.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org02a2d44" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org02a2d44">Fran=C3=A7ois Bobot asked and Fabrice Le Fessant repl=
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org02a2d44">
I'm very happy to see work in the OCaml world in that direction. I was curr=
ently looking for
duniverse for that kind of need. Do they fullfil different needs or how do =
they compare?

My understanding is that <code>duniverse</code> tackles the problem of the
"mono-repo", i.e. when you want to manage many different projects as
just one project, using <code>dune</code> capacity to build them all at onc=
e. I
would say that <code>drom</code> tackles an orthogonal problem, which is to
simplify the creation of simple OCaml projects (generating all the
standard files you need, like Makefile, dune-project, dune,
.ocamlformat, .github CI, documentation, license, etc.) and day-to-day
management (changing dependencies, having a copy of headers that you
can insert in new files, etc.). It also provides a single interface
over basic opam/dune commands.

It would probably be possible to use <code>duninverse</code> on a set of pr=
containing projects generated by <code>dune</code>, but I don't know enough=
<code>duniverse</code> to be sure.

Of course, <code>drom</code> can manage projects composed of multiple libra=
and executables (called <code>packages</code> because <code>drom</code> gen=
erates one <code>opam</code>
file for every one of them), but I wouldn't call that a mono-repo,
it's just frequent to have more than one package in a small project.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgcd1006f" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"2">OCaml on the BEAM webinar</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-2">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org8ea2d09" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org8ea2d09">Yawar Amin announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org8ea2d09">
Erlang Solutions is going to do a webinar on Leandro Ostera's new BEAM back=
end for OCaml:
<a href=3D"">https:=

Should be exciting!

<div id=3D"outline-container-org2aa94d5" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"3">ocaml-lsp-server 1.3.0</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-3">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org5d4baea" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org5d4baea">Rudi Grinberg announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org5d4baea">
On behalf of the ocaml-lsp team, I=E2=80=99d like to announce version 1.3.0.

This release an improvement in keyword completion and a new code action. Ke=
ywords are now filtered by
the context the user requested the completion, and there's a new code actio=
n to quickly populate .mli
files with the the inferred types from the .ml file.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd14af62" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"4">OCaml User Survey 2020</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-4">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-orge847278" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orge847278">Xavier Leroy announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orge847278">
Here is a summary and analysis of the survey results I wrote on behalf of t=
he OCaml Software
Foundation: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org3524013" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"5">http-cookie 2.0.0</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-5">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgce4f2b4" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgce4f2b4">Bikal Lem announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgce4f2b4">
A new version of <code>cookies</code> package - now named <code>http-cookie=
</code>-  has been released to opam. This
version has been rewritten to remove all its external and ppx dependencies =
and now only depends on
stock ocaml and its stdlib.

<code>http-cookie</code> is a <a href=3D"
5">RFC 6265</a> compliant HTTP cookie library.
RFC 6265 is a HTTP cookie standard specifying cookie data validity requirem=

Additionally, I have also removed the use of <code>Result.t</code> from the=
 previous version and have used
plain old exceptions to denote any cookie data validation errors.

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"">Github - http-cook=
<li><a href=3D"">Docs - http-cookie</a>=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org14723cf" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"6">reparse 2.0.0</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-6">
Archive: <a href=3D"">h=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org743431e" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org743431e">Bikal Lem announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org743431e">
A new version of <code>reparse</code> 2.0.0 has been released to opam.

Reparse is a monadic, recursive descent based, comprehensive, parser constr=
uction library for ocaml.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org957685f" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org957685f">CHANGES for version 2.0.0:</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org957685f">
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Rewrite the whole package to use exceptions rather than <code>result</c=
ode> type</li>
<li>Adds many more parsing combinators</li>
<li>Adds comprehensive unit tests</li>
<li>Adds comprehensive documentation, host documentation and add links in r=
epo home page</li>
<li>Adds abstraction for input source</li>
<li>Provides unix file source and string input source</li>
<li>Adds separate package <code>reparse-unix</code> for unix file input</li>
<li>Adds and in examples.</li>

Additionally, the API is now comprehensively documented with at least an ex=
ample for each API call.

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"">Github Reparse</a></li>
<li><a href=3D"">API Docs</a></li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgf309e0c" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"7">VSCode OCaml Platform v1.5.0</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-7">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org872f0ac" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org872f0ac">Max Lantas announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org872f0ac">
We are happy to announce the v1.5.0 release of <a href=3D"
m/ocamllabs/vscode-ocaml-platform">VSCode OCaml
Platform</a>, a Visual Studio Code extension for
OCaml. It is available on the <a href=3D"https://marketplace.visualstudio.c=
Marketplace</a> and <a href=3D"
VSX Registry</a>.

This release has the following changes:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Highlight <code>rec</code> keyword in OCaml mli files for recursive mod=
ules (<a href=3D"
<li>Highlight <code>cram</code> stanza in dune-project files (<a href=3D"ht=
<li>Fix reason highlighting of let extensions (<a href=3D"
<li>Improve highlighting of Menhir new syntax (<a href=3D"
<li>Improve Menhir syntax highlighting (<a href=3D"
<li>Add <code>Alt + P</code> keyboard shortcut for infer interface code act=
ion (<a href=3D"
<li>Infer interface when switching to a non-existing interface file (<a hre=

This is the first release to be automatically published to Open VSX, which =
will benefit users of
<a href=3D"">VSCodium</a> and other edi=

Please feel free to share feedback.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org5fe0baf" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"8">Database modelling</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-8">
Archive: <a href=3D"">=</a>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org5933ca2" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org5933ca2">Reviving this very old thread, paul announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org5933ca2">
And a version for postgresql:
<a href=3D"">https://github.=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org1428f0f" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"9">Opium 0.19.0</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-9">
Archive: <a href=3D"">ht=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org15a58bc" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org15a58bc">Thibaut Mattio announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org15a58bc">
On behalf of the Opium team, I am pleased to announce a new version of Opiu=
m (<code>0.19.0</code>) is available on

This release comes with a complete rewrite of Opium's internals to switch f=
rom Cohttp to Httpaf (work
done by @anuragsoni).

As demonstrated in several benchmarks, Httpaf's latency is much lower than =
Cohttp's in stress tests, so
it is expected that Opium will perform better in these high-pressure situat=

The underlying HTTP server implementation is now contained in a <code>rock<=
/code> package, that provides a Service
and Filter implementation, inspired by Finagle's. The architecture is simil=
ar to Ruby's Rack library
(hence the name), so one can compose complex web applications by combining =
Rock applications.

The <code>rock</code> package offers a very slim API, with very few depende=
ncies, so it should be an attractive
option for other Web frameworks to build on, which would allow the re-usabi=
lity of middlewares and
handlers, independently of the framework used (e.g. one could use Sihl midd=
lewares with Opium, and vice

Apart from the architectural changes, this release comes with a lot of addi=
tional utilities and
middlewares which should make Opium a better candidate for complex web appl=
ications, without having to
re-write a lot of common Web server functionalities.

The Request and Response modules now provide:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>JSON encoders/decoders with <code>Yojson</code></li>
<li>HTML encoders/decoders with <code>Tyxml</code></li>
<li>XML encoders/decoders with <code>Tyxml</code></li>
<li>SVG encoders/decoders with <code>Tyxml</code></li>
<li>multipart/form encoders/decoders with <code>multipart_form_data</code><=
<li>urlencoded encoders/decoders with <code>Uri</code></li>

And the following middlewares are now built-in:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><code>debugger</code> to display an HTML page with the errors in case o=
f failures</li>
<li><code>logger</code> to log requests and responses, with a timer</li>
<li><code>allow_cors</code> to add CORS headers</li>
<li><code>static</code> to serve static content given a custom read functio=
n (e.g. read from S3)</li>
<li><code>static_unix</code> to serve static content from the local filesys=
<li><code>content_length</code> to add the <code>Content-Length</code> head=
er to responses</li>
<li><code>method_override</code> to replace the HTTP method with the one fo=
und in the <code>_method</code> field of <code>application/x-www-form-urlen=
coded</code> encoded <code>POST</code> requests.</li>
<li><code>etag</code> to add <code>ETag</code> header to the responses and =
send an HTTP code <code>304</code> when the computed ETag matches the one s=
pecified in the request.</li>
<li><code>method_required</code> to filter the requests by the HTTP method =
and respond with an HTTP code <code>405</code> if the method is not allowed=
<li><code>head</code> to add supports for <code>HEAD</code> request for han=
dlers that receive <code>GET</code> requests.</li>

Lastly, this release also adds a package <code>opium-testing</code> that ca=
n be used to test Opium applications
with Alcotest. It provides <code>Testable</code> modules for every Opium ty=
pes, and implements helper functions to
easily get an <code>Opium.Response</code> from an <code>Opium.Request</code=

As this release changes the API drastically, we will keep maintaining the <=
code>0.18.0</code> branch for bug
fixes, for users who don't want to (or can't) migrate to <code>0.19.0</code=

<div id=3D"outline-container-org0eba00c" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org0eba00c">What's next?</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org0eba00c">
Recent discussions have shown that building optimized applications was not =
trivial. This is partly due
to the lack of documentation, and probably because some configurations that=
 should come by default, are
left to the user to optimize. Therefore, we will keep performance in mind f=
or the next release and
investigate the current bottlenecks in Opium.

We will also continue adding higher-level functionalities to Opium to make =
users productive with
real-world applications. This includes:
<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>Sessions support (with signed cookies)</li>
<li>Handlers for authentication</li>
<li>Adding more middlewares (compression, flash messages, caching, etc.)</l=

Your feedback is welcome, don't hesitate to open Issues on Github!

<div id=3D"outline-container-org01342ca" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org01342ca">Andreas Poisel asked and Anurag Soni replied</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org01342ca">
Does Opium + Httpaf support TLS?

It doesn't at the moment.

<div id=3D"outline-container-orgd202d91" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"orgd202d91">Calascibetta Romain then said</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-orgd202d91">
According the interface of <code>opium</code>, it's possible to have the su=
pport of TLS (with <code>ocaml-tls</code>) with
the <a href=3D""=
>new version of Conduit</a> and
<a href=3D""><code>paf</code></a>=
 (which is a MirageOS compatible layer of HTTP/AF -

<div class=3D"org-src-container">
<pre class=3D"src src-ocaml"><span style=3D"color: #000000; font-weight: bo=
ld;">let</span> <span style=3D"color: #0000ff;">stack</span> <span style=3D=
"color: #a0522d;">ip</span> =3D
  <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Tcpip_stack_socket.UDPV4.</span>connect (=
<span style=3D"color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;">Some</span> ip) =
&gt;&gt;=3D <span style=3D"color: #a020f0;">fun</span> <span style=3D"color=
: #a0522d;">udpv4</span> -&gt;
  <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Tcpip_stack_socket.TCPV4.</span>connect (=
<span style=3D"color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;">Some</span> ip) =
&gt;&gt;=3D <span style=3D"color: #a020f0;">fun</span> <span style=3D"color=
: #a0522d;">tcpv4</span> -&gt;
  <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Tcpip_stack_socket.</span>connect [ ip ] =
udpv4 tcpv4

<span style=3D"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">let</span> <span style=
=3D"color: #0000ff;">http_with_conduit</span> (<span style=3D"color: #a0522=
d;">ip</span>, <span style=3D"color: #a0522d;">port</span>) <span style=3D"=
color: #a0522d;">error_handler</span> <span style=3D"color: #a0522d;">reque=
st_handler</span> =3D
  <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Paf.</span>https httpaf_config ~error_han=
dler <span style=3D"color: #008b8b;">~request_handler</span>:(<span style=
=3D"color: #a020f0;">fun</span> <span style=3D"color: #a0522d;">_</span> -&=
gt; request_handler)
    ({ <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Paf.TCP.</span>stack=3D stack ip
     ; keepalive=3D <span style=3D"color: #000000; background-color: #fffff=
     ; nodelay=3D <span style=3D"color: #008b8b;">false</span>
     ; port=3D port}, <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Tls.Config.</span>ser=
ver ~certificates ())

<span style=3D"color: #000000; font-weight: bold;">let</span> () =3D <span =
style=3D"color: #a020f0;">match</span> <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Lwt_=
main.</span>run (<span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Opium.</span>run (https_wi=
th_conduit (<span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Ipaddr.V4.</span>localhost, 434=
3)) opium_app) <span style=3D"color: #a020f0;">with</span>
  | <span style=3D"color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;">Ok</span> ()=
 -&gt; ()
  | <span style=3D"color: #000000; background-color: #ffffff;">Error</span>=
 err -&gt; <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Fmt.</span>epr <span style=3D"co=
lor: #8b2252;">"%a.\n%!"</span> <span style=3D"color: #228b22;">Conduit_mir=
age.</span>pp_error err

I used it for a long time on my personal unikernels and did some tests to e=
nsure that <a href=3D"">it=
 does fails
when it handles many requests</a>. Note that you are
able to use OpenSSL too if you want.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org2638bf7" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org2638bf7">Robin Bj=C3=B6rklin also replied</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org2638bf7">
If you want to use this new version of Opium there are ways around this pro=
blem. You could have Haproxy
(or similar) terminate your TLS connections externally and if your environm=
ent requires TLS for your
internal network something like <a href=3D"
can cover that use-case for you.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org3bff1b8" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"10">Operator lookup tool for OCaml</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-10">
Archive: <a href=3D"

<div id=3D"outline-container-org8d3d4da" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org8d3d4da">Craig Ferguson announced</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org8d3d4da">
I'm pleased to announce the initial release of,=
 a search tool for OCaml
operators and syntax elements:

<div class=3D"figure">
<p><img src=3D"
mized/2X/e/ee41569b4426c9b77fd6d367e50ff5ac759f4e46_2_1034x558.png" alt=3D"=
ee41569b4426c9b77fd6d367e50ff5ac759f4e46_2_1034x558.png" />

For each operator, the tool provides a short explanation of its behaviour, =
examples of usage and
warnings of common misuses and misunderstandings:

<div class=3D"figure">
<p><img src=3D"
mized/2X/8/879ae652a8895fa0258bc288c8d0c819cb9ef314_2_920x1000.png" alt=3D"=
879ae652a8895fa0258bc288c8d0c819cb9ef314_2_920x1000.png" />

The intent of writing this tool was to give OCaml beginners a quick way to =
find the standard /
conventional operators in the language and to disambiguate "operator-like" =
syntax that can be hard to
search for otherwise. It currently supports:

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>all standard library operators,</li>
<li>conventional infix operators (<code>&gt;&gt;=3D</code>, <code>&gt;&gt;|=
</code>, <code>&gt;|=3D</code>),</li>
<li>binding operators (<code>let+</code>, <code>let*</code>, <code>and+</co=
de>, etc.),</li>
<li>syntax that is often confused for an operator (<code>#</code>, <code>;;=

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements. I hope you=
 find it useful!

<div id=3D"outline-container-org3b0cfe8" class=3D"outline-4">
<h4 id=3D"org3b0cfe8">Acknowledgements</h4>
<div class=3D"outline-text-4" id=3D"text-org3b0cfe8">
This tool is heavily based on the <a href=3D"
erator-lookup/">JavaScript operator
lookup</a> utility by <a href=3D"">Josh
Comeau</a>. Thanks to him for the initial idea and for allowing me to
re-use his design elements.

<div id=3D"outline-container-org47de08f" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org47de08f">Kakadu asked and Craig Ferguson replied</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org47de08f">
It's not obvious for me are these operators hardcoded or do you scan opam p=
ackages from time to time?

They're hardcoded. The operators fall into three classes:

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li>The vast majority of them are from the <code>Stdlib</code> module, so I=
 don't expect those to change very regularly.</li>

<li>A small number of  "conventional" operators used in the community (<cod=
e>&gt;&gt;=3D</code>, <code>let*</code>, etc.). Even for that small set the=
re is some divergence in Opam =E2=80=93 c.f. <code>&gt;&gt;|</code> vs <cod=
e>&gt;|=3D</code> for a <span class=3D"underline">map</span> operator =E2=
=80=93 so I suspect there are not many other candidates for this group.</li>

<li>There are a few regexes behind the scenes for catching valid operator n=
ames that don't fall into the first two categories. e.g. many search terms =
are classified as "_a left-associative operator_" with a correspondingly va=
gue description.</li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org676a63f" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"11">Other OCaml News</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-11">
<div id=3D"outline-container-org87f0038" class=3D"outline-3">
<h3 id=3D"org87f0038">From the ocamlcore planet blog</h3>
<div class=3D"outline-text-3" id=3D"text-org87f0038">
Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at <a href=3D"http://ocaml.=
org/community/planet/">OCaml Planet</a>.

<ul class=3D"org-ul">
<li><a href=3D"">=E2=
=80=9CUniversal=E2=80=9D Dune Tip: Rebuild Stuff, Sometimes</a></li>

<div id=3D"outline-container-org04fe27e" class=3D"outline-2">
<h2 id=3D"org04fe27e">Old CWN</h2>
<div class=3D"outline-text-2" id=3D"text-org04fe27e">
If you happen to miss a CWN, you can <a href=3D"mailto:alan.schmitt at polytec=">send me a message</a> and I'll mail it to you, or go take a loo=
k at <a href=3D"">the archive</a> or the <a=
 href=3D"">RSS feed of the archives<=

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe <a hre=

<div class=3D"authorname">
<a href=3D"">Alan Schmitt</a>



More information about the caml-news-weekly mailing list