[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Sep 10 06:11:01 PDT 2019


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of September 03 
10, 2019.

Table of Contents

Implicits for the masses
Ppx_yojson_conv: deriving plugin to generate Yojson conversion 
Memory usage in recursive function as infinite loop
Receiving/sending http requests in an Ocaml program
Other OCaml News

Implicits for the masses


Oleg announced

  This is to announce a simple, plain OCaml library to experiment 
  type-class/implicits resolution, which can be thought of as 
  a Prolog-like program. One may allow `overlapping instances' – 
  prohibit them, insisting on uniqueness. One may make the search 
  deterministic, fully non-deterministic, or something in-between.
  There is an immediate, albeit modest practical benefit: the 
  like "#install_printer", which was restricted to top-level, is 
  available for all – as a small, self-contained, plain OCaml 
  with no knowledge or dependencies on the compiler internals. We 
  an example at the end of the message.

  This message has been inspired by the remarkable paper
        Canonical Structures for the working Coq user
        Assia Mahboubi, Enrico Tassi
        DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39634-2_5
  Its introduction is particularly insightful: the power of
  (mathematical) notation is in eliding distracting details. Yet 
  formally check a proof, or to run a program, the omitted has to 
  found. When pressed to fill in details, people `skillful in the 
  look in the database of the `state of the art', with the context 
  the key. Computers can be programmed similarly; types well 
  the needed context to guide the search.

  Mahboubi and Tassi's paper explains very well how this eliding 
  filling-in is realized, as a programmable unification, and used 
  Coq. Yet their insights go beyond Coq and deserve to be known 
  This message and the accompanying code is to explain them in 
  OCaml and encourage experimentation. It could have been titled
  `Canonical Structures for the working OCaml (meta) programmer'.

  The rudiment of canonical structures is already present in 
  OCaml, in
  the form of the registry of printers for user-defined types. 
  facility is available only at the top-level, however, and deeply
  intertwined with it. As a modest practical benefit, this 
  facility is
  now available for all programs, as a plain, small, 
  library, with no compiler or other magic. The full potential of 
  method is realized however in (multi-) staged programming. In 
  I'm planning to use it in the upcoming version of MetaOCaml to
  implement `lifting' from a value to the code that produces it –
  letting the users register lifting functions for their own data 

  • <http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/canonical.ml>
    The implementation and the examples, some of which are noted 
  • <http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/trep.ml>
    A generic library of type representations: something like 
    in Haskell. Some day it may be built-in into the compiler
  • <http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/canonical_leadup.ml>
    A well-commented code that records the progressive development 
    canonical.ml. It is not part of the library, but may serve as 

  Here are a few examples, starting with the most trivial one
  │ module Show = MakeResolve(struct type 'a dict = 'a -> string 
  │ let () = Show.register Int string_of_int    (* Define 
  `instances' *)
  │ let () = Show.register Bool string_of_bool
  │ Show.find Int 1;;

  However contrived and flawed, it is instructive. Here (Int : int 
  is the value representing the type int. The type checker can 
  figure out that 1 is of the type int, and could potentially save 
  trouble writing Int explicitly. What the type checker cannot do 
  itself is to find out which function to use to convert an int to 
  string. After all, there are many of them. Show.register lets us
  register the *canonical* int->string function. Show.find is to 
  the database of such canonical functions: in effect, finding 
  evidence that the type int->string is populated. Keeping 
  in mind, Show.find does a _proof search_.

  The type of Show.find is 'a trep -> ('a -> string). Compare with
  Haskell's show : Show a => a -> String (or, desuraging => and 
  show : ('a -> string) -> ('a -> string).  Haskell's show indeed 
  not actually do anything: it is the identity function. All the 
  work – finding out the right dictionary (the string producing
  function) – is done by the compiler. If one does not like the 
  way the
  compiler goes about it – tough luck. There is little one may do 
  complaining on reddit. In contrast, the first argument of 
  Show.find is
  trivial: it is a mere reflection of the type int, with no 
  information. Hence Show.find has to do a non-trivial work.  In 
  case of int, this work is the straightforward database search – 
  or, if
  you prefer, running the query ?- dict(int,R) against a logic 
  │ dict(int,string_of_int).
  │ dict(bool,string_of_bool).
  The program becomes more interesting when it comes to pairs:
  │ dict(T,R) :- T = pair(X,Y), !,
  │     dict(X,DX), dict(Y,DY), R=make_pair_dict(DX,DY).
  Here is how it is expressed in OCaml:
  │ let () =
  │   let open Show in
  │   let pat : type b. b trep -> b rule_body option = function
  │     | Pair (x,y) ->
  │ 	Some (Arg (x, fun dx -> Arg (y, fun dy ->
  │ 	  Fact (fun (x,y) -> "(" ^ dx x ^ "," ^ dy y ^ ")"))))
  │     | _      -> None
  │   in register_rule {pat}
  │ let () = Show.register (Pair(Bool,Bool))
  │ 	   (fun (x,y) -> string_of_bool x ^ string_of_bool y)

  Our library permits `overlapping instances'. We hence registered 
  printer for generic pairs, and a particular printer just for 
  pairs of

  The library is extensible with user-defined data types, for 
  │ type my_fancy_datatype = Fancy of int * string * (int -> 

  After registering the type with trep library, and the printer
  │ type _ trep += MyFancy : my_fancy_datatype trep
  │ let () = Show.register MyFancy (function Fancy(x,y,_) ->
  │   string_of_int x ^ "/" ^ y ^ "/" ^ "<fun>")

  one can print rather complex data with fancy, with no further 
  │ Show.find (List(List(Pair(MyFancy,Int)))) [[(Fancy ...,5)];[]]

  As Mahboubi and Tassi would say, proof synthesis at work!

  We should stress that what we have described is not a type-class
  facility for OCaml. It is *meta* type-class facility.  Show.find 
  many drawbacks: we have to explicitly pass the trep argument 
  Int. The resolution happens at run time, and hence the failure 
  of the
  resolution is a run-time exception. But the canonical instance
  resolution was intended to be a part of a type checker. There, 
  resolution failure is a type checking error. The trep argument,
  representing the type in the object program, is also at
  hand. Likewise, the drawbacks of Show.find disappear when we use 
  library in a meta-program (code generator). The library then 
  becomes a
  type-class/implicits facility, for the generated code – the 
  we can easily (re)program.

Ivan Gotovchits

  Very interesting and thought-provoking writeup, thank you!

  Incidentally, we're investigating the same venues, in our CMU 
  project, as we found out that we need the extensibility in the 
  of type classes/canonical structures to decouple complex 
  which arise in the program analysis domain.  In fact, we build 
  our new
  BAP 2.0 framework largely on your [tagless-final] style which, 
  admit it, works much better with type classes. Therefore we 
  ended up
  implementing extensible type representations along with 
  registries for
  our type classes. Unfortunately, the idea of storing rules in 
  registry didn't visit us, but we're now thinking about how to
  incorporate it (the classes that we have are very nontrivial, 
  having hundreds of methods, so we're currently using functors to
  manually derive on class from another, and registering the 
  structures - but using your approach we can register functors as 
  and automate the derivation). We also didn't generalize the type 
  instantiation, so our solutions do have some boilerplate (but I 
  to admit, that the total number of type classes that we need is 
  very big, so it really never bothered us). What could be 
  surprising is
  that the universe of types actually grew quite large, that large 
  the linear search in the registry is not an option for us 
  anymore. In
  fact, we have so many comparisons between treps, that instead of
  extracting the extension constructor number from an extensible 
  we had to rely on our own freshly generated identifier. But I'm
  running in front of myself, an important lesson that we have 
  is that treps should not only be equality comparable but also 
  (and even hashable) so that we can implement our registries as 
  tables. It is also better to keep them abstract so that we can 
  extend them without breaking user code (to implement 
  introspection as
  well as different resolution schemes). This is basically an
  elaboration of your approach (which is also could be commonly 
  found in
  Janestreet's Core (Type_equal.Uid.t) and other implementations 
  existentials). In our case, we ended up with the following
  │ type 'a witness = ..
  │ module type Witness = sig
  │   type t
  │   type _ witness += Id : t witness
  │ end
  │ type 'a typeid = (module Witness with type t = 'a)
  │ type 'a key = {
  │   ord : int;
  │   key : 'a typeid;
  │   name : string; (* for introspection *)
  │   show : 'a -> Sexp.t; (* also for introspection *)
  │ }
  Now, we can use the `ord' field to order types, compare them, 
  store in
  maps, hash tables, and even arrays. E.g., this is how our `teq'
  function looks like,
  │ let same (type a b) x y : (a,b) Type_equal.t =
  │   if x.id =  y.id then
  │     let module X = (val x.key : Witness with type t = a) in
  │     let module Y = (val y.key : Witness with type t = b) in
  │     match X.Id with
  │     | Y.Id -> Type_equal.T
  │     | _ -> failwith "broken type equality"
  │   else failwith "types are not equal"

  It is often used in the context where we already know that `x.id 
  y.id', e.g., when we already found an entry, so we just need to 
  the equality witness (we use Janestreet's Type_equal.T, which is 
  same as yours eq type).

  Concerning the representation of the registry, we also 
  with different approaches (since we have a few ways to make a 
  existential in OCaml), and found out the following to be the 
  efficient and easy to work with,

  │ type ordered = {
  │     order : 'a. 'a key -> 'a -> 'a -> int;
  │   } [@@unboxed]

  Notice, that thanks to `[@@unboxed]' we got a free unpacked
  existential. We will next store `ordered' in our registry, which 
  is a
  hash table,

  │ let ordered : ordered Hashtbl.M(Int).t = Hashtbl.create 
  (module Int)
  and register it as simple as,
  │   let register: type p. p Key.t -> (p -> p -> int) -> unit = 
  fun key order
  │ ->
  │     Hashtbl.add_exn vtables ~key:(uid key) ~data:{
  │       order = fun (type a) (k : a key) (x : a) (y : a) ->
  │ 	let T = same k key in (* obtain the witness that we found 
  the right structure *)
  │ 	order x y
  │      }

  Instead of a hashtable, it is also possible to use `ordered 
  array ref'
  (since our `ord' is just an integer which we increment every 
  time a
  new class is declared). This will give us even faster lookup.

  I hope that this was interesting. And if yes, I'm ready to 
  more on our design decision or to hear suggestions and critics. 
  are a few links:

  • <https://github.com/BinaryAnalysisPlatform/bap> - the BAP 
    per se.
  • <https://binaryanalysisplatform.github.io/knowledge-intro-1> - 
    small introductionary post about BAP 2.0 Knowledge 
    - the implementation of the knowledge system
    - The Core Theory, an exemplar type class of the theory that 
    developing :)

[tagless-final] <http://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/index.html>

Ppx_yojson_conv: deriving plugin to generate Yojson conversion 


Hhugo announced

  @trefis has worked on splitting the ppx_yojson_conv runtime to a
  different library. See

Memory usage in recursive function as infinite loop


Diego Guraieb asked

  On my project I have a process that has to run every 1 sec, 
  events and doing some work with them.

  Should I use. a while true loop or recursive function?  How does 
  affect memory usage?

Ivan Gotovchits replied

  A tail recursive function doesn't affect memory usage and is no
  different in that sense from a while/for or any other loop. A 
  recursive function is such function that calls itself in the 
  position. In general it means that the recursive call is not 
  by any other operation, that uses the result of the call. For 
  this is a tail recursive function

  │ open Printf
  │ let reс loop rounds =
  │    if rounds > 0
  │    then begin
  │       printf "Round %d\n" round;
  │       loop (rounds - 1)
  │    end
  │    else printf "We are done!\n"

  In this function, the `loop (rounds - 1)' call is in the tail 
  and is not followed by any other expression.

  Any loop could be rewritten using tail-recursion, so if you're 
  a choice between using a while/for loop and a recursive 
  then, given that recursion is a more natural representation of
  iteration, it is better to use the recursive function, instead 
  relying on adhoc for or while loops.

Chimrod then added

  Nothe that you also can add the [@tailcall] annotation to ensure 
  the function will be properly tranformed in a loop. This code 
  a warning at the compilation

  │ open Printf
  │ let rec loop rounds =
  │    if rounds > 0
  │    then begin
  │       printf "Rounds left %d\n" rounds;
  │       try (loop [@tailcall]) (rounds - 1)
  │       with Not_found -> printf "Error\n"
  │    end
  │    else printf "We are done!\n"

  │ ocamlc test.ml
  │ File "test.ml", line 7, characters 10-41:
  │ Warning 51: expected tailcall


Receiving/sending http requests in an Ocaml program


Luc_ML asked

  I have an Ocaml program that does its job.  Now I would like to 
  it deliver services over the internet as soon as possible.  I'm 
  experienced in the web side of an Ocaml program. I've just 
  some tutorials.  Could you please indicate me how to setup that 
  in a
  straigth manner?

  I understand that I need two things:
  1. receiving http request:
     • get incoming data flow from listened port
     • transform (json/xml) data in OCaml values

  2. sending http request:
     • transform Ocaml values in json data
     • send data over http (http request targetting IP:port)

  That should be pretty simple for people doing that everyday.

  I see that Yojson can read a json data flow
  (Yojson.Basic.from_channel) and print a json data
  (Yojson.Basic.pretty_to_string).  So it should answer one
  requirement. Am I right?

  I intended to wrap curl command to send request, but there 
  should be
  more elegant methods.

  My main question seems to be: how can I receive and send http 
  using a json (or xml) object?

Philippe replied

  `yojson' is a good choice for the JSON part. Here are two simple
  options for the web server:
  • either `cohttp' [0], to have total control on your server
  • or `opium' [1] which seems well-suited for your task and is 
    high-level (opium runs on top of cohttp)

  [0] <https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cohttp>
  [1] <https://github.com/rgrinberg/opium>

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml 

  • [On complete ordered fields]
  • [An introduction to fuzzing OCaml with AFL, Crowbar and Bun]
  • [What is algebraic about algebraic effects?]
  • [The blog moved from Wordpress to Jekyll]
  • [OCamlPro’s compiler team work update]
  • [What the interns have wrought, 2019 edition]

[OCaml Planet] <http://ocaml.org/community/planet/>

[On complete ordered fields]

[An introduction to fuzzing OCaml with AFL, Crowbar and Bun]

[What is algebraic about algebraic effects?]

[The blog moved from Wordpress to Jekyll]

[OCamlPro’s compiler team work update]

[What the interns have wrought, 2019 edition]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and 
  I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed 
  of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may 

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] 

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[Alan Schmitt] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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