[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Feb 5 00:27:30 PST 2019


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of January 29 to
February 05, 2019.

Table of Contents

Beta release of Logarion 0.6
Yojson 1.6.0
Dynlink works in native mode but not in bytecode?
Second stage of the jbuilder deprecation
Caqti 1.0.0
PSA: cstruct 3.4.0 removes old ocamlfind subpackage aliases
Other OCaml News

Beta release of Logarion 0.6


Orbifx announced

  I would greatly appreciate some help with testing the upcoming
  Logarion 0.6.

  _Logarion is a [free and open-source] a blog-wiki hybrid text system._

  The easy way to install; binary tarballs:

[free and open-source] <https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/software/page/eupl>

The not so easy way

  Archive core:

  │ opam pin add logarion git://orbitalfox.eu/logarion#dev
  │ opam install logarion

  HTML + Atom generator:

  │ opam pin add logarion-xml git://orbitalfox.eu/logarion-xml#dev
  │ opam install logarion-xml

  Gopher server:

  │ opam pin add gopher git://orbitalfox.eu/ocaml-gopher
  │ opam pin add logarion-gopherd git://orbitalfox.eu/logarion-gopherd#dev
  │ opam install logarion-gopherd

  All executables have a help interface, more info at

Yojson 1.6.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-yojson-1-6-0/3254/1>

Nathan Rebours announced

  I'm happy to announce the release of `Yojson' version 1.6.0.

  In an effort to modernize it a little, each submodule now comes with a
  type `t' and `equal', `pp' and `show' functions.

  The `json' aliases for `t' are being deprecated, they'll be removed
  for the next major release.

  Special thanks to @Leonidas since he basically did all the work!

  You can find Yojson on github [here].

[here] <https://github.com/ocaml-community/yojson/tree/master>

Dynlink works in native mode but not in bytecode?


Deep in this thread, Ivan Gotovchits said

  Dynlinking is a quite complex topic in OCaml and still [unsound][1]
  (as of OCaml 4.07 and below). And if you will dig further you will
  even find out that OCaml has 3 dynlinking facilities that differ in
  their behavior, the toplevel linker is different from the bytecode
  lifter and both are different from the native linker.

  The good news is it is possible to implement a sound and robust
  linking facility in OCaml (even in the presence of the inherited
  unsoundness). We have implemented it in BAP, and other projects have
  their own implementations with varying flexibility and safety.

  In BAP the support for dynamic linking is split into three parts,

  1) we have the `bapbuild' tool which is an ocamlbuild plugin that
     knows how to properly build plugins. It is shipped as a tool, but
     could be also used as a normal plugin, since it is packed into [a
     library][2]. Our plugins are zip-files that contain `cmxs' and
     `cma' so that they could be used in both three loaders, as well as
     meta information (the reason why meta is needed will be given
     below) and optional dependencies, which makes a plugin independent
     off the environment. The `bapbuild' tool is also clever in that it
     knows how to handle broken packages, that forget to ship `cmxs' or
     `cma' or even both.

  2) The loading part is implemented by the [bap-plugins][3]
     library. This part tracks carefully which compilation units are
     already linked into the process image. This is why we need the meta
     information in plugins, that describe which compilation units are
     already linked into the shared object and which are required.

  3) Finally a [myocamlbuild.ml plugin][4] is required for the host
     program (i.e., the program that loads plugins), since usually the
     host program is by itself composed of some compilation units and we
     should be sure that the loaded plugin doesn't try to link into the
     program body any compilation unit that is already there. We don't
     want to parse the ELF data structure of the host program to figure
     out which units are already linked since it is not portable and
     fragile, so we need some support from the build system. In
     particular we use the `ocamlfind.dynlink' library that stores this
     information in a special data structure inside the binary, and
     extend it to support internal modules (since a plugin and a host
     program could be built from the same source tree, so that ocamlfind
     won't notice that they are linked).

  So if you will follow carefully our implementation and ensure that you
  have all three ingredients in this of that form, you will be able to
  load your shared code using all three OCaml linkers. If stuck, don't
  hesitate to ask questions. This is all not to scare you away from
  dynlinking. BAP wouldn't be possible without it, for example.


Second stage of the jbuilder deprecation


Jérémie Dimino announced

  As planned, we are entering the second stage of the jbuilder
  deprecation. FTR, support for jbuilder will be discontinued in July
  2019. The following post gives a bit more detail and explains how to
  upgrade to dune, in particular using the automatic upgrader:


Caqti 1.0.0

  Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-caqti-1-0-0/2609/6>

Petter A. Urkedal announced

  I made a minor update to version 1.1.0 of some of the Caqti packages.
  This fixes an issue with recovery after connection loss for PostgreSQL
  discovered by Dave Aitken, and adds recovery for MariaDB when using a
  connection pool, so I recommend updating any continuously running

  Here is the full release note:

  • Add pretty printer for requests.
  • Add variance to `'a future' declarations.
  • Add blocking instance of API.
  • Generalize `$.' to `$<var>.' in queries.
  • Infer the expansion of `$(<var>.)' from `$(<var>)' if not provided.
  • Fix connection recovery for PostgreSQL (issue #19, Dave Aitken).
  • Fix some unhandled exceptions for PostgreSQL.
  • Fix connection validation for MariaDB.

PSA: cstruct 3.4.0 removes old ocamlfind subpackage aliases


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  Just a headsup about an incoming deprecation to the [cstruct] library.

  In the old days (pre cstruct.3.0.0), the ocamlfind libraries were
  subpackages of the main `cstruct' library: `cstruct.lwt',
  `cstruct.async', `cstruct.ppx' and `cstruct.unix'.  They were also
  built in the same directory in some cases, so it was possible to
  "accidentally" use one of the submodules and have linking work without
  accurate dependencies being specified.

  In Cstruct 3.0.0, we split out all the subpackages into their own
  first-class opam packages, so that they became `cstruct-async',
  `cstruct-lwt', `cstruct-unix' and `ppx_cstruct'.  However, to ease the
  transition for old projects, the META file still exposed the old names
  as a dependency redirect.

  With [Cstruct 3.4.0] about to go into opam, those compatibility shims
  will now be removed.  The reverse dependency analysis of the opam
  build doesn't look too bad, and it's mainly mirage projects that were
  affected.  However, if you mysteriously find that your project is
  failing due to finding a cstruct library, try just (e.g.) renaming
  `cstruct.lwt' to `cstruct-lwt' in the dune file, and adding
  `cstruct-lwt' to the opam dependency list.

  The reason for removing the compatibility shim is that the old
  ocamlfind names do not work when embedding the dune libraries in a
  [dune vendor workspace].  So I'm removing the technical debt now to
  make those so-called "duniverse" deployments significantly easier to

[cstruct] <https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cstruct>

[Cstruct 3.4.0] <https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/13372>

[dune vendor workspace]

Anil Madhavapeddy then added

  This has now [been merged into opam-repository] so please don't forget
  to update any dev versions of opam files you have in your own
  repositories with the new ocamlfind names, and an opam constraint to
  `"cstruct" >= "3.0.0"' to make them available.

[been merged into opam-repository]

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  • [Improving Tezos Storage : Gitlab branch for testers]
  • [Elixir Developers & Functional Programmers at CareDox (Full-time)]
  • [Improving Tezos Storage : update and beta-testing]
  • [Tezos and OCamlPro]
  • [L2 Regularization and Batch Norm]
  • [opam 2.0.3 release]

[OCaml Planet] <http://ocaml.org/community/planet/>

[Improving Tezos Storage : Gitlab branch for testers]

[Elixir Developers & Functional Programmers at CareDox (Full-time)]

[Improving Tezos Storage : update and beta-testing]

[Tezos and OCamlPro]

[L2 Regularization and Batch Norm]

[opam 2.0.3 release] <https://opam.ocaml.org/blog/opam-2-0-3/>


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>

[online] <http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/>

[Alan Schmitt] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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