[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Apr 2 06:26:38 PDT 2019


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of March 26 to 
02, 2019.

Table of Contents

Cstruct.4.0.0: sexplib goes optional
New library - uritemplate 0.1.0
Check opam's health for the upcoming OCaml release (4.08)
Turn echoing off on standard input to read e.g. passwords
http2/af: An HTTP/2 implementation for OCaml
Release of OCamlFormat 0.9
Other OCaml News

Cstruct.4.0.0: sexplib goes optional


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  A headsup about a forthcoming backwards incompatible change to 
  cstruct 4.0.0 release.  We've been reducing the required 
  of the core Mirage libraries to make the 'hello world' 
  unikernels as
  small as possible.  As part of that, cstruct (along with its 
  friends ipaddr and uri) have moved sexplib into a separate 

  From the changes file:

  • Sexplib is now an optional library for the base `Cstruct' 
  module.  A
    new `Cstruct_sexp' module has been introduced with the 
    functions, contained within the `cstruct-sexp' opam package.

    To convert old code, simply use `Cstruct_sexp.t' instead of
    `Cstruct.t' in a record type for which you are using 
    sexp]'.  This is a type alias to `Cstruct.t' but also has the 
    sexp-conversion functions in scope.  There is an example of 
    this in
    the `ppx_test/with-sexp' directory in the source repo.

    When you have converted and released your library, add an opam
    constraint of `cstruct {>="4.0.0"}' to your own opam packages 
    ensure that they pick up this version of the library.

  The opam repository PR with the full changeset is at :

New library - uritemplate 0.1.0


Corin Chaplin announced

  I am happy to announce my first library published to opam:
  uritemplate!  The library is a OCaml implementation of URI 

  Currently it only provides basic functionality but is compliant 
  level 4 of the specification. I am looking at adding more
  functionality, such as a Template.t type, so templates can be 
  and then templated multiple times.

  The repository is [here], the README and documentation is a bit
  lacking at the moment, but any feedback would be very much 

[RFC6570] <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570>

[here] <https://github.com/CorinChappy/uritemplate-ocaml>

Check opam's health for the upcoming OCaml release (4.08)


Kate announced

  Like [last month], I'm here to announce new features and news 

  To recall, this website is an interface to find out which opam
  packages are broken with a given set of OCaml compilers. This 
  features are especially useful to look for missing or broken 
  for the upcoming OCaml 4.08.

  What's new:
  • A new type of failures has appeared: internal failures (in
    white). Those were previously mistakenly categorized as a 
    build failure but are usually far from it. It includes: solver
    failures, unavailable external dependencies, temporary misc 
    failures, …
  • Not available packages are now not skipped but have now logs
    attached to them. It makes the total check run longer but is
    extremely useful to understand why does packages are not 
    (e.g. which dependencies are blocking, …)

  Minor features:
  • I have adopted a new name for the underlying tool:
  • Under advice from @kkazuo, @grayswandyr and @Ronan in the 
    post, I have adopted a new colour palette less ambiguous to 
    colorblinds and non-colorblinds (at least I hope)
  • Slack integration (see more below)

  What's next:
  • Due to the ever growing number of opam packages and solver
    shenanigans, some solver failures can appear, especially on a 
    with a lot of packages building in parallel. For now
    opam-health-check uses the [SYMPHONY] solver instead of the 
    solver to mitigate that. However some failures still appear 
    and I'm
    looking to use a custom branch of opam that uses [Z3] instead.
  • I'm still meaning to add a revdeps counter soon as it is 
    useful for new compiler releases (suggested by @bluddy a while 
    see previous post)
  • Discuss and email integration, to send a message every time a 
    has finished (every 3-4 days). For now only Slack has just 

  As OCaml 4.08 will be somewhat soon released, I'm inviting 
  (especially maintainers), with some spare time and will power, 
  to have
  a look at the main page with those filters:

  [Chase down non-available/broken opam packages for OCaml 4.08]

  For maintainers you can filter yourself and get only the 
  packages you
  are maintaining, using the form for this purpose.

  Happy hunt.

  /Side note: for now the diff page is going to show garbage data 
  due to
  a server failure during the previous run/

[last month]

[check.ocamllabs.io] <http://check.ocamllabs.io>


[SYMPHONY] <https://github.com/coin-or/SYMPHONY>

[Z3] <https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3>

[Chase down non-available/broken opam packages for OCaml 4.08]

Turn echoing off on standard input to read e.g. passwords


Helmut Brandl asked

  Is there a portable way in ocaml to turn echoing off on standard 
  from the terminal to read e.g. passwords? By portable I mean 
  that it
  works for Windows, Unix and Mac.

Matthew Ryan replied

  The usual way to do this (for any language) is using ANSI escape
  sequences.  Code 8 sets the terminal to conceal characters and 
  code 0
  resets the attributes, making them visible again.

  For example, in a unix shell you can test this with echo and 

  echo -e '\x1b[8m'; read varname; echo -e '\x1b[0m'

  To do the same from OCaml, you can output "\x1b[8m", read the
  password, and then output "\x1b[0m" afterwards to switch 
  printing back

  I believe that this will work on Windows 10, but earlier 
  versions may
  not have the necessary ANSI support.

Daniel Bünzli also replied

  Just for refence another way (that will in no way work on 
  Windows) is
  to temporarily tweak the terminal attributes. The ocamlunix book 
  how to do this [here][1]. 

  In contrast to ANSI escapes which I believe is just a rendering 
  that snippet will not allow to cut and paste the input password 
  recover it, whether that's a property you care about or not is 
  up to
  your use case.



  [1]: <https://ocaml.github.io/ocamlunix/files.html#sec49>

Chet Murthy said

  A little Googling turns up that the author of the Unix library
  (Xavier, IIRC) provided support for termios(3).  So you can 
  already do
  what you want in Ocaml with no extra C ugly bits.

  Here's a little ocaml program to demonstrate, and after it, some
  strace output showing the way it calls ioctl(2) to manipulate 
  the line
  discipline (relevant bits bolded in HTML format mail).

  │ let main () =
  │   let open Unix in
  │   let tios = tcgetattr stdin in
  │   Printf.printf "c_echo: %b\n" tios.c_echo ;
  │   Printf.printf "c_echoe: %b\n" tios.c_echoe ;
  │   Printf.printf "c_echok: %b\n" tios.c_echok ;
  │   Printf.printf "c_echonl: %b\n" tios.c_echonl ;
  │   flush Pervasives.stdout ;
  │   tios.c_echo <- false ;
  │   tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW tios ;
  │   let tios = tcgetattr stdin in
  │   Printf.printf "AFTER c_echo: %b\nSleeping 10 sec ....\n" 
  tios.c_echo ;
  │   flush Pervasives.stdout ;
  │   Unix.sleep 10;
  │   tios.c_echo <- true ;
  │   tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW tios ;
  │   ()
  │ ;;
  │ main() ;;

  │ $ strace -eioctl ./noecho
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon echo ...}) = 0
  │ c_echo: true
  │ c_echoe: true
  │ c_echok: true
  │ c_echonl: false
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon *echo* ...}) = 0
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon *echo* ...}) = 0
  │ ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_START or TCSETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon 
  *-echo *...})
  │ = 0
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon *-echo *...}) = 0
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon *-echo* ...}) = 0
  │ AFTER c_echo: false
  │ Sleeping 10 sec ....
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon *-echo* ...}) = 0
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon *-echo* ...}) = 0
  │ ioctl(0, SNDCTL_TMR_START or TCSETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon 
  *echo* ...})
  │ = 0
  │ ioctl(0, TCGETS, {B38400 opost isig icanon *echo* ...}) = 0
  │ +++ exited with 0 +++

Jeremie Dimino also replied

  If you don't mind the extra dependency, there is a complete 
  example in
  the lambda-term library:


  The main differences with the other solutions mentioned in this 
  are that this version works on Windows, supports line edition 
  supports customisation such as displaying nothing or displaying 

http2/af: An HTTP/2 implementation for OCaml


Antonio Nuno Monteiro announced

  I'm pleased to announce the product of a few months of work: an 
  implementation written entirely in OCaml: http2/af.

  http2/af is based on the concepts in [http/af], using Angstrom 
  Faraday for the parsing and serialization of the HTTP/2 framing 
  respectively. It also preserves the same API as http/af wherever
  possible, for familiarity reasons. The notable exception is the
  addition of a `Reqd.push' function that implements the HTTP/2 
  push] functionality.

  http2/af currently provides a server implementation, as well as
  runtime implementations for Lwt (UNIX) and Mirage (which I 
  at the last Mirage Hack Retreat in Marrakech).

  The repo for http2/af is [here]. The packages are not yet 
  released to
  OPAM, a task I'm planning to complete in the next few days.

  Happy to hear any feedback / answer questions here or in Github 

[http/af] <https://github.com/inhabitedtype/httpaf/>

[server push] 

[here] <https://github.com/anmonteiro/http2af>

Antonio Nuno Monteiro later added

  There were some licensing issues in this work related to 
  and ignorance on my part. I’m copying a text from a Reddit post 
  mine that tries to clarify the situation below.

  Thanks everyone who brought all the licensing issues to my 

  To clarify: I never intended to “steal” any code, I.e. passing 
  work as
  mine without proper attribution to the original authors. The 
  truth is
  that, while I’ve been doing open source for a little while, this 
  the first time that I’ve done any derivative work, and not being 
  lawyer, I really had no idea what exactly I needed to do (my 
  process being that if my code didn’t bear any resemblance at all 
  the original code then I wouldn’t need to preserve the copyright

  It has been brought to my attention that I was wrong and I have
  therefore rectified the situation.

  To clarify further what h2 is in comparison to http/af: h2 is an
  implementation of HTTP/2 (a totally different protocol) that 
  tries to
  share the http/af types and API wherever possible. I understand 
  that this is derivative work because it shares the same 
  architecture, but I didn’t know that coming into it at first.

  To all the affected parties: my apologies, I hope you can 
  forgive me.

Release of OCamlFormat 0.9


Guillaume Petiot announced

  *Release of OCamlFormat 0.9*

  We are pleased to announce the release of OCamlFormat (available 
  opam).  There have been numerous changes since the last release, 
  here is a comprehensive list of the new features and breaking 
  to help the transition from OCamlFormat 0.8.


  OCamlFormat now requires:
  • ocaml >= 4.05 (up from 4.04.1)
  • dune >= 1.1.1
  • octavius >= 1.2.0
  • uutf

  OCamlFormat_Reason now requires:
  • ocaml >= 4.05
  • dune >= 1.1.1
  • ocaml-migrate-parsetree >= 1.0.10 (up from 1.0.6)
  • octavius >= 1.2.0
  • uutf
  • reason >= 3.2.0 (up from 1.13.4)

New preset profiles

  The `ocamlformat' profile aims to take advantage of the 
  strengths of a
  parsetree-based auto-formatter, and to limit the consequences of 
  weaknesses imposed by the current implementation. This is a 
  which optimizes for what the formatter can do best, rather than 
  match the style of any existing code.

  General guidelines that have directed the design include:
  • Legibility, in the sense of making it as hard as possible for 
    visual parsing to give the wrong interpretation, is of highest
  • Whenever possible the high-level structure of the code should 
    obvious by looking only at the left margin, in particular, it 
    not be necessary to visually jump from left to right hunting 
    critical keywords, tokens, etc;
  • All else equal compact code is preferred as reading without
    scrolling is easier, so indentation or white space is avoided 
    it helps legibility;
  • Attention has been given to making some syntactic gotchas 

  `ocamlformat' is the new default profile.

  The `conventional' profile aims to be as familiar and 
  appearing as the available options allow.

  The `default' profile is `ocamlformat' with `break-cases=fit'.
  `default' is deprecated and will be removed in version 0.10.

OCamlFormat diff tool

  `ocamlformat-diff' is a tool that uses OCamlFormat to apply the 
  formatting to compared OCaml files, so that the formatting 
  between the two files are not displayed.  Note that 
  comes in a separate opam package and is not included in the
  `ocamlformat' package.

  The file comparison is then performed by any diff backend.

  The options' documentation is available through 

  The option `--diff' allows you to configure the diff command 
  that is
  used to compare the formatted files.  The default value is the 
  `diff', but you can also use `patdiff' or any other similar 

  `ocamlformat-diff' can be integrated with `git diff', as 
  explained in
  the [online documentation].

[online documentation]

Formatting docstrings

  Previously, the docstrings `(** This is a docstring *)' could 
  only be
  formatted like regular comments, a new option 
  `--parse-docstrings' has
  been added so that docstrings can be nicely formatted.

  Here is a small example:
  │ (** {1 Printers and escapes used by Cmdliner module} *)
  │ val subst_vars : subst:(string -> string option) -> Buffer.t 
  -> string -> string
  │ (** [subst b ~subst s], using [b], substitutes in [s] 
  variables of the form
  │     "$(doc)" by their [subst] definition. This leaves escapes 
  and markup
  │     directives $(markup,...) intact.
  │     @raise Invalid_argument in case of illegal syntax. *)

  Note that this option is disabled by default and you have to set 
  manually by adding `--parse-docstrings' to your command line or
  `parse-docstrings=true' to your `.ocamlformat' file.  If you get 
  following error message:

        Error: Formatting of (** … *) is unstable (e.g. parses as
        a list or not depending on the margin), please tighten up
        this comment in the source or disable the formatting using
        the option –no-parse-docstrings.

  It means the original docstring cannot be formatted (e.g. 
  because it
  does not comply with the odoc syntax) and you have to edit it or
  disable the formatting of docstrings.

  Of course if you think your docstring complies with the odoc 
  and there might be a bug in OCamlFormat, [feel free to file an 
  on github].

[feel free to file an issue on github]

Print the configuration

  The new `--print-config' flag prints the configuration 
  determined by
  the environment variable, the configuration files, preset 
  profiles and
  command line. Attributes are not considered.

  It provides the full list of options with the values they are 
  set to,
  and the source of this value.  For example `ocamlformat
  --print-config' prints:

  │ profile=ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1)
  │ quiet=false (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ max-iters=10 (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ comment-check=true (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ wrap-fun-args=true (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ wrap-comments=true (file .ocamlformat:5)
  │ type-decl=compact (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ space-around-collection-expressions=false (profile ocamlformat 
  (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ single-case=compact (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ sequence-style=separator (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ parse-docstrings=true (file .ocamlformat:4)
  │ parens-tuple-patterns=multi-line-only (profile ocamlformat 
  (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ parens-tuple=always (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ parens-ite=false (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ ocp-indent-compat=false (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ module-item-spacing=sparse (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ margin=77 (file .ocamlformat:3)
  │ let-open=preserve (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ let-binding-spacing=compact (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ let-and=compact (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ leading-nested-match-parens=false (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ infix-precedence=indent (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ indicate-nested-or-patterns=space (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ indicate-multiline-delimiters=true (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ if-then-else=compact (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ field-space=tight (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ extension-sugar=preserve (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ escape-strings=preserve (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ escape-chars=preserve (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ doc-comments-tag-only=default (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ doc-comments-padding=2 (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ doc-comments=after (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ disable=false (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ cases-exp-indent=4 (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ break-struct=force (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ break-string-literals=wrap (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ break-sequences=false (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ break-separators=before (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ break-infix-before-func=true (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ break-infix=wrap (profile ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ break-fun-decl=wrap (profile ocamlformat (file 
  │ break-collection-expressions=fit-or-vertical (profile 
  ocamlformat (file .ocamlformat:1))
  │ break-cases=fit (file .ocamlformat:2)

  If many input files are specified, only print the configuration 
  the first file.  If no input file is specified, print the
  configuration for the root directory if specified, or for the 
  working directory otherwise.

Parentheses around if-then-else branches

  A new option `parens-ite' has been added to decide whether to 
  parentheses around if-then-else branches that spread across 

  If this option is set, the following function:
  │ let rec loop count a =
  │   if count >= self#len
  │   then a
  │   else
  │     let a' = f cur#get count a in
  │     cur#incr ();
  │     loop (count + 1) a'

  will be formatted as:
  │ let rec loop count a =
  │   if count >= self#len
  │   then a
  │   else (
  │     let a' = f cur#get count a in
  │     cur#incr ();
  │     loop (count + 1) a' )

Parentheses around tuple patterns

  A new option `parens-tuple-patterns' has been added, that mimics
  `parens-tuple' but only applies to patterns, whereas 
  only applies to expressions. 
  mode will try to skip parentheses for single-line tuple 
  patterns, this
  is the default value.  `parens-tuple-patterns=always' always 
  parentheses around tuples patterns.

  For example:
  │ (* with parens-tuple-patterns=always *)
  │ let (a, b) = (1, 2)
  │ (* with parens-tuple-patterns=multi-line-only *)
  │ let a, b = (1, 2)

Single-case pattern-matching expressions

  The new option `single-case' defines the style of 
  expressions with only a single case.  `single-case=compact' will 
  to format a single case on a single line, this is the default 
  `single-case=sparse' will always break the line before a single 

  For example:

  │ (* with single-case=compact *)
  │ try some_irrelevant_expression
  │ with Undefined_recursive_module _ -> true
  │ (* with single-case=sparse *)
  │ try some_irrelevant_expression
  │ with
  │ | Undefined_recursive_module _ -> true

Space around collection expressions

  The new option `space-around-collection-expressions' decides 
  to add a space inside the delimiters of collection expressions 
  arrays, records).

  For example:
  │ (* by default *)
  │ type wkind = {f : 'a. 'a tag -> 'a kind}
  │ let l = ["Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons)]
  │ (* with space-around-collection-expressions *)
  │ type wkind = { f : 'a. 'a tag -> 'a kind }
  │ let l = [ "Nil", TCnoarg Thd; "Cons", TCarg (Ttl Thd, tcons) ]

Break separators

  The new option `break-separators' decides whether to break 
  before or
  after separators such as `;' in list or record expressions, `*' 
  tuples or `->' in arrow types.  `break-separators=before' breaks 
  expressions before the separator, this is the default value.
  `break-separators=after' breaks the expressions after the 
  `break-separators=after-and-docked' breaks the expressions after 
  separator and docks the brackets for records.

  For example:

  │ (* with break-separators=before *)
  │ type t =
  │   { foooooooooooooooooooooooo: 
  │   ; fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo: 
  fooooooooooooooooooooooooooo }
  │ (* with break-separators=after *)
  │ type t =
  │   { foooooooooooooooooooooooo: 
  │     fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo: 
  fooooooooooooooooooooooooooo }
  │ (* with break-separators=after-and-docked *)
  │ type t = {
  │   foooooooooooooooooooooooo: 
  │   fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo: fooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  │ }

Not breaking before bind/map operators

  The new option `break-infix-before-func' decides whether to 
  infix operators whose right arguments are anonymous functions
  specially.  This option is set by default, if you disable it 
  `--no-break-infix-before-func', it will not break before the 
  so that the first line of the function appears docked at the end 
  line after the operator.

  For example:
  │ (* by default *)
  │ f x
  │ >>= fun y ->
  │ g y
  │ >>= fun () ->
  │ f x >>= fun y -> g y >>= fun () -> f x >>= fun y -> g y >>= 
  fun () -> y ()
  │ (* with break-infix-before-func = false *)
  │ f x >>= fun y ->
  │ g y >>= fun () ->
  │ f x >>= fun y -> g y >>= fun () -> f x >>= fun y -> g y >>= 
  fun () -> y ()

Break toplevel cases

  There is a new value for the `break-cases' option: `toplevel', 
  forces top-level cases (i.e. not nested or-patterns) to break 
  lines, otherwise breaks naturally at the margin.

  For example:
  │ let f =
  │   let g = function
  │     | H when x y <> k -> 2
  │     | T | P | U -> 3
  │   in
  │   fun x g t h y u ->
  │     match x with
  │     | E -> 4
  │     | Z | P | M -> (
  │       match y with
  │       | O -> 5
  │       | P when h x -> (
  │ 	  function
  │ 	  | A -> 6 ) )

Number of spaces before docstrings

  The new option `doc-comments-padding' controls how many spaces 
  printed before doc comments in type declarations.  The default 
  is 2.

  For example:
  │ (* with doc-comments-padding = 2 *)
  │ type t = {a: int  (** a *); b: int  (** b *)}
  │ (* with doc-comments-padding = 1 *)
  │ type t = {a: int (** a *); b: int (** b *)}

Ignore files

  An `.ocamlformat-ignore' file specifies files that OCamlFormat 
  ignore.  Each line in an `.ocamlformat-ignore' file specifies a
  filename relative to the directory containing the
  `.ocamlformat-ignore' file.  Lines starting with `#' are ignored 
  can be used as comments.

  Here is an example of such `.ocamlformat-ignore' file:
  │ #This is a comment
  │ dir2/ignore_1.ml

Tag-only docstrings

  The new option `doc-comments-tag-only' controls the position of 
  comments only containing tags.  `doc-comments-tag-only=default' 
  no special treatment is done, this is the default value.
  `doc-comments-tag-only=fit' puts doc comments on the same line 
  if it

  For example:
  │ (* with doc-comments-tag-only = default *)
  │ (** @deprecated  *)
  │ open Module
  │ (* with doc-comments-tag-only = fit *)
  │ open Module (** @deprecated  *)

Fit or vertical mode for if-then-else

  There is a new value for the option `if-then-else': 
  `fit-or-vertical' vertically breaks all branches if they do not 
  fit on
  a single line.  Compared to the `compact' (default) value, it 
  all branches if at least one of them does not fit on a single 

  For example:
  │ (* with if-then-else = compact *)
  │ let _ =
  │   if foo then
  │     let a = 1 in
  │     let b = 2 in
  │     a + b
  │   else if foo then 12
  │   else 0
  │ (* with if-then-else = fit-or-vertical *)
  │ let _ =
  │   if foo then
  │     let a = 1 in
  │     let b = 2 in
  │     a + b
  │   else if foo then
  │     12
  │   else
  │     0

Check mode

  A new `--check' flag has been added.  It checks whether the 
  files already are formatted.  This flag is mutually exclusive 
  `--inplace' and `--output'.  It returns `0' if the input files 
  indeed already formatted, or `1' otherwise.

Break function declarations

  The new option `break-fun-decl' controls the style for function
  declarations and types.  `break-fun-decl=wrap' breaks only if
  necessary, this is the default value.
  `break-fun-decl=fit-or-vertical' vertically breaks arguments if 
  do not fit on a single line.  `break-fun-decl=smart' is like
  `fit-or-vertical' but try to fit arguments on their line if they 
  The `wrap-fun-args' option now only controls the style for 
  calls, and no more for function declarations.

  For example:
  │ (* with break-fun-decl = wrap *)
  │ let ffffffffffffffffffff aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 
  │     cccccccccccccccccccccc =
  │   g
  │ (* with break-fun-decl = fit-or-vertical *)
  │ let ffffffffffffffffffff
  │     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  │     bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
  │     cccccccccccccccccccccc =
  │   g
  │ (* with break-fun-decl = smart *)
  │ let ffffffffffffffffffff
  │     aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 
  cccccccccccccccccccccc =
  │   g

Disable configuration in files and attributes

  Two new options have been added so that `.ocamlformat' 
  files and attributes in OCaml files do not change the 
  These options can be useful if you use some preset profile and 
  you do
  not want attributes and `.ocamlformat' files to interfere with 
  preset configuration.  `--disable-conf-attrs' disables the
  configuration in attributes, and `--disable-conf-files' disables
  `.ocamlformat' configuration files.

Preserve module items spacing

  There is a new value for the option `module-item-spacing': 
  that will not leave open lines between one-liners of similar 
  unless there is an open line in the input.

  For example the line breaks are preserved in the following code:
  │ let cmos_rtc_seconds = 0x00
  │ let cmos_rtc_seconds_alarm = 0x01
  │ let cmos_rtc_minutes = 0x02
  │ let x = o
  │ let log_other = 0x000001
  │ let log_cpu = 0x000002
  │ let log_fpu = 0x000004

Breaking changes

  • When `--disable-outside-detected-project' is set, disable
    ocamlformat when no `.ocamlformat' file is found.
  • Files are not parsed when ocamlformat is disabled.
  • Disallow `-' with other input files.
  • The `wrap-fun-args' option now only controls the style for 
    calls, and no more for function declarations.
  • The default profile is now named `ocamlformat'.
  • The deprecated syntax for `.ocamlformat' files: `option value' 
  is no
    more supported anymore and you should use the `option = value'
    syntax instead.

Miscellaneous bugfixes

  • Preserve shebang (e.g. `#!/usr/bin/env ocaml') at the 
  beginning of a
  • Improve the formatting when `ocp-indent-compat' is set.
  • UTF8 characters are now correctly printed in comments.
  • Add parentheses around a constrained any-pattern (e.g. `let (_ 
    int) = x1').
  • Emacs: the temporary buffer is now killed.
  • Emacs: add the keybinding in tuareg's map instead of merlin's.
  • Lots of improvements on the comments, docstrings, attributes
  • Lots of improvements on the formatting of modules.
  • Lots of improvements in the Reason support.
  • Do not rely on the file-system to format sources.
  • The `--debug' mode is more user-friendly.


  This release also contains many other changes and bug fixes that 
  cannot detail here.

  Special thanks to our maintainers and contributors for this 
  Jules Aguillon, Mathieu Barbin, Josh Berdine, Jérémie Dimino, 
  Heuzard, Ludwig Pacifici, Guillaume Petiot, Nathan Rebours and 

  If you wish to get involved with OCamlFormat development or file 
  issue, please read the [contributing guide], any contribution is

[contributing guide]

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml 

  • [OCaml on Baremetal Shakti RISC-V processor]
  • [Release of OCamlFormat 0.9]

[OCaml Planet] <http://ocaml.org/community/planet/>

[OCaml on Baremetal Shakti RISC-V processor]

[Release of OCamlFormat 0.9]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and 
  I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed 
  of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may 

  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] <mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org>

[the archive] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>

[RSS feed of the archives] 

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[Alan Schmitt] <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

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