[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue May 22 00:09:56 PDT 2018


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of May 15 to 22, 2018.

1) Regenerate: Test generation for regular expression engines
2) Next OUPS meetup, May 23rd 2018
3) New releases: ProVerif version 2.00 and CryptoVerif version 2.00
4) An experimental, unofficial OCaml wiki
5) aws-s3.3.0.0
6) AST walker designs
7) Types as first class citizens in OCaml
8) OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2018: Call for presentations
9) OCaml/Reason/MirageOS Internships at SAP Innovation Center Network (Postdam, Germany)
10) Other OCaml News

1) Regenerate: Test generation for regular expression engines
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/regenerate-test-generation-for-regular-expression-engines/1994/2>
** Continuing this thread, Gabriel Radanne explained:

The blog post mostly focused on the user's part of the story, so here is the
developer part, mostly of interest to OCaml developers. :p

# Modularity/Implementation, or how to explore performance trade-offs in OCaml

The main part of the algorithm is doing some fancy interleaving and weird walks
over streams of collections of words. Right away, there is one big question that
you can ask: Which data structures to choose?

Collections mostly used set operations such as union, intersection, difference,
some list-like operations such as append, and some fancier things such as n-way
merges and cartesian products. Furthermore, lazyness and persistency played a
big role as well.

## Preliminary groundwork

Instead of trying to do some guesswork, I decided to specify formally all the
functions that I needed to implement the algorithms. I ended up with [this
```ocaml module type S = sig type elt type t val empty : t val is_empty : t ->
bool val return : elt -> t

  val append: t -> t -> t val union : t -> t -> t val inter : t -> t -> t val
  diff : t -> t -> t val merge : t list -> t

  val of_list : elt list -> t val to_seq : t -> elt Sequence.t

  val memoize : t -> t end ```

This has several advantages: it made the requirement for data structures very
clear, it separated the datastructure from the algorithm and it also reflected
the theory quite closely, as it exactly represent the operation used by the
algebra we were working on.

Note the presence of an explicit `memoize` function, which allowed me to also
consider transient datastructures.

## Functorize all the things

Once we have a proper idea of the current operations we are considering, it's
very easy to [functorize
module Make
    (Word : Word.S)
    (Segment : Segments.S with type elt = Word.t)
    (Sigma : SIGMA with type t = Segment.t)
: sig .... end

In this case, `Segment` is the collection of words. I also functorized the
definition of words (so I can test with strings, list of character, ropes, utf8
...) and the definition of the alphabet `SIGMA`.

This is the part where you do :science: and implement weird algorithms.

## Testing data-structures

We now have a functorized implementation of our algorithm, we can easily
implement lot's of data-structure that satisfy the signatures. I only did a few
implementation of
by I tested lot's of
Containers was very useful for this.

## Optimizations

You now need to appeal to the flambda gods by adding `[@@inline always]` on all
you functors and pass `-O3` to the compiler. You might also want to assign the
result of functor applications at toplevel. With all this, functors should be
fully expanded at compile time and not prevent any optimizations. If you want to
tweak things more, consult [this

## Bench

Now that everything is set up, you can bench! In my case, I was intested by the
rate of words/second emitted, depending on the considered regular expression.
The results regarding collections were quite interesting:


If you want more details, look

## Making the API usable

You wrote all your functors and your implementation, you benchmarked it, and you
are happy. Unfortunately, for some reason, users tend to consider functor-heavy
APIs impossible to use (*cough* ocamlgraph *cough* irmin). There are two
solutions to this problem: pick a specific instance that work for most people
(for example, the most efficient one) or hide all the functors away by making
things first class.

In the case of regenerate, I decided for a sort of middle ground with [first
The API is still not exactly simple, but I suspect the examples should be

# Website

This doesn't get said enough, but js_of_ocaml is bloody fantastic. The code for
the website is [dead
and has the remarquable property of being completely uninteresting. I dumped
containers, sequence, oseq, fmt, qcheck and all my functors into it, it worked
without any modifications to the libraries and the resulting size is just 33KB.
End of the story. :)
2) Next OUPS meetup, May 23rd 2018
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2018-05/msg00026.html>
** Bruno Bernardo announced:

The OUPS meetup is back. The next one will take place on Wednesday,
May 23, 7pm at IRILL on the Jussieu campus.
As usual, we will have a few talks, followed by pizzas and drinks.

The talks will be the following:
- Thomas Gazagnaire sur Mirage OS (<https://mirage.io>)
- Alain Mebsout sur Liquidity (<http://www.liquidity-lang.org>)
- Steven Varoumas sur OMicroB (<https://github.com/stevenvar/OMicroB>)

Please do note that we are always in demand of talk *proposals* for future

To register, or for more information, go here:
*Registration is required! Access is not guaranteed after 7pm if
you're not registered.* (It also helps us to order the right amount of

Access map:
IRILL - Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
Barre 15-16 1er étage
4 Place Jussieu
75005 Paris

The meetup organizers.
3) New releases: ProVerif version 2.00 and CryptoVerif version 2.00
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/new-releases-proverif-version-2-00-and-cryptoverif-version-2-00/2010/1>
** Bruno Blanchet announced:

New releases of both ProVerif and CryptoVerif are available,
numbered 2.00. They can be found at the usual places:

- ProVerif is available at <http://proverif.inria.fr>
It is also available via opam.

- CryptoVerif is available at <http://cryptoverif.inria.fr>

The main novelty in these releases is that a lot of effort
has been made so that the tools are compatible: a large subset of
the language is accepted by both tools, which allows you
to use the same or very similar files as input to both tools.
More details can be found in Section 6.4 of the ProVerif manual.

Common examples are found in the ProVerif distribution
in directory examples/cryptoverif. You can run them by
   ./proverif -lib cryptoverif.pvl examples/cryptoverif/<filename>.pcv
in the main ProVerif directory. (If you install ProVerif via opam,
the examples are in .opam/<switch>/doc/proverif/examples/cryptoverif
and the cryptographic library cryptoverif.pvl is in
.opam/<switch>/share/proverif/cryptoverif.pvl )

These examples can also be found in the CryptoVerif distribution
in directory examples/basic. You can run them by
   ./cryptoverif examples/basic/<filename>.pcv
in the main CryptoVerif directory.

For ProVerif, the changes are extensions; they preserve
compatibility with previous versions, except for a few
additional keywords and other very minor changes.
For CryptoVerif, there are major incompatible changes. A converter
from CryptoVerif 1.28 is provided in the CryptoVerif distribution.
Major improvements have also been made to the library of
cryptographic primitives.


Full list of changes in ProVerif:

- New keywords in the typed pi calculus front-end:
  do, foreach, implementation, public_vars, secret
  These keywords cannot be used as identifiers.
- Identifiers of processes (in declarations "let P(...) = ")
  must be distinct from other identifiers.
- Allow the conjunction of several events or facts before the
  arrow ==> in queries.
- Interactive simulator:
  - Display events and public terms in order of addition.
  - Show the recipe used to compute a term in the list of public terms,
    when terms are added to public terms.
  - Allow zooming in the graphical trace display.
  - Show fresh names created by the adversary and public terms
    computed by the adversary in the graphical trace display.
  - When the user needs to enter a recipe, display the list of terms,
    so that he has enough information.
  - Button "Forward" to redo a step undone by the "Backward" button.
- Compatibility with CryptoVerif
  - Allow
      a <-R T; P          as a synonym of new a: T; P
      x[:T] <- M; P       as a synonym of let x[:T] = M in P
      foreach i <= N do P as a synonym of ! i <= N P and of ! P
  - Allow and ignore CryptoVerif implementation annotations
  - Allow disequations "equation forall x1:T1, ..., xn:Tn; M1 <> M2."
    and just check that they are valid.
  - Support for event, get, insert in terms (by expansion into processes)
  - New queries:
      query secret x.
      query secret x [real_or_random].
    to test the secrecy of a bound variable or name x.
  - Allow public variables in correspondence and secrecy queries, e.g.:
      query event(e1) ==> event(e2) public_vars x1,...,xn.
      query secret x public_vars x1,...,xn.
- Fixed bug that could cause the addition of a spurious edge,
  when a replication is executed just after a box in the graphical
  display of traces.
- Fixed bug: trace reconstruction failed abnormally in the absence
  of free names.
- Display an error message instead of looping when there is a recursive
  macro in the pi calculus front-end without types.

Full list of changes in CryptoVerif:

- Improved simplification of terms, in particular in the presence
  of boolean variables.
- Exploit the information of complex conditions of find
  (themselves containing let, if, or find).
- During the crypto transformation, do not transform a random variable
  that appears in an event and that is marked [unchanged] in the
  transformation using an oracle with priority > priorityEventUnchangedRand
  (default: 5), prefer leaving it unchanged.
- New front-end, for improved compatibility with ProVerif.
  The main syntax changes are as follows:
  - "define" becomes "def"
  - "[compos]" becomes "[data]"
  - "[decompos]" becomes "[projection]"
  - "equation structure(id1, ..., idn)." becomes
    "equation builtin structure(id1, ..., idn)."
  - "forall x1:t1, ..., xn:tn; M." becomes
    "equation forall x1:t1, ..., xn:tn; M."
  - "query secret1 x." becomes "query secret x [cv_onesession]."
  - The syntax of correspondences is now the ProVerif syntax:
    For instance, "query event e1(...) ==> e2(...)."
    becomes "query event(e1(...)) ==> event(e2(...))."
    and "query event inj:e1(...) ==> inj:e2(...)."
    becomes "query inj-event(e1(...)) ==> inj-event(e2(...))."
    If there are public variables, they must be explicitly indicated
    in the correspondences, by adding "pub_vars x1,...,xn" at the
    end of the query. (In previous versions, CryptoVerif
    implicitly considered as public variables in correspondences
    the variables on which secrecy queries were present.)
  - Equivalences use the syntax of the oracles front-end,
    even in the channels front-end.
    (Oracles must always be named; oracles must conclude with
    return(M) instead of just M; oracles are separated by
    parallel compositions, not by commas.)
    The names of equivalences must be between parentheses:
    "equiv(name) ..." or "equiv(name(f)) ..."
  - Collisions use the syntax of the oracles front-end,
    even in the channels front-end:
    "collision new x1:T1; ... new xn:Tn; forall y1:T1', ..., ym:Tm'; M1 <=(p)=> M2."
    "collision new x1:T1; ... new xn:Tn; forall y1:T1', ..., ym:Tm'; return(M1) <=(p)=> return(M2)."
  - Processes are parametric: if a process macro P, defined by
    "let P = ..." uses variables defined before the usage of P,
    then these variables must now be passed as argument to P:
    "let P(x1:T1,...,xn:Tn) = ...", used by "P(M1,...,Mn)" in the
    channels front-end and by "run P(M1,...,Mn)" in the oracles
  - Both front-ends allow the synonym constructs
    "! i<=N" and "forall i <= N do" for replication,
    "new x:T" and "x <-R T" for random-number generation, and
    "let x = M in N" and "x <-M; N" for assignment.
    The oracle front-end now uses "yield" instead of "end"
    (like the channels front-end).
- The library of cryptographic primitives has been revised:
  - Symmetric-key primitives no longer use a key generation
  - Probabilistic primitives choose random coins internally
  (using "letfun"), so the user does not have to choose them
  - IND-CCA2 public-key encryption may leak the length of the cleartext.
  - Added equivalences that allow to transform manually only some
  occurrences of encryption for IND-CCA2 encryption,
  of decryption for INT-PTXT encryption,
  of MAC verification for MACs,
  of signature verification for signatures.
  - Added probabilistic MACs, deterministic signatures,
  and renamed the macros as a consequence.
  - Added AEAD, possibly with a nonce (e.g. AES-GCM).
  - Added square_CDH, square_DDH, square_GDH, and
  - Added macros for combinations of primitives,
  building authenticated encryption from encrypt-then-MAC,
  from AEAD, or from AEAD_nonce, and AEAD from encrypt-then-MAC
  or from AEAD_nonce.
- An automatic converter from CryptoVerif 1.28 to CryptoVerif 2.00
  is provided. It converts the front-end changes, but not the changes
  in the cryptographic library. As a consequence, converted
  examples need to be run using a converted version of the old
  cryptographic library.

  ./convert [-lib <lib_filename>] [-in channels|-in oracles] [-olib <lib_output_filename>] -o <output_filename> <filename>
  This command converts the <filename> into <output_filename>.
  (This command should be run in the main CryptoVerif directory.)
  The setting "-in channels" or "-in oracles" chooses the front-end to
  use. It allows the user to override the default ("channels" when
  <filename> ends in .cv and "oracles" when <filename> ends in .ocv).
  If "-lib <lib_filename>" is present, it uses <lib_filename> as
  CryptoVerif 1.28 library of cryptographic primitives.  Otherwise, it
  uses the default CryptoVerif 1.28 library of cryptographic
  If "-olib <lib_output_filename>" is present, it outputs the
  converted library of primitives into <lib_output_filename>.
  The suffix ".cvl" or ".ocvl" is automatically added to all library
  filenames (depending on the front-end in use), the user should not
  include it.

  The converted examples can be run by
  ./cryptoverif -lib converter/default-converted <converted_filename>
  when they use the default CryptoVerif 1.28 library.
  (This command should be run in the main CryptoVerif directory.)
  Otherwise, use the converted library built by ./convert.
- Option -oproof <filename> to output the proof in <filename>
  instead of displaying it on the standard output.
4) An experimental, unofficial OCaml wiki
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/an-experimental-unofficial-ocaml-wiki/1972/19>
** Continuing this thread, Yotam Barnoy announced:

Just a note that we've migrated OCamlverse away from my github user so multiple
people can be admin. Find us at <https://ocamlverse.github.io>
5) aws-s3.3.0.0
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-aws-s3-3-0-0/2014/1>
** Anders Fugmann announced:

I'm happy to announce aws-s3 3.0.0.

The [aws-s3](<https://github.com/andersfugmann/aws-s3>) library provides access to
Amazon Simple Storage Solution (S3). Operations include: get, put, delete,
delete_multi, ls, multipart upload and s3 to s3 copying.

The library includes functions to get machine role and security token
(credentials) through AWS Identity and Access Management service (IAM).

The library supports both lwt and async concurrency models through packages
aws-s3-lwt and aws-s3-async.

This release brings a more consistent API and allows for more fine grained error
handling. The API changes backward compatibility. Below is the complete
changelog for version 3.0.0.

Changes since release 2.0.0:
* Add parameter to specify scheme(http|https)
* Fix IAM handling for lwt version.
* Always use http when accessing s3.
* Support copying s3 -> s3
* Support multipart upload
* Support permanent/temporary redirect error code
* Return an error indicating the redirect to successive calls
* Switch to use Digistif
* Remove support for gzip (Users are encouraged to set the encoding and use
ezgzip instead)
* Compatibility with base.v0.11.0

The package is available through opam.
6) AST walker designs
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ast-walker-designs/2015/1>
** Perry E. Metzger asked:

I've noticed that several parsers associated with the OCaml universe seem to
generate ASTs that are then walked using an object-oriented interface. Is there
a good introduction to this paradigm of AST-walker somewhere that explains the
principles of the walker design? Failing that, is there a really good example of
it I can study to see what the ideas behind this sort of design are? (Sorry if
this sounds kind of vague, I struggled to come up with a better way of phrasing
it. Perhaps I can edit this for posterity if some good answers come in.)
** Ivan Gotovchits replied:

We are using OOP visitors in BAP as they facilitate code reuse for complex
recursive data types. Here is [an example][1], a [blog post][3], and the
[implementation][4] (if needed). We even [re-implemented][2] the same concept in

[1]: <http://binaryanalysisplatform.github.io/bap/api/master/Bap.Std.Exp.visitor-c.html>
[2]: <https://pythonhosted.org/bap/bap.adt.Visitor-class.html>
[3]: <http://binaryanalysisplatform.github.io/bil-visitor-mappers>
** Armael also replied:

The [manual of the visitors
library](<http://gallium.inria.fr/~fpottier/visitors/manual.pdf>) is also a good
read, I think.
7) Types as first class citizens in OCaml
Archive: <https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/types-as-first-class-citizens-in-ocaml/2030/1>
** Volodymyr Melnyk asked:

Is it possible to use types in OCaml as a first class citizens?

For example, I want to implement relational data model in OCaml and create a
database as a library solution. By definition relation contains header (it looks
like it should be a record with attribute names as keys and types of attributes
as values) and body (it looks like a set(list) of tuples or records, values of
which must correspond to types in headers). So, for headers I need ability to
write something like this:

let header = {dep_id = int; name = string; ...}
Is it possible to extend OCaml with such dynamics(?) but without huge
performance downgrade or how do you handle such cases?
** Brendan Long replied:

Maybe the thing you're looking for is [GADT's](<https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml-400/manual021.html#toc85>)

(* Given:
module Db : sig
  type t
  module Row : sig
    type t
    val get_int : t -> int -> int
    val get_string : t -> int -> string

  val query : t -> string -> Row.t list

type _ column =
  | Dep_id of int column
  | Name of string column

let to_column_name : type a. a column -> string = function
  | Dep_id -> "dep_id"
  | Name -> "name"

(* `read_all db Dep_id` returns an `int list` of all values in dep_id, and
`read_all db Name` returns a `string` list of all values in `name` *)
let read_all db : type a. a column -> a list =
  let query = Printf.sprintf "SELECT %s FROM some_table" (to_column_name column in
  Db.query db query
  |> List.map ~f:(fun row ->
    match column with
    | Dep_id -> Db.Row.get_int row 0
    | Name -> Db.Row.get_name row 0

Beyond that, maybe you'd need to look into PPX.
** Ivan Gotovchits then said:

Yes, you can do this, and various solutions are already provided by different
libraries, e.g., Janestreet's `Univ` module from the [Core Kernel library][2].
Usually, it is called Universal values, but in fact, these are dynamically typed
values, implemented with GADT+Extensible Variants+First class modules.

Basically, the representation of a value is a packed existential:

type univ = Pack : 'a witness * 'a -> univ

where the witness is an extensible GADT type

type 'a witness = ..

Runtime types are represented as first class modules, of the following type:

module type Witness = sig
     type t
     type _ witness += Id : t witness

type 'a typeid = (module Witness with type t = 'a)

New types are created on fly:

let newtype (type u) () =
   let module Witness = struct
          type t = u
          type _ witness += Id : t witness
      end in
   (module Witness : Witness with type t = u)

For example,

type int : int typeid = newtype ()

Having the runtime type we can provide the pack function:
let pack (type u) (module Witness : Witness with type t = u) x =
  Pack (Witness.Id,x)

let x : univ = pack int 42

and the unpack function:

let unpack (type u)
   (module Witness : Witness with type t = u) (Pack (id,x)) : u option =
   match id with
   | Witness.Id -> Some x
   | _ -> None


 unpack int x;;
- : int option = Some 42

So this gives you fully working dynamic typing in OCaml. You can also provide
dictionaries and other specialized data structures. You may also provide adhoc
polymorphism by requiring/allowing registering implementations for types, i.e.,
you may ask a user to provide the `t -> string` function, and then provide a
generic `show : univ -> string` function.

The main drawback of this solution, is serialization. The default marshal module
won't work, as it will loose (correctly) the type witness. A possible solution
is to use something else (e.g. UUID) for type witnessing when a global witness
is required (e.g., [distwit][1] library).

[1]: <https://github.com/let-def/distwit>
[2]: <https://github.com/janestreet/core_kernel>
** Ivan Gotovchits said:

Concerning the performance. I think it is more or less obvious from the
implementation. First of all, all data values are boxed, i.e., your integers
will now use 3 words (header + key + value) instead of one. For data types that
already use the boxed representation, the overhead is only one word (the key).

Concerning packing and unpacking. The latter one is one comparison instruction,
plus allocation of the option value (you can also provide function that throws
exception, so that you can unpack without an extra allocation). And the packing
is just an allocation of the 2-tuple.

To summarize, it is fast, especially, if you are not trying to do heavy number
crunching on numbers represented as universals.
** Ivan Gotovchits also said:

A completely different approach, that doesn't involve GADT, but may have a
higher performance cost is implemented in the [OGRE library][1], the trick is
simple - you can use some common representation for your universals (e.g., a
string, and database key, a sql statement, etc) and then your runtime data type
representation is just the parsing (extracting) function. The library also shows
how one can represent headers as a composition of parsers. See [the
implementation][2] for more details.

[1]: <http://binaryanalysisplatform.github.io/bap/api/master/Ogre.html>
[2]: <https://github.com/BinaryAnalysisPlatform/bap/blob/master/lib/ogre/ogre.ml>
8) OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2018: Call for presentations
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2018-05/msg00030.html>
** Andrew Kennedy announced:

We warmly invite submissions to the OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2018, to
be held during the ICFP conference week on Thursday, September 27th in St.
Louis, Missouri, USA.



Presentations and discussions will focus on the OCaml programming language and
its community. We solicit talks on all aspects related to improving the use or
development of the language and its programming environment, including, for
example (but not limited to):
* compiler developments, new backends, runtime and architectures
* practical type system improvements, such as (but not limited to) GADTs,
  first-class modules, generic programming, or dependent types
* new library or application releases, and their design rationales
* tools and infrastructure services, and their enhancements
* prominent industrial or experimental uses of OCaml, or deployments in unusual


The OCaml Users and Developers Workshop will be an informal meeting with no
formal proceedings. The presentation material will be available online from the
workshop homepage. The presentations may be recorded, and made available at a
later time. The main presentation format is a workshop talk, traditionally
around 20 minutes in length, plus question time, but we also have a poster
session during the workshop - this allows to present more diverse work, and
gives time for discussion. The program committee will decide which presentations
should be delivered as posters or talks.


To submit a presentation, please register a description of the talk (up to 4
pages long) at <https://ocaml18.hotcrp.com/> providing a clear statement of what
will be provided by the presentation: the problems that are addressed, the
solutions or methods that are proposed. LaTeX-produced PDFs are a common and
welcome submission format. For accessibility purposes, we ask PDF submitters to
also provide the sources of their submission in a textual format, such as .tex
sources. Reviewers may read either the submitted PDF or the text version.

Important dates

Thursday 31st May (any time zone): Abstract submission deadline
Thursday 28th June: Author notification
Thursday 27th September 2018: OCaml Workshop

ML family workshop and post-proceedings
The ML family workshop, held on the previous day, deals with general issues of
the ML-style programming and type systems, focuses on more research-oriented
work that is less specific to a language in particular (OCaml). There is an
overlap between the two workshops, and we have occasionally transferred
presentations from one to the other in the past. The authors who feel their
submission fits both workshops are encouraged to mention it at submission time
and/or contact the Program Chairs.

We are planning to publish combined post-proceedings and to invite interested
authors of selected presentations to expand their abstracts for inclusion.

Program committee
Andrew Kennedy, Facebook, UK (chair)
Stephen Dolan, University of Cambridge, UK
Clark Gaebel, Jane Street,
Nicolás Ojeda Bär, LexiFi, France
Jonathan Protzenko, Microsoft Research, USA
Gabriel Scherer, INRIA, France
Kanae Tsushima, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
John Whitington, University of Leicester, UK

Questions and contact
Please send any questions to the chair: Andrew Kennedy (akenn at fb.com)
9) OCaml/Reason/MirageOS Internships at SAP Innovation Center Network (Postdam, Germany)
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2018-05/msg00034.html>
** Keiko Nakata announced:

Our team at SAP Innovation Center Network in Potsdam (Germany) is
looking for internship students to research, evaluate and extend
MirageOS in the context of cloud applications.

Please check out the job descriptions at




For more details and questions, please contact me on keiko.nakata at sap.com
(We may have other internship positions around static analysers,
please contact me for further details.)
10) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

Dijkstra's algorithm
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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