[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Aug 21 01:13:11 PDT 2018


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of August 14 to 21,

Table of Contents

Color: library to work with css color formats
Derive-ocaml: a rust crate to help with ocaml FFI
random forests in OCaml via bindings to the R randomForest package
OCaml Documentation Open Thread
Article: "Systems Languages: An Experience Report"
Opam 2.0.0 RC4-final is out!
Updated dune starter kit
Quantitative developer position at LexiFi, Paris
Dune 1.1.0
Work-in-progress Sentry SDK
A good summary of the "multicore OCaml memory model" article
Balancer 1.0
Interesting OCaml Articles
Opam 2.0 experimental PPAs
aws-s3 4.0.1
Ocaml Github Pull Requests
Other OCaml News


Color: library to work with css color formats


Continuing this thread, gasche said

  Would there be a chance to connect with the work on specifying colors
  and color profiles in @dbuenzli's basic graphics [Gg] library (see
  [Gg.Color documentation])? From the interface that you provide, it is
  not completely clear to me how flexible color computations can be –
  you provide an HSLA color space, but a linearized sRGB space would be
  also convenient for example, and Gg provides one.

[Gg] http://erratique.ch/software/gg

[Gg.Color documentation]

Christophe added

  To work with colors, note there is also [Color brewery] (not yet in
  opam) which is compatible with `Gg.color'. I concur with @gasche, it
  is good if all these libraries can work together.

[Color brewery] https://github.com/Chris00/color_brewery

Anurag Soni then announced


  I have updated the library with more utilities to work with
  colors. Some other changes since last time is the use of `Gg.Color.t'
  as the color type. So one can use other methods from the wonderful
  `gg' library to tweak/modify their colors, or use color palettes like
  the ones from `color-brewry'


Derive-ocaml: a rust crate to help with ocaml FFI


Joris Giovannangeli announced

  i'm pleased to announce the first release of [derive-ocaml] a set of
  rust macros 1.1/2.0 (similar to ppx) to generate boilerplate of
  writing rust stubs for ocaml external calls.

  The crate has no runtime and relies on the [ocaml] for all the ocaml
  runtime bindings.

  The macros are still a bit experimental but should make ocaml/rust ffi
  much easier to crawl.  Also while here i'd like to thank @zshipko for
  maintaining and improve the ocaml crate !!

[derive-ocaml] https://crates.io/crates/derive-ocaml

[ocaml] https://crates.io/crates/ocaml

Perry E. Metzger asked and Joris Giovannangeli replied

  > So this is to allow calling Rust from OCaml?

  yes,but mostly it's helper to derive conversion from and to ocaml
  types to rust structures/enums. This is the main feature, it generates
  boilerplate code to call store_field()/field 'macros' like in C.  On
  top of that it has some glue to make rust functions "nice" looking by
  hiding CAMLparams and co macros.

  You can see a very basic example here:
  • [ocaml side]
  • [rust side]


[ocaml side]

[rust side]

random forests in OCaml via bindings to the R randomForest package


UnixJunkie announced


  Quite hackish but working.  The interface is similar to my other
  "R-wrapping packages".  Data are exchanged via text files.

  Should land soon in opam.


OCaml Documentation Open Thread


Deep in this thread, Daniel Bünzli said

  > but even plain text files of good documentation

  We even have better than that.

  We have the [`ocamldoc' language]. It allows to have your
  documentation exactly where it is needed, in `mli' files, and will
  carry itself if you move your sources around.

  The ocamldoc language is a fully featured document markup language
  with sectioning and /checked/ cross references to sections and API
  entry points.

  Doing manuals and tutorial inside `.mli' always felt a bit cumbersome
  but is entirely doable as can be witnessed in many of my packages (see
  [this one] for example). The good news is that nowadays we will
  gradually be able to write those larger pieces in seperate `.mld'
  files. Code sample extraction is not there yet but I hope we can have
  a [simple design] implemented soon rather than having these

  The other good news is that as a programmer, the effort you need to
  provide in order to make the documentation you write in this language
  available to end-users is this: *approaching zero*:
  • If you are using `topkg' or `dune-release' (assuming they didn't
    kill that workflow), publishing your docs online on github is a
    `topkg distrib && topkg publish doc' away.
  • Distributing this documentation with your package releases is also
    /automatically/ done if you use `topkg+ocamlbuild' or `dune': these
    systems compile and install the right files which `odig' can then
    pickup in order to generate cross-referenced documentation for all
    the packages that are installed in your `opam' switch and allows you
    to peacefully read all this wondefully produced documentation
    offline with the stylesheet that suits you.

  One might complain that the ocamldoc language syntax is none of these
  alternative document markup languages whose popularity came after
  `ocamldoc''s initial existence but if you ever tried to write a
  polymorphic variant in a markdown code span you will be glad that
  ocamldoc's language isn't that one.

  I understand the `ocamldoc' language is one more thing to learn as a
  newcomer but it's not hugely complex, it's there, it works with the
  advantages highlighted above and an aspiring OCaml working programmer
  shall meet it quite soon anyways since there are thousands of lines of
  documentation in hundreds of projects that are using it.


[`ocamldoc' language]

[this one] http://erratique.ch/software/vg/doc/Vg.html

[simple design] https://github.com/ocaml/odoc/issues/130

Article: "Systems Languages: An Experience Report"


Deep in this thread, Yotam Barnoy announced

  Just wanted to plug [OCamlverse]. Not only can anyone contribute via
  PR, anyone can have commit rights as well.

  We already have a [quickstart] page for setting up Dune and such. I'd
  love to have more content there for getting OCaml concepts like
  concurrent programming up and running quickly.


[OCamlverse] https://ocamlverse.github.io/

[quickstart] https://ocamlverse.github.io/content/quickstart.html

Opam 2.0.0 RC4-final is out!


R. Boujbel announced

  We are happy to announce the opam 2.0.0 final release
  candidate. Hooray! :tada: It will be promoted to 2.0.0 proper within a
  few weeks, when the official repository format switches from 1.2.0 to
  2.0.0.  You'll find all information about opam update & repository
  upgrade in this [blog post].

  Big thanks to all who helped test and polish the release!

[blog post]

R. Boujbel later said

  The roadmap is detailed in this [blog post].


[blog post] https://opam.ocaml.org/blog/opam-2-0-0-repo-upgrade-roadmap

Updated dune starter kit

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/updated-dune-starter-kit/2342/1]

Martin Jambon announced

  The goal of this 3rd-party repository is to provide a minimal and
  idiomatic [template for setting up an OCaml project]. It was just
  updated to use `dune' instead of `jbuilder'.

  For those migrating, the [changes are minimal] and detailed migration
  help is given by the [official docs].

[template for setting up an OCaml project]

[changes are minimal]

[official docs] http://dune.readthedocs.io/en/latest/migration.html

Shon then said

  I have a dead simple, feature poor tool in this direction which I've
  used for my own toy purposes: [https://github.com/shonfeder/nomad]

  Its in't updated to use the `dune' rebranding or to be compliant with
  the new release.

  I'm glad to hear that the views about integrating this functionality
  directly into dune have changed! I'd be happy to help with that


Quantitative developer position at LexiFi, Paris


Alain Frisch announced

  LexiFi has an open position for a junior quantitative developer. The
  position could be a good fit for an OCaml developer with some interest
  in (learning about) numerical methods and/or financial stuff, even
  without a formal background in those topics.

  More information:


Dune 1.1.0

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-dune-1-1-0/2402/1]

Rudi Grinberg announced

  On behalf of the dune team, I'm proud to announce the 1.1.0 release of
  dune.  This release contains a few interesting features that I won't
  describe in this post, because I've already written a dedicated blog
  post about this release:

  The change log is replicated here for your convenience:

1.1.0 (06/08/2018)

  • Fix lookup of command line specified files when `--root' is
    given. Previously, passing in `--root' in conjunction with
    `--workspace' or `--config' would not work correctly (#997,

  • Add support for customizing env nodes in workspace files. The `env'
    stanza is now allowed in toplevel position in the workspace file, or
    for individual contexts. This feature requires `(dune lang 1.1)'
    (#1038, @rgrinberg)

  • Add `enabled_if' field for aliases and tests. This field controls
    whether the test will be ran using a boolean expression
    language. (#819, @rgrinberg)

  • Make `name', `names' fields optional when a `public_name',
    `public_names' field is provided. (#1041, fix #1000, @rgrinberg)

  • Interpret `X' in `--libdir X' as relative to `PREFIX' when `X' is
    relative (#1072, fix #1070, @diml)

  • Add support for multi directory libraries by writing
    `(include_subdirs unqualified)' (#1034, @diml)

  • Add `(staged_pps ...)' to support staged ppx rewriters such as ones
    using the OCaml typer like `ppx_import' (#1080, fix #193, @diml)

  • Use `-opaque' in the `dev' profile. This option trades off binary
    quality for compilation speed when compiling .cmx files. (#1079, fix
    #1058, @rgrinberg)

  • Fix placeholders in `dune subst' documentation (#1090, @emillon,
    thanks @trefis for the bug report)

  • Add locations to errors when a missing binary in PATH comes from a
    dune file (#1096, fixes #1095, @rgrinberg)


Work-in-progress Sentry SDK


Brendan Long announced

  Cross-posted-ish from:

  I've been wanting to use Sentry with OCaml, and ended up writing my
  own library for it. I thought other people might be interested to, so:


  It currently only works with Async and not Lwt or synchronous/stdlib
  only. If anyone else is interested, I'd definitely like to support
  those. And feedback would definitely be nice.

  You basically just do this at the start of your program and it will
  load `SENTRY_DSN' (and some other things) from your environment and
  upload any errors in the background:

  │ Sentry.with_context  @@ fun () ->

  You can also set custom tags and upload exceptions or messages

  │ Sentry.with_environment "staging" @@ fun () ->
  │ Sentry.with_tags [ "method", "POST" ; "path", "/example" ] @@ fun () ->
  │ Sentry.capture_message "this will have the environment and tags above merged with the defaults"

  Results look like:


  Note that it works a lot better if you use exceptions and not
  `Or_error.t', although if someone wants to improve the `Or_error.t'
  parsing, pull requests would be welcome for that too.


A good summary of the "multicore OCaml memory model" article


gasche announced

  [The morning paper] is an amazing blog where the author posts
  summaries of research papers. Today's edition covers the recent (PLDI
  2018) article ([PDF]) on the memory model proposed for the Multicore
  OCaml implementation:

  [Bounding data races in space and time – part I]

[The morning paper] https://blog.acolyer.org/

[PDF] http://kcsrk.info/papers/pldi18-memory.pdf

[Bounding data races in space and time – part I]

gasche later added

  [Part II] is now available.


[Part II]

Balancer 1.0

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-balancer-1-0/2424/1]

Nobody Gone announced

  I'm pleased to announce that Balancer 1.0 is now available on opam,
  it's a collection of load balancing algorithms, such as p2c,
  consistent hashing + least loaded, p2c with partial key grouping,
  round robin, etc.

  All of the balancers are written with service discovery in mind, so
  you can plugin a react signal and use a watch with zookeeper or

  It also comes with some useful synchronization utils for shared
  mutable state.

  I think it's a useful addition to the ecosystem, just because people
  scale ocaml by spawning a lot of processes and talking via tcp, domain
  sockets, files, etc, and I'm actually surprised there wasn't a library
  for it beforehand.




Interesting OCaml Articles


Continuing this thread, Yotam Barnoy announced

  A pair of great posts discussing @stedolan's now-famous PLDI paper!



Yotam Barnoy then added


Yotam Barnoy also added



Opam 2.0 experimental PPAs


Anil Madhavapeddy announced

  I've refreshed the opam2 PPA infrastructure to make binary packages
  available for Ubuntu, ahead of the stable release of opam 2.0.0. These
  can be used with (e.g.) Travis CI for non-container based builds from
  an Ubuntu base, without having to wait for the upstream packages to
  get the latest version of opam.

  The packages currently sit in my experimental PPA tree at
  [avsm/ppa-opam-experimental], so if anyone can test them and let me
  know if you run into any problems, I'd appreciate it.

  Sources to the scripts and more information in the README:

  • [https://github.com/avsm/opam2-ppa]

  If anyone would like to help with including opam 2 in more upstream
  distributions as we approach release, please [refer to the
  distributions wiki] and pick your favourite OS :)


[avsm/ppa-opam-experimental] https://github.com/avsm/opam2-ppa

[refer to the distributions wiki]

aws-s3 4.0.1

  Archive: [https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-aws-s3-4-0-1/2451/1]

Anders Fugmann announced

  I’m happy to announce aws-s3 4.0.1

  The [aws-s3] library provides access to Amazon Simple Storage Solution
  (S3). Operations include: get, put, head, delete, delete_multi, ls,
  multipart upload and s3 to s3 copying. The library includes functions
  to get machine role and security token (credentials) through AWS
  Identity and Access Management service (IAM). The library supports
  both lwt and async concurrency models.

  Lots of changes have been made in this release, but most noticeably is
  the introduction of a streaming api, which will reduce latency and
  memory footprint as objects does not need to be held in memory in full
  during transfer.

  The release contains some trivial breaking changes (module renaming),
  and upgrading should be strait forward.

  Changes since version 3.0.0:
  • Support HEAD operation on objects.
  • Change signature to use string for etag rather than Caml.Digest.t
  • Support Digest 0.6
  • Remove dependency to Core
  • Rewrite authentication code
  • Switch to use Ptime for time conversion routines
  • Support chunked transfer (put)
  • Add streaming API
  • Remove dependency on Cohttp
  • Switch to dune
  • Support IPv6
  • Add option to use expect-100.
  • Add option to limit result of ls
  • Extend aws-cli
  • Move region related functions to own Region module
  • Fix bug when parsing multi delete reply in case of error

  The package is available through opam.


[aws-s3] https://github.com/andersfugmann/aws-s3

Ocaml Github Pull Requests

Gabriel Scherer and the editor compiled this list

  Here is a sneak peek at some potential future features of the Ocaml
  compiler, discussed by their implementers in these Github Pull

  • [Format semantic tags as extensible sum types]
  • [Add Set.disjoint]


[Format semantic tags as extensible sum types]

[Add Set.disjoint] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/1986

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

  Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at [OCaml Planet].

  • [TzDrawIt, a decentralized drawing app on Tezos]
  • [Full Time: Software Developer (Functional Programming) at Jane
    Street in New York, NY; London, UK; Hong Kong]
  • [Full Time: Compiler Engineer at Jane Street in New York & London]
  • [Not-learning is a skill too]
  • [opam 2.0.0 RC4-final is out!]


[OCaml Planet] http://ocaml.org/community/planet/

[TzDrawIt, a decentralized drawing app on Tezos]

[Full Time: Software Developer (Functional Programming) at Jane Street
in New York, NY; London, UK; Hong Kong]

[Full Time: Compiler Engineer at Jane Street in New York & London]

[Not-learning is a skill too]

[opam 2.0.0 RC4-final is out!]


  If you happen to miss a CWN, you can [send me a message] and I'll mail
  it to you, or go take a look at [the archive] or the [RSS feed of the

  If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe
  [Alan Schmitt]

[send me a message] mailto:alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org

[the archive] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/

[RSS feed of the archives] http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss

[online] http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/

[Alan Schmitt] http://alan.petitepomme.net/

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