[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Mar 14 00:26:50 PDT 2017


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of March 07 to 14, 2017.

1) libbin_prot, php-bin_prot, ppx_bin_prot_interop
2) Jbuilder 1.0+beta1
3) ocamlbuild 0.11.0
4) New release of visitors
5) Ocaml Github Pull Requests
6) Other OCaml News

1) libbin_prot, php-bin_prot, ppx_bin_prot_interop
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-03/msg00024.html>
** Andre Nathan announced:

We have plans to make use of Jane Street's bin_prot-based RPC libraries
for some future projects, but one requirement is that we must
interoperate with clients written in other languages, namely PHP.

So I've been working on these 3 projects to make this possible:

* libbin_prot [1] is a C port of (most of) bin_prot, with added support
for RPC clients. This was written to avoid having to implement bin_prot
multiple times in other languages - one can just write bindings to the C

* php-bin_prot [2] is a PHP extension binding libbin_prot. It supports
both PHP 5 and 7.

* ppx_bin_prot_interop [3] is a PPX rewriter that generates PHP code
from OCaml type definitions. It's written in a way that it should be
easy enough to add support for other languages, as it builds a
sort-of-AST that just has to be converted to strings in the proper
language syntax. It's a bit hackish but gets the job done. The
repository includes an example with an OCaml RPC server and a PHP client.

ppx_bin_prot_interop is not on OPAM yet because I'm relying on the
latest jbuilder version that is only available on Jane Street's
repository [4] as of now. You should still be able to use it via "opam
pin" if you want to give it a try.

[1] <https://github.com/andrenth/libbin_prot>
[2] <https://github.com/andrenth/php-bin_prot>
[3] <https://github.com/andrenth/ppx_bin_prot_interop>
[4] opam repo add janestreet

Now that OCaml can talk to PHP, world domination should not be too far.
** Jeremie Dimino said and Andre Nathan replied:

> This is really cool! Just a few days ago someone asked me if we could
> talk to a RPC server from C, so it looks like we could use libbin_prot
> right now.
> BTW, I've submitted a PR for the 1.0+beta1 of jbuilder yesterday, so
> it should reach opam soon.

That's great timing :)

I've updated the libbin_prot README to describe the RPC functions and
added a simple example code with an OCaml server and a C client.
2) Jbuilder 1.0+beta1
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-03/msg00029.html>
** Jeremie Dimino announced:

I'm pleased to annouce the 1.0+beta1 release of Jbuilder.

Jbuilder is a build system targetting OCaml projects and opam. It uses
the same model as what is used at Jane Street: users write simple
"jbuild" files to describe their libraries and executables and
Jbuilder takes care of the rest. You don't need to know much about
OCaml compilation to use Jbuilder.

Jbuilder comes with a manual [1] and a quick start guide [2] showing
common patterns.

Jbuilder can be installed via opam:

    $ opam install jbuilder
    $ less `opam config var doc`/jbuilder/manual.org

Jbuilder is developed primarily on github [3] and contributions are

Interesting features

I think it is worth mentioning the following features of Jbuilder,
that should make the everyday life of an OCaml hacker easier:

jbuilder exec <command>

This will run <command> in an environment where it has access to the
binaries, libraries, manual pages, ... previously built and that are
to be installed. This is convenient for testing things in the toplevel
before installing them for instance.

jbuilder external-lib-deps --missing <targets>

This will list all the external library dependencies required to build
<targets>, so that you have to run only one "opam install" command
instead of installing dependencies one by one until the build succeed.

building against several versions of OCaml at once

This is useful for locally testing that a project builds against all
supported versions of OCaml:

    $ cat > jbuild-workspace <<EOF
    (context ((switch 4.02.3)))
    (context ((switch 4.03.0)))
    (context ((switch 4.04.0)))
    (context ((switch 4.05.0+beta2)))
    (context ((switch 4.06.0+trunk)))
    $ jbuilder build @install @runtest

I find it convenient to add a jbuild-workspace.dev file at the root of
a project with the following rule in the Makefile:

        jbuilder build @install @runtest --workspace jbuild-workspace.dev

building multiple projects at once

This is great for working on several related projects:

    $ opam source base
    $ opam source stdio
    $ jbuild build @install

This method has been successfully tested to build the ~100 Jane Street
packages at once.


Here is the full set of changes since the first alpha release:

- Added a manual

- Support incremental compilation

- Switched the CLI to cmdliner and added a =build= command
  (#5, Rudi Grinberg)

- Added a few commands:
  + =runtest=
  + =install=
  + =uninstall=
  + =installed-libraries=
  + =exec=: execute a command in an environment similar to what you
    would get after =jbuilder install=

- Removed the =build-package= command in favor of a =--only-packages=
  option that is common to all commands

- Automatically generate =.merlin= files
  (#2, Richard Davison)

- Improve the output of jbuilder, in particular don't mangle the
  output of commands when using =-j N= with =N > 1=

- Generate a log in =_build/log=

- Versioned the jbuild format and added a first stable version.
  You should now put =(jbuilder_version 1)= in a =jbuild= file at the
  root of your project to ensure forward compatibility

- Switch from =ppx_driver= to =ocaml-migrate-parsetree.driver=. In
  order to use ppx rewriters with Jbuilder, they need to use

- Added support for aliases
  (#7, Rudi Grinberg)

- Added support for compiling against multiple opam switch
  simultaneously by writing a =jbuild-worspace= file

- Added support for OCaml 4.02.3

- Added support for architectures that don't have natdynlink

- Search the root according to the rules described in the manual
  instead of always using the current directory

- extended the action language to support common actions without using
  a shell:
  + =(with-stdout-to <file> <DSL>)=
  + =(copy <src> <dst>)=

- Removed all implicit uses of bash or the system shell. Now one has
  to write explicitely =(bash "...")= or =(system "...")=

- Generate meaningful versions in =META= files

- Strengthen the scope of a package. Jbuilder knows about package
  =foo= only in the sub-tree starting from where =foo.opam= lives


Jbuilder was released in opam today, and since then I got reports that
it often chooses the wrong "root". The rules for finding the root of
the current workspace will have to be changed for the 1.0 release. In
the meantime, you can force the compilation root by writing a
jbuild-workspace containing "(context default)" where you want the
root to be.

[1] <https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder/blob/master/doc/manual.org>
[2] <https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder/blob/master/doc/quick-start.org>
[3] <https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder>
** Jeremie Dimino later added:

I just  released a beta2 with better rules for finding the workspace
root [1]. In beta1, jbuilder would often choose the home directory as
root, causing it to scan the whole home directory.

Following is the full changelog:

- Simplified the rules for finding the root of the workspace as the
  old ones were often picking up the home directory. New rules are:
  + look for a =jbuild-workspace= file in parent directories
  + look for a =jbuild-workspace*= file in parent directories
  + use the current directory

- Fixed the expansion of =${ROOT}= in actions

- Install =quick-start.org= in the documentation directory

- Add a few more things in the log file to help debugging

[1] <https://github.com/janestreet/jbuilder/blob/master/doc/manual.org#finding-the-root>
3) ocamlbuild 0.11.0
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-03/msg00032.html>
** whitequark announced:

I'd like to announce the 0.11.0 release of OCamlbuild.

OCamlbuild is a build system with builtin rules to easily build most OCaml

0.11.0 (5 Mar 2017):

OCamlbuild 0.11.0 introduces a change to the way `.cmxs` files are
produced when no `.mldylib` file is absent: it will now use the exact
same semantics as `.cmxa` and `.mllib` file -- in particular, it
should not be necessary anymore to have identical
`foo.{mllib,mldylib}` files, only `foo.mllib` should suffice. See the
detailed changelog below for details.

- #111: added "nostdlib" flag for corresponding ocaml{c,opt} options
  (Thomas Wood)

- #115: add `node_modules` to the list of directories ignored by default
  (.svn/, CVS/, .bzr/, .hg/, .git/, _darcs/, node_modules/)
  (Yunxing Dai)

- #125, #160: added "-toolchain" option for corresponding ocamlfind option.

- #127, #137, #138: install ocamlbuild's man pages, missing since 4.02
  (Adam Sampson and Gabriel Scherer)

- #130: make sure that -just-plugin always stops after the plugin-build phase
  (Gabriel Scherer, report by whitequark)

* #132, #159: remove the rule ".cmx -> .cmxs"
  Previously, there was a ".cmx -> .cmxa" rule that would
  pull a module and its dependencies in a .cmxa, and a separate
  ".cmx -> .cmxs" rule that would pull only a module as a .cmxs.

  The latter is a reasonable default choice, the idea being that
  a module's dependencies may often be statically linked with the
  program instead of being dynamically linked. But it conflicts with
  the presence of a rule ".cmxa -> .cmxs" as soon as the library has
  the same name as one of the modules it contains.

  The reason why the rule ".cmxa -> .cmxs" matter is that it can be
  composed with the rule ".mllib -> .cmxa" to build .cmxs files from
  .mllib files, without having to copy each .mllib file into
  a separate .mldylib file.

  In other terms, the previous behaviour would, by default (in absence
  of .mldylib file who always takes priority), only link the module in
  the .cmxs file, and people wishing otherwise would have to write
  a list of modules in a .mldylib file. The new behavior will, by
  default, take the .mllib file or the module dependencies (as for
  .cmxa) to build a .cmxs file, and people wishing otherwise will have
  to write just the module name in a .mldylib file.

  It is unclear whether this change will break some projects on which
  users relied on the previous semantics. It seems equally likely that
  the previous semantics, when it applied, was a source of bugs
  (the .cmxs files didn't have the expected modules) that would not be
  discovered by people not testing dynamic linking. Such bugs have
  been found and fixed in the following cases:

  - <https://github.com/dbuenzli/uucp/pull/9>
  - <https://github.com/dbuenzli/uunf/pull/4>
  - <https://github.com/dbuenzli/uuseg/pull/4>

  (Daniel Bünzli, Jérémie Dimino, Armaël Guéneau, Gabriel Scherer, whitequark)

- #124, #136: do not explicitly pass -shared when building shared libraries;
  let the compiler decide what to build.

- #143-171: migration of Mantis bugtracker issues to the github issue tracker
  (Damien Doligez)

- #172-175, #177: setting up Continuous Infrastructure (CI) testsuite checks

- #202: install license, changes and readme in opam's docdir for `odig`
  (Gabriel Scherer, request and review by Daniel Bünzli)

- "noautolink" tag for ocaml{c,opt}
  (Gabriel Scherer)

0.10.{0,1} (Dec 2016):

These releases were never widely distributed, because of
a quickly-caught regression due to the change of .cmxs compilation
behavior (#132), fixed with the help Daniel Bünzli, Jérémie Dimino
and, in particular, whitequark.
4) New release of visitors
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-03/msg00033.html>
** François Pottier announced:

It is my pleasure to announce release 20170308 of the "visitors" package,
a syntax extension that makes it easy to generate visitor classes for
algebraic data structures.

The major additions since the previous release are as follows:

- A new option [polymorphic = true] allows generating visitor methods with
  polymorphic types. With [polymorphic = true], a type variable ['a] is
  handled by a visitor *function* [visit_'a], which is passed as an argument
  to every visitor method; whereas, with [polymorphic = false], a type
  variable ['a] is handled by a virtual visitor *method* [visit_'a].
  With [polymorphic = true], visitor classes compose better,
  and irregular algebraic data types are supported.

- A new variety of visitor, "mapreduce", computes a pair of a data structure
  (like a "map" visitor) and a summary (like a "reduce" visitor). This can be
  used to annotate every tree node with information about the subtree that
  lies below it.

There are also several minor new features and documentation additions.

To install the package via opam, use the following commands:

  opam update
  opam install visitors

The documentation is here:

** KC Sivaramakrishnan then asked and François Pottier replied:

> Thanks for the wonderful library and the excellent documentation. I have
> a feature request. Could you provide a python-style generator for
> traversing the data structure on demand? For a binary tree:
>      type 'a t = Leaf | Node of 'a t * 'a * 'a t
> I envision a `mk_gen` function:
>      val mk_gen : 'a t -> (unit -> 'a option)
>      (** [mk_gen t] returns a generator function [f], which when invoked
>          performs 1-step of the traversal and returns [Some v], where [v]
>          is the node value. [f] returns [None] when the traversal is done. *)

Thanks for this excellent question, which I had not thought about.

A quick answer might be that, if you are using OCaml + effect handlers,
it should be fairly easy for you to perform control inversion and turn
a producer-controlled traversal (as performed by an [iter] visitor) into
a consumer-controlled traversal.

That said, I was able to come up with a solution in pure OCaml. It is somewhat
unexpected and (I think) quite nice, so I am posting it (with comments) on the
list (see attached file). If there is demand, most of this code could be made
part of the VisitorsRuntime library.
** Gabriel Scherer then said:

This use of the monoid structure is very nice. I believe that you
could cut through the intermediate tree structure as follows. Is there
any downside?

type 'a delayed_tree = 'a cascade -> 'a cascade

let delayed_tree_to_cascade k = k nil
let delayed_tree_to_iterator (dt : 'a delayed_tree) : 'a iterator =
  cascade_to_iterator (delayed_tree_to_cascade dt)

type 'a delay = 'a

class ['self] delayed_tree_monoid = object (_ : 'self)
  method zero =
    fun k -> k

  method plus s1 s2 =
    fun k -> s1 (s2 k)

  method visit_delay
    : 'env 'a .
      ('env -> 'a -> 'b delayed_tree) ->
      'env -> 'a delay -> 'b delayed_tree
    = fun visit_ env x k ->
        (fun () -> visit_ env x k ())

let yield _env x = fun k () -> Cons (x, k)
** François Pottier replied:

> This use of the monoid structure is very nice. I believe that you
> could cut through the intermediate tree structure as follows. Is there
> any downside?

You are right, Gabriel, my code is a defunctionalized version of yours,
which is much shorter. Nice!

I don't think there is any significant downside. You lose the
ability to perform the little optimization in my method [plus].
I don't see any other downside.

I take this opportunity to add that, although my previous solution
duplicates the definition of the type [sometree], this is actually
not necessary.

I will probably prepare a blog post with a cleaned up solution...
5) Ocaml Github Pull Requests
** Gabriel Scherer and the editor compiled this list:

Here is a sneak peek at some potential future features of the Ocaml
compiler, discussed by their implementers in these Github Pull Requests.

- Add Buffer.add_utf_{8,16be,16le}_uchar and Uchar.{bom,rep}
- Use OCAML_COLOR environment variable for deciding whether to use colors in output
6) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

Universal type

Polymorphic variants : Subtyping and variance
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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