[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Sep 27 02:02:04 PDT 2016


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of September 20 to 27, 2016.

1) bindings for xz compression and decompression ?
2) BuckleScript on Windows
3) Encoding "links" with the type system
4) otags reloaded 4.03.1 for OCaml 4.03
5) opkg v0.0.1 - Documentation access improvements
6) Other OCaml News

1) bindings for xz compression and decompression ?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2016-09/msg00074.html>
** Deep in this thread, Adrien Nader said:

ocaml-archive[1] has read-only bindings to libarchive which handles xz
through liblzma. I've used it for quite a bit of time now. I have a few,
non-upstream, small patches to bind a few more functions (on-the-fly
path-rewrite, read from bigarray, extract to disk (?), getters and
setters for libarchive's "pathname",
archive_entry_{set_,}{hard,sym}link() and archive_entry_set_link). If
they're of interest I can take some time to share them properly (they're
already public, just not announced).

[1] <https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocaml-archive/>
2) BuckleScript on Windows
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2016-09/msg00076.html>
** Hongbo Zhang announced:

We are glad to announce the native windows support of BuckleScript: a backend
for the OCaml compiler which emits JavaScript.

We are committed to provide native support on all major platforms: Linux, Mac
and Windows, for Windows Users, in the future we will provide a pre-built binary
so that it does not need Cygwin (BuckleScript does not depend on Cygwin after
installation), the installation instructions is available:

A simple example of BuckleScript is available here:

As examples of that vision, using BuckleScript, OCaml users can use Chrome Dev
Tools to debug OCaml code, while Javascript users can use OCaml libraries as
plain npm[2] packages.

Documentation is available here:

Thanks -- Hongbo

[1]: <https://github.com/bloomberg/bucklescript/>
[2]: <https://www.npmjs.com/>
3) Encoding "links" with the type system
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2016-09/msg00077.html>
** Andre Nathan asked:

I'm trying to encode links (an example would be directed graph edges)
using the type system.

The idea is to have types such as

  module Source = struct
    type 'a t = { name : string }
    let create name = { name }

  module Sink = struct
    type 'a t = { name : string }
    let create name = { name }

  module Link = struct
    type ('a, 'b) t = 'a Source.t * 'b Sink.t

and then define a "link set" with the following characteristics:

* You initialize a link set with a sink;
* You can add links to set such that
    * The first link's sink must be of the type of the sink;
    * Additional links can have as sink types the original sink type
      from the set creation, or the source types of previously added

In other words, if a set is created from a "t1 Sink.t", the first link
on the set must be of type "t2 Source.t * t1 Sink.t", the second link
can be either "t3 Source.t * t1 Sink.t" or "t3 Source.t * t2 Sink.t" and
so on.

Is it possible at all to encode such invariants using the type system? I
couldn't get past something like

  module Set = struct
    type _ t =
      | S : 'a Sink.t -> 'a t
      | L : 'a t * ('b, 'a) Link.t -> ('a * 'b) t
    let create sink = S sink
    let add_link link set = L (set, link)

This allows me to insert the first link:

  type t1
  type t2
  type t3

  let _ =
    let snk1 : t1 Sink.t = Sink.create "sink1" in
    let set = Set.create snk1 in

    let src1 : t2 Source.t = Source.create "source1" in
    let lnk1 = (src1, snk1) in
    let set1 = Set.add_link lnk1 set in

but now "set1" has type "(t1 * t2) Set.t" and I can't call "add_link" on
it anymore:

    let src2 : t3 Source.t = Source.create "source2" in
    let lnk2 = (src2, snk1) in
    let set2 = Set.add_link lnk2 set1 in

which gives me "This expression has type (t1 * t2) Set.t but an
expression was expected of type t1 Set.t" when passing "set1" to "add_link".

I also tried to come up with a solution using difference lists for the
set but hit basically the same problem as above.

Any help would be appreciated.
** Jeremy Yallop replied:

> Is it possible at all to encode such invariants using the type system?

It is!  Here's one approach, which is based on two ideas:

   1. generating a fresh, unique type for each set
      (the paper "Lightweight Static Capabilities" calls these "type

   2. an encoding of a set as a collection of evidence about membership.

I'll describe an interface based on these ideas that maintains the
properties you stipulate.  I'll leave the problem of building an
implementation that satisfies the interface to you.  (In fact, the
interface is the tricky part and the implementation is straightforward
if you can treat all the type parameters as phantom.)

First, we'll need types for the objects in the domain: sources, sinks,
sets and links.

  type _ source and _ sink and _ set and ('source, 'sink) link

Besides these we'll also need a type of membership evidence.  A value
of type '(sink, set) accepts' is evidence that 'set' will accept a
link with sink type 'sink':

  type ('sink, 'set) accepts

Then there are two operations on sets: creating a fresh set and adding
a link to a set.  In both cases the operation returns multiple values,
so I'll use records for the return types.  Furthermore, both
operations create fresh types (since sets have unique types), so I'll
use records with existential types.

First, here's the type of the result of the create_set operation:

  type 'sink fresh_set = Fresh_set :{    (* :{  *)
      set: 't set;
      accepts: ('sink, 't) accepts;
    } -> 'sink fresh_set

There's a type parameter 'sink, which'll be instantiated with the type
of the sink used to create the set, and two fields:

   1. 'set' is the new set
   2. 'accepts' is evidence that 'set' will accept a link with sink type 'sink'
      (or, if you like, a capability that will allow us to add such a link)

Note that 'sink is a type parameter, since we need to ensure that it
is the same as another type in the program (the sink used to create
the set), but 't is existential, since we need to ensure that it is
distinct from every other type in the program (since it uniquely
identifies 'set').

The create_set operation builds a fresh set from a sink:

  val create_set : 'sink sink -> 'sink fresh_set

Next, here's the type of the result of the add_link operation:

  type ('sink, 'parent) augmented_set = Augmented_set :{
      set: 't set;
      accepts: ('sink, 't) accepts;
      cc: 's. ('s, 'parent) accepts -> ('s, 't) accepts;
    } -> ('sink, 'parent) augmented_set

This time there are three elements to the result:
   1. 'set' is the new set (as before)
   2. 'accepts' is evidence that 'set' will accept a link with sink
type 'sink' (as before)
   3. 'cc' is a capability converter, that turns evidence that the
"parent" set will accept a link into evidence that 'set' will accept
the same link.

(Another of looking at this is that 'augmented_set' bundles the new
set up along with evidence that 'sink' is a member and evidence that
every member of the parent set is also a member.)

(And it's again worth looking at the scope of the type variables:
'sink and 'parent are parameters, since they correspond to the types
of inputs to the operation;  't is fresh, and 's is
universally-quantified, since the capability converter must work for
any piece of evidence involving the parent.)

The insert_link operation takes three arguments: the link to insert,
the set into which the link is inserted, and evidence that the
insertion is acceptable:

  val insert_link :
    ('source, 'sink) link ->  (* the link *)
    't set ->                 (* the set *)
    ('sink, 't) accepts ->    (* evidence that the set accepts the link *)
    ('source, 't) augmented_set

Here's the interface in action.  Let's assume that we have your sinks,
sources and links:

    type t1 and t2 and t3
    val snk1 : t1 sink
    val src1 : t2 source
    val src2 : t3 source
    val lnk1 : (t2, t1) link
    val lnk2 : (t3, t1) link
    val lnk3 : (t3, t2) link

Let's start by building a set from snk1:

    let Fresh_set { set = set; accepts = a } =
        create_set snk1 in

Now, since 'set' accepts links with sink type 't1' (as attested by
'a') we can insert a new link:

    let Augmented_set { set = set1; accepts = a1; cc = cc1 } =
        insert_link lnk1 set a in

We now have the following evidence available:

    'a' says that 'set' accepts 't1'
    'a1' says that 'set1' accepts 't2'
    'cc1' says that 'set1' accepts anything that 'set' accepts, and so
    'cc1 a' says that set1' accepts 't1'

and so we can insert links with sink type either 't1' or 't2' into 'set1':

    insert_link lnk3 set1 a1
    insert_link lnk2 set1 (cc1 a)

And, of course, since we can only insert links when we have evidence
that the set will accept them, there's no way to perform invalid

One drawback of the above is a possible lack of efficiency, mostly
depending on how 'cc' is implemented.  In fact, there's also a
cost-free approach to capability conversions based on evidence
subtyping and private types, but I'll leave it as an exercise for the

I hope that helps!
4) otags reloaded 4.03.1 for OCaml 4.03
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2016-09/msg00082.html>
** Hendrik Tews announced:

I released a new version of otags for OCaml 4.03. You can find it
at the usual place <http://askra.de/software/otags/> under the
usual license GPL v3.

Otags reloaded generates tags tables for emacs and vi/vim. 

This is a major rewrite. After seeing more and more problems with
camlp4, I decided to base otags on the standard OCaml parser from
the compiler-libs library. Consequently all camlp4 parsing
options and the support for tagging sources in the revised syntax
or with other syntax extensions disappeared now.

There are two more restrictions in this version: Methods and
attributes in class types are not tagged (but the underlying
problem has been fixed already with pull request 749). Finally,
there is no support for source files with line directives.

All in all the rewrite for the parse tree exported from
compiler-libs was a pleasant experience. While the camlp4 systems
was intellectually appealing, the straightforward matching on a
standard OCaml variant type makes otags much simpler now. I could
also flush quite a bit of code that dealt only with problems
inherited from camlp4...

The restriction with line directives is pretty severe because it
excludes ocamlyacc, ocamllex and cppo. I have a plan for this

I am not so sure whether the support for the revised syntax,
quotations or other syntax extensions will really be missed. Any
opinions on that one?
5) opkg v0.0.1 - Documentation access improvements
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2016-09/msg00089.html>
** Daniel Bünzli announced:

One of the goal of the `opkg` project [0] is to kill the myth 
that documentation doesn't exist in the OCaml eco-system. 
The fact is that documentation exists in many cases; it's only 
scattered and thus painful to access.

A first version of `opkg` was released just to address this problem. 
Among other things like swift access to installed change logs, 
it uses ocamldoc to generate best-effort, per package,
API docsets, relying on the mlis and cmis installed by packages. 

In a >= 4.03 switch, simply invoke :

  opam install ocaml-manual opkg 
  opkg ocamldoc
  opkg doc

Future `opkg` releases will rely on `cmti` files and use 
the maturing `odoc` effort [1] for generating API docsets.
This will notably add inter-package cross-references.

If the packages you use comply with opkg's install conventions,
there are a few other commands that you will find useful, here
applied to the bos package which satisfies them:

  opkg doc bos # Show generated API docs
  opkg changes bos # Show release notes
  opkg issues bos # Browse issues
  opkg homepage bos # Browse homepage
  opkg online-doc bos # Browse online docs

More information can be found in `opkg help basics`. 

Information on packaging conventions is in `opkg help packaging`. 
Note that these conventions are automatically enforced without 
having anything special to do if you use `topkg` [2] to release 
your packages.

Finally note that `opkg` is mostly a dumb command driver. All the 
hard work of API doc generation is being done by ocamldoc and 
credits should go to Maxence Guesdon for all the work he put in it
over the years.

Best & RTFM,


[0] <http://erratique.ch/software/opkg>
[1] <https://github.com/ocaml-doc>
[2] <http://erratique.ch/software/topkg>
6) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

Custom operators in OCaml

What the interns have wrought, 2016
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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