[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jul 28 08:24:47 PDT 2015


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of July 21 to 28, 2015.

1) Introduction to Functional Programming in OCaml, a MOOC
2) Comparing floats
3) Clever typing for client-server communication?
4) Call for participation: ML 2015
5) Released: OCaml version 4.02.3
6) Other OCaml News

1) Introduction to Functional Programming in OCaml, a MOOC
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-07/msg00090.html>
** Roberto Di Cosmo announced:

We are very pleased to announce the massive, open, online course

  Introduction to Functional Programming in OCaml

the first MOOC entirely devoted to our beloved OCaml programming language.

All the information on the course, including a teaser video, is available at 

The course is in english, starts from the basics, and goes on for seven weeks up
to the module system. 

An interactive exercise environment will allow to do the exercises in the
browser, with an online evaluation integrated in the learning system; as you
expect, this is based on tryocaml and js_of_ocaml, and is a unique
distinguishing feature of this MOOC.

The learning platform happens to be called FUN (yes, great to have fun with
functional programming :-)), that is a variant of Open EdX run by the french
ministry of education.

The registration is open, and the course will start on October 19th.

We finally have a MOOC on OCaml, a great tool to bring functional
programming and our preferred programming language to a wide audience:
now, let's tell the world! Use your social networks, mailing lists,
professional and non professional conferences to spread the world.

And see you soon for our first course :-)

Roberto Di Cosmo, Yann Regis-Gianas and Ralf Treinen
2) Comparing floats
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-07/msg00099.html>
** Sébastien Hinderer asked and Xavier Leroy replied:

> What's the most efficient way to compare floats, please?
> Is it the polymorphic compare function, or is there a more specialized
> version of it?

You'll get good performance by type-specializing Pervasives.compare:

let compare_float (x: float) (y: float) = compare x y

If you're absolutely sure your floats are not NaN, you can shave a few
CPU cycles:

let compare_float (x: float) (y: float) =
  if x < y then -1 else if x > y then 1 else 0
** Boris Yakobowski then said:

I feel obligated to point out that the _semantics_ of floating-point
comparison is a bit tricky. IEEE 754 mandates that NaN == NaN should return
false (as well as NaN != NaN), breaking all algebraic laws known to mankind :
-). OCaml's operators '=' and '!=' follow this convention, but 'compare nan
nan' returns 0, which is usually the desired behavior. However, 'compare 0.
(-0.)' also returns 0, while you might want to distinguish those two values.
** Jacques-Henri Jourdan then said and Boris Yakobowski replied:

> Beaware:
> Nan <> Nan -> true
> Nan = Nan -> false
> Nan != Nan and Nan == Nan : depends on the memory layout.

Indeed, thanks for the clarification...

I got confused when negating OCaml's '=' operator (a dangerous side-effect of
writing too much C!), hence the erroneous '!=' instead of <>. Regarding, 'nan
<> nan', I had convinced myself that all comparisons with NaN returned false.
I wonder why <>/!= got a special treatment since e.g. 'nan < 1.' and '1. <
nan' both return false.
** Xavier Leroy finally said:

Perhaps so that (using Caml syntax) "x <> y" is always equivalent to
"not (x = y)".  But I agree it can be viewed as yet another oddity
with NaNs.

Just to clarify my previous post:

  let compare_float (x: float) (y: float) = compare x y

gives a total order over floats that behaves sensibly, if somewhat
arbitrarily, over NaN arguments:  two NaNs are equal, and any NaN is
less than any non-NaN float.  In contrast,

let compare_float (x: float) (y: float) =
  if x < y then -1 else if x > y then 1 else 0

is not a proper order, because the implied equality is not transitive.

   compare_float 0.0 nan = 0
   compare_float nan 1.0 = 0
   compare_float 0.0 1.0 = -1

So, don't use the latter definition for e.g. sorting a list of floats
that can contain NaN.  The former definition is more robust.
3) Clever typing for client-server communication?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-07/msg00109.html>
** Markus Weißmann asked:

I'm trying to do something clever regarding the interface for a communication
There is a server and a client which can only send "client" (client to server)
and "server" (server to client) messages.
The current idea is to use a phantom type to annotate the socket as either
being "client to server" or "server to client";

type client
type server

type ('a, 'b) socket
type 'a message

I've got a bunch of functions that only work on either "client messages",
"server messages" or some on both. Something like:

val p1 : 'a message -> int
val p2 : server message -> float
val p3 : client message -> char

You can only send "client messages" on the "client socket" and "server
messages" on the "server socket".

val send : ('a, _) socket -> 'a message -> unit

You can get these messages only on the respective other side.

val recv : (_, 'b) socket -> 'b message

but is there some clever way to only have the socket annotated with one type
while keeping only one send and one recv function?
Something in the spirit of this:

type 'a socket
val send : 'a socket -> 'a message -> unit
val recv : [server socket -> client message | client socket -> server message]

there is no "(client, client) socket" or "(server, server) socket";


PS: Under the hood its basically

type 'a message = bytes
type ('a, 'b) socket = mysocket

But the underlying system allows me to add filters that guarantee me the
aforementioned properties of send/receive.
** Nicolas Ojeda Bar suggested:

This is not exactly what you asked, but you can use GADTs to constrain the
phantom type (_, _) socket:

type client
type server

type (_, _) socket =
| ClientServer : mysocket -> (client, server) socket
| ServerClient : mysocket -> (server, client) socket
** Mikhail Mandrykin also suggested:

The closest solution I can suggest is with a recv signature

val recv : ('a, 'b) recv_t -> 'a socket -> 'b message

(one extra argument while socket is annotated with only one type and there's
only one send and recv function). This uses GADTs:

type 'a socket =
| Client_socket : ... -> client socket
| Server_socket : ... -> server socket

type 'a message =
| Client_message : ... -> client message
| Server_message : ... -> server message

let send =  ...

type (_, _) recv_t =
  | From_client : (server, client) recv_t
  | From_server : (client, server) recv_t

let recv : type a b. (a, b) recv_t -> a socket -> b message =
  | From_client -> fun Server_socket -> ... Client_message (...)
  | From_server -> fun Client_socket -> ... Server_message (...)

The "[server socket -> client message | client socket -> server message] "
(without an extra argument) looks like a dependent type (in spirit of " 'a
socket -> (reverse 'a) message"), which makes me doubt about whether it's
possible in OCaml.
** octachron also suggested:

I see one way to do this, but I am not sure I would call it a clever way.

The idea is to try to encode (-1),(1) and (~-) at the type level. With this
encoding, it is possible
to define send and recv as

type 'a socket
val send : 'n socket -> 'n message -> unit
val recv : 'n socket -> '-n message

A working encoding would be:

type head
type tail
type 'a socket = ... (constraint  'a = 'b * 'c)
type 'a message = ... (constraint  'a = 'b * 'c)

where you can use either gadt or abstract value to enforce that 'a is only
head*tail ( = 1 ) or tail*head ( = -1 ).

Then -( 'a * 'b ) can be translated to ('b *' a), i.e.

val send : 'n socket -> 'n message -> unit
val recv: ('a * 'b) socket -> ('b * 'a) message

With this encoding, you only need to decompose the type parameter of socket or
message when you need to flip it. However, I am not sure that this slim
advantage is worth the added complexity (and one could argue that I added
a type parameter to message rather than removed one from socket).
** Jeremy Yallop also suggested:

> but is there some clever way to only have the socket annotated with one type
> while keeping only one send and one recv function?

One way to achieve this is to add some structure to the 'server' and
'client' types, by turning your descriptions of the desired behaviour
into code.  For example, you say

> There is a server and a client which can only send "client" (client to
> server) and "server" (server to client) messages.

which you might encode as follows:

type server = < src: server; dst: client; name: [`server] >
 and client = < src: client; dst: server; name: [`client] >

These are object types, but there's no need to actually use object
values in your code.  The object type syntax is simply a convenient
way to label the different components of the type so that they can be
retrieved later.

Once you have these types you might write type-level functions to
retrieve the components.   Here's a function that retrieves the 'src'

   type 'a src = 's constraint 'a = < src: 's; .. >

This can be read as follows: src is a function that maps 'a to 's,
where 'a is an object type with a src key, and 's is the value of that

Similarly, here's a function to retrieve the 'dst' component:

   type 'a dst = 'd constraint 'a = < dst: 'd; .. >

> You can only send "client messages" on the "client socket" and "server
> messages" on the "server socket".
> val send : ('a, _) socket -> 'a message -> unit
> You can get these messages only on the respective other side.
> val recv : (_, 'b) socket -> 'b message
> Something in the spirit of this:
> type 'a socket
> val send : 'a socket -> 'a message -> unit
> val recv : [server socket -> client message | client socket -> server
> message]

You might then write

  val send : 's socket -> 's src message -> unit
  val recv : 's socket -> 's dst message

and OCaml will enforce the constraints you describe.
** Török Edwin then asked:

This is very useful to know, thanks!

It'd be interesting to know how you come up with these solutions :)
They are easy to understand as you've explained, but I wouldn't have thought of this solution
although I guessed there had to be a solution with objects (after reading
[1]), and I understand (simple) phantom types and (mostly) understand object
types and GADTs by now.

Is there some (fundamental) knowledge I'm missing that would allow me to
construct solutions to problems like these
(if so could you point to some papers, lecture notes or books please), or is
it just that I very rarely use objects/GADTs and lack the experience?

Best regards,

** Oleg then replied and mandrykin added:

> This is probably a folklore, but it was mentioned on this list more than
> a decade ago by Jacques Garrigue. We have used this trick extensively
> in
>         <http://okmij.org/ftp/meta-programming/HPC.html#GE-generation>
> (see the description on p11 of the SCP-metamonads.pdf paper, and many
> applications starting from p21)

For me actually knowing the trick used in the paper alone was not enough to
quickly come up with this solution. I had already used this object constraints
several times in even in real-life code, but that didn't help much(. To me the
key idea here (in the Jeremy Yallop's solution) is the ability to express the
"negation" function on type level with a pair of mutually-recursive types and
a constraint. This can actually be also done with polymorphic variants instead
of object types:

type client = [`cs of server * [`client]]
  and  server = [`cs of client * [`server]]
type 'a rev = 'b constraint 'a = [`cs of 'b * _] (* rev is the function *)

This ensures the relations client rev = server, server rev = client and client
<> server. This approach seems powerful enough to express any finite
permutation group, e.g. for 2 elements:

type z = [`t of [`e1] * [`e2] * z] (* initial permutation *)

type 'e e1 = [`t of 'e1 * 'e2 * 'e e1] (* neutral permutation *)
 constraint 'e = [`t of 'e1 * 'e2 * _ ]
and 'e e2 = [`t of 'e2 * 'e1 * 'e e2] (* reverse permutation *)
 constraint 'e = [`t of 'e1 * 'e2 * _]

type 'a inv = 'b constraint 'a = [`t of _ * _ * 'b]

Here "-e1 - e2 - e3 - ... - en + e1' + e2' + ... + em'" (using `+' for the
group operation and `-' for the inverse) can be encoded as "z e1 e2 ... en inv
e1' e2' ... em'". By Cayley's theorem (states that every finite group G is
isomorphic to a subgroup of the symmetric group acting on G) this means (if
I got it right) that in fact any finite group operation (and the corresponding
inverse) is encodiable in OCaml as type-level function!
4) Call for participation: ML 2015
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-07/msg00122.html>
** Jeremy Yallop announced:

Higher-order, Typed, Inferred, Strict: ACM SIGPLAN ML Family Workshop
Thursday 3 September 2015, Vancouver, Canada (co-located with ICFP)

Call For Participation:        <http://www.mlworkshop.org/ml2015/>

Early registration deadline:   Monday 3 August 2015
Register online: <https://regmaster4.com/2015conf/ICFP15/register.php>

The ML Family Workshop brings together researchers, implementors and
users of languages in the extended ML family and provides a forum to
present and discuss common issues, both practical (compilation
techniques, tooling, embedded programming) and theoretical (fancy
types, module systems, type inference).

ML 2015 will be held in Vancouver on 3 September, immediately after
ICFP and close to a number of other related events, including the
OCaml Workshop on the following day.


(Talk times and abstracts are available from the workshop website:

* The History of Standard ML: Ideas, Principles, Culture
  (Invited Talk)
  David MacQueen

* Generating code with polymorphic let
  Oleg Kiselyov

* Polymorphism, subtyping and type inference in MLsub
  Stephen Dolan and Alan Mycroft

* Arduino programming of ML-style in ATS
  Kiwamu Okabe and Hongwei Xi

* Resource monitoring for Poly/ML processes
  David Matthews, Magnus Stenqvist and Tjark Weber

* Full dependency and user-defined effects in F*
  Nikhil Swamy, C?t?lin Hri?cu, Chantal Keller, Pierre-Yves Strub,
  Aseem Rastogi, Antoine Delignat-Lavaud, Karthikeyan Bhargavan, and
  Cédric Fournet

* Dependent types for real-time constraints
  William Blair and Hongwei Xi

* Manifest contracts for OCaml
  Yuki Nishida and Atsushi Igarashi

* Lost in extraction, recovered
  Éric Tanter and Nicolas Tabareau

* GADTs and exhaustiveness: looking for the impossible
  Jacques Garrigue and Jacques Le Normand
5) Released: OCaml version 4.02.3
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2015-07/msg00123.html>
** Damien Doligez announced:

Dear OCaml users,

We have the pleasure of celebrating the anniversary of the first
transatlantic telegraph cable by announcing the release of
OCaml version 4.02.3.
This is mainly a bug-fix release, see the list of changes below.

It is (or soon will be) available as an OPAM switch, or as a source
download here: < <http://caml.inria.fr/download.en.html> >

Happy hacking,

-- Damien Doligez for the OCaml team.

OCaml 4.02.3:

Bug fixes:
- PR#6908: Top-level custom printing for GADTs: interface change in 4.02.2
  (Grégoire Henry, report by Jeremy Yallop)
- PR#6919: corrupted final_table
- PR#6926: Regression: ocamldoc lost unattached comment
  (Damien Doligez, report by François Bobot)
- PR#6930: Aliased result type of GADT constructor results in assertion failure
  (Jacques Garrigue)

Feature wishes:
- PR#6691: install .cmt[i] files for stdlib and compiler-libs
  (David Sheets, request by Gabriel Radanne)
- GPR#37: New primitive: caml_alloc_dummy_function
  (Hugo Heuzard)
6) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the OCaml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.

Fun With Opam: Advice to My Past Self:

Full Time: Sr. Software Engineer-Java Scala at The Weather Channel in Atlanta, GA:

Building the LLVM Fuzzer on Debian.:

OCaml server-side developer at Ahrefs Research (Full-time):
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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Last week athmospheric CO₂ average (Updated July 19, 2015, Mauna Loa Obs.):
401.39 ppm
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