[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Nov 4 05:47:45 PST 2014


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of October 28 to November 04, 2014.

1) Job announcement: formal methods engineer and scientific developer at FireEye
2) Stog 0.14.0
3) LablGTK 2.18.3
4) Why List.map does not be implemented
5) OCamltter 3.0.0, a Twitter client and OAuth, Twitter and Flickr API library
6) tls-0.2, nocrypto-0.2, x509-0.2, asn1-combinators-0.1.1
7) is it possible to embed an OCaml interpreter into an OCaml Module?
8) Merlin 2.0 release
9) Other OCaml News

1) Job announcement: formal methods engineer and scientific developer at FireEye
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-10/msg00217.html>
** Hendrik Tews announced:

the FireEye R&D center in Dresden, Germany, seeks outstanding
formal-methods experts and scientific programmers to join
FireEye's formal methods team in Dresden, Germany. Applicants
should have a background in logical reasoning, (formal) software
verification and functional programming. Please visit
<http://FireEye.com/careers> for the concrete job descriptions.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact me or
Roland Carter <roland.carter at FireEye.com> or visit
<http://FireEye.com> for more information about FireEye.

FireEye is a next generation security company that provides the
industry's leading threat protection technology. The formal
methods team at FireEye works on the (formal) verification of a
non-trivial piece of the software stack of one of FireEye's
future products. Dresden is one the most beautiful cities in
Germany with unique cultural attractions. The FireEye office is
in the heart of the city, next to the famous historical center.
2) Stog 0.14.0
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-10/msg00218.html>
** Maxence Guesdon announced:

Stog is a static web site compiler. It is able to handle blog posts as
well are regular pages. It can be seen as a kind of Jekyll developed in

Since release 0.12.0, Stog can be used to compile a single file to
admittedly publish HTML files where PDF was used (think about math
articles, for example).

Since release 0.13.0, a preview server can be used, watching changes and
updating the page in your browser when you save source files. 

Release 0.14.0 is now available, with some improvements.

See here for details:

I made a demo video here:
3) LablGTK 2.18.3
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-10/msg00220.html>
** Jacques Garrigue announced:

Due to a subtle incompatibility with ocaml 4.02, here is a new version of

LablGTK is an interface for the Gtk+ toolkit, version 2. It also
wraps many extensions, such as libglade, for rapid prototyping,
or gtksourceview2, for programming editors.


It should soon be available on opam.

Jacques Garrigue

LablGTK 2.18.3 changelog:

  * add Gdk.Window.create_foreign and set_transient_for functions (Tim Cuthbertson)
  * CAMLparam initializes with Val_unit rather than 0 since ocaml 4.02.
    Fix a related problem in ml_gobject.
    This caused random crashes with unison (Christopher Zimmermann, PR#1425) 
  * Also factorize some code to use Val_option_*
  * Replace XID by GdkNativeWindow where required.
    You may need to insert calls to Gdk.Window.native_of_xid in some places.
4) Why List.map does not be implemented
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-10/msg00221.html>
** Gabriel Scherer revived this old thread and said:

During a discussion of Tail-Recursion Modulo Cons with Frédéric Bour,
I had an amusing idea of how to fix that problem pointed out by Oleg.
The idea is that we can detect at mutation time whether non-linear
control effect happened, and in that case do a deep copy of the
partially-filled structure. It sounds slightly crazy but works

Here is the current implementation style of `map` in Batteries; it is
merely an abstraction over Oleg's code example above (the decision to
implement destination-passing style was not made by Batteries, but in
the former Extlib project, but the small abstraction layer is due to
François Bérenger as part of Batteries).

type 'a mut_list = {
  hd: 'a;
  mutable tl: 'a list
external inj : 'a mut_list -> 'a list = "%identity"

module Acc1 = struct
  let create x = { hd = x; tl = [] }

  let accum acc x =
    let cell = create x in
    acc.tl <- inj cell;

  let return head = inj head

let map_dst f = function
  | [] -> []
  | x :: xs ->
     let open Acc1 in
     let rec loop f acc = function
       | [] -> return acc
       | x :: xs ->
          loop f (accum acc (f x)) xs
     let acc = create (f x) in
     loop f acc xs

`accum` performs a mutation and returns the new destination in which
to produce the rest of the list. This is destination-passing-style,
and can also be understood as a manual TRMC optimization. It can also
be read as a "snoc" operation (adding a new element to the tail of a
list): it is possible to look at map_dst and think it is a pure
implementation. This pure implementation is optimized using mutation
under the hood, assuming (Mezzo-style) that the "map" function is the
unique owner of the intermediate list, which can thus be
mutated-in-place (even using strong mutation turning its type from a
mutable value to an immutable one).

Oleg explains that non-linear use of control operators (calling a
captured (delimited) continuation several times) allows to observe
this mutation, which thus destroys the probability computation of
HANSEI. Another way to see this problem is that non-linear use of
continuations breaks the unique-ownership invariant justifying the

Yet it is possible to dynamically detect when we do not uniquely own
the list anymore (a previous invocation of the current continuation
has already mutated it), by filling the yet-to-be-mutated holes with a
secret canary value (instead of []). An accumulator is "fresh"
(uniquely owned) when its tail is (physically) equal to the canary
value. If we notice a mutator is not fresh, we perform a deep copy of
the list (from the head to the accumulator) and start accumulating
again from this copy.

Here is the new implementation of "map" using an Acc2 module
implementing freshness-check and deep-copy (code at the end of this

let rec map_dst2 f = function
  | [] -> []
  | x :: xs ->
     let open Acc2 in
     (* precondition: acc is fresh *)
     let rec loop f head acc = function
       | [] -> return head acc
       | x :: xs ->
      let next = f x in
      (* control effects during (f x) may destroy freshness *)
      if fresh acc then loop f head (accum acc next) xs
      else begin
         let head, acc = copy head (inj acc) in
         (* fresh after copy *)
         loop f head (accum acc next) xs
     let head = create (f x) in
     (* head is fresh *)
     loop f head head xs

The code is slightly more verbose because the deep-copy iteration
needs to be passed both the current accumulator and the head of the
list (it wouldn't know where to copy from otherwise). Notice that the
fast path (in absence of non-linear control) only has an additional
freshness check. I benchmarked the two implementations and the
difference is negligible -- in particular, it does not perform any
additional allocation in the fast case.

This version works fine with HANSEI.

(I'm not claiming this implementation alone is what people should use
for List.map. It does not behave particularly well on small lists,
which is the most important thing for most use-cases. The only point
is that the destination-passing-style can be made to work with
non-linear control.)

Finally, here is the "protected" Acc module implementing canary-check
and deep copy:

module Acc2 = struct
  let rec canary = Obj.magic () :: canary

  let copy head limit =
    let rec copy li limit tail =
      match li with
        | [] -> assert false
        | hd::tl ->
           let cell = { hd; tl = canary } in
           tail.tl <- inj cell;
           if li == limit then cell
           else copy tl limit cell
    let new_head = { hd = head.hd; tl = canary } in
    if inj head == limit then (new_head, new_head)
    else begin
      let tail = copy head.tl limit new_head in
      new_head, tail

  let create x = { hd = x; tl = canary }

  let fresh acc = acc.tl == canary

  let accum acc x =
    let cell = { hd = x; tl = canary } in
    acc.tl <- inj cell;

  let return head acc =
    acc.tl <- [];
    inj head

Full source for this experiment is available here:
5) OCamltter 3.0.0, a Twitter client and OAuth, Twitter and Flickr API library
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-10/msg00236.html>
** Jun Furuse announced:

We have released OCamltter 3.0.0, an OAuth framework in OCaml. It
includes OAuth and some APIs for Twitter and Flickr, and OCamltter CLI
Twitter client.

Version 3.0.0 generalized OCamltter 2.x's Twitter OAuth library so
that now it can also support Flickr API access. Still only handful
APIs are implemented but I use it to upload my family photos to Flickr
quite nicely.

OCamltter 3.0.0 is now available via OPAM.
Its source repo is at: <https://github.com/yoshihiro503/ocamltter>
6) tls-0.2, nocrypto-0.2, x509-0.2, asn1-combinators-0.1.1
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-10/msg00242.html>
** Hannes Mehnert announced:

More than 3 months ago we announced the 0.1 release of our TLS library
pack (BSD licensed). Since then we fixed bugs based on user feedback
and also implemented new features.

Now we prepared a pre-halloween special release :)

Highlights (more details are in CHANGES.md of each repository):
- nocrypto-0.2: uses ctypes, DSA, CCM, compiles on 4.02
- tls-0.2: epoch exposes information about negotiated session, enum
cleanups (ciphersuites, protocol versions, hash algorithms)
- asn1-0.1.1: stricter decoding of integers in tags and OIDs,
performance improvements
- x509-0.2: information about used trust anchor, more utility
functions exported

Read our blog series about the initial release at
An https server in OCaml visualising the TLS handshake

The updated packages are already in opam, opam update && opam upgrade
(or opam install tls/nocrypto/x509/asn1-combinators) should be all you
need to do.

If you encounter any issues, please report these on GitHub
<https://github.com/mirleft> in the appropriate project.

We're also still looking for code feedback and code reviews.
7) is it possible to embed an OCaml interpreter into an OCaml Module?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-10/msg00244.html>
** Christoph Höger announced:

I already asked this on stackoverflow and was pointed to
compiler-libs.toplevel - indeed this API seems to be sufficient to run
an OCaml interpreter from inside an OCaml program (as that seems to be
what utop does).

But ist it also possible in some way to embed that interpreter safely
in an OCaml Module (so I can reuse it e.g. from within utop)?
Currently, it seems that there is exactly one dedicated toplevel for
every running bytecode interpreter and when running utop, it is
already in use.

So what I would need would be the ability to execute a phrase from
within a call of execute_phrase. I already clonded the toploop module
and for tehe time being I am fine with that. What I need is a way to

a) safe the already set ('outer') toplevel value bindings
b) restore the nested value bindings
c) execute the compiled bytecode
d) restore the 'outer' value bindings

is there someone who can point me to a solution?
** Peter Zotov replied then Stephen Dolan said:

> There is nothing special about the toplevel or the OCaml interpreter.
> Indeed, you can run a chunk of OCaml code at any time using
> the caml_callback C call--this is exactly what the runtime would
> invoke at startup, or what the toplevel would do to run a freshly
> compiled phrase.
> However, the OCaml runtime has quite some global data:
> a cursory look brings up GC, backtrace machinery, polymorphic
> comparison (!), debugger, dynlink (and its symbol tables),
> exceptions, finalizers, and a few more things. Depending on your
> desired level of isolation, it might be very hard to provide
> a clean environment.
> Incidentally, can someone explain how the runtime manages to be
> multithreaded while it has so much global data? Please don't
> tell me the answer is "every thread copies it back and forth
> on context switch".

In current OCaml, there is a global lock. The global data can only be
accessed holding this lock, so only one thread can run OCaml code at a

In the multicore branch, the data is thread-local.
** oleg also replied:

The MetaOCaml top-level does exactly what you have described. It is
the standard OCaml toplevel with the ability to execute the generated
code. Please look at the file metalib/runcode.ml in the MetaOCaml
distribution. If you get it from the metaocaml.bundle, you get the
current version. Otherwise, please to make sure the beginning of
run_bytecode starts as follows:

let run_bytecode' exp =
  if !initial_env = Env.empty then begin
    let old_time = Ident.current_time() in
    (* does Ident.reinit() and may corrupt the timestamp if we
       run in top-level. See Ident.reinit code
    initial_env := Compmisc.initial_env(); 
    Ident.set_current_time old_time
  (* Ctype.init_def(Ident.current_time());  *)
** Christoph Höger then said:

Thanks for the hint. I wasn't able to figure out, how MetaOCaml does
the trick, though. So, here is my solution.

The trick is to store away the old "toploop" global variable from the
Symtable module. This seems to work, although it looks a bit hacky. I
am unsure whether this works _outside_ of a toplevel. The sane way
would be to also fork Translmod and add a completely new global
variable for my interpreter, but that seems to be impossible (adding
that global variable programatically). I do not understand, why there
is no API dealing with it. Is there a deeper reason?

let toploop_id = Ident.create_persistent "Toploop"

let execute_phrase print_outcome ppf phr =
  match phr with
  | Ptop_def sstr ->
      let outer_toploop = Symtable.get_global_value toploop_id in
      let _ = Symtable.assign_global_value toploop_id (Obj.repr
toplevel_value_api) in
      let oldenv = !toplevel_env in
      Typecore.reset_delayed_checks ();
      let (str, sg, newenv) = Typemod.type_toplevel_phrase oldenv sstr in
      if !Clflags.dump_typedtree then Printtyped.implementation ppf str;
      let sg' = Typemod.simplify_signature sg in
      ignore (Includemod.signatures oldenv sg sg');
      Typecore.force_delayed_checks ();
      let lam = Translmod.transl_toplevel_definition str in
      Warnings.check_fatal ();
      begin try
        toplevel_env := newenv;
        let res = load_lambda ppf lam in
        let out_phr =
          match res with
          | Result v ->
	     let res =
               if print_outcome then
                 Printtyp.wrap_printing_env oldenv (fun () ->
						    match str.str_items with
						    | [ { str_desc = Tstr_eval (exp, _attrs) }] ->
						       let outv = outval_of_value newenv v exp.exp_type in
						       let ty = Printtyp.tree_of_type_scheme exp.exp_type in
						       Ophr_eval (outv, ty)
						    | [] -> Ophr_signature []
						    | _ -> Ophr_signature (item_list newenv sg'))
               else Ophr_signature []
	     in Symtable.assign_global_value toploop_id outer_toploop ; res
          | Exception exn ->
	     Symtable.assign_global_value toploop_id outer_toploop ;
             toplevel_env := oldenv;
             if exn = Out_of_memory then Gc.full_major();
             let outv =
               outval_of_value !toplevel_env (Obj.repr exn)
             Ophr_exception (exn, outv)
        !print_out_phrase ppf out_phr;
        begin match out_phr with
        | Ophr_eval (_, _) | Ophr_signature _ -> true
        | Ophr_exception _ -> false
      with x ->
        toplevel_env := oldenv; raise x
  | Ptop_dir(dir_name, dir_arg) ->
      let d =
        try Some (Hashtbl.find directive_table dir_name)
        with Not_found -> None
      begin match d with
      | None ->
          fprintf ppf "Unknown directive `%s'. at ." dir_name;
      | Some d ->
          match d, dir_arg with
          | Directive_none f, Pdir_none -> f (); true
          | Directive_string f, Pdir_string s -> f s; true
          | Directive_int f, Pdir_int n -> f n; true
          | Directive_ident f, Pdir_ident lid -> f lid; true
          | Directive_bool f, Pdir_bool b -> f b; true
          | _ ->
              fprintf ppf "Wrong type of argument for directive `%s'. at ."
8) Merlin 2.0 release
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-11/msg00004.html>
** Frédéric Bour announced:

After months of development, we are pleased to announce the stable
release of Merlin 2.0.
Supported OCaml versions range from 4.00 to 4.02.1.

Merlin is a tool focused on helping you code in OCaml, by providing
features such as:
- automatic completion of identifiers, using scope and type
- interactively typing definitions and expressions during edition,
- jumping to the definition of any identifier,
- quickly reporting errors in the editor.

This release provides great improvements in robustness and quality of
analysis. Files that changed on disk are now automatically reloaded.
The parsing process is finer grained to provide more accurate recovery
and error messages. Integration with JaneStreet Core and js_of_ocaml
has also improved. 

Vim & Emacs are still the main targeted editors. Preliminary support
for Sublime Text is also available, see
<https://github.com/def-lkb/sublime-text-merlin> . Help is welcome to
improve and extend supported editing environments.

Windows support also received some fixes. Merlin is now distributed in
WODI. Integration in OCaml-on-windows is planned.

This new version of merlin is already available with opam using `opam
install merlin`, and can also be built from the sources which are
available at <http://github.com/the-lambda-church/merlin>

We want to thank: Yotam Barnoy, Jacques-Pascal Deplaix, Geoff Gole,
Rudi Grinberg, Steve Purcell and Jan Rehders, who all contributed to
this release. Thanks to Luc Rocher for providing initial integration
with Sublime Text. 
We also thank Gabriel Scherer and JaneStreet for their continued

The Merlin team
9) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the OCaml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.

Two final versions and a Verasco release:

Merlin 2.0 release:

Senior Software Engineer at Soda Software Labs (Full-time):

Calendar v2.04:

The ocamlunix project moved to a new home:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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