[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jun 10 05:59:08 PDT 2014


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of June 03 to 10, 2014.

1) Why AVL-tree?
2) How is Async implemented?
3) Multicore runtime
4) PG'OCaml 2.1
5) Thoughts on targeting windows
6) uCorelib 0.2.0
7) Other OCaml News

1) Why AVL-tree?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-06/msg00013.html>
** Continuing this thread from last week, Yaron Minsky said:

The following summary of what we do with respect to Maps and Sets in
Core was written by David Powers (who isn't yet subscribe to the list,
so he asked me to forward it on.)

In Core we use a slight modification of the AVL tree found in the
standard library.  I think the biggest change (other than the
interface) is that we add a specialized constructor (Leaf of 'key *
'value) as a specialization of Node (left * key * value * right) to
limit allocation.  It's a nice speed bump and doesn't do too much
damage to the readability of the code.

We also spent a bunch of time last summer working through the research
papers of the last 10 years to see if we could find an implementation
we liked better.  I'd have to pull up the full history of the project
to give real details, but we tried at least all of the following:

- red-black trees
- left-leaning red-black trees
- treaps (including a variant that stored entropy in the spare bits in
the variant tag)
- splay trees
- weight balanced trees
- AVL trees with GADT enforcement of the invariants
- 1-2 brother trees

I'll lead with the caveat that benchmarking is hard, and these
structures shine in different ways depending on the type of workload
you throw at them.  Each implementation below was also mostly a
first-pass to understand the structure and do simple tests, so there
may be more speed gold in the hills.  Your mileage may vary.

That said, our conclusions at the end:

- red black trees are hard to code and understand (mostly due to
remove), and don't show a real performance win.

- treaps are a wonderful structure in terms of code simplicity, but
getting enough randomness quickly enough is too costly to make them a
win over AVL trees (you need to allocate just as much and you need to
generate randomness)

- splay trees are in our tree, but are too special purpose to be a general win.

- Weight balanced trees are a nice structure, and are used in other
languages/libraries.  They were neither better or worse than AVL

- AVL trees with GADT enforcement work, but were actually slower than
straightforward AVL trees at the time we tested them.  There is some
extra matching due to the variant having more cases, so perhaps this
isn't surprising.  It's also likely that we didn't carry the
2-imbalance trick into the GADT version, which might have skewed the

- 1-2 brother trees were the best of the lot, and we actually produced
a version of the code that we felt was an overall win (or tie) for all
workloads.  Unfortunately, the optimizations we needed to get us there
made the code much longer and harder to understand than the AVL tree
code.  We just couldn't convince ourselves that it was worth it.

Probably the most important point is that nothing we did above gave a
general win of more than 10-20% in the tight loop case.  Given that,
we kept our tweaked AVL tree implementation.  If you want to be very
very fast, you probably can't get away with a map, and if you just
want to be "fast enough" the AVL tree we have is a nice set of
tradeoffs for code complexity.
2) How is Async implemented?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-06/msg00018.html>
** Dan Stark asked:

I am trying to get a rough overview of how Async is implemented (or
the idea behind it) before I really dig into its source code.

I have the following questions:

Q1: Is Async event-loop like?

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