[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jul 15 06:59:54 PDT 2014


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of July 08 to 15, 2014.

1) ocaml-tls (and ocaml-nocrypto / ocaml-x509 / ocaml-asn1-combinators)
2) proposal for finding, loading and composing ppx preprocessors
3) llpp v19
4) OCaml-Java is going alpha, to github
5) Core Suite 111.21.00
6) Other OCaml News

1) ocaml-tls (and ocaml-nocrypto / ocaml-x509 / ocaml-asn1-combinators)
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-07/msg00052.html>
** Hannes Mehnert announced:

Live test server: <https://tls.openmirage.org> :)

We announce a **beta** release of `ocaml-tls`, a clean-slate
implementation of
[Transport Layer
Security](<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security>) (TLS) in

### What is TLS?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is probably the most widely deployed
security protocol on the Internet. It provides communication privacy
to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. Furthermore,
it optionally provides authentication of the involved endpoints. TLS
is commonly deployed for securing web services
([HTTPS](<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2818>)), emails,
virtual private networks, and wireless networks.

TLS uses asymmetric cryptography to exchange a symmetric key, and
optionally authenticate (using X.509) either or both endpoints. It
provides algorithmic agility, which means that the key exchange
method, symmetric encryption algorithm, and hash algorithm are

### TLS in OCaml

Our implementation [ocaml-tls](<https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-tls>)
is already able to interoperate with
existing TLS implementations, and supports several important TLS
such as server name indication ([RFC4366][], enabling virtual hosting)
and secure renegotiation ([RFC5746][]).

Our [demonstration server][^7] runs `ocaml-tls` and renders exchanged
TLS messages in nearly real time by receiving a trace of the TLS
session setup. If you encounter any problems, please give us

`ocaml-tls` and all dependent libraries are available via [OPAM][^18]
(`opam install tls`). The [source is available][^1]
under a BSD license. We are primarily working towards completeness of
protocol features, such as client authentication, session resumption,
elliptic curve and GCM
cipher suites, and have not yet optimised for performance.

`ocaml-tls` depends on the following independent libraries:
[ocaml-nocrypto][^6] implements the
cryptographic primitives, [ocaml-asn1-combinators][^5] provides ASN.1
parsers/unparsers, and
[ocaml-x509][^8] implements the X509 grammar and certificate
validation ([RFC5280][]). [ocaml-tls][^1] implements TLS (1.0, 1.1 and
1.2; [RFC2246][],
[RFC4346][], [RFC5246][]).

We invite the community to audit and run our code, and we are
particularly interested in discussion of our APIs.
Please use the [mirage-devel mailing list][^9] for discussions.

**Please be aware that this release is a *beta* and is missing
external code audits.
It is not yet intended for use in any security critical applications.**

In our [issue tracker][^14] we transparently document known attacks
against TLS and our mitigations
([checked][^4] and [unchecked][^11]).
We have not yet implemented mitigations against either the
[Lucky13][^12] timing attack or traffic analysis (e.g. [length-hiding

### Trusted code base

Designed to run on Mirage, the trusted code base of `ocaml-tls` is
small. It includes the libraries already mentioned,
[`ocaml-tls`][^1], [`ocaml-asn-combinators`][^5], [`ocaml-x509`][^8],
and [`ocaml-nocrypto`][^6] (which uses C implementations of block
ciphers and hash algorithms). For arbitrary precision integers needed in
asymmetric cryptography, we rely on [`zarith`][^15], which wraps
[`libgmp`][^16]. As underlying byte array structure we use
[`cstruct`][^17] (which uses OCaml `Bigarray` as storage).

We should also mention the OCaml runtime, the OCaml compiler, the
operating system on which the source is compiled and the binary is
executed, as
well as the underlying hardware. Two effectful frontends for
the pure TLS core are implemented, dealing
with side-effects such as reading and writing from the network:
[Lwt_unix](<http://ocsigen.org/lwt/api/Lwt_unix>) and
Mirage, so applications can run directly as a Xen unikernel.

### Why a new TLS implementation?

Thanks to [Frama-C][frama-c] guys for [pointing][twitter-1]
that [CVE-2014-1266][] and [CVE-2014-0224][] are *not* memory safety
issues, but
logic errors. This article previously stated otherwise.

[frama-c]: <http://frama-c.com/>
[twitter-1]: <https://twitter.com/spun_off/status/486535304426188800>
[twitter-2]: <https://twitter.com/spun_off/status/486536572792090626>

There are only a few TLS implementations publicly available and most
programming languages bind to OpenSSL, an open source implementation
in C. There are valid reasons to interface with an existing TLS library,
rather than developing one from scratch, including protocol complexity and
compatibility with different TLS versions and implementations. But
From our
perspective the disadvantage of most existing libraries is that they
are written in C, leading to:

  * Memory safety issues, as recently observed by [Heartbleed][] and
    session identifier memory corruption ([CVE-2014-3466][]) bugs;
  * Control flow complexity (Apple's goto fail, [CVE-2014-1266][]);
  * And difficulty in encoding state machines (OpenSSL change cipher suite
    attack, [CVE-2014-0224][]).

Our main reasons for `ocaml-tls` are that OCaml is a modern functional
language, which allows concise and declarative descriptions of the
complex protocol logic and provides type safety and memory safety to help
guard against programming errors. Its functional nature is extensively
employed in our code: the core of the protocol is written in purely
functional style, without any side effects.

Subsequent blog posts [over the coming
days](<https://github.com/mirage/mirage/issues/257>) will examine in
more detail
the design and implementation of the four libraries, as well as the
trade-offs and some TLS attacks and our mitigations against them.  For now
though, we invite you to try out our **[demonstration server][^7]**
running our stack over HTTPS.  We're particularly interested in
feedback on our [issue tracker](<https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-tls>)
clients that fail to connect, and any queries from anyone reviewing
the [source code](<https://github.com/mirleft/>)
of the constituent libraries.

[^1]: <https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-tls>
[^3]: <http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bsdcan14-libressl/mgp00026.html>)
[^5]: <https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-asn1-combinators>
[^6]: <https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-nocrypto>
[^7]: <https://tls.openmirage.org/>
[^8]: <https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-x509>
[^9]: <http://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/mirageos-devel/>
[^10]: <https://github.com/mirage/mirage-entropy>
[^12]: <http://www.isg.rhul.ac.uk/tls/Lucky13.html>
[^13]: <http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pironti-tls-length-hiding-02>
[^14]: <https://github.com/mirleft/ocaml-tls/issues>
[^15]: <https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/zarith>
[^16]: <https://gmplib.org/>
[^17]: <https://github.com/mirage/ocaml-cstruct>
[^18]: <https://opam.ocaml.org/packages/tls/tls.0.1.0/>

[attacks]: <http://eprint.iacr.org/2013/049>
[Heartbleed]: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbleed>
[frankencert]: <https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~shmat/shmat_oak14.pdf>
[mitls]: <http://www.mitls.org>
[Fortuna]: <https://www.schneier.com/fortuna.html>
[cheap]: <http://people.cs.missouri.edu/~harrisonwl/drafts/CheapThreads.pdf>
[RFC4366]: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4366>
[RFC5746]: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5746>
[RFC5280]: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280>
[RFC2246]: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2246>
[RFC4346]: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4346>
[RFC5246]: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246>
2) proposal for finding, loading and composing ppx preprocessors
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-07/msg00059.html>
** Benjamin Canou proposed:

To accompany the arrival of annotations in the forthcoming release, we
propose to discuss and hopefully agree on a standard way of selecting
the adequate preprocessor(s) for a given file. Gerd already introduced
a mechanism in the last version of OCamlFind, that we'd like to extend
as follows.

Our idea is to indicate via a pragma inside the file, how it has to be
processed. You can see that as a machine readable way of writing (*
this file has to be preprocessed with blah using options blah *). For
this, we propose that build systems use a default preprocessor
systematically, that would interpret these pragmas and find and call
its fellow preprocessors accordingly.

The compiler already provides built-in annotations. In a way, it's
a second predefined layer, this time for the build system.

We designed and prototyped such a tool [1], which understand
annotations of the form [@@@ syntax "package"], to preprocess the
following code using the ppx declared in the corresponding OCamlFind

The tool also defines a way to register plug-ins instead of
executables so preprocessors can be dynlinked instead of called as

Extensions could be:
 - delimiting a fragment of the code to process
 - add a way to associate a given annotation identifier to
a preprocessor, so that only the mother preprocessor would do the tree
traversal, specific preprocessors only seeing the nodes they are
actually interested in.
 - other kind of pragmas for the build system ?

Again, the goal is to agree now on a standard way and avoid the mess
we had with camlp4. What do you think ?

  Benjamin, Grégoire and Pierre @ OCamlPro.

[1] <https://github.com/hnrgrgr/ppx_loader>
** Alain Frisch replied:

This topic of how to specify which ppx processors to run, and avoiding
multiple processes, is indeed still largely opened.

I don't see what's the benefit of restricting the processors to
subtrees.  It's easy enough for each processor to traverse extension
nodes it doesn't support (this is the behavior of the default
mapper). And I don't think it's a good idea to introduce a composition
model different from the successive application of different
processors on the entire tree. I.e. function composition, which is
quite well understood and easy to reason about.  In particular, you
only need to understand the behavior of each processor to predict what
the composition will do, not exactly how each processor is implemented
(and which state it carries across the tree, internally).

With ocamlfind 1.5, requiring a package when compiling a file adds the
required -ppx flags in addition to the -I flags.  If we want to avoid
multiple process, one could create a meta ppx driver which dynamically
loads and runs other drivers (specified as .cmxs files).  To be able
to use such as meta driver from ocamlfind, ocamlfind needs to know
about how to build each ppx processor (i.e. which libraries should be
invoked).  Dynamic linking might not be the best solution, though: it
is not available on all platforms, and it requires all libraries on
which ppx processor depend to provide a corresponding .cmxs.  The
alternative is to have ocamlfind link a specific meta driver
statically (using its knowledge of package dependencies) for each
actual combination of ppx to be used, relying on an internal cache to
avoid linking the same driver repeatedly, of course.  The next step is
to create not ppx drivers (that incorporate multiple precessors), but
compiler drivers (to avoid completely extra process creations and
marshaling of the AST).  If this is encapsulated in ocamlfind (or
a similar tool), this can still be used by any build system which
currently relies on ocamlfind.

Specifying ppx requirements in the source code is a different topic.
It might be a good direction, but then I don't see why this should be
restricted to ppx requirements and not -I flags.  It would seem
logical to specify package requirements, which would add both -I
and -ppx flags (and maybe more).

Actually, it would have been more important to specify package
requirements for Camlp4 processors, since this knowledge might be
required by tools that are not under the control of your build system,
such as your editor/IDE (to load the corresponding syntactic
support). Since the concrete syntax doesn't change anymore with ppx
processors, it seems less critical to specify them in the source code
(I'd say, not more and not less than general package requirement).
** Peter Zotov also replied, and Anil Madhavapeddy said:

> I wonder if we should just get rid of a Unix-like build pipeline entirely,
> and just make a hybrid frontend-buildsystem that would use compiler-libs
> and never execute an external OCaml process. This would make builds even
> faster and it's the logical conclusion of Alain's suggestion.

I prototyped one of these a couple of years ago while trying to speed up
the Mirage build system, but required some extensive patching of the compiler
sources and was definitely not suitable for upstreaming.

These days, much of the required functionality is exposed via the
compiler-libs package, so it should be possible to have a go at this
much more easily.

Personally, I'd love to see the use of Sys replaced with the Irmin Git
library database (<http://github.com/mirage/irmin>).  This would allow a model
where the ML sources are imported into a Git DAG, passed through to the 
compiler-libs as an in-memory structure, and the intermediate results 
recorded in the DAG, still all in-memory.

When the build has completed, the Irmin DAG could be dumped to disk in
the Git file format, permitting the entire build process to be inspected
if necessary (or GCed if not).  All the Git bits are currently supported
by Irmin, so this project just requires an intrepid hacker to connect
compiler-libs, Irmin, and some coordination glue.
3) llpp v19
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-07/msg00081.html>
** av1474 announced:

New version of llpp (tagged v19) is no available at


llpp a graphical PDF viewer which aims to superficially resemble


* Optional fontconfig support
* Reorganized/improved help screen (Michael Asnes)
* History mode
    Somewhat breaking change, full paths are now stored not just file
    names. This mode is entered by default when llpp is invoked without
    a path to the document to be viewed.
* Bugfixes
** Peter Zotov then added:

I've submitted llpp to OPAM[1]; in addition, I rewrote the buildsystem
you have to use ocamlbuild and system-provided  packages[2], which
made it much simpler. Perhaps you will find it helpful.

[1]: <https://opam.ocaml.org>
[2]: <https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/2351/files>
4) OCaml-Java is going alpha, to github
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-07/msg00086.html>
** Xavier Clerc announced:

This post announces a new version (namely alpha1) of OCaml-Java.
The main goal of the project is to provide a compiler targeting the
JVM. The related objectives are to gain access to a greater number
of libraries, and to be able to take advantage of multiple cores.

This new version is partially open-sourced: the code for the compiler
and associated tools, as well as libraries is fully available. The code
for the runtime support library comes as a prebuilt binary, and will
be open-sourced later, when clean enough. Installation steps for
binary-, source-, or opam-based distributions can be found at the
following address:

The new website (<http://www.ocamljava.org>) completely replaces
the previous one, and the project repository is now hosted on github:

The purpose of this alpha version is to gather feeback from the
community. So, feel free to contact me either by private mail or through
the github issue tracker. Some notes about the project can also be found
at the following address:
5) Core Suite 111.21.00
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-07/msg00089.html>
** Ben Millwood announced:

I'm happy to announce the 111.21.00 release of the Core suite.

The following packages were upgraded:

- async_extended
- async_extra
- async_ssl
- async_unix
- core
- core_kernel
- custom_printf
- jenga
- ocaml_plugin
- patdiff
- patience_diff

Files and documentation for this release are available on our website
and all packages are in opam:


Here is the list of changes for this version:

## async_extra

- Added `Sexp_hum` `Log.Output.format`, which is useful for making
more human readable.
- Added `with compare` to `Rpc.Implementation.Description`.

## async_ssl

- Upgraded to use new ctypes and its new stub generation methods.

## async_unix

- Added `Process.wait_stdout` and `wait_stdout_lines`, which are like
`run` and `run_lines`, but take a `Process.t`.

## core

- Fixed an issue where `Time.Zone.init` would not properly traverse
directory containing timezone information.
- Added `Time.With_utc_sexp`, which has stable serialization of
that is byte-for-byte equal across timezones.
- Made `Uuid` stable.
- Made `Piecewise_linear` stable.

## core_kernel

- Removed our custom C stub for closing channels, reverting to the one
in the OCaml runtime.

A long time ago we found that the OCaml runtime did not release the
lock before calling `close` on the fd underlying a channel. On some
filesystems (e.g. smb, nfs) this could cause a runtime hang. We
filed a bug with INRIA and wrote our own `close` function which
`In_channel` calls to this day. The bug has long been fixed, and
our function is probably buggy, so this reverts us to the runtime's

- Added `Float.{of,to}_int64_preserve_order`, which implement the
order-preserving zero-preserving bijection between non-NaN floats and
99.95% of `Int64`'s. 

Used the new function to improve `one_ulp`, which is now exposed:

(** The next or previous representable float. ULP stands for "unit of
least precision",
and is the spacing between floating point numbers. Both [one_ulp `Up
infinity] and
[one_ulp `Down neg_infinity] return a nan. *)
val one_ulp : [`Up | `Down] -> t -> t

- Changed `Map.symmetric_diff` to return a `Sequence.t`
instead of a `list`.
- Added `Sequence.filter_map`.
- Improved `Stable_unit_test.Make_sexp_deserialization_test`'s error
message so that it includes the expected sexp.

## custom_printf

- Fixed a bug in which custom-printf syntax was incompatible with
labeled arguments.

For example, the preprocessor used to raise an exception on this code:

let f ~labeled_arg:() fmt = ksprintf (fun _ -> ()) fmt in
f !"hello" ~labeled_arg:()

## jenga

- Introduced jenga API v3, a small cleanup of v2 which has been
for a while.

## ocaml_plugin

- Fixed a bug in `ocaml_embed_compiler` on 32-bit machines.

`ocaml_embed_compiler` tries to read the full contents of the file as
a string, but the string might be too big on 32bits:


## patdiff

- Added `Patdiff_core.iter_ansi`.

(** Iter along the lines of the diff and the breaks between hunks.
Offers more flexibility
regarding what the caller wants to do with the lines *)
val iter_ansi
: f_hunk_break:((int*int) -> (int*int) -> unit)
-> f_line:(string -> unit)
-> string Patience_diff.Hunk.t list
-> unit

## patience_diff

- Added plain differ `Plain_diff` and use it in some cases for
improved results.
- Move modules under `Patience_diff_lib.Std`.


We hope you find it useful!

-- Ben Millwood, on behalf of the Core team.
6) Other OCaml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the OCaml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.

OCaml-TLS: the protocol implementation and mitigations to known attacks:

OCaml-TLS: ASN.1 and notation embedding:

What's in a name?:

How to Set the Evil Bit:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .

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