[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Nov 5 05:47:18 PST 2013


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of October 22 to November 05, 2013.

Sorry for the silence last week, I was on an island with tethering-only internet access.

1) Robust left to right flow for record disambiguation
2) random-generator 0.1
3) A useful Makefile collection for OCaml projects
4) ODT 3.0 released
5) LLVM OCaml bindings
6) Other Caml News

1) Robust left to right flow for record disambiguation
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-10/msg00172.html>
** Bob Zhang asked:

    Record disambiguation is a practical feature, it helps a lot in
writing open-free code.
    In practice, I found it is a bit limited, below is two scenarios
that the compiler can not infer in a correct way, will this be
improved in the future by any chance?
     From the user's point of view, annotating the toplevel is quite
acceptable, maybe the typechecker could take the type-annotation as a
higher priority.
        let f (ls:t) =
           ls |> List.map (fun x -> x.loc) (* cannot inferred x.loc*)
        type t = {loc:string}
        type v = {loc:string; x:int}
        type u = [`Key of t]
        let f (u:t) =
          match u with
          | `Key {loc} -> loc (* does not compile *)
** Jacques Garrigue replied:

Case 1 would require a new specification of how type propagation works.
In particular, propagating from an argument to another argument.
For this reason, the probability that it gets done is low.
(I know that F# handles this case in a special way, but do we want to introduce
a special case just for |> ?)

Case 2 seems more reasonable (after replacing (u:t) by (u:u)).
In particular,
   let f (u:u) =
        match u with `Key loc -> loc.loc
already works, so it seems strange that the pattern-matching version doesn't.
** Alain Frisch then added:

> Case 1 would require a new specification of how type propagation works.
> In particular, propagating from an argument to another argument.
> For this reason, the probability that it gets done is low.
> (I know that F# handles this case in a special way, but do we want to introduce
> a special case just for |> ?)

The situation with List.map (or similar iterators) is quite common, and 
remains one of the only cases where local annotations are often required.

There is already a left-to-right propagation between arguments:

  type t = {a: int};;
  type s = {a: string};;
  List.map (fun ({a} : t) -> a + 1) [{a=2}];;   (* accepted *)
  List.map (fun {a} -> a + 1) [({a=2} : t)];;   (* rejected *)

With -principal, the first case is reported as non principal (warning 18).

Is there any practical or theoretical problem with specifying the 
information flow in order to make it principal?

For List.map and similar cases, one often prefers the type information 
to flow from the data stucture to the local abstraction.  One can define:

  let map l f = List.map f l

so that:

  map [{a=2}] (fun ({a} : t) -> a + 1);;   (* rejected *)
  map [({a=2} : t)] (fun {a} -> a + 1);;   (* accepted *)

One could imagine heuristics (based either on the function type, or on 
the argument shape) to pick a different ordering, but it seems much 
better to have a simple and predictable flow, and the left-to-right 
seems the most natural one between function arguments.  If we specify 
such information flow, it is then the responsibility of the library 
author to choose a "good" ordering.  I hoped that labeled arguments 
could let the client code choose a different one, but this doesn't work:

  let map ~f l = List.map f l

  map [{a=2}] ~f:(fun ({a} : t) -> a + 1);;   (* accepted *)
  map ~f:(fun ({a} : t) -> a + 1) [{a=2}];;   (* accepted *)

  map [({a=2} : t)] ~f:(fun {a} -> a + 1);;   (* rejected *)
  map ~f:(fun {a} -> a + 1) [({a=2} : t)];;   (* rejected *)

Does it seem reasonable to use the actual ordering between arguments on 
the call site rather than the one defined by the function type?
** Didier Remy then said and Alain Frisch replied:

> I don't think specifying the information flow between left and right
> (always-left-to-right, always-right-to-left, or depending-on-examples) is a
> good design. This leads to non predictable type inference and less robust
> programs  : refactoring a function by just changing the order of parameters
> (and consistently changing the order of arguments in all uses of the
> function) may break existing programs and also require new annotations.

This is already the case, except for people using -principal.  I know it 
is recommended to use this option (at least once in a while), but I 
doubt many users actually do it.  (And FWIW, -principal is so slow on 
our code base that we cannot actually use it in practice -- this is 
probably related to the way we use object types.)

As a user, I think I'm willing to pay the price of risking having to add 
a few annotations on the next refactoring if this makes a very common 
idiom more practical.

> Also, such a biased will encourage people to write parameters of functions
> in an order that works well for the uses they have in mind.  I think it odd
> that type inference would have such an influence in choosing the order of
> function parameters.

If the ordering used for the (specified) information flow were drawn 
from the actual call site, labeled arguments would be a good solution.
2) random-generator 0.1
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-10/msg00198.html>
** Gabriel Scherer announced:

Simon's recent random-testing library release motivated me to finally
document and release a tiny library that had been collecting dust for
a few months now.


random-generator is trying to answer the following question:
  "What is an elegant interface for random value generation?"

The focus is to get a combinator library where small, composable
combinators are composed to express rich behaviors. I tried hard to
choose type definitions that avoid duplication of concerns between the
various aspects of the library, building domain-specific notions of
random generation on top of a simple base layer in a modular way.

(Note that this focus is sometimes in tension with providing
convenient, derived functions that make user's code short and easy to
read. For now, random-generator will choose the "nice for the library
designer" way, and code may require some time learning the library to
be easy to read. You have been warned.)

The library currently provides three different pieces:

- a type ('a gen) for simple random generation
- a type ('a backtrack_gen) for generators that can fail:
  "generate a value such that this (possibly empty) condition is verified"
- a type ('a fueled) for generation of values with an inductive
  (tree-like) structure that looks nice to the human eye;
  see the documentation for more information on this:


I consider the value of this library to be in its interface, not
necessarily its implementation. I think the current interface is solid
(though it can still be improved) and encourage people writing random
generators to steal and reuse it -- or at least feel inspired by it.

Closing remark: This design experiment started from Xavier Clerc's
inspiring Kaputt library ( <http://kaputt.x9c.fr/> ), that got me
interested in random testing a few years ago. I have found random
testing to be very useful for various kind of projects
(random-generator was used to build a term generator for this year's
ICFP contest in a matter of minutes), and would encourage anyone to
consider using it to find the obvious bug in any fresh code
manipulating non-trivial data structures.
** Gabriel Kerneis asked and Francois Berenger replied:

> Do you know about Boltzmann samplers/generators, and how they compare to
> your "fueled" generators?

There is also the pareto library from Sergei Lebedev if you are looking
for a statistics library:


 From there:

pareto is an OCaml statistics library, based on GSL, which provides:
-Common statistical tests for significant differences between samples.
-Uniform interface for common discrete and continuous probability 
-Sample statistics, quantile estimation, kernel density estimation.
-Resampling methods: jackknife, BCa bootstrap.
3) A useful Makefile collection for OCaml projects
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-10/msg00239.html>
** Michael Grünewald announced:

I use a moderately sophisticated collection of Makefile to build my
OCaml-based projects. I recently decided to polish its organisation and
documentation, because it might be useful to someone else. If you are
interested in trying it, check your backups and visit


Installation instructions are found on this page and an example for a
simple ocaml program.

Of course, your feedback would be much appreciated and I would try to
answer questions that you may have!

It is usable with BSD Make and some variants. On FreeBSD it is `make`,
on other BSDs it is probably `make` as well, on Mac OS X it is `bsdmake`
and on Debian it is `pmake`. If you do not have any of these programs,
you may install bmake, see


- It is written for make(1) and it is thus easy to extend or to
integrate in a typical unixish workflow.
- It supports OBJDIRPREFIX, which means you can separate sources and
object files and implement ?compilation profiles? having products stored
in different directories.
- It supports parallel build at the ?directory granularity level?.
- It supports ocamlfind, ocamldoc, ocamldepends, ocamllex and ocamlyacc.
- It supports the production of GPG-signed distfile tarballs.

Aside from compiling OCaml programs, it can do many more useful things
(typeset with TeX, weave and tangle with noweb).


There are examples in the `test/ocaml' subdirectory, each subdirectory
is a toy product demonstrating some features. The `miniproj-3' displays
use of the most advanced features.

Recipes for building OCaml based products are found in the Wiki:



Makefile-based build systems might have limitations and shortcomings[*],

- Writing Makefiles is a *generic* competence useful to all *NIX users,
so these build systems rely on something you more or less already know
or want to learn.

- Since Makefile are *generic* you can also build non-OCaml pieces of
your system with them, so these build systems rely on a single tool.

- There are ambitious build systems relying exclusively on makefiles, as
FreeBSD's (and other BSD's I guess), so these build systems have a
proved ability to scale to very large projects.

[*] It requires a suitable architecture and organisation to support
dependencies across directories.


Since I started my education at the university of Montpellier where I
met Berke Durak, one of the authors of `ocamlbuild`, I feel appropriate
to stress that ***this is not a concurrent project to ocamlbuild***! :-)

Have fun with these make macros!
** Francois Berenger asked and Michael Grünewald replied:

> Do you know obuild? <https://github.com/vincenthz/obuild>
There is a lot of other systems that can be used to drive the build of
OCaml projects: obuild, ocamlbuild, omake, OMakefile and probably
others. I find it valuable to use a Makefile-based approach, because:

- It is not specific to OCaml, so I can use the same tool to drive the
development cycle of a heterogeneous project. (I can, and I do!)

- It is easy to extend, because it focuses on workflows (targets and
prerequisites are elements of simple workflows).

- It can be tweaked so I can include any custom step I want in my
workflow, because it is based on the UNIX shell.

So for instance, if I want to do plop plop fizz fizz after the build
step, I only need to add

do-build-after: do-plop-plop-fizz-fizz
     : Shell commands that plop plop fizz fizz

at the end of the Makefile. And it does not involve a special feature of
the tool but instead, it is just the normal way to do things with make.

Also, as I started in 2005, I selected the BSD flavour of make because
it has a canonical clear, short and to the point documentation (Adam de
Boor's tutorial), an equally good reference (the man page) and has a
large literature corpus (BSD's build systems) I could take inspiration
from. (I actually started with GNU make and switched because its
documentation fails to be so useful as BSD's, despite its length, and
because it is hard to find useful examples is the sea of
automake-generated files.)
4) ODT 3.0 released
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00005.html>
** Emmanuel Dieul announced:

This mail announces the new release of ODT: 3.0.
ODT (OCaml Development Tools) is an Eclipse plug-in for OCaml.

More information on this release is available at <http://ocamldt.free.fr/spip.php?breve33>.

Don't hesitate to try ODT, even for fun. ODT can be installed as explained
into the install notes (<http://ocamldt.free.fr/spip.php?article5>).
A tutorial and several screenshots are available on the ODT website.

Thanks a lot for using ODT.
5) LLVM OCaml bindings
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00018.html>
** Peter Zotov announced:

I'm currently working on improving LLVM's OCaml bindings.
There's been quite some progress so far[1]; the only major
areas pending are AOT code generation and MCJIT support.

I would be very interested to hear how are you using these
bindings, or suggestions for future development. In particular,
I'd like to understand the impact of breaking the API.

   [1]: <https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/commits/master/bindings/ocaml>
** Jacques-Pascal Deplaix replied and Peter Zotov said:

> I'm using LLVM for the compiler of my toy language Cervoise (link below).
> First, before I started it, I heard from a friend that the official LLVM
> binding can segfaults so I didn't want to use it [1].
> I tried to create my own binding that produces LLVM-IR but there were
> bugs (the interface didn't seems good).
> So I tried the official binding. Like expected, it segfaults and has
> several bugs and misses features [2] :/
> Then, I tried to reproduce the interface of the LLVM binding but with
> types parameters for lltype and llvalue to know what LLVM types can be
> inserted for a function (the main cause of segfault), but it was very
> very painful since we have to separate impossible cases and the type
> errors (with recursive polymorphic variants) are awesome (irony) [3].
> So now I have again my own binding that produces LLVM-IR but this time
> with the same interface than the official binding, and it works pretty
> well [4].

The problem is that just generating LLVM IR is often not enough.
All of the below cannot be achieved without a proper binding:

1) JIT,
2) Querying the backend for sizes of structures, legal integral types,
3) Native code generation without shelling out.

Generally, you can do very much with LLVM by shelling out to its 
of command-line tools, but I find the in-process solution cleaner.

You can get sensible error messages instead of segfaults by using
a Debug+Asserts or Release+Asserts build of LLVM. The builds packaged
in Debian, opam, etc are usually built without asserts.

I'll probably release LLVM 3.4 bindings on opam and they will feature
asserts on by default.

> As a conclusion, don't try to add a type parameter like I did (however,
> you can try other ways), it would be a waste of time.
> [1]: We tried to fix this by starting TyLLVM (but it's not satisfying
> and far to be finished): <https://bitbucket.org/dinosaure/tyllvm>
> [2]: I have done several issues on the LLVM bug tracker, but apart from
> segfaults and bugs when trying to use LLVM_bitwriter, the missed feature
> is, IMHO, the possibility to get a string that contains the LLVM-IR
> code, and not just print it.

This will be included in upcoming 3.4 release. I will be happy to hear
(and likely implement) what else do you miss.

> [3]: <https://github.com/jpdeplaix/cervoise/blob/jeSuisFou/src/LLVM.mli>
> [4]: <https://github.com/jpdeplaix/cervoise/blob/master/src/LLVM.ml>
6) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.

Everything I did to self-publish a textbook about OCaml (except for the writing part):


Third OCaml compiler hacking session:

New draft on Normalization by Evaluation using GADTs:

Review of the OCaml FPDays tutorial:

CUFP 2013 Registration Information:

CUFP 2013 Call for Tutorials:

Handling spam on the forge:

FP Days OCaml Session:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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