[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Jan 29 05:23:10 PST 2013


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of January 22 to 29, 2013.

1) beta-release of OPAM
2) Portable timeout function
3) omonad-0.0.1
4) OCaml 4.00.1 for Android: OPAM packages
5) Working Group: the future of syntax extensions in OCaml, after camlp4
6) If I wanted to write SWIG in OCaml, what library would I need?
7) Datalog-0.1
8) CWN archive links
9) Other Caml News

1) beta-release of OPAM
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-01/msg00155.html>
** Continuing the thread from last week, Thomas Gazagnaire announced:

I've created a FAQ with these two questions on OPAM wiki: 

Feel free to edit and contribute!

(once we get sufficiently nice contents, this can automatically go somewhere 
on opam.ocamlpro.com as the other wiki pages).
2) Portable timeout function
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-01/msg00164.html>
** Samuel Mimram asked and Daniel Bünzli replied:

> I would like to implement a "timeout" function of type:
> float -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b option
> which takes a maximum number n of seconds to run, a function f, an
> argument x, and returns Some (f x) if the computation ends before n
> seconds and None otherwise. Of course, there is a simple
> implementation using Unix.setitimer, but apparently it does not work
> under windows because of signals implementation (and I don't have
> access to a windows machine...). Since this is a pretty standard idom
> I expected to find it implemented in some library, but could not find
> one. Also, I'd rather not heavily change the code (i.e. monadic
> threads are not really an option here, and a small function would be
> appreciated).
> Extra points if your solution also works with js_of_ocaml! :)

This looks very similar to a question I asked a few years ago. You can read 
these threads [1,2]. 

I'm afraid but I think there's little hope that you'll find what you are 
looking for (but I'd love the proven wrong). 



[1] <https://groups.google.com/d/topic/fa.caml/lga2GNq3n7U/discussion>
[2] <https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/fa.caml/rwndTEzAWvE>
** Gerd Stolpmann replied:

I think this is not possible without changes in the OCaml runtime -
what we would need here is an emulation of signals under Windows, so
that a timer thread could be started that finally sends the signal to
the compute thread. However, such an emulation would be limited to
pure computations, and would not be able to interrupt system calls (no
support from Windows).

As long as you know that your compute functions allocate memory, it
will do garbage collections, and you could set a GC hook:

exception Timeout

let timer tmo f x =
  let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  let alarm = ref None in
    let al =
        (fun () ->
           let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
           if t1 -. t0 > tmo then raise Timeout
        ) in
    alarm := Some al;
    let r = f x in
    Gc.delete_alarm al;
    alarm := None;
    Some r
  with Timeout ->
    ( match !alarm with
        | Some al -> Gc.delete_alarm al
        | None -> ()

But this does not work if the function does not allocate enough memory
(and also note that there are several race conditions in "timer").

> Extra points if your solution also works with js_of_ocaml! :)

I don't think that there is any support in js_of_ocaml for completely
asynchronous events (i.e. something like the regular check for signals
the standard runtime does).
** Samuel Mimram then added:

Thanks for all your answers! I really appreciated the Gc.create_alarm
hack, which does the job alright for now, but is quite imprecise. I
have submitted a feature request for addition to the standard library
[1], we'll see...



[1] <http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=5908>
3) omonad-0.0.1
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-01/msg00172.html>
** Wojciech Meyer announced:

I'm pleased to pre-release a small syntax extension for monadic programming
called omonad.

The major difference between omonad and pa_monad[_custom] is that omonad
does not use Camlp4 and is based on -ppx flag implemented on the current
trunk of the toolchain.

The monadic code can look like this:

  let compute c =
    Exception.(perform begin
      a <-- return (1+2);
      b <-- return (a+4);
      return (b + a * c)
  let computation =
    Exception.(perform begin
      a <-- compute 10;
      b <-- return (a - 37);
      c <-- (perform begin
        d <-- return 1;
        return (d - 1)
      let divisor = b + c in if divisor = 0
        then fail "Division by zero!"
        else return (80 / divisor);
      return (a+b)
  try print_int (Exception.run computation)
  with Exception.Error str -> Printf.printf "Computation terminated with: '%s'\n" str

There is not much syntactical difference between pa_monad[_custom] and
omonad, so it brings to a light the same monadic programming
convenience and experience.

Tarball:          <http://danmey.org/omonad-0.1.0.tar.gz>
Git repository:   <https://github.com/danmey/omonad>
Issue & features: <https://github.com/danmey/omonad/issues>

OPAM packaging will follow up shortly.
4) OCaml 4.00.1 for Android: OPAM packages
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-01/msg00173.html>
** Jérôme Vouillon announced:

I have packaged an OCaml 4.00.1 cross-compiler for Android as well as
Android versions of the Lwt library and of the Unison file
synchronizer. The OPAM repository is at the following address:


You can use the command below to add this repository to the list of
repositories used by OPAM:

opam repo -add android <https://github.com/vouillon/opam-android-repository.git>

The following command will list the available packages:

opam list | grep android

Contributions (additional packages, ...) are welcome.

Many thanks to Keigo Imai for its OCaml 3.12 cross-compiler.
5) Working Group: the future of syntax extensions in OCaml, after camlp4
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-01/msg00182.html>
** Alain Frisch announced:

There is a growing opinion that camlp4 is overly complex considering the 
benefits it brings to OCaml developers.  I would personally go as far as 
to say that the future of OCaml and the OCaml community would be 
brighter if camlp4 could be removed from our "basic ecosystem".  In 
particular, most of the current uses of camlp4 to create syntax 
extensions could probably be replaced by the new "-ppx" technology (see 
below) and small extensions to the compilers.

A lot needs to happens for this camlp4-free OCaml ecosystem to become a 
reality and we have to come up with a solid transition plan.  A new 
community-driven working group, chaired by Leo White and me, is being 
set up today to elaborate this plan.  If this topic is of interest to 
you, please join our mailing list:


Some of the most important tasks for our new working group will be:

  - Gather information from the community about the use of camlp4.
    (Please consider sharing information about your use of camlp4
    and camlp4-based extensions, even if you don't plan to participate
    to the working group discussions!)

  - Finalize support for -ppx and make technical proposals for
    extensions of the OCaml compilers in order to enable a transition of
    camlp4-based extensions to -ppx (in particular, we need to come up
    with a concrete syntax for generic extension points in the grammar).

  - Write some "canonical" examples of extensions based on -ppx and
    provide information and support to developers of extensions for
    switching from camlp4 to -ppx.

  - Discuss integration of -ppx with existing tools (findlib, build
    systems, etc).

  - Find a solution in the community for the future of camlp4
    (in particular, discuss how / how long / by who it will be

  - Discuss longer-terms plans beyond -ppx, including extra language
    support, to facilitate light syntactic meta-programming for OCaml
    (Leo has some clever ideas!).

The discussion on the mailing list will start in a few days, to give 
some time for interested people to join.  In the meanwhile, Leo has 
written a blog post to get the discussion started:


You can also read about -ppx:


Some projects have already started to replace camlp4 by -ppx:

   bisect (supports both camlp4 and ppx since version 1.3)
   sedlex (unicode-friendly lexer generator, successor of ulex)
   omonad (syntax for monadic code, similar to pa_monad)

Many thanks to Anil Madhavapeddy and to OCamlLabs for setting up the 
working group and its mailing list!
** rixed asked and Alain Frisch replied:

> Are we interrested here striclty in _pre_processing or is runtime code
> generation also on topic?

Runtime code generation, and meta-programming a la MetaOCaml are indeed 
quite a different story, and they are not specifically in the scope of 
the working group.  I can imagine that some outcomes of this 
de-camlp4-ifcation might benefit to such projects, though.  For 
instance, a more liberal concrete syntax (with attributes/quotations) 
might allow, say,  MetaOCaml, to use directly the official parser, thus 
avoiding problems related to the fact that it currently needs a custom 
parser. For instance, I guess that camlp4 extensions cannot be directly 
used by MetaOCaml users (except if someone decided to port Camlp4 to 
MetaOCaml).  Discussions related to these syntactic aspects are very 
much welcome in the new mailing list.
6) If I wanted to write SWIG in OCaml, what library would I need?
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-01/msg00197.html>
** Martin DeMello asked and Yoann Padioleau replied:

> No, I'm not planning on rewriting all of SWIG, but that was the
> easiest way to explain what I wanted :) I'm looking for a library that
> can work with C header files, including preprocessor directives, and
> spit out a data structure that I can use to generate language
> bindings. C++ support not necessary.

I know this project. <https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/cowboy/>
** Wojciech Meyer suggested and Martin DeMello replied:

> You could just try caml-idl:
> <http://caml.inria.fr/pub/old_caml_site/camlidl/>

I don't want to write OCaml bindings, I want to see if OCaml provides
a nicer way to write a binding generator than libclang does (I'm
betting the answer is yes). I took a look at cowboy, but it's pretty
undocumented, and depends on yacfe which is likewise undocumented :(
** David Mentré also suggested:

Frama-C allows to work on C files but won't support preprocessor
(regular cpp is used).

It is documented (see "Plug-In Development Guide"):
7) Datalog-0.1
Archive: <https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-01/msg00202.html>
** Simon Cruanes announced:

I'm pleased to announce the first (alpha) release of Datalog, a small
fixpoint engine for the Datalog fragment of logic
(<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datalog>) written in OCaml. The library is
designed to be used to compute fixpoints of rules, incrementally. It is
available under the BSD license at <https://github.com/c-cube/datalog>.

Both a command-line fixpoint computation tool and a functorial library
are provided. Input files have a prolog-like syntax, but without
function symbols. The command line tool works like this (the example
computes the transitive closure of a graph, and then cliques within this
transitive closure):

$ cat tests/clique10.pl
reachable(X,Y) :- edge(X,Y).
reachable(X,Y) :- edge(X,Z), reachable(Z,Y).
same_clique(X,Y) :- reachable(X,Y), reachable(Y,X).
edge(0, 1).  % edge from 0 to 1
edge(1, 2).
edge(2, 3).
edge(3, 4).
edge(4, 5).
edge(5, 0).
edge(5, 6).
edge(6, 7).
edge(7, 8).
edge(8, 9).
edge(9, 10).
edge(10, 7).

$ ./datalog_cli.native tests/clique10.pl -pattern 'same_clique(1,X)'
% start datalog
% parse file tests/clique10.pl
% process 15 rules
% computing fixpoint...
% done.
% facts matching pattern same_clique(1, X1):
same_clique(1, 0).
same_clique(1, 1).
same_clique(1, 3).
same_clique(1, 2).
same_clique(1, 5).
same_clique(1, 4).
% max_heap_size: 126976; minor_collections: 0; major collections: 0

The library provides a functor that allows one to create rules (Datalog
clauses), and add them to a structure that computes their fixpoint
incrementally (i.e., the fixpoint is updated after each rule is
inserted). Callbacks can be associated to symbols, to be called whenever
a fact is derived.

Feedback, comments, or bug reports are very welcome!
** Yoann Padioleau asked and Simon Cruanes replied:

> How does it compare in terms of performance with other datalog engines?

So, I benchmarked it against the Lua datalog engine
(<http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/ramsdell/tools/datalog/>) on two kinds of
problems (that can already be found in the tests/ directory, with
scripts to generate problems of any size):

- graph: a transitive reflexive relation on a graph, 'reachable()', an a
relation 'edge()' that describes a graph of size n. The graph is a big
cycle (ie E_i -> E_{i+1}, and E_n -> E_1). The transitive closure is
therefore a clique of size n. The query is 'reachable(X,Y)?', which
returns n^2 facts.

- induction (bad name): two mutually recursive predicates, p(i) :- q(i),
p(i-1) and q(i) :- p(i-1), q(i-1) for i from 1 to n, and initial facts
p(0) and q(0). The query is 'P(X)?', and returns n facts.

The respective command lines used to benchmark are as follow
('datalog_cli' is in OCaml, 'datalog' is the lua engine):

$ time datalog_cli tests/graph500.pl -pattern 'reachable(X,Y)' > /dev/null
$ time echo 'reachable(X,Y)?' | datalog tests/graph500.pl -i > /dev/null

$ time datalog_cli tests/induction100.pl -pattern 'p(X)' > /dev/null
$ time echo 'p(X)?' | datalog tests/induction100.pl -i > /dev/null

I could not find an easy way to measure the computation time, without
printing the solution (which is also heavy); however, in both cases the
full solution is printed.

So, here are the respective times (total time) on a Intel i5 3.2GHz,
with 4GB of RAM:

problem          datalog_cli  datalog
graph200.pl      0.289s       0,798s
graph500.pl      3.005s       5.092
graph1000.pl     19.151s      21.138s
graph1500.pl     52.509s      51.589s
graph2000.pl     151.04s      OOM (swapped, became too slow)
induction200.pl  0.024s       0.138s
induction500.pl  0.021s       0.750s
induction1000.pl 0.066s       2.997s
induction1500.pl 0.075s       6.911s
induction2000.pl 0.134s       12.856s

So, the OCaml library looks competitive with the Lua SLD-resolution
engine. I believe it performs better on the 'induction' examples because
of the memorization of intermediate results. On the other hand, it
always compute the whole fixpoint, whereas SLD-resolution can focus on
what is needed for the query.
8) CWN archive links
** The editor asks you:

Dear CWN readers,

I have recently discovered that messages tend to lose their formatting
on the official Caml mailing list archive. I am thus tempted to now
link to the gmane archive of the list. 

Pro: the messages are better formatted (compare for instance
<http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/56621> with

Con: it's not the official archive.

If you feel strongly for or against it, please drop me a line at
alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org.
9) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocaml.org/>.


The failures of Debian (and its derivatives):

Batteries 2.0 released:

Odoc_xref 4.00:

odoc_check 4.00:

An alternative to camlp4 - Part 1:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


More information about the caml-news-weekly mailing list