[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Nov 30 01:08:24 PST 2010


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of November 23 to 30, 2010.

1) HTCaML / CaSS
2) ocamlnet-3.1
3) MLcov 1.2
4) Multicore-enabling library
5) Desktop GUI toolkits - current state of the art?

6) OCamlJIT2 vs. OCamlJIT
7) Other Caml News

1) HTCaML / CaSS
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/4f5b086a068ed1bd#>
** Thomas Gazagnaire announced:

I am happy to announce the first official release of HTCaML[1] and
CaSS[2], two small libraries which make the writing of static web pages
easy in OCaml.

HTCaML enables the embedding of XHTML fragments in your OCaml program
(the EDSL translates directly to Xmlm) using quotations. It also allows
you to auto-generate boilerplate XHTML fragments from type definitions.
In the same way, CaSS enables the embedding of CSS fragments in your
OCaml program using quotations.

A quick example:

module Box = struct
  type t = { title: string; date: string; contents: Html.t } with html
  let css fg bg = <:css<
     color: $fg$;
     background-color: $bg$;
     .title { color: $bg$; background-color: $fg$; }

let my_html boxes = Html.to_string <:html<
      <div class="boxes">
        $list:List.map Box.html_of_t boxes$

let my_css = Css.to_string <:css<
   .boxes { $Box.css <:css< blue >> <:css< white >> $ }

You can find a quick introduction to HTCaML (and maybe soon to CaSS) on
the mirage blog[3].


[1] <https://github.com/samoht/htcaml>
[2] <https://github.com/samoht/cass>
[3] <http://www.openmirage.org/blog/introduction-to-htcaml>
** Gerd Stolpmann asked and Thomas Gazagnaire replied:

> Have you seen that there is a preprocessor for PXP that allows you to
> embed XML in ocaml?
> <http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/dl/pxp-1.2.1/doc/manual/html/ref/Intro_preprocessor.html>

No, I didn't know about that. And there is also a syntax extension in
Eliom to do the same kind of things.

However, the two things I am really happy with HTCaML (and apparently it
is not possible to do the same thing in PXP nor Eliom) are :
i) you can easily mix auto-generated and hand-crafted code to create
XHTML fragments (no more tedious conversion functions); and
ii) you can write in the same part of your file (ie. in the same module)
the css and xhtml generator for a given type definition. That means that
you can do web-programming as you are used to : think about type
definitions first, and then write your code to reason by induction on
these defintions.

for example, you can have:

type foo = (* some random type *)
let html_of_foo : foo -> Html.t = (* some random code of type Html.t = (`a
Xml.frag as `a) Xmlm.frag list *)
let foo_css = (* some random, possibly nested, CSS *)

and :

type bar = { foo : foo; complex types } with html
let bar_css = <:css< .foo { $foo_css$; ... } >>

In the later case, you don't have to write manually the code for
html_of_bar as it will be done automatically by HTCaML, by looking at
the structure of bar; and it will pick your own definition of
html_of_foo. Also, nested declarations in bar_css will be automatically
unrolled to generate valid CSS fragments.

> I'm happily using this for dynamic web pages. The syntax is more
> light-weight, though, e.g. you write
> <div> [ ... ]
> instead of <div>...</div>, and there is a distinction in the syntax
> between node and list of nodes, e.g.
> <div> list
> but
> <div> [ node1 node2 ... ]

I don't really call this dynamic web pages, but yea, that's the same
idea :-)
2) ocamlnet-3.1
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/15f9b2b19dfe1f22#>
** Gerd Stolpmann announced:

A new version of ocamlnet (3.1) is ready for download and installation.
This is mostly a bug fix release (see ChangeLog), but there is also a
little extension in Netsys_mem: a function that creates a deep copy of
an arbitrary value (copy_value).

Download: <http://download.camlcity.org/download/ocamlnet-3.1.tar.gz>


Please report problems to gerd at gerd-stolpmann.de

GODI users: ocamlnet-3.1 is only provided for Ocaml 3.12, and in the
ocamlnet3 overlay for Ocaml 3.11.
3) MLcov 1.2
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/2faf94e3f0ad193a#>
** Thomas Moniot announced:

I'm happy to announce a new release of MLcov, a code coverage tool for OCaml
The principle is pretty simple:
1. instrument your source code
2. run tests
3. generate HTML reports to analyze the code coverage.

More specifically, MLcov allows measuring MC/DC, the criterion used in the
DO-178B standard to ensure that safety-critical software is tested adequately.
The tool is actually used by Esterel Technologies as a verification tool for
the certification of a DO-178B level A code generator written in Objective

It currently works only on a subset of OCaml (core + module language) which is
yet sufficient to instrument large programs, like the OCaml compiler for
instance. The new version is mainly a port to OCaml 3.12.0, but also adds
(experimental) support for labels and optional arguments.

More information on the website:
4) Multicore-enabling library
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/c2fca4cc9e42d78d#>
** Deep in this 100+ messages thread, Gerd Stolpmann said:

Don't know what Fabrice is referring to, but at least I work on a
multicore-enabling library:


This is work in progress and highly experimental. What's currently

- managing processes and resources like files, shared memory objects 
- support for message passing via Netcamlbox (another library)
- low-level only so far: shared memory, including copying Ocaml values
 to and from shm
- low-level only so far: kernel semaphores
- a Netmulticore process is also a Netplex container, so mixing with
 Netplex-managed servers is possible. Also, the Netplex plugins 
 are available (semaphores, mutexes, global variables), but these
 are relatively slow

I've also written a few examples:


Don't expect wonders, though. For instance, the port of the chameneos
game is based on message passing, but this is by design slower than
direct use of shared memory (and this game mostly consists of
synchronization, and there is not any computation involved where
multicore would be an advantage).

The further direction is the addition of more primitives, especially for
managing shared memory. The difficult here is that there is not any
support in the core language, and I have to work around that. This is
based on

val Netsys_mem.init_value 
     ?targetaddr:nativeint -> 
     ?target_custom_ops:(string * custom_ops) list ->
     memory -> int -> 'a -> init_value_flag list -> (int * int)

where type memory = (char,Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt,Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t

This means shared memory is handled just as a bigarray of chars that is
mapped into the address spaces of several processes. The init_value
function copies an arbitrary Ocaml value to such a bigarray  - in the
same way as Marshal.to_string - only that it is "to_bigarray", and that
the same representation is used as for normal values (so you can access
the copied values directly). This copying is quite time-consuming: you
have to create the Ocaml value in normal memory first, and then to use a
quite expensive generic copying machinery to get it to shared memory. It
would be more elegant if there was a way to instruct ocamlopt so that
code is emitted that creates the value directly in a user-supplied
memory area.

The arguments targetaddr and target_custom_ops point to another
difficulty: For certain uses of shared memory you cannot ensure that all
processes map the area to the same address. Because of this, there is
support for filling bigarrays so that the addresses are offset for a
different final mapping address. Netcamlbox uses this feature - the
sending process can map the shared bigarray to any address, and
nevertheless format a message with addresses that are right for the
receiving process.

In general, shared memory is difficult to add in an add-on library.
However, some lessons can be learned, and maybe this results in some
"plot" for adding better support in the core language.
5) Desktop GUI toolkits - current state of the art?

Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/3ab9a82a174d0aa0#>
** Martin DeMello asked:

What are the actively developed options for writing desktop GUI apps 
in OCaml? Anything other than lablgtk2 (which, at least from a brief 
look through the examples, looks rather ugly, codewise, compared to, 
say, vala or ruby/gtk)? I'll use lablgtk2 in a pinch, but I'm curious 
as to whether anyone has been experimenting with toolkit bindings with 
an eye towards better syntax and APIs. 

(Note that I don't care about a native look and feel, I'm more 
interested in how the code looks.) 
** Jacques Garrigue:

I'm not sure which examples you looked at for lablgtk2.
The goals of lablgtk are:
 * be as close as possible to the spirit of Gtk+
 * while providing type and memory safety
 * and allow comfortable use through objects and optional arguments
This resulted in a 2-layer implementation, with a lower layer
that just wraps basic Gtk+ calls, and an object layer on top of it.
Some examples mix the two layers, which may look strange, but
I think that when you use only the upper layer, this is clean enough.
(The lower layer is not dirty, but converting between the two may be
verbose and look clumsy).

The obvious alternative to lablgtk2 is of course labltk.
I personally think that labltk is still the easiest way to build a GUI,
but many do not like Tk's look&feel.

I'm not aware of other GUI toolkits for ocaml, but I think there are also
web-based UIs.
** Martin DeMello then asked and Michael Ekstrand replied:

> That might be the problem, then. I was looking at the examples in the
> translation of the gtk tutorial, and a lot of it seemed like C code
> translated to OCaml. Could you point me to some example of code
> written using the high level API?

The LablGTK tutorial I am aware of[1] uses the high-level API.  The
high-level API isn't notably higher-level than the base API in terms of
what calls are necessary, but it wraps everything up in objects and
makes the data structures nicer.  The API call sequences are roughly the

- Michael

1. <http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/olabl/lablgtk.html>
** Yoann Padioleau then suggested:

In <https://github.com/facebook/pfff/blob/master/commons/gui.ml> 
I've modified slightly the lablgtk API to be more compositional.
** Alain Frisch suggested:

If you're under Windows, you might be interested in the CSML tool. It 
allows you to build quite easily your own binding to .Net libraries. The 
CSML distribution contains an example of a mini-binding to Windows 
Forms; you can also see that in screenshots:


LexiFi uses CSML to build Windows Forms application, but most of our 
GUIs are managed by a higher-level layer, not direct calls to Windows 
Forms.  As a matter of fact, we generate most of the GUIs that are 
intended to show or edit structured values, automatically from OCaml 
type definitions.

We have a few local extensions to the OCaml compiler that makes it 
easier to build nice APIs for GUI toolkits, with a functional flavor: 
implicit subtyping and generalized recursion. Hopefully, I'll be able to 
blog about these extensions and how they are used for GUI programming 
some day.
** Martin DeMello then asked and Alain Frisch replied:

> No, I'm on linux, but CSML does look very interesting. Does it work
> well with Mono?

Yes, CSML itself has been adapted to work with Mono and I did a few 
tests (some of screenshots show Windows Forms GUIs controlled by OCaml 
code, under Linux with Mono). External users reported successful uses as 

At some point, we tried to run our main application under Mono (the 
application is mostly OCaml, plus a very small amount of C#, and a lot 
of CSML to make big parts of .Net libraries available to OCaml). We 
quickly realized that some widgets which we use a lot in our application 
simply don't work very well under Mono. For instance, the
WebBrowser control is quite broken under Mono. This really has nothing 
to do with CSML, it's just that relying on Mono only to get nice GUIs 
under Linux might not be optimal.

> I'd love to read that when you do. I was surprised not to see much
> interest in GUI DSLs in OCaml. What is generalised recursion?

Being able to write things like:

lazy let rec button1 =
   button ~click:(fun () -> button2 # disable) "Button1"
and button2 =
   button ~click:(fun () -> button1 # disable) "Button2"

As the lazy keyword suggests, we rely on lazy evaluation to evaluate 
such recursive definitions. The code above is equivalent to:

let rec button1 =
   lazy (button ~click:(fun () -> (Lazy.force button2) # disable) "Button1")
and button2 =
   lazy (button ~click:(fun () -> (Lazy.force button1) # disable) "Button2"

(also replacing any instance of button1, resp. button2 in ... by 
Lazy.force button1, resp. Lazy.force button1).

The little extension makes it easier to define in a single big
recursive definition several widgets with associated callbacks
and mutual interactions. Without the feature, the natural thing to do
is to create widgets first and then bind events, which looks less 
functional (and less local).
** Hezekiah M. Carty also suggested:

It's not complete or a full-blown DSL, but I started a small Gtk-light
module a while ago.  I haven't had the time to complete it, but it
shouldn't be too difficult to modify for your needs:


Here is a brief example (uses the "open Module in" syntax extension):


With OCaml 3.12 the "open Module in" could be replaced by the new "let
open Module in" or Module.(...) syntax.
** bluestorm then said and Hezekiah M. Carty replied:

> There was also a project by Chris King to develop a GUI based on lablgtk in
> a Functional Reactive Programming style.
> <http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/1918>

Chris King's project was a major influence in the syntax I chose.  I
started trying to mix in some FRP with the React module, but never
completed the work.  I moved Gtk-light to the forge if anyone is
interested in working with the code:


Thanks to the thelema folks for allowing me to use some of the
Batteries code for the index page.
** Adrien Nader also suggested:

As Jacques said, lablgtk's api is close to gtk's one. I also believe
that was the best solution/approach. Binding that many C functions to
ocaml is already hard enough (not that it could be made easier, the
difficulty lies in the number of functions).

The drawback is of course that writing code using lablgtk is almost as
verbose as writing it directly in C with gtk.

Something nice would probably be to share more extensions and wrappers
around lablgtk. I've noticed Maxence Guesdon had made some available as
stand-alone libraries but I'm not aware of others. Or maybe they're
scattered around and it's hard to find them.

As far as I'm concerned I've started experimenting with the concept of
"tiling" (as used by tiling window managers) and zippers of horizontal
and vertical boxes. That's pretty much what xmonad (window manager
written in haskell) does. The zipper allows to nicely track the
"current" widget.

Next in my plans is a wrapper around treeviews/listviews and gtknotebook
to map a set of widgets to a list or tabs.

And, a last (long) point, a few months ago, I asked on this list about
lablgtk and FRP; I ended up doing something myself. It turned out that
my "lablgtk-react" is something like 50 lines of code. It's really
small and there wasn't much work, once you knew the guts of lablgtk and
gtk that is.

GTK defines properties and signals. Signals are regular "something
happened"-messages and properties are values stored inside objets. Each
property also defines a "${prop_name}::notify" signal that is emitted
each time the property is modified. This is unfortunately not exposed
through lablgtk but the connect_by_name function is enough.

Now, you may wonder whether FRP is *that* nice to use. One of the nicest
thing imho is the ability to use "fold":
 let zipper = React.E.fold (zipper x config t) Zipper.empty tabs in
This means it's possible to move away from imperative data structures
with all their disadvantages.

There is currently one issue however: the API is quite bad.
 install_sgn_event Entry.S.activate address_bar.as_e Signal.apply1
 (* Entry.S.activate is emitted by a text entry upon pressing Return
  * address_bar.as_e(ntry) returns the 'Gtk.entry Gtk.obj' because
  * its's not possible (yet) to use the object layer here
  * address_bar.activate is a potential previous signal handler for
  * active, we'd uninstall it before install another one *)

Ideally, it'll become something like:

If you want to have a look at the module, I've put it on vpaste.net[1].
It's a bit old and several things have been changed but it still shows
how things are done.

[1] <http://vpaste.net/Vrukn?>
6) OCamlJIT2 vs. OCamlJIT
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/6aff6222b6f0cdb8#>
** Benedikt Meurer announced:

I did some final work on OCamlJIT2, and compared the result to OCamlJIT. The
performance measures are presented in the following tech report (skip straight
to section 4 for the performance results):


In short: Performance measured on a P4 "Northwood" (no long mode, plain x86)
2.4GHz. OCamlJIT2 beats OCamlJIT by a factor of 1.1 to 2.0 in every benchmark,
and - rather surprising - was even able to beat ocamlopt in the number
crunching benchmark (probably an issue with the x86 backend of ocamlopt).

As mentioned by Xavier Leroy and others previously, we probably went as far as
we could go in the direction of JITting the byte-code virtual machine, while
preserving its general stack-based nature and instruction set. Moving even
further means translating the byte-code to some intermediate form suitable for
use with standard compilation techniques; but as we saw earlier, in an
LLVM-based prototype, the compilation overhead increases dramatically and the
benefit of JIT compilation vanishes.

Therefore, as suggested earlier, I'll try to get my hands on the native
top-level now (already contacted Alain for the emitter code). Additionally,
the linear scan register allocation will be implemented by a student as part
of his diploma thesis.
7) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocamlcore.org/>.


Still here...:

OCaml extensions at LexiFi: overidding record labels and constructors:

Three uses for a binary heap:

libguestfs examples in C, OCaml, Python and Ruby:


Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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