[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Mar 23 01:28:39 PDT 2010


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of March 16 to 23, 2010.

1) Lazy modules
2) Building multiple configurations?
3) Other Caml News

1) Lazy modules
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/63d04044f0588a37#>
** Dario Teixeira asked:

I've come across a problem which though novel to me, I presume must be
familiar to those with more ML baggage.  Namely, I need a module whose
values are not known at the initialisation stage, since they can only
be determined after reading a configuration file.  If this were a lone
value, I would declare it as a lazy value which when forced would read
from the configuration file.  But how can I achieve similar semantics
with a whole module?

In a sense I need a lazy module.  Also, note that I find the solution
of declaring all values in that module as lazy a bit inelegant.

I do have a solution which though hackish and relying on a language
extension (local modules) seems to work: I create the module on demand
via a functor parameterised over an empty sig:

module Socket_maker (S: sig end) : Client.SOCKET =
   let sockaddr = !Config.sockaddr
   let sockdomain = !Config.sockdomain
   let socktype = !Config.socktype
   let sockproto = !Config.sockproto

let foo =
   let module Socket = Socket_maker (struct end) in

But I wonder a) what's the penalty associated with the runtime application of
the functor, and b) if there's some better way of doing this. Any thoughts?
** Alain Frisch replied:

Here is a variant of your version with first-class modules (which will be
available in OCaml 3.12). Compared to your version, we get the benefit of
laziness (the "functor body" is evaluated only once).

module Config =
   let x = ref "XXX"

module type S =
   val x: string

let lazy_module =
    let module M =
        let x = !Config.x
    (module M : S)

let foo () =
 let module M = (val Lazy.force lazy_module : S) in
** David Allsopp said and Alain Frisch replied:

> AFAIK local modules is a syntax extension not a compiler extension - I
> expect (not looked at it) that the syntax extension simply alpha renames
> all the local module declarations to make them unique and puts them
> globally... a very useful extension but no expressive power added.

This is not true. Local modules are not lifted in any way. This is not simply
a syntax extension. For instance, if the local module has toplevel
side-effects (e.g. a structure item like: let () = print_endline "Hello"),
then the side effect will occur every time the local module is evaluated.

At runtime, a structure is represented simply by a block with GC tag 0,
exactly as a record or a tuple. The block contains dynamic components of the
structure (values, sub-modules, exceptions, classes) in the order given by its
signature. Evaluating a structure simply evaluates its runtime components a
build the block.

A functor is represented as a function.

> The module system at present is a compile time feature (I think that's
> universally true - even with weird things like recursive modules) -
> functors are simply a way of introducing more modules so there is no
> runtime overhead in using a functor.

Modules and functors are much more dynamic than what you believe. The
introduction of first-class module did not require any change in the way
modules are compiled.

A local module which is a functor application really applies the functor at
runtime and evaluates the functor body every time the local module expression
is evaluated.
2) Building multiple configurations?
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/93d840667c29b5f8#>
** Grant Olson asked:

I'm doing something weird here and I'm thinking there has to be a better

I've got a configuration file that's a .ml file.  And I do want it to be
an .ml file that gets included at compile time, not some .txt config
file that gets read in at runtime.  I'm building two different versions
of my app, with two different configurations.

Basically, I want to do the same thing as a C #ifdef:

#ifdef VERSION2
  ... include version one
  ... include version two

And then the two different builds link in two different object files
that have the same interface, creating the two different versions of the

At first I thought I could write out the "module" and "module type"
stuff manually, giving the same module name in two differently named
files.  But this of course creates a sub-module that isn't bound to the
right namespace, and linking fails.

What I'm doing now is using the -impl flag.  I've got two files:
config.ml, and config.alt.  The second version builds with "-impl
config.alt" in the list of files passed to ocamlopt instead of "config.ml"

This works, but it just seems wrong.  Is there a better way for me to do
** Michael Ekstrand suggested and Grant Olson replied:

> You could also have the two different module implementations under
> different names and have the build system symlink or copy the correct
> one in place prior to building.  In OMake, this is easy with the
> 'ln-or-cp' command.

Exactly what I want.  Now that you've pointed it out, it seems so
obvious.  Just copy the files and treat the copy as a build artifact.
** Martin Jambon also suggested:

I implemented a "C preprocessor" for OCaml called cppo that lets you do that.
 It may not be the best choice here but I think it's worth some advertising:

3) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocamlcore.org/>.

GADTs for the Rest of Us:

Looking for a C software for Formal Verification:

OCaml Unix course, the pipes chapter is translated:

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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