[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Dec 7 01:49:14 PST 2010


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of November 30 to December 07, 2010.

1) OCaml port of Iteratees
2) OCamlJIT2 vs. OCamlJIT
3) GADT constructor syntax
4) International Workshop on Intermediate Representations (WIR 2011)
5) Memory management job
6) help with regular expression
7) Other Caml News

1) OCaml port of Iteratees
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/f2fb101b27ffc139#>
** Dmitry Grebeniuk announced:

  Did you ever feel something special touching great things?
  I did.
2) OCamlJIT2 vs. OCamlJIT
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/6aff6222b6f0cdb8#>
** Deep in this thread, Török Edwin said and Basile Starynkevitch explained:

> Well there could also be a GCC backend for OCaml, but I don't know how
> one should get started writing one (or if it would be worth it).

Since I worked on OcamlJIT1 and since I am working now on GCC
(actually, mostly on the GCC MELT branch, see www.gcc-melt.org for
more, but sometimes on the GCC trunk, e.g. its gengtype generator), I
probably have some personal ideas [e.g. my opinions only] on that.
However, I am not crazy enough to work on an Ocaml front-end to GCC!

The current (slow) trend inside GCC is to open & stabilize more and
more its middle-end. In particular, the GCC middle end internal
representations (which you can work on using MELT, a Lispy domain
specific language suited for that very purpose) such as Gimple (and
Tree) are becoming more stable, and will eventually (I don't know how
and when and by whom!) have a "front-end", that is a program eating a
textual representation of Gimple code and building from it Gimple
internal representation in GCC memory.

So in the long term, the GCC internal Gimple language is becoming more
stable and will have a textual front-end. It will then becomes quite
similar to the LLVM input language <http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html>.

When that happens, one could imagine that ocamlopt (or some other
program) will have the ability to generate (in textual files) the
appropriate representations of the Ocaml code it is compiling.

One could also imagine that in the long term, GCC would provide enough
plugin hooks to plug a full (nearly arbitrary) front-end inside it. If
that happens, one could imagine an Ocaml compiler, implemented as a
gcc-ocaml-frontend.so plugin, which would create Gimple internals from
Ocaml code.

However, I believe no one is interested to work on that, and this is
probably the case because Ocaml is "fast-enough" for most cases. Ocaml
major strength is the power and expressiveness of its source language.

My feeling is that Ocaml is more targetted for people requiring
developers' productivity, while GCC is a mature industrial compiler
aiming portability and performance of generated binary programs, coded
in old [ugly] languages like C or C++.

I am not sure that putting a lot of efforts inside the Ocaml compiler,
to slightly improve the performance of generated executable, is
worthwhile (in particular, because the runtime & the GC may become a
bottleneck w.r.t to minor performance improvement of ocamlopt generated
binaries).  I would bet that would bring less than 20% improvement at
most (and often, much less), for a quite high labor cost.

And my personal feeling is that these days, bright Gallium people (like
Xavier Leroy or Fran=E7ois Pottier and their colleagues) and other Inria
persons related to Ocaml (like Damien Doligez or Pierre Weis and many
others) are much more interested in bringing formal methods inside
compilers (e.g. the Compcert project of a certified & "proved" C
compiler) than in spending a lot of time to improve ocamlopt generated
code by a few percents.=20

I would prefer them to improve even more the Ocaml language (e.g.
GADT...), perhaps to work on a parallel runtime (but we all now that is
*very* hard and perhaps even boring), perhaps even to start working, as
researchers, on the [incompatible] successor of Ocaml. As food for
thought, I tend to believe that parallel computers (e.g. "clouds", or
just our next desktop with 16 cores) will require another programming
style and another programming language, and that incrementally
improving Ocaml for such systems is not enough. Some people will have
to invent another way of thinking and programming these parallel
systems, and it might be the same people who brought us Ocaml!

But all this is day-dreaming, I have no real ideas, just personal
wishes (and a big admiration for all the Ocaml people at INRIA, which
are *researchers* not random software developers).
3) GADT constructor syntax
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/a4fff047ad42f3bf#>
** Jacques Le Normand asked:

I would like to start a constructive discussion on the syntax of GADT 
constructors of the ocaml gadt branch, which can be found at: 


There are two separate issues: 

1) general constructor form 

option a) 

type _ t = 
        TrueLit : bool t 
      | IntLit of int : int lit 

option b) 

type _ t = 
      TrueLit : bool t 
    | IntLit : int -> int lit 

I'm open to other options. The branch has used option b) from the 
start, but I've just switched to option a) to see what it's like 

Personal opinion: 

I slightly prefer option b), because it makes it clear that it's a 
gadt constructor right from the start. This is useful because the type 
variables in gadt constructors are independent of the type parameters 
of the type, consider: 

type 'a t = Foo of 'a : 'b t 

this, counter intuitively, creates a constructor Foo of type forall 'd 
'e. 'd t -> 'e t. 

2) explicit quantification of existential variables 

option a) 

leave existential variables implicitly quantified. For example: 

type _ u = Bar of 'a t : u 
type _ u = Bar :  'a t -> u 

option b) 

specifically quantify existential variables. For example: 

type _ u = Bar of 'a. 'a t : u 
type _ u = Bar : 'a. 'a t -> u 

Currently, the branch uses option a). 

Personal opinion: I prefer option b). This is for four reasons: 

I) the scope of the explicitly quantified variable is not clear. For 
example, how do you interpret: 

type _ u = Bar of 'a. 'a : 'a t 
type _ u = Bar : 'a. 'a -> 'a t 

In one interpretation bar has type forall 'a 'b. 'a -> 'b t and in 
another interpretation it has type forall 'a. 'a -> 'a t. My 
inclination would be to flag it as an error. 


In the example of option b), the 'a variable is quantified as a 
universal variable but, in patterns, it is used as an existential 
variable. This is something I found very confusing in Haskell where 
they actually use the 'forall' keyword. 

III) option a) is the current Haskell GADT syntax and I've never heard 
anyone complain about it 

IIII) I don't see how option b) improves either readability or bug prevention 
I look forward to hearing your opinions. 
** After much discussion, Jacques Garrigue said:

Actually I'm not sure that fully explicit quantification is necessary, or even
The reason is that the gadt extension introduces actually two kinds of
case-specific type variables: universals and existentials.

Namely, in the type 

  type _ term = 
      Int : int -> int term 
    | Bool : bool -> bool term 
    | Lam : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> 'b) term 
    | App : ('a -> 'b) * 'a -> 'b term 

the type variables 'a and 'b in Lam are universals, but 
in App only 'b is universal, while 'a is existential. 

Personally, I would prefer this to be written: 

  type _ term = 
      Int of int : int term 
    | Bool of bool : bool term 
    | Lam of ('a -> 'b) : ('a -> 'b) term 
    | App of 'a. ('a -> 'b) * 'a : 'b term 

That is, use a syntax close to the current ocaml one, which makes 
easy to quantify clearly existential variables, so that they cannot 
be confused with universal ones. If we use the arrow syntax, 
the natural scope for quantification includes the return type, which 
is incorrect for existential types. And using the "of" syntax, it is hard 
to quantify type variables appearing in the return type, so I think 
this is better to leave the universals implicit. 

Considering the definition 

  type 'a t = Foo of 'a : 'b t 

I think that is should either unify 'a and 'b, being in practice 
equivalent to "type 'a t = Foo of 'a", or flag an error because 'a is not 
available in this branch. I might actually prefer the unification approach, 
because this conforms to the intuition that the scope of 'a is the whole 
type definition, but maybe people can come to understand that an 
explicit return type overrides this.
** Daniel de Rauglaudre also replied:

> option a)
> type _ t =
>         TrueLit : bool t
>       | IntLit of int : int lit
> option b)
> type _ t =
>       TrueLit : bool t
>     | IntLit : int -> int lit

For a:
  A little bit easier to parse (as a Camlp5 designer), which is just
  a parse of the 'of' part followed (or not) with the ':' and another
  type. In the option b), in the "revised" syntax version, I decided
  to also separate the constructor parameters with arrows, which forced
  me to add a function separating the ending type, the parsing being
  therefore more complicated.

For b:
  1/ The difference between normal constructors and constructors with GADT
     is very visible. All examples given here are often with definitions
     which are relatively short, but I tried an example with constructors
     with several long types and I like the idea of seing immediately
     that they are GADTs, rather at the end of the definition line (or
  2/ I like the idea of defininig them with a syntax like the one of
     functions definitions, like 'val'. In the "revised" syntax version,
     where the constructors parameters are in "curried" form, this is
     even more readable (even if partially applied parameters are
     not accepted in the OCaml compiler).

PS The latest version of Camlp5 works with Jacques' version. You can
download it at: <http://pauillac.inria.fr/~ddr/camlp5/>

PPS The version with GADT is very interesting to parse parsing rules. I
is what I was searching for many years. In Camlp[45], the EXTEND statement
generates calls to Obj.magic and types constraints to "extend" the
OCaml type system. (This cannot be simulated by first class modules.)
4) International Workshop on Intermediate Representations (WIR 2011)
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/1b033083d8a28b57#>
** Simon Peyton-Jones announced:

Dear functional friends

Here's the Call for Papers for a new Workshop on Intermediate Representations.

I expect it to get a lot of papers about the JVM and program dependence
graphs, but the Chair explicitly wants papers about intermediate
representations for functional programs, both typed and untyped. So, do me a
favour :-) and submit your paper, lest I get landed with a mountain of SSA
papers to review. (Yes, SSA is just CPS in disguise. But the disguise is

The deadline is rather short: Jan 21.  Happy Christmas!


Call for Papers

International Workshop on Intermediate Representations (WIR 2011)

Co-located with CGO 2011, April 2/3 2011 in Chamonix, France



The intermediate representation is the core of any program transformation
tool. Its design has a significant impact on the simplicity, efficiency, and
effectiveness of program transformations. The developments in concurrent
programming, integrated development environments, and domain-specific
languages pose new requirements on intermediate representations. This workshop
provides a forum to discuss current trends and experiences in the design,
implementation, and application of intermediate representations.

Topics of Interest

The list of topics includes, but is not limited to:

  * intermediate representations for
        o parallelism and concurrency
        o instrumentation
        o JIT compilation
        o compiler verification
        o domain-specific languages
        o refactoring
        o integrated development environments
  * functional intermediate representations for imperative programs
  * translation to, and code generation from an IR
  * modeling low-level machine details in IRs
  * impact of IR on the precision of static analyzers
  * representing static analysis results in an IR
  * origin tracking


We solicit submission of original papers on topics relevant to intermediate
representations. Papers should be formatted in SIGPLAN Proceedings
Format, 9 point
font, and be at most 8 pages in length.

  * <http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm>

Selected papers will be published in the ACM digital library (to be

Papers should be submitted electronically with easychair:

  * <http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wir2011>

Important Dates

  * Submission: January 21, 2011
  * Notification: February 25, 2011
  * Camera-ready: March 18, 2011
  * Workshop: April 2/3, 2011


  * Florent Bouchez
  * Sebastian Hack
  * Eelco Visser

Program Committee

   * Florent Bouchez (chair)
   * Martin Bravenboer
   * Albert Cohen
   * François de Ferrière
   * Robert Fuhrer
   * Sebastian Hack (chair)
   * Andrew Kennedy
   * Sorin Lerner
   * Nathaniel Nystrom
   * Simon Peyton Jones
   * Tijs van der Storm
   * Eelco Visser (chair)
5) Memory management job
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/fd4cb7263452e21b#>
** Simon Peyton-Jones announced:

Dear Haskellers and Camlers
I?m posting this job ad on behalf of Richard Brooksby at Ravenbrook. They do
cool stuff, and I thought some of you might be interested.

Ravenbrook is seeking a developer to work with us on the Memory Pool System
(MPS), a mature, open source, high reliability, high performance memory
management system with a unique and innovative architecture. You can read an
overview here
The MPS is a highly engineered ?Swiss watch? of a system with an extremely low
bug rate.
We're looking for someone who can support our commercial clients with
customisations, but also develop the MPS for new opportunities. It could be a
half-time position (or subcontract), paying about £35k pro rata. This could
grow if you are successful in developing new commercial opportunities for the
MPS. We have several other options for work structure and payment that we can
discuss with you. There can be a great deal of flexibility and a higher rate
of pay depending on what kind of risk/reward tradeoff you need. Ask!
This is an excellent opportunity for someone interested in memory management
and garbage collection research. We are keen to promote research, and the
flexible nature of this work would allow time for it. It's also an excellent
opportunity for someone interested in developing commercial applications for
memory management and garbage collection.

There would also be an opportunity to get involved with our other consulting
work, or even video game development.

Essential requirements:

? you will mostly need to work at our office in Cambridge, UK

? you will need to start early in 2011

? highly professional attitude to quality, reliability, and commercial

? able to self-start, plan, and manage yourself

? excellent verbal and written technical communication skills

? excellent knowledge of ISO/IEC 9899:1990 and ISO/IEC 9899:1999. (Oh OK then,
I mean C.)

? good understanding of operating systems and memory management

? understanding of processor architectures and assembly language

Also very useful:

? some compiler and language run-time development experience

? good understanding of threads, concurrency, and race/hazard issues

? some low level systems and embedded systems experience

? low-level Unix (including Mac) and Windows programming

? some experience in soft real-time systems

? keen interest in programming languages, compilers, provability

Address in sig. Do get in touch.

PLEASE NOTE: Generic CVs and resumes as Word document attachments will be
trashed. Explain why you might be good for us, in plain text or on the phone.
Richard Brooksby <rb at ravenbrook.com>
Ravenbrook Limited <http://www.ravenbrook.com/> PO Box 205, Cambridge CB2 1AN, United Kingdom
Voice: +44 777 9996245  Fax: +44 1223 750036
6) help with regular expression
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/29e1f81372f9eb05#>
** Zaid Khalid asked and Dawid Toton suggested:

> I want some help in writing regular expressions in Ocaml, as I know how to 
> write it in informal way but in Ocaml syntax I can not. For example I want 
> to write "a* | (aba)* ".
> Another question if I want the string to be matched against the regular 
> expression to be matched as whole string not as substring what symbol I need 
> to attach to the substring, i.e if I want only concrete strings accepted 
> (like (" ", a , aa , aaa, aba, abaaba), but not ab or not abaa).

I also had problems with Str (regexp descriptions being unreadable,
error-prone and hard to generate dynamically) and decided just to stop using
I have a tiny module [1] made with clarity in mind. It is pure OCaml. It
defines operators like $$ to be used in regexp construction. This way syntax
of the expressions is checked at compile time. Also, it is trivial to build
them at run time.
The whole "engine" is contained in a relatively short function
HRegex.subwords_of_subexpressions, so I believe anybody can hack it without
much effort.

I haven't measured performance of this implementation. I expect it to be slow
when processing long strings. It's just OK for my needs so far. Anyway, the
important part is the module interface. It expresses my point of view on this

The code is available in a mercurial repository [2].

The exemple "a* | (aba)* " would become:

open HRegex.Operators

let rx = (!* !$ "a") +$ (!* !$ "aba")


[1] <http://hg.ocamlcore.org/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/hlibrary/hlibrary/raw-file/tip/HRegex.mli>
[2] <http://hg.ocamlcore.org/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/hlibrary/hlibrary>
** Sylvain Le Gall also replied and Martin Jambon added:

> There is also syntax extension like mikmatch, that helps to write regexp
> in a very meaningful syntax:
> match str with 
> | RE bol "a"* | "ab"* eol ->
>   true
> | _ ->
>   false

If I understand correctly the original problem, the solution is:

match str with
  | RE ("a"* | "aba"*) eos ->
      (* matches always the beginning of the string,
         eos enforces a match at the end of the string,
         and the vertical bar has the lowest priority
         and so parentheses are needed. *)
  | _ ->

> <http://martin.jambon.free.fr/mikmatch-manual.html>
> <http://martin.jambon.free.fr/mikmatch.html>
> You can use pcre and str with mikmatch.

I would recommend the pcre variant mostly for one feature that is not
provided by str:  lazy quantifiers, i.e. "repeat as little as possible
before trying to match what comes next".
7) Other Caml News
** From the ocamlcore planet blog:

Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at <http://planet.ocamlcore.org/>.

Pearls of OCaml Batteries (1):

Dynamic types:

Implicit arguments:


XDG basedir:
Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


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