[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Wed Jan 23 00:26:38 PST 2008


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of January 15 to 22,  

1) Ledit 1.17
2) OCamlExc port on 3.10
3) Another print anything module
4) GODI available for O'Caml 3.10.1

1) Ledit 1.17
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/9fccb760c1cbfefd#49ed5d9140019075 
** Daniel de Rauglaudre announced:

I am happy to announce a new release of "ledit" : 1.17

Ledit is a line editor, allowing to use interactive commands with
control characters like in emacs.

Main changes:
   - Added binds for Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Delete, Shift Home,
     Shift End. See CHANGES file or ledit manual page when installed.
   - Added option -t to display the sequences generated by the keys
     (for debugging)

Downloadable at:
2) OCamlExc port on 3.10
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/2d193cc4e32bcbd7#0f7ea0a09220fe03 
** Nicolas barnier announced:

I've just finished "porting" the venerable OCamlExc to work with OCaml  
mostly a few modified paths and vars in the Makefile and the  
translation of
interface files using CamlTk with LablTk.

I had also to add on a case-by-case basis some missing stdlib functions
(actually just "fake" ones that has the same type and exceptions raising
than the genuine 3.10.0 stdlib ones) because special versions of the old
stdlib/*.ml files are copied in the OCamlExc distribution with the  
primitive types specifically annotated. I could also have annotated the
current stdlib files, but I just felt it was more work.

The result seems to work quite well and would be much useful, however  
"recent" features like module and signature inclusion (and objects as  
still lacks and prevent from using OCamlExc on larger softwares.

So I was wondering if there is any current or recent projects (or  
to resume OCamlExc development and complete the set of handled  
as I'm afraid I'll have neither the time nor the skills to do the job.
I hope such a precious tool will be included in the official OCaml  
one day...

-- Nicolas 

P.S. : My packaging abilities are very poor as well, so I'll be glad  
to provide
the modified OCamlExc files to anyone interested in building a  
(e.g.) .deb package.
3) Another print anything module
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/8c98d2be2c0dc722#b4230771cc9a3a22 
** tmp123 at menta.net announced:

Based in the implementation of ExtLib's Std.dump and the code of
camlp4r, another module to "print/dump any value" has been implemented.
Thanks to the original authors.

The reason of the new version is to add two requirements need in my
current project:
1) A strong split of: the analisis of value structure; the map of this
structure over the value; and the print (or usage) of the resulting
mapped data.
2) Allow the user to provide no information, some information or all
information about field names and any other data that can not be
obtained automatically from the value.

Code uses camlp4r revised syntax, but as usual module can be used with
any syntax.

You can find the source, reference documentation and example at:

Any comments, from "useless", "already done" to "improve ..." are  
4) GODI available for O'Caml 3.10.1
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/e828bd75c78ccf9b#6c54da6a6cb8a01c 
** Gerd Stolpmann announced:

the GODI distribution of OCaml is now officially available for OCaml
version 3.10.1. This is the first official release for an OCaml version
of the 3.10 series - due to the camlp4 transition we've waited quite
long before doing so in order to give all developers a chance to port
their code to the new camlp4 style. Unfortunately, this transition isn't
complete yet, so not all packages of the 3.09 release are available for
the 3.10 release (see list below). We encourage skilled users to help

You can get this release by either upgrading an existing GODI
installation, or by doing a fresh install. If upgrading, some special
attention is required, however.

A list of packages is available in the web, see the link on the GODI
homepage: <http://godi.ocaml-programming.de/index.html>

Doing a fresh install of OCaml 3.10.1 with GODI

- Download the bootstrap tarball from

   (This link is published on the GODI homepage.)

- Extract the tarball:
   tar xzf godi-bootstrap-20080118.tar.gz

- Do the first stage of the bootstrap:
   cd godi-bootstrap-20080118
   ./bootstrap --prefix <somedir>

   where <somedir> may be an arbitrary, not yet existing directory
   (please _don't_ use /usr or /usr/local)

- Add <somedir>/bin and <somedir>/sbin to PATH
   export PATH

- Do the second stage of the bootstrap:

   For the second stage you need an Internet connection.

- Run godi_console to install libraries and applications!

Links for troubleshooting etc.: see below.

Upgrading an existing GODI installation to OCaml 3.10.1

Edit godi.conf. This file is usually installed as
<prefix>/etc/godi.conf. Set GODI_SECTION to 3.10, e.g.
change the line




Run godi_console, and "Update the list of packages". Then "Select source
packages", and "upgrade all" with 'u'. Finally, type 's' to start the
installation, and 'o' to commit this action.

Note that you'll run into an error if you have some package installed
that is not (yet) available for OCaml 3.10.1. The error is usually
cryptic, but indicates a "Version conflict".

If you select the packages to upgrade manually, make sure you always
select godi-ocaml and godi-ocaml-src. Otherwise, the upgrade won't

Packages not yet available

The following packages are not (yet) available:

godi-col, godi-heredoc, godi-json-static, godi-micmatch_pcre,
godi-pa_arg, godi-camlp4-manual, godi-galax,
godi-ocamlduce, /godi-ocamlducebazar.

The following packages have intentionally been deleted, because we have

godi-equeue, godi-equeue-gtk1, godi-equeue-gtk2, godi-equeue-tcl,
godi-netclient, godi-shell, godi-rpc, godi-wlex.


Documentation is available here:


On the right navigation bar on this page, you can also find links for
the mailing list, the bug tracker, and the subversion repository.
Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+
Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it  
vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1
If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take a  
look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool  

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