[cwn] Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News

Alan Schmitt alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org
Tue Mar 13 01:46:07 PDT 2007


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of March 06 to 13,  

1) beta-test of OCaml 3.10.0
2) ocamlbuild is VERY nifty
3) ocamlbuild and C stubs
4) Interactive technical computing
5) ocaml-developer mailing-list: subscribe now!
6) STMlib and Enhtop available

1) beta-test of OCaml 3.10.0
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Xavier Leroy announced:

The long-awaited release 3.10 of Objective Caml is making good
progress and is now ready for beta-testing.  A source-only
beta distribution can be downloaded from


We would be grateful if some of you could compile it, give it a
good workout on your favorite Caml programs, and report any problems
you might encounter via the Caml bug tracker.

The main novelties in 3.10 are:

- A new tool: ocamlbuild, a compilation manager for OCaml projects.
- Much work on Camlp4, including a new API.
- A long-awaited feature: stack backtraces on uncaught exceptions
   that work for native-code as well as for bytecode.
- Two new 64-bit ports: to Windows 64/AMD64 and MacOS X/PowerPC 64.

Other changes are listed below.

The documentation is not up to date yet, but some preliminary
documentation on ocamlbuild and the new Camlp4 can be found on
Nicolas Pouillard's Web page, <http://gallium.inria.fr/~pouillar/>


- Xavier Leroy, for the Caml development team


Objective Caml 3.10.0:

(Changes that can break existing programs are marked with a "*"  )

Language features:
- Added virtual instance variables in classes "val virtual v : t"
* Changed the behaviour of instance variable overriding; the new
   definition replaces the old one, rather than creating a new

New tools:
- ocamlbuild: compilation manager for OCaml applications and libraries.
   See draft documentation at <http://gallium.inria.fr/~pouillar/>
* Camlp4: heavily revised implementation, new API.

New ports:
- MacOS X PowerPC 64 bits.
- MS Windows 64 bits (x64) using the Microsoft PSDK toolchain.
- MS Windows 32 bits using the Visual Studio 2005 toolchain.

- Faster type-checking of functor applications.
- Referencing an interface compiled with -rectypes from a module
     not compiled with -rectypes is now an error.
- Revised the "fragile matching" warning.

Native-code compiler:
- Print a stack backtrace on an uncaught exception.
   (Compile and link with ocamlopt -g; execute with OCAMLRUNPARAM=b.)
   Supported on Intel/AMD in 32 and 64 bits, PPC in 32 and 64 bits.
- Stack overflow detection on MS Windows 32 bits (courtesy O. Andrieu).
- Stack overflow detection on MacOS X PPC and Intel.
- Intel/AMD 64 bits: generate position-independent code by default.
- Fixed bug involving -for-pack and missing .cmx files (PR#4124).
- Fixed bug causing duplication of literals  (PR#4152).

Run-time system:
- C/Caml interface functions take "char const *" arguments
   instead of "char *" when appropriate.
- Faster string comparisons (fast case if strings are ==).

Standard library:
- Refined typing of format strings (type format6).
- Printf, Format: new function ifprintf that consumes its arguments
     and prints nothing (useful to print conditionally).
- Scanf:
     new function format_from_string to convert a string to a format  
     new %r conversion to accomodate user defined scanners.
- Filename: improved Win32 implementation of Filename.quote.
- List: List.nth now tail-recursive.
- Sys: added Sys.is_directory.  Some functions (e.g. Sys.command) that
     could incorrectly raise Sys_io_blocked now raise Sys_error as  

Other libraries:
- Bigarray: mmap_file takes an optional argument specifying
     the start position of the data in the mapped file.
- Dynlink: now defines only two modules, Dynlink and Dynlinkaux  
     reducing risks of name conflicts with user modules.
- Labltk under Win32: now uses Tcl/Tk 8.4 instead of 8.3 by default.
- VM threads: improved performance of I/O operations (less polling).
- Unix: new function Unix.isatty.
- Unix emulation under Win32:
     fixed incorrect error reporting in several functions (PR#4097);
     better handling of channels opened on sockets (PR#4098);
     fixed GC bug in Unix.system (PR#4112).

Documentation generator (OCamldoc):
- correctly handle '?' in value names (PR#4215)
- new option -hide-warnings not to print ocamldoc warnings

Lexer generator (ocamllex): improved error reporting.

License: fixed a typo in the "special exception" to the LGPL.
2) ocamlbuild is VERY nifty
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Joel Reymont announced:

I asked around before settling on a build system since I'm new to
OCaml. I looked at OMake, OCamlMakefile and found them complex and
confusing. Then William Neuman pointed me to ocamlbuild and Nicolas
Pouillard helped me hook it up to external libraries via a plugin.
Deep into my first project I confirm that ocamlbuild is VERY nifty. I
can automatically rebuild when any parts of my project change and
then run my unit tests.

All I need to do is:

ocamlbuild test.byte --

*** my project ***

       189 easy.mli
       282 easy_lexer.mll
       420 easy_parser.mly
        17 myocamlbuild.ml
        14 parser_util.ml
        30 symtab.ml
         8 test.ml
       284 parser_test.ml
      1355 total

*** test.ml ***

open OUnit

let suite = "Morpher" >:::

let _ =
    run_test_tt_main suite

*** myocamlbuild.ml ***

open Ocamlbuild_plugin;;
open Command;;

let packages = "ounit" (* "pkg1,pkg2,..." *);;

let ocamlfind cmd =
S[A"ocamlfind"; A cmd; A"-package"; A packages];;

flag ["ocaml"; "link"] (A"-linkpkg");;

dispatch begin function
| After_options ->
       Options.ocamlc := ocamlfind "ocamlc";
       Options.ocamlopt := ocamlfind "ocamlopt";
| _ -> ()
3) ocamlbuild and C stubs
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Shivkumar Chandrasekaran asked and William D. Neumann answered:

 > Is there any (easy) way to use ocamlbuild to handle the automatic
 > (re)-compilation of the C stub files to external libraries? Thanks,

Well, I don't know if it's the best way (I wait for Nicolas to chime  
but while playing around with it I tried to get cryptokit to build with
ocamlbuild.  What I ended up with that worked was a myocamlbuild.ml that
looks like:
open Ocamlbuild_plugin
open Command
open Arch

let static = false

let zlib = "-DHAVE_ZLIB"
let zlib_lib="-lz"
let zlib_libdir="/usr/lib"
(* let zlib_libdir=/usr/lib64  (* for x86-64 Linux *) *)
let zlib_include="/usr/include"

let libname = "cryptokit"

let cc_map lst = List.fold_right (fun v b -> A"-ccopt"::(A v)::b) lst []
let l_ x = "-L"^x

let _a = "%.a"

let c_files =
    [ "rijndael-alg-fst";  "stubs-aes"
    ; "d3des"; "stubs-des"
    ; "arcfour"; "stubs-arcfour"
    ; "sha1"; "stubs-sha1"
    ; "sha2"; "stubs-sha2"
    ; "sha256"; "stubs-sha256"
    ; "ripemd160"; "stubs-ripemd160"
    ; "pool"; "stubs-pool"
    ; "stubs-md5" ; "stubs-zlib"; "stubs-misc"; "stubs-rng"

let c_objs = List.map (fun f -> f-.-"o") c_files

let _ = dispatch begin function
| Before_rules ->

      rule  "create C library rule"
          begin fun env build ->
            let a = env _a in
            let tags = tags_of_pathname a++"library"++"object"+ 
+"archive" in
            Cmd(S([ !Options.ocamlmklib; A"-o"; A libname ]
                  @ (List.map (fun o -> A o) c_objs) @
                  [  A(l_ zlib_libdir); A zlib_lib; T tags ]
      flag  [ "c"; "compile"; ] (S(A"-I"::P".."::(cc_map [("- 
I"^zlib_include); zlib])));
      flag  [ "library"; "ocaml" ] (S[A"-ccopt"; A(l_ zlib_libdir);  
A"-cclib"; A zlib_lib]);
      flag  [ "ocaml"; "program" ] (S[A"-ccopt"; A"-L."]);
      if static then flag  [ "byte"; "link" ] (A"-custom");
      flag  [ "byte"; "library"; "link" ]  (S[A"-dllib"; A"- 
lcryptokit"; A"-cclib"; A"-lcryptokit"]);
      flag  [ "native"; "library"; "link" ]  (S[A"-cclib"; A"- 
| _ -> ()

The main thing here being the rule to build the C library.  I then  
use an
itarget file to build the library.  This contains


Now, to build the library, I just issue the command
ocamlbuild libcryptokit.otarget

And then to build, for example, the test program I use something like
ocamlbuild test.native -libs nums,unix,cryptokit

I'm sure there's a bunch of cruft in there that could be better handled,
but it seems to work well for now.
4) Interactive technical computing
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Deep in this thread, Vu Ngoc San said, Jon Harrop asked, and Vu  
Ngoc San replied:

 > > You probably know it already, but it is very easy to spawn opengl
 > > graphics directly from the toplevel using sdl. Then if you use the
 > > toplevel inside emacs, you get something very similar to the  
 > > you had.
 > > And since you are into screenshots, here is one :-)
 > > <http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~svungoc/prog/oplot/ 
toplevel_plot.png> ?
 > This is just the kind of thing that I'd like to hear about!
 > How exactly do you do that? Can you post a complete working example?
 > Looks great... :-)

Thanks :-)
The idea is that sdl (contrary to glut or lablgtk2), does not have a
"main loop": so you can write your own. This allows you to open an
opengl window from the toplevel, and when you quit your mainloop, you
get back nicely to the toplevel. You can even let the window open when
you are back to toplevel, but then the graphics are not updated anymore.
Nice enough: you can later update the sdl window (no need to close it
and open another one !).
If you really need interaction in the window and in the toplevel at the
same time, you can launch the sdl mainloop in a separate thread. It
really works. But I wouldn't try to open two sdl windows at the same
time (??).

I don't have the courage -- and time -- to give you a "working example"
(see below) but the initialisation is like this:

   Sdl.init [ `VIDEO ];
   Sdlvideo.set_video_mode !window_width !window_height [ `DOUBLEBUF ;
   Sdlwm.set_caption "Oplot - SDL Window" "";

Then you can issue any openGL command you wish. Even from the toplevel !

You can also use Sdlttf to handle any ttf font.


Now, since you sort of asked for it, here it is:

I have written a small graphics library that does all of this. But this
is my first ocaml program, first use of openGL etc.. so I'm not
particularly proud of it. It is quite messy, and in a state of perpetual
development. You can find a (not so recent) version at


This lib is actually useful (to me) because you can insert LaTeX
formulas and export directly to xfig (or postscript). It produces
postscript of better quality than maple :-)

There is a (very recent) GUI for this at


which uses lablgtk2 and launches sdl in a separate thread... (yep. my
first use of GTK and of threads.. don't be too harsh if you read my
code... -:) ). However, and even though I'm not a programmer (I do this
for learning ocaml during my spare time), I'd be happy to have some
feedback. There is a package with precompiled binaries that works on at
least three linux machines :-)
5) ocaml-developer mailing-list: subscribe now!
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Martin Jambon anonunced:

There's a new OCaml mailing-list/forum for OCaml software developers:


This forum is centered on practical issues that arise during OCaml
software development.

Appropriate topics for this forum include:

* Which library should I use for doing job X?
* Should I write my own?
* Has anyone had the same problem before?
* How to communicate with other software components written in  
language Y?
* Project architecture and build tools
* Cross-platform issues
* Web development
* Intensive and distributed computing
* Packaging and distribution
* File formats and implementation of domain-specific languages

Of course all the topics above must be addressed in the context of OCaml

Topics which are excluded from this forum are:

* Learning the OCaml language
* Discussing language extensions without trying to implement and use  

ocaml_beginners at yahoogroups.com and caml-list at inria.fr and wonderful
places for such things...
** Note from the editor:

I will be monitoring this list as well, to publish some messages here.
6) STMlib and Enhtop available
Archive: <http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ 
** Zheng Li announced:

I recently announced the availability of these two small piece of  
code at
the beginners list [1][2]. Then some people kindly encouraged me to post
it here also. Here are they:


This is a user-space implementation of STM (Software Transactional  
library for OCaml. It's mainly inspired by the STM library of  
Haskell, with
some exceptions due to the different nature of languages and different
strategies of implementation.

- This library is a user level implementation, whereas the Haskell  
version is
based on primitives built into the runtime.

- This library is purely an add-on to the already existed concurrent  
of standard OCaml: threads, processes (TODO) and network programs
(TODO). I.e. you can still program your concurrent applications with all
facilities already exist in OCaml (e.g. Thread, Event, Unix etc.),  
but with the
functions from this library you may transactionally read/write shared  
instead of using locks or messages (and you may mix them if you  
really want).

- There are subtle differences on the signatures and semantics of some
specific functions between this library and the Haskell version. They  
documented in the library manual.

Currently only the threads (also vmthread) back-end is provided as a  
proof of
concept. Other back-ends (process and network program), which share  
the exact
interface, will come out in future version. The object is being able  
to write
one .ml source program, compile once, but link with different back- 
ends to get
executables of various execution model for different environments.

Source code and documents are available at



This is an experimental patch (we also provide pre-built testing  
executable and
Debian package) for an enhanced OCaml toplevel with following features:

For any kind of bindings (i.e. value, type, module, class etc.):

   * Identifiers been rebound are shown differently by default, to  
     with currently effective ones
   * A new directive to query (by kinds or names or their  
composition) and show
     both current and history bindings
   * A new directive to show the current binding of any identifier  
     evaluating or rebinding it
   * A type-check-only testing mode to experiment your definitions  
     polluting the world, and the directive to enter/leave it

Documents (running examples and installation instructions) and  
deliverables are
available at


PS. some wrong dependency (on libc6-dev 2.5) in the previously  
provided Debian
packages is now fixed.


[1] <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners/message/7390>
[2] <http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners/message/7393>
** Zheng Li then added:

This is a quick bug-fix and features update to Enhtop since the first
release. Main enhancements include:

   * fixed a serious bug of visiting values from opened modules  
(Thanks Roberto)
   * new directive #env to set toplevel environment configuration.  
For now,
     which kinds of declarations get pretty printed is configurable,  
and we
     make a default configuration different from, and hopefully more  
     than, the original toplevel setting.
   * new directive #modu to list all the modules at hand and indicate  
     they are already loaded or not.
   * #directory now support the removal of path by prefixing "-"
   * #tell can now distinguish which module the current binding is  
from, in the
     case that more than one modules have the same identifier and all  
   * #tell now allow independent access to a single entry of an external
     module. It prints both the value and the type of the visited  
entry if
     the module is already loaded, otherwise only the type is printed.
   * *most* of the directives (both original and newly added ones)  
now get
     "defaults", i.e., when executed without any arguments, they fall  
back to
     some predefined default functions, which usually provide relevant
     helping information. e.g. #directory will print out current path  
     #load will print out the name of all .cmo and .cma currently  
available etc.
   * the feedback of some directives is improved.

Check changelog and README from its website for more details and  

One thing you should note that, we do not touch source files other  
than those
inside the "toplevel" directory. I.e. there is no modification to your
compilers (ocamlc/ocamlopt etc.) and libraries, the compilers  
themselves and
the executables produced by them should remain identical to the  
originals. So
you're safe and free to switch to it or switch back. We'd like to get  
feedback from more people to improve it.
Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+
Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it  
vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1
If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message
(alan.schmitt at polytechnique.org) and I'll mail it to you, or go take  
a look at
the archive (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/>) or the RSS feed of the
archives (<http://alan.petitepomme.net/cwn/cwn.rss>). If you also wish
to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online at
<http://lists.idyll.org/listinfo/caml-news-weekly/> .


Alan Schmitt <http://alan.petitepomme.net/>

The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool  

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